Home » Whoopi Goldberg, the Nazis, and those white Jews


Whoopi Goldberg, the Nazis, and those white Jews — 94 Comments

  1. One conception of Hell would have the sinner condemned to watch episodes of The View over and over and over for all eternity.

  2. Didn’t Colbert tell her that well the Nazis thought it was about race and Goldberg replied ‘they were wrong’?

  3. Thomas Sowell wrote an essay “Are The Jews Unique?”
    He uses a category he calls “the minority middleman”. Between the big shots and the common people, between manufacturing and retail sales. Describes the same issue in Southeast Asia with the Chinese, Indians in parts of Africa
    They are distinctive, wherever they go, if only in dress–observant Jews for example–or pheotype. Work hard, value family loyalty, value education. And their assets are portable; not factories, for example, since they may have to leave Anatevka pretty quick.
    And frequently subject to violence from the majority.

    All very well, but the unique hate directed at Jews is not explained.

  4. Griffin:

    So Goldberg thinks the Nazis didn’t know what it was about?

    Well, of course they were wrong – both morally and factually. But that’s not the issue. The issue is what was their issue as they defined it, and it most certainly was race uber alles.

  5. Richard Aubrey:

    There have been thousands of books trying to explain it, and I don’t think it’s ever been fully explained. One of the better efforts at explaining, if I remember correctly, was by Dennis Prager.

  6. The hatred of Jews is not incomprehensible. Much has been written about how they consider themselves superior, and in at least one way they are. I think part of the hatred is that Jews stick together and marry amongst themselves. As if the wider nominally Christian population isn’t good enough. Also, Jews are many of our lawyers, doctors, and business leaders. People resent any group that outperforms the median.

    And of course there are the conspiracy theorists that now can find each other online and kvetch to their hearts content. You know the type. ((( ))). 9/11 was the CIA and Israel working together. JFK was killed by rogue elements in the government with the help of Israel.

    It’s understandable but largely unfounded.

  7. Yawrate, Jews were REQUIRED to live together in the Middle Ages Europe. They were also reviled because they became Money Lenders because they were limited in which professions they could practice. And would not be able to buy land. And you could throw in the canard that they killed Jesus.

    Ms Goldberg certainly missed pointing out what the Nazis thought about Blacks. US Black troops that were captured were either killed or treated much differently than “White” troops.

  8. Yawrate:

    For centuries, Jews – like virtually all other groups – mostly married in-group. At least, the ones who stayed Jews did – duh! Those who intermarried – and there were plenty of them – often became Christians, although the Christian world sometimes wouldn’t let them forget that they REALLY were still dirty Jews.

    Sometimes Jews were forced to live separately. Are you aware of the origin of the word “ghetto”?

    The “Jews think they’re superior” thing is ordinarily based on a distortion (by non-Jews) of what is actually meant by “chosen people.” I suggest you try reading the book by Prager that I mentioned in a previous comment here. Jews were criticized for being poor and being rich, for being morally smug and for being morally corrupt, for mixing too much and for mixing not enough, etc etc.

    Hatred of Jews is intense, widespread, and has persisted for millennia. It has not come close to being fully or adequately explained.

  9. “Jews stick together and marry amongst themselves”

    The Jewish intermarriage rate is about 60%.

  10. Goldberg is ignorant and just plain stupid; she is just an unthinking moron with a big mouth; just as those other idiots that comprise the view.

    As far as cultural appropriation , well, let’s play that stupid, racist game. Let’s just broaden the notion of “appropriation.”

    Blacks have appropriated everything they own, do, even listen to, from non-black cultures
    TV, radio, iphone, cars, trains, planes, education, nylon/synthetic fibers, gasoline, oil, electricity, running water, sidewalks, cement, sheetrock, wood flooring, tile, paved roads …….. absolutely everything has been derived / invented by non-blacks.
    Blues music??
    Well, that originated from blacks playing guitars. Blacks did not invent the guitar; nor written music or even writing or reading or printing.
    And whoopi has been in the movies and on stage; who invented the movies, the cameras, recording devices, film. Not blacks.
    Who invented stage productions? Not blacks,
    I believe she wears eyeglasses; well , that too is cultural appropriation. Blacks did not invent eyeglasses.
    And blacks did not invent furniture of any sort.

    Frankly, if Whoopi walked the walk re: cultural appropriation she would be wearing animal skins, be barefooted, be living in a grass hut , and walking to some crocodile infested river to fill her animal skin water vessel. She would be pounding with a large piece of wood some sort of grain to make it edible. She would be defecating somewhere in the jungle, hoping some lion or leopard or large snake was not nearby. She would be sleeping on some sort of grass mat on a dirt floor.

    And how did blacks get to the Western Hemisphere?
    Did slave traders traipse through the jungles of Africa to kidnap blacks?
    Nope, not at all.
    The slave traders made deals with coastal black African tribes for them – the tribes – to bring their enemies or kidnap victims from other black tribes – and hand them over to white slave traders. In return, the white slave traders would provide their black allies “gifts.”
    There is a multitude of web sites describing how black African tribes were complicit and essential to the white slave traders.
    (Arabs, not being discriminatory , had no problem enslaving white folks. See the book “White Gold.”).

  11. It’s not so much that she’s ignorant, but that she has absolutely no qualms about demonstrating just how ignorant she is.

    That being said, in the general realm of things (or on the scale of outrages), what Whoopi Goldberg intones or misunderstands or apologizes for (sort of), is just not that important (though YMMV certainly.)

    Here’s something far, far more insidious (if otherwise rather funny in a hideous kind of way), but no longer at all surprising, the current state of “reality” being what it is—in fact, it’s something that really ought to be expected at this stage of the game:
    “ADL Hires Director for Jewish Outreach Who Hates Jews”—

  12. John Tyler:

    I deleted the last paragraph or two of your comment at 4:49. I think you probably know why.

  13. Ready for the Apocalypse:

    Yes, the Jewish intermarriage rate is enormous these days. But I was assuming Yawrate meant in the past, historically.

  14. Whoopi displayed her profound ignorance, and she won’t lose her job.

    What she also displayed is how completely obsessed she is with skin color and hair texture. Whoopi sees people only in black and white; in fact, she doesn’t see people at all, but only “types” which are good or bad depending on skin color and hair texture. This is a twisted and sick way to live.

  15. I think part of the hatred is that Jews stick together and marry amongst themselves.

    That’s actually a sensible thing for members of a religious confession to do. Especially when you’re a single-digit minority.

    In this country, absent a vigorous life of observance, the Jewish population has tended to boil off into the larger society. See the 19th century German Jewish immigration wave, which has disappeared as a distinct population. The subsequent waves from the Pale of Settlement, the Hapsburg lands, and old Roumania retained a strong inhibition on intermarriage for about 80 years. Each generation among them was more secular than the previous, so that by 1980 or thereabouts, most self-identified American Jews indicated to survey researchers that they were non-believers. However, they continued to practice endogamy. One might wager that inhibitions about intermarriage remained vigorous due to cultural habit and affinity, but also because the settlement patterns of American Jews. North of 40% live either in one of the 19 counties around Manhattan or in one of the four counties around Miami. Another 5% or so live around Boston or Washington. That allows for more endogamy.

  16. It’s understandable but largely unfounded.

    Actually, the fruit loops at Unz aren’t particularly understandable. And, yes, there”s one who writes articles pinning the Kennedy assassination on Israel.

  17. I had no idea about Whoopi Goldberg’s name. It was unusual, sure, but to the extent that I thought about it at all I just assumed she had married a Jewish man, or maybe in some more complicated way come by it honestly. Weird.

  18. And their assets are portable; not factories, for example, since they may have to leave Anatevka pretty quick. And frequently subject to violence from the majority.

    Charles Krauthammer’s father set up businesses in four different countries during the 1930s and 1940s. I think some were manufacturing concerns. And, of course, Jewish businessmen are to be found in the world of real-estate development and rental housing in New York and other cities.

  19. Art Deco:

    Jewish intermarriage rates in the US are now very high. In 2013 it was 58% among all US Jews and 71% among Jews who are not religious.

    I don’t know a single Jew under the age of 70 who has a Jewish spouse. Of course they exist. But that’s how common intermarriage now is.

  20. Several years ago (don’t remember where, sorry) I read that a number of Hispanic Catholics in NM were looking into some of the rituals the practiced. To their surprise they found that the rituals were actually Jewish. These Hispanics from Spain were most likely descendants of Jew that during the Inquisition in Spain converted, but retained a number of their Jewish rituals.

  21. Art Deci.
    Real estate can be cashed out. Some mfg is not going to invalidate the premise. Wholesale clothing, for example, is easier to move, or convert, than is a steel plant.

  22. Whoopi Goldberg doesn’t care that she might be wrong on the facts as they were once known, because this is about asserting her rights to black privilege.

    In this case, black privilege allows her to redefine historical facts. Of course, there are now many other aspects of black privilege: violent crime, dumbed-down college aptitude tests, the cancellation of admission tests for work and university, special academic programs, lowered university admission standards, affirmative action for employment opportunities, a new special quota system for casting directors who must select blacks for TV, movies, and advertising, etc. The list of black privileges is seemingly endless, and their assertion is rarely challenged.

    CRT (Critical Race Theory) and its more pop-culture versions, wokeism and intersectionality have been fully accepted by Whoopi Goldberg’s peers. It’s no wonder that she felt complete confidence in making assertions that were both ugly and false. That’s what black privilege does. You acquire a shield of invulnerability. Nobody experiences oppression the way black people do, and that puts them beyond criticism, no matter what they may say or do.

  23. Neo. The Germans had 900,000 KIA in WWII. If we arbitrarily add twice that in wounds permanently taking guys out of service–not even a supply clerk who doesn’t have to stand up much–we have 2,700,000 men unable to fight.

    It is a truism–subject to infinite argument by “rivet counters” and OCD types–that being on the defensive, which Germany was for most of the war, strategic offensives notwithstanding, gives one triple the effective combat power per man than the offensive.

    If the Germans had 100,000 men involved in the Holocaust instead of fighting, that amounted to giving the Allies more combat power equivalent to 300,000 .men. In addition, these guys didn’t have to be shipped, fed, or even drafted. What a gift.

    The German top officers were insanely competent and professional. Whatever the margin was, they could not have missed it. Whatever they thought about it professionally, their protestations, if any, were ignored.

    This was a matter of motivation beyond comprehension.

    The above does not count material resources such as railroad transport and building materials.

  24. IMO, Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin absolutely get it right. More by far than any other factor and excuse, Judaism’s claim to be the “chosen people” lies at the heart of anti-semitism.

    That claim is commonly and almost always misunderstood, at least from the perspective of God. (No, I’m not claiming to speak for God. But the grasping of what he did is obvious to any person of faith with an open and reasoning mind.)

    If, regardless of ethnicity or ‘race’ we are all equally loved children of God, then God cannot have chosen the jewish tribes because he favored them over everyone else.

    They were not and have never been his ‘favorites’. In fact, the mission he charged them with is by far the most difficult ever assigned to humanity.

    Instead, knowing far more astutely the cultural characteristics most conducive to his goals, God selected that tribe (in that long distant time there were no nations) most likely to create the environment that would be most receptive to his son’s mission. The jews cultural characteristics, which cannot be separated from judaism, prepare mankind for reconnection with the divine and Jesus came to show the path to that reconnection.

    Jesus Christ was born, lived his life and died a Jew. Every one of his disciples were Jewish. Those who first embraced his message, the very first Christians… were Jewish. After Jesus’ passing off of his ‘mortal coil’, St. Peter argued that Christians had to first be Jewish, a position that St. Paul, also a Jew, rejected.

    Yes, the majority of jews for a variety of reasons were not persuaded that Jesus was the Messiah, a precondition that if rejected, forbid conversion to Christianity. That circumstance has never changed, one cannot be a Christian while unpersuaded that Jesus was the messiah.

    “Christianity, if false, is of no importance but if true, of infinite importance, the only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” C.S. Lewis

    But again IMO not because a failure to accept Jesus as our savior will result in “etrnal damnation”. A God of law and mercy cannot be that cruel. Nor could the character exhibited by Jesus agree to that fate for anyone who remains unpersuaded of his divinity.

    Personally, I think it likely that anyone who has not ‘reconnected’ is reincarnated for another try… for if even a criminal who has served their time deserves another chance then how can a sincere and overall a good person but who remains unpersuaded… get but one chance?

    Rather it is the Christ’s message of love and “lest you become as a little child” (utter trust) that we must embrace that is a necessity for reconnection. Only God can perform a “clean install” of our corrupted ‘software’ but he will not force that clean install upon us for that would profoundly violate his gift of free will.

    Rather than condemn the jews refusal to accept Jesus as the Messiah, better to reflect on how many Westerners today reject the principles and “self-evident truths” that America’s founders embraced. The majority in the crowd never gets it right, as the stock market alone confirms. In the revolutionary war, only 1/3 of the colonists were willing to put their fortunes, their lives and their sacred honor on the line in the face of tyanny.

    We all have “feet of clay”.

  25. She’ll just have to go back to dumping on Regular White People after a period of ritual self-abasement for overstepping the Most Important Line in the World. She’ll be fine.

    In a more perfect world, Plain Old Legacy Whitey would form a spontaneous pile-on attack swarm when members of another race got uppity and provocative. Used to, in the Good Old Days, until some folks taught us that This Is Very Bad Behaviour (for us).

  26. To the modern race hustlers it is all black or white or brown or hispanic or Asian. ( You cannot say “ yellow” on that last one.) Plus “ Hispanic” can be “ white” if it helps the narrative. George Zimmerman being one example.
    In the social justice narrative, no white has ever been a slave. Never mind that “ slave” comes from “ slav”, as in the Slavic people.

  27. Those “ Christians” who miss out that Jesus was Jewish must be from groups that discourage or do not have access to personal Bible reading.
    The Apostle Paul was quiet clear that he was a Jew. At times the New Testament writers would refer to “ the Jews” in the third person, often to distinguish them from the early Church who had accepted Jesus as Messiah. Yet it is quiet clear that the Apostles and Jesus were ethnic Jews, and the New Testament writers referred heavily back to the Old Testament writings and stories about the Jewish people. To those who take some of the New Testament stories that do not portray non believing Jews in a positive light as evidence of “ anti-semitism”, then I would suggest you read how the Jewish prophets and writers of the Old Testament, mostly themselves Jews, referred to the unfaithful of their own race….

  28. “He pronounced that his race must remain pure in order to one day take over the world. For Hitler, the ideal ‘Aryan’ was blond, blue-eyed, and tall.”

    Seen photos of Adolph Hitler, lot’s of ’em. Dude sure wasn’t the “ideal ‘Aryan’: blond, blue-eyed.” [I’ll give ya “tall”, albeit not terribly towering.] Sub-“ideal”, I suppose.

    Aryan cognitive dissonance?

  29. I agree Whoopi won’t lose her standing unless the P.T.B. decide she needs to be Cuomo’d. She’s in a quadruple-protected class: Female, black, Hollywood progressive liberal, celebrity lead-role actor.

    It’s a common celebrity mistake: Her position has allowed her to believe, incorrectly, that her success in acting is the same as intellectual authority. But as Raymond Chandler once pointedly said via Philip Marlowe, she’s “as ignorant as an actor”.

  30. It’s a common Black / Mystery Meat Celebrity Mistake. Her magical skin colour imparting the ability to say anything true or untrue but unpleasant and insulting about Whites with zero consequences to herself has deluded her into thinking that she can extend the same discourtesy to Jews. What she forgot (or was too retarded to grok) was you can bring a knife to a gun fight with Emasculated Legacy Whitey… but try this on with the Tribe and you’ll get steamrollered. Yay Tribe.. Please can we all do this too? Pretty please?

    I for one look forward to some groveling apologies and heavily-covered supplicatory visits to various Holocaust Memorials in places located far from the actual Holocaust and the actual folk who perpetrated it but close to the people whose minds must be molded to suit :).

    BoomerCons might like to pay attention to the shrillest complainers who were likely also the ones Gatekeeping anyone who dared to complain that CRT is Anti-White. I’ve got nothing against Jews defending their interests. Whites should be able to do so too.

  31. Z’s wisdom is a thing to behold. Takes reprehensible and ignorant blathering by that black woman and turns it on the a Jews. Z has always got to turn it in that direction. Sort of twisted, almost like another twisted symbol.

  32. I was a regular reader of Norm Geras, a reasonable Marxist Jew. Just before he died (2013), he left a great list of Best 100 books. One unlike most others.

    Thanks for Neo for keeping him on the blogroll.
    Most of his post, and this post by Neo, I agree with.
    “Whether you call these groups ethnic groups (most have distinct DNA profiles, by the way) or races does not matter.”

    “Racism” applies to races. Language matters, especially in insults and slanders.
    While the Nazis called Jews a race, most English speakers recognize 3 or 4 race colors: White, Black, Yellow; and maybe Red (Native Americans).
    Jews and Arabs and Hispanics are all “White”. Ethnic, tribal variants of White.

    I like to call them all tribes, so it’s tribal murder as with Black Hutus committing genocidal murder on Black Tutsis (in 1994, with Clinton & his Jewish Dem supporters denying it was genocide until it was over).

    Talking about intermarriage today, which is much higher, obscures how little intermarriage there was before WW II. DNA analysis of Y chromosomes, which are inherited directly by all sons from their fathers (unlike other combined genes), indicated (in the 80s) that over 90% of male Jews had “Abraham’s” Y chromosome. The Father of all Jews. After 3000 years, an extraordinarily low rate of intermarriage.

    Recall the third daughter of Tevye (Fiddler on the Roof) Chava, being cast out for falling for a Russian Orthodox. (Wiki says a later story shows Chava leaving her husband to go back to family on the way to Israel.) My Jewish friends, all secular, explain this mostly as “being comfortable” around others like them. Which is true, but also discriminatory.

    It’s a problem for US Blacks – how to be a comfortable minority among a majority, and maintain your “own GROUP identity” without discrimination. All group identities discriminate. The in-group vs the out-group.

    It seems that in most 20th century genocides the majority in-group has, on avg., lower IQ & success than the minority target -group, Poor Mulsim Turks (including many Kurds) against Christian Armenians (see the horrific naked Armenian Christian women murdered by crucifixion), pagan Nazis-Jews, poor Hutus-less poor Tutsis (taller, better educated), non-educated Pol Pot Cambodians-educated Cambodians (25% ***); Malays-Chinese; Russians-Ukrainian Kulaks (Holodomor); Great Leap Forward (1958) & later Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-death of Mao; tho this was mixed with political control).

    Serbs in Srebrenica-Muslim & Japanese rape of Chinese Nanking (& others) were not quite less successful killers killing of the more successful.

    So much killing for so many decades. But in the list above, not many Christian capitalist civilizations were doing the genocide. Germany was nominally Christian, tho tens of thousands of priests were sent to the death camps, along with the 6 million Jews, 3 million Gypsies, and 1 million others.

    The Jews get more than twice the publicity as the Roma (Gypsy), more than 10x, maybe more than 100 times. Because the great Jewish writers are great writers; great Jewish scientists are great scientists.

    Still, Jewish Zionism was a Marxist, mostly atheist movement.
    Many rabbis opposed it at the time: “The power of the human subject replaced the power of the omnipotent God.”

    Many intellectual Jews in Christian countries were either atheist, or explicitly anti-Christian. It’s understandable that Jewish anti-Christianity could grow out of centuries of Christian hatred and frequent unjust mistreatment of Jews. Just as slave hatred against slave masters is understandable. But “understanding” the increasing mutual hatred is not to condone it. [Today it seems many can only understand ideas they agree with.] The atheism of Jewish Marxists & socialists was hated by many Christian leaders. The secular intellectual success of many Jews was envied, and hated, by many almost-as-talented non-Jews.

    Envy – the wish of destruction of the good fortune of the person envied.
    The worst, yet very common, sinful feeling so many have.

    In killing, Holocaust not so unique.
    In the historical characteristics of killers and killed, Euro semi-Christian capitalists against Euro citizens, unique.
    (1) the industrialization and bureaucratization of death,
    (2) the comprehensiveness of intent & (2b) global scope
    (3) spiritual murder

    Whoopi is sort-of almost right: “everybody eats each other.” All groups oppose the out-group, somewhat.
    Everybody has a God shaped hole in their heart – what they believe. (Even atheists; they fill it with some beliefs) This has been talked about explicitly.

    Everybody has a set of group-identity holes in their heart. This hasn’t been talked about enough — what are the good group identities to have?

    The line between good and evil runs thru every person’s heart. (Solzhenitsyn)

    Our hearts have a constant battle between a good wolf and a bad wolf.
    Which wolf wins? – asks the Indian Chief’s grandson.
    The wolf that we feed.

    Free will is choosing which wolf to feed.
    Or what blogs we write what comments on…

  33. Whoopi forgot that race is an artificial construct and therefore, the Nazis could construct race any way they liked. So, the Holocaust most certainly was about race.

    The fact that blacks weren’t the primary victim is what she really meant when she said it wasn’t about race.

    Although I did enjoy her earlier movies (Jumpin’ Jack Flash is very enjoyable), like many in Hollywood I don’t care for her political opinions which are often NOT based on any actual facts, just based upon their feelings.

  34. Great post, neo.


    A lot to mull over in the comments, especially Geoffrey Britain and Tom Grey.

    Anti Jewish and anti Asian sentiments are all too common in many black communities.

  35. When it comes to acting, I think of Whoopi’s role as the mysterious, ancient bar tender in “ Ten Forward” on the series “Star Trek: Next Generation”.
    Her character was supposed to be a refugee “ humanoid” with mystical knowledge from a race that had been largely assimilated by the Borg. She told Captain Picard that the Borg were like a force of nature that swept thru her planet’s system “ like a flood”, and when they were done, “ there was nothing left.” This was the Star Trek universe’s introduction to the Borg, arguably the most terrifying group of aliens in the Star Trek Universe, who would be a major opponent in both “ The Next Generation” series and the “ Voyager” series, as well as providing the sad back story for the Captain Cisco character in “ Deep Space Nine”, whose wife was killed by the Borg.
    In one episode , it implied that her character had been living among humans for hundreds of years.

  36. Regarding intermarriage in Judaism; I think it’s common among all faiths that when they trend away from their core tenets membership declines. Most people who seek spiritualism want hard truths. Watering the message down is attractive at first; it’s more welcoming, after all. But mix enough water in with champagne and eventually you just have water.

  37. @Rufus:

    Re intermarriage in Judaism… Another way to look at it is that intermarriage ‘boils off’ the less ethnocentric Jews in each generation. So you can expect the remainers to be more ethnocentric and less embarrassed (*) about defending their interests than the surrounding population.

    Obviously repeat for many generations and effect compounds. Humans can be selectively bred just as much as poodles or French Bulldogs for certain traits.

    Which is precisely what one observes.

    * They also do a nice line in ’embarrassing’ Whites who try to defend *their* ethnic interests.. but that’s a logical group evolutionary/survival strategy. I make no moral judgement about ‘hypocrisy’ here because I’m only interested in what works and having my ethnic group learn and adopt smart strategies.

  38. Back in the 80s I became a Whoopi fan after I saw a film of her comedy routines — it’s the one neo linked.

    In the show Whoopi plays four different characters. The first is Fontaine, a black junkie/drug dealer/hipster who flies to Europe and winds up visiting the Anne Frank museum. Fontaine doesn’t know Anne Frank, but after seeing the exhibits and reading the captions, it dawns on Fontaine what Anne Frank went through.

    Then Fontaine is stopped cold by the sign over the doorway:

    In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.

    –Anne Frank

    Fontaine cries. Whoopi’s portrayal is so vivid, she makes the experience fresh for the audience. It was only the first skit, but for me it was the climax of the show.

    Given the current flap — ironic.

  39. The author Truman Capote used to say, the better the actor the stupider the person. This describes Whoopi Goldberg perfectly. She’s yet another shallow stupid Hollywood actress, no deeper analysis is required.

  40. Tom Grey:

    I’m grateful to Norm Geras for also giving me some links and traffic when I was first starting out as a blogger.

    As far as intermarriage goes, you write: “over 90% of male Jews had ‘Abraham’s’ Y chromosome. The Father of all Jews. After 3000 years, an extraordinarily low rate of intermarriage.” I believe you are committing a logical error there. I repeat: the people who still identify as Jews are people who married within the group. People often left the group when they intermarried. You can find a significant number of people in Europe who are something like 1% or 2% Ashkenazi Jewish by DNA. They don’t have a clue who their Jewish ancestors were; it happened long ago. It represents Jews who married out of the group and successfully left the group. The people today who would be defined as Jewish are the ones who had low rates of intermarriage.

    In fact, Ashkenazi Jews are about halfway, genetically speaking, between the European populations among whom they live and the Middle Eastern populations of the area from which Jews originated. For example:

    Ostrer and his colleagues analyzed nuclear DNA from blood samples taken from a total of 237 Ashkenazi and Middle Eastern Jews in New York City and Sephardic Jews in Seattle, Washington; Greece; Italy; and Israel. They compared these with DNA from about 2800 presumably non-Jewish individuals from around the world. The team used several analytical approaches to calculate how genetically similar the Jewish groups were to each other and to the non-Jewish groups, including a method called identity by descent (IBD), which is often used to determine how closely two individuals are related.

    Individuals within each Jewish group had high levels of IBD, roughly equivalent to that of fourth or fifth cousins. Although each of the three Jewish groups showed genetic admixture (interbreeding) with nearby non-Jews, they shared many genetic features, suggesting common roots that the team estimated went back more than 2000 years. Ashkenazi Jews, whose genetic profiles indicated between 30% to 60% admixture with Europeans, nevertheless clustered more closely with Middle Eastern and Sephardic Jews…

    Also see this:

    Citing autosomal DNA studies, Nicholas Wade estimates that “Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews have roughly 30 percent European ancestry, with most of the rest from the Middle East.” He further noticed that “The two communities seem very similar to each other genetically, which is unexpected because they have been separated for so long.” Concerning this relationship he points to Atzmon’s conclusions that “the shared genetic elements suggest that members of any Jewish community are related to one another as closely as are fourth or fifth cousins in a large population, which is about 10 times higher than the relationship between two people chosen at random off the streets of New York City”. Concerning North African Jews, autosomal genetic analysis in 2012 revealed that North African Jews are genetically close to European Jews. This finding “shows that North African Jews date to biblical-era Israel, and are not largely the descendants of natives who converted to Judaism,” Y DNA studies examine various paternal lineages of modern Jewish populations. Such studies tend to imply a small number of founders in an old population whose members parted and followed different migration paths. In most Jewish populations, these male line ancestors appear to have been mainly Middle Eastern. For example, Ashkenazi Jews share more common paternal lineages with other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than with non-Jewish populations in areas where Jews lived in Eastern Europe, Germany and the French Rhine Valley. This is consistent with Jewish traditions in placing most Jewish paternal origins in the region of the Middle East.

    So the intermarriage of people who didn’t leave their Jewish identities and the Jewish community seems to have been more commonly between Jewish men and non-Jewish women who converted and stayed within the Jewish community. As I said before, others left, and their descendants who are not Jewish show traces of Jewish ancestry if it was recent enough.

  41. Geoffrey Britain ,
    Regarding “ eternal punishment”.
    While I am not Seventh Day Adventist, they have a different understanding of the scriptures, seeing in them annihilation of the lost , not eternal punishment. Years ago I saw them argue that some of the misunderstanding comes from mainstream Christians taking a certain ancient idiom literally, where “ eternal fire” or such similar wording is like a building “ burning up” until only ashes are left. https://www.adventist.org/death-and-resurrection/

  42. “my ethnic group adopt learn and adopt smart strategies” Who is the “me” and “my” you speak of Han man? You just like to see it all burn. Still pining for Durban after all those years?

  43. huxley:

    You might be interested in this post of mine if you haven’t read it before, about that “people are good at heart” quote.

    Whoopi was indeed really good in that video, though. I don’t remember it well enough to discuss any of the actual bits she did, but I do remember that she was good.

  44. Still, Jewish Zionism was a Marxist, mostly atheist movement.
    Many rabbis opposed it at the time: “The power of the human subject replaced the power of the omnipotent God.”

    That’s not exactly true. The origins of the modern Zionist movement were in the orthodox Jewish community. The first modern movement of Jews to Palestine were the followers of the Vilan Gaon, R’ Eliyahu Kremer, who made aliyah and settled in Jerusalem. In the 1840s, R’ Tzvi Hirsch Kalischer, of Poland, said that religious Jews should resettle the land of Israel. Around the same time, R’ Yehuda Alkalai, of Sarajevo, similarly advocated to Sephardi Jews. In the 1880s, in the wake of pogroms in Russia, the Hovevei Zion (lovers of Zion) was founded, with R. Shimon Mohliver its first president.

    The first modern Jewish agricultural settlement in the land of Israel was Petach Tikva (Door of Hope see Hosea 2:15), founded in 1878 by religious Jews. Religious Zionists have always had a significant role in the overall movement.

    It was only when the Zionist movement became dominated by secularists like Theodore Herzl that some rabbis took an antgonistic stance. I should point out that even those mainstream orthodox Jews who are ambivalent about political Zionism send their kids to study in Israeli yeshivas and women’s seminaries and the vast majority of Israel’s orthodox Jews participate in the political process. I know “anti-Zionist” Satmar Chassidim who speak better colloquial Hebrew than I do.

    As for Marxists, for the first 30 years of its existence, Israel was dominated by the Labor party, with a heavy socialist influence. That being said, about 40% of Israelis at the founding of the state were on the political right. The socialist cooperative kibbutzim turned capitalist a couple of generations ago.

  45. Tom Grey:

    You write, “Many intellectual Jews in Christian countries were either atheist, or explicitly anti-Christian.”

    Actually, many intellectual Jews in Christian countries were converts – although sometimes it didn’t really help them all that much. For example, there’s Heinrich Heine:

    He was called “Harry” in childhood but became known as “Heinrich” after his conversion to Lutheranism in 1825.[..

    Heine’s parents were not particularly devout. They sent him as a young child to a Jewish school where he learned a smattering of Hebrew, but thereafter he attended Catholic schools. Here he learned French, which became his second language – although he always spoke it with a German accent. He also acquired a lifelong love for Rhenish folklore.[..

    On 28 June 1825 Heine converted to Protestantism. The Prussian government had been gradually restoring discrimination against Jews. In 1822 it introduced a law excluding Jews from academic posts and Heine had ambitions for a university career. As Heine said in self-justification, his conversion was “the ticket of admission into European culture”. In any event, Heine’s conversion, which was reluctant, never brought him any benefits in his career.

    About a year after his conversion, Heine wrote to a friend:

    Heine believed that German-Christian society, which demanded that its Jews abandon their religion in order to ascend its ranks, had exposed its true nature in light of his sacrifice. From other sources we learn that Heine expected that his conversion would help him win a coveted academic position, an expectation that was ultimately dashed. “Isn’t it strange,” he asked Moser, “I just converted to Christianity and already they are angry at me for being a Jew?”

    There is a certain note of irony in Heine’s words that dulls the sting of the situation. “Now I am hated by both Christians and Jews. I am very sorry that I converted to Christianity, and I have not felt better since. Quite the opposite actually, since I seem to be surrounded by bad luck – but enough of that, you are too enlightened not to smile at it.” He added, “I think I’m better off than I know.” The likely truth is that his harshest critic was, of course, himself.

    That’s one example. You can find a lot of other intellectuals who converted, some with happier results and some not.

    I’m trying to think of names of the Jewish intellectuals in those Christian countries (I assume you mean European countries) who were “explicitly anti-Christian.” I’m not saying they don’t exist, but I’m saying I can’t think of any except someone like Marx whose father had left Judaism before Karl was born and had converted (so Karl was not actually raised as a Jew to begin with) and who was generally anti-religion, including being anti-Jewish.

    You also write: “It’s understandable that Jewish anti-Christianity could grow out of centuries of Christian hatred and frequent unjust mistreatment of Jews.” Actually, it wasn’t just that – it was frequent massacres, so much so that the Jews were almost eliminated from Europe in the 1200s (this is shown by genetic evidence). They were also periodically banished from country after country.

    Also, regarding the Nazi camps and other groups that were targeted – the gypsies fared the worst among those other groups. But a much higher percentage of Europe’s gypsies than Europe’s Jews survived the war, for various reasons. You can read about it here. As I said in my post, the plan was that after the war many more groups would be killed or at least partly killed to make way for more Germans. But initially, the Jews were the main targets, followed close behind by the gypsies.

  46. I have long thought Whoopie a revolting human. Plus, she has the intelligence of a roach.
    Bye bye Whoopie.

  47. neo:

    I found a text summary of Fontaine’s final understanding of Anne Frank’s quote:

    The anxiety in the theater was tangible when Fontaine’s itinerary stopped at the house of Anne Frank. There seemed nothing here to be funny about. But Whoopi Goldberg didn’t plan to amuse. From empty space she created the room where Anne Frank and her family hid from the Nazis—the table, the wallpaper, the stillness, the fifteen-year-old girl’s note to posterity: “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.” Fontaine relived a moment of enlightenment, and we were moved. “It kicked my ass,” he said. “I discovered what I didn’t think I had: a heart. Now if someone breaks into my house to steal my stereo, I will break his legs, but I will remember that in spite of everything, there is goodness in people. And that will save his life.”


  48. Tom Grey: “Whoopi is sort-of almost right: “everybody eats each other.”

    I had a similar thought. She seemed in part to be trying to make the valid point that massacres, genocide, and all the rest are pretty much SOP for the human race, and so *in that respect* the Holocaust was an industrialized and “scientific” version of something that groups of people have always done, or tried to do, to each other. The “not about race” stuff, though, is just…well, I was going to say “crazy” but maybe “stupid” is a better fit. And “white on white”? Ok, that’s both. What someone else said about black privilege is probably part of what’s going on there, an aspect of the whole sick competition to see who’s most oppressed.

    I see she’s been suspended from The View.

  49. What someone else said about black privilege is probably part of what’s going on there, an aspect of the whole sick competition to see who’s most oppressed.


    The grievance blacks have serious Holocaust Envy. Toni Morrison’s way over-rated novel, “The Beloved,” is dedicated:

    Sixty million and more.

    Clearly a shout-out to the Holocaust.

    Never mind that 60 million is an over-estimate of blacks who died en route from Africa to slavery by over a factor of ten. Never mind that it occurred over a far longer span of time. Never mind that it didn’t involve a factory approach to murder abolutely intended to eliminate an entire race of humans. Never mind that it didn’t start with Jews selling their racial brothers and sisters to the Nazis.

    It’s plain dishonest grifting, using the Holocaust for obscene victimization points.

    Even liberal black poet and critic, Stanley Crouch, declared “Beloved” to be a “blackface Holocaust novel”:

    BELOVED, Morrison’s fourth novel, explains black behavior in terms of social conditioning, as if listing atrocities solves the mystery of human motive and behavior. It is designed to placate sentimental feminist ideology, and to make sure that the vision of black woman as the most scorned and rebuked of the victims doesn’t weaken. Yet perhaps it is best understood by its italicized inscription: “Sixty Million and more.’ Morrison recently told Newsweek that the reference was to all the captured Africans who died coming across the Atlantic. But sixty is ten times six, of course. That is very important to remember. For Beloved, above all else, is a blackface holocaust novel. It seems to have been written in order to enter American slavery into the big-time martyr ratings contest, a contest usually won by references to, and works about, the experience of Jews at the hands of Nazis. As a holocaust novel, it includes disfranchisement, brutal transport, sadistic guards, failed and successful escapes, murder, liberals among the oppressors, a big war, underground cells, separation of family members, losses of loved ones to the violence of the mad order, and characters who, like the Jew in The Pawnbroker, have been made emotionally catatonic by the past.

    –Stanley Crouch, “Literary Conjure Woman”

  50. I’ve mentioned before that my mother was Latvian, but rarely spoke of her past. As she aged, I got glimpses of what she may have experienced as a child or young adult. But much is still unknown. She never wanted to go back to that space, so we never pressed her about it.

    But still, what was quoted in this piece suggests that my mother was favored in certain situations. I know that she was in some sort of prison, but given a favored task – a clerical one. Mom mentioned one time that she had some responsibility for passports. Despite the risks, she tried to get the Latvian passports back to the people, regardless of their race, faith, or whatever. To her, they were Latvian and needed her help.

    Since I knew about some of these events, I understood my mother’s interest about people’s history. To her, who you were, and your history, was important. It was an identity when you may have lived without one. She was not being racist or a bigot.

    On another note – I have some Latvian language books which I could not just get rid of when my mother passed away. If anyone knows of a good home for them, perhaps Neo can put us in touch.

  51. Universal Cosmic Significance only works on people who have been brainwashed to be Universalist. You try this kind of thing on with Chinese or Chadians or an American Black and you’ll get ‘Who is this Us you speak of?’ It might be unspoken… but it’s there. And to think otherwise is foolish. This medicine only works on Whites. And in the words of the the Song in South Pacific given their *true* meaning and not the cunning inverted sleight of hand presented to the audience: You Have to be Carefully Taught.

  52. Zaphod:

    FWIW, have you ever tried to read “Beloved”? Or just the wiki summary? Gawd.

    It’s about a black woman who fled slavery, then started killing off her children lest they be recaptured into slavery. (Did this actually happen often or is it a blackface version of some Jewish women during the Holocaust? Spiegelman’s “Maus” depicted a female relative poisoning her children.) The book is largely a meditation on the ghost of the dead child.

    Yet “Beloved” is likely the most revered American novel (notwithstanding some critical pushback like Crouch’s) since, well, “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

    I didn’t get past the first chapter. Such turgid, self-serious, prolix prose. And if you ever watch a video of Toni Morrison… Gads. This is a woman hanging on every word she herself utters.

  53. @Huxley:

    I can’t say I’ve had the pleasure. And now I am sure I’ll continue to forego it.

    Morrison, Angelou… etc…

    Talk about bringing a knife to a gun fight!

  54. Irony of Ironies!

    So I’m sitting here doing some research for one of my hobbies and listening to music piped in from Tidal and controlled locally by Roon. Playing to speakers ‘over there’… not at my desk. Earlier was playing some Britten and Rostropovich (Schubert’s Arpeggione Sonata) and after that, have a feature called Roon Radio enabled which has the algo keep on playing albums without too much of a thematic jump from one to the next… but there will be some inevitable genre creep… and given sufficient time…

    Well.. it’s been playing on for some hours… and I’m sitting here researching away and Roon is just doing its thing without me paying any attention.

    Finally dawns on me that there’s this rather loud and discordant business happening in the background and some dude is bellowing in Russian. So pick up the phone, fire up the Roon app to see WTF this @#$% is.

    Shostakovich’s Sympony No. 13: Babi Yar.

    Well… there you go.

    And the damn thing has queued up Bruch’s Violin Concerto next. Someone’s out to get me!

  55. @ Geoffrey > “But again IMO not because a failure to accept Jesus as our savior will result in “etrnal damnation”. A God of law and mercy cannot be that cruel. Nor could the character exhibited by Jesus agree to that fate for anyone who remains unpersuaded of his divinity.
    Personally, I think it likely that anyone who has not ‘reconnected’ is reincarnated for another try… for if even a criminal who has served their time deserves another chance then how can a sincere and overall a good person but who remains unpersuaded… get but one chance?”

    One chance isn’t fair, because people differ so much in historical circumstances and personality and heredity and family — well, in everything.
    However, temporal reincarnation isn’t really necessary, if you can go to a heavenly refresher course for another chance at the exam.


    The dead are taught the gospel in the spirit world and may accept the ordinances performed for them in mortality.

    Scripture citations at the link.

  56. @ Geoffrey > “If, regardless of ethnicity or ‘race’ we are all equally loved children of God,* then God cannot have chosen the jewish tribes because he favored them over everyone else.
    They were not and have never been his ‘favorites’. In fact, the mission he charged them with is by far the most difficult ever assigned to humanity.”

    Well, maybe “favorite” when they were actually actively engaged in fulfilling the mission they were given, kind of like my favorite child at any given time was the one actually doing what I had asked him to do.

    While we have only a few clues as to WHY the Hebrew Patriarchs and Matriarchs were chosen for the roles of founding the Israelite nation from which the Jews descend (obedience to God in the premortal existence), we do know from the Old Testament records that they overtly accepted their missions when they were offered the choice.

    *This is true, and a foundational principle of Latter-day Saint doctrine.

    The scriptures use these terms in two ways. In one sense, we are all literal spirit children of our Heavenly Father. In another sense, God’s sons and daughters are those who have been born again through the Atonement of Christ.

  57. Nothing was more predictable than zaphod weighing in. How’s the GloboHomo conspiracy coming along, auntie z?

  58. Da Jews DO seem to be that proverbial elephant around which all the “blind” people—even Da Jews themselves—stand, touch, feel, explore and “examine” and then try to describe, sometimes with more success, sometimes with, um, less….

    As for the “new, improved” “gold standard” of the definition of “racism”—viz., white privilege (“white” meaning WHATEVER “we” deem it to mean) oppressing “People of Color”, i.e., “OPPRESSED People of Color” (since according to this new gold standard, POC are not only ALWAYS oppressed but are the ONLY ones who are—a “gold standard” that views—with absolute confidence and certainty—the Holocaust as MERELY a “White on White”—internal—“rumble”… well, I’m pretty sure we can chalk that up to “REPARATIONS”.

    “Reparations” of a “moral”, “spiritual” and “intellectual” variety.
    Of a very CORRUPTED and PERVERTED “moral”, “spiritual” and “intellectual” variety….

    “Reparations” that essentially mean, “We can do and take and say anything we want—and it’s ALL RIGHT and MORAL, ETHICAL and TRUE—because we were, and are, and will always be, OPPRESSED. Ergo, YOU OWE US!!!”

  59. “Someone’s out to get me!”

    Heh… (Well you’ll know for sure when they start streaming Meyerbeer non-stop, with a few different versions of “Kaddish”—Bernstein, Wolpe, Milhaud, etc.—thrown in for good measure…).

    Which brings to mind the slogan, “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me”….

    …though as far as slogans go, not sure that “Solipsists of the World, UNITE!!” is a winner….

  60. Related:
    (Actually makes you start feeling just a wee bit sorry for Goldberg, who, after all has done us—especially Jews who have “lost the plot”—a sorely-needed FAVOR by sharpening, i.e., “resharpening” the debate, which has had its edges “eroded” over time by the sheer weight of ignorance and distorted priorities…)

    Besides, since when is ignorance illegal?…

    And so, THANK YOU, WHOOPI for your contribution, for your reminder, for your provocative wake-up call…and for the clarifications—and questions—that have resulted!

  61. @BarryMeislin:

    I went out for a 10km trudge in the cold and when I came back, there were *still* Joos in my Hi-Fi system! Barenboim and his late, lamented and very talented wife, Ms Dropit du Pré (The boring Schumann, alas.. not the Bouncy Haydn). I gave them every chance. Is there a number I can call?

    I can enjoy the odd Kol Nidrei or three… but Meyerbeer.. that’s a stretch.

  62. @BarryMeislin:

    Don’t know if you’re a fan of Mercury Living Presence Remasters or if you have any streaming service. But if so, worth digging out Janos Starker (yup), Antal Dorati and the LSO.

  63. Actually, I AM a fan of those pops, hisses, clicks and scratches (go figure); but thanks much for the tip. Will look them up…just as soon as I finish bushwhacking through the magnificent, if “uneven”, oeuvre of Kinky Friedman (and his minyans) and KISS—I promised myself. (Um, actually think I’ll give the latter a pass.)

    (As for Jacqueline du Pre…is nothing sacred, sir?!!)

  64. huxley: I’ve heard people with reasonably good literary judgment praise Beloved, but have always suspected that it really was not that good (affirmative literary action at work, perhaps), and in any case it didn’t sound like my cup of tea, and moreover that it might be what you and Crouch say. I will probably continue to not read it.

  65. Regarding protecting your HF system against pesky Tribal gremlins, have you tried blasting—FULL VOLUME—the “Ride of the Valkyrie” (preferably under the baton of von Karajan)?

    N.B. For initial purification repeat three times and then blast once a month thereafter for maintenance….

  66. I don’t know a single Jew under the age of 70 who has a Jewish spouse. Of course they exist. But that’s how common intermarriage now is.

    If you say so. I do.

    My brother was given the gate by his live-in in 1984 because he distressed her parents so (other than their three children, they had no family closer than a second cousin). My sister was told in 1987 by a male friend that they weren’t getting to the next level (“I’m going hunting on Long Island”). The young woman was born in 1955, the young man in 1964.

  67. Liz: “On another note – I have some Latvian language books which I could not just get rid of when my mother passed away. If anyone knows of a good home for them, perhaps Neo can put us in touch.”

    I’m connected with a librarian group that focuses on Slavic- and Baltic-language materials. They deal with these cases pretty often. Giving Neo permission to share my contact info with you.

    The Baltic states got the full Bloodlands experience. For the war years in Latvia, see Modris Eksteins’ “Walking Since Daybreak” (1999). On Eksteins: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modris_Eksteins.

  68. @AesopFan

    “Whoopi gets a two week vacation to repent of her sin”

    She was suspended by someone named Godwin. Truly, the gods have nasty sense of humor.

  69. What?!

    Liz makes a very unique and untraditional request and a few hours later Hubert chimes in that he’s friends with a group of librarians who “focus on Slavic and Baltic language materials?!”

    What are the odds? Some interesting folks hanging out here at neo’s place!

  70. Liz: in case Neo is reluctant to give out contact info, you might start with the Slavic Reference Service at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Libraries:


    Start with the SRS manager, Joe Lenkart (srscite@library.illinois.edu). He/they can steer you in the right direction.

    Rufus: former Soviet affairs analyst and Slavic bibliographer here. I still have a few connections in the Slav world.

  71. jon baker,

    ‘Regarding “ eternal punishment”.
    While I am not Seventh Day Adventist, they have a different understanding of the scriptures, seeing in them annihilation of the lost , not eternal punishment.”

    If “annihilation of the lost” occurs after one go round, then I cannot but conclude that it too is in error. The only doctrine that would modify my conclusion is if they posit that God separates the ‘lost’ from those sincerely unpersuaded but otherwise of good will.

    Which of course raises another issue, if a ‘good’ but unpersuaded person is not annihilated (being not lost) but in life, didn’t embrace Jesus’ message… how can they “come on to the father”?

  72. AesopFan,

    “temporal reincarnation isn’t really necessary, if you can go to a heavenly refresher course for another chance at the exam.”

    From a biblical perspective, isn’t the purpose of life to demonstrate your true nature? If a heavenly ‘refresher’ course is available, which if passed then gets you into heaven, then what purpose life in the first place?

    I do not think the Israelites/Jews have ever been God’s ‘favorite’ as that would put them above his other children. I think the Israelite tribes were simply the ones best suited at that time for the mission God had in mind.

    That the Hebrew Patriarchs and Matriarchs, as revealed in the Old Testament records overtly accepted God’s mission when they were offered the choice is, I think a huge clue that they indeed were the tribe(s) best suited for that mission. Presumably, God knew not only who was best suited but who would accept his mission before he offered it.

    I must confess that I have a bit of a problem with the Latter-day Saints and of course every other Christian ‘sect’ (each views the other as a sect, whether Catholic or Protestant) shares the doctrine that “God’s sons and daughters are those who have been born again through the Atonement of Christ.”

    If all we need do is accept Jesus as our Savior to get into heaven and sincerely regret our sins, then what purpose to Jesus’ admonition? “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”.

    Christ is known as “the way shower”. What use being shown a path, when all that’s required to be saved is to accept Jesus as our savior and try to live a reasonably good life?

    Seems to me that if Anne Frank was right about most people overall being good (and I agree, demonstrated by civilization, which is not constructed and maintained by basically bad people) ‘givers’ create and maintain, ‘takers’ steal consuming the works of givers.

    Then before Jesus ever was born most people were already trying to be good as they understood it, so all that’s left is accepting Jesus as our savior to get through the pearly gates?

    That leads me to suspect we all have an awful lot of work left to do, far more than can be accomplished in but one lifetime.

  73. Way past my pay grade; how many angels can dance on that pinhead again?

    See “The Doors of the Sea” about God and the tsunami published not long after that natural disaster. Teleology IIRC.

  74. @RTF

    “What are the odds? Some interesting folks hanging out here at neo’s place!”

    That’s one of the big reasons I follow blogs*. There’s a ridiculously high possibility that someone in the commentariat knows more about any given topic than I could learn in a week on DDG.

    *The sane ones, anyway. You know who you are.

  75. Dished out by MSNBC (whom else?): a whopping helping of insanity to go with a side-order of craziness….
    ‘MSNBC Says “Cancel Culture Is Out Of Hand” Over Whoopi Goldberg, While Demanding Rogan’s Excommunication’—

    Key grafs (with host Mika Brzezinski going full Mother Theresa):
    ‘ “This cancel culture is getting so out of hand…there were so many positives that could have come out of this debate…instead it’s heading in a totally different direction.”…’

    Another gem:
    ‘”I really feel, especially at the View, where their show is based on arguments, is based on debates, is based on making moments, they are pushed to do that. I hope there’s learning for everybody on the show…in terms of grace, in terms of forgiveness, in terms of kindness.”‘

    The credo of the Mainstream Corrupt Media is clearly:
    “Don’t you DARE know thyself”

    OTOH, it’s nice to see that Jeff Zucker had the courage and decency to quit in solidarity with the harsh and vengeful—“Pound of Flesh”—treatment meted out to Goldberg….

    Hold on…scratch that!
    “Cuomo’s Revenge? Ousted CNN Anchor’s Legal Team Flagged Zucker’s Inappropriate Relationship”—

    Looks like the Long Knives(TM) are being drawn. (That’s the funny thing about massive, unchecked corruption, though, isn’t it?…)

  76. @BarryMeislin:

    “Regarding protecting your HF system against pesky Tribal gremlins, have you tried blasting—FULL VOLUME—the “Ride of the Valkyrie” (preferably under the baton of von Karajan)?”

    Been saving the big guns until last. Problem is I’d probably drive myself out as well.

    Any correctly-wired Jew should have bolted by about Bar 3 of the overture, mind you. My over-wrought spidey sense would have had me decamping for Brooklyn in June 1821 right after Weber’s Freischütz premiered. Literally the Starting Gun.

  77. Whoopi is ignorant pond-scum.

    To modify a comment attributed to HG Wells:

    “She is a rotten incessant little intriguer. She ought to be removed by some moral sanitary authority.”

    She has been utterly unworthy of any kind of respect — even that due vermin of the earth — when she declared that what Roman Polanski did “wasn’t rape-rape”.

    OK, I’ll kind of allow that, at some levels, “statutory rape” is/can be unrealistic — not all young girls are the same in maturity levels, and some are clearly aware of what they are promoting long before it is legal to entertain any kind of sexual relationship (in particular, the history of actress Megan Fox seems likely to reflect this kind of thing).

    BUT, even given that, it takes a special kind of utter and complete moron to be so abysmally ignorant as to claim that what Roman Polanski did to his 12 year old victim as some kind of mere “statutory rape” by itself, and nothing more.

    The data, especially the official court transcripts, readily available on the internet when Whooptishit made her blitheringly stupid comments showed that, not only was his victim remarkably young looking but the transcripts indicated that she:
    1 — begged him to stop
    2 — begged him to stop “because she was a virgin” — which led to him raping her in the ass, instead.

    Yes, the piece of shit Polanski not only ignored her open and indisputably clear pleas for him to not do what he was clearly intent on doing, but then sodomized her.

    Nooooo, that’s not “rape rape”.

    But only because it’s not “merely rape” (as much as that can be) but is about as heinous a form of rape as you can perform.

    I wrote a piece for No Oil For Pacifists back at the time, which called attention to the acts of ACORN which were also in support of pedophilia:


    You can find pictures of his young victim as well as relevant excerpts from the transcripts.

    Whooptishit is beneath pond scum. >:-/

  78. @ OBH – outstanding rant at your link. I remember both the Acorn “sting” and the Polanski stories. Even Jon Stewart asked his apologists, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

    I take the liberty of quoting your conclusion, and a recent news story.

    . Together with the ACORN embarrassment and media cover-up, there seems to be no limit to the profound lawlessness and practical indifference of progressives.

    Nov 12th, 2021

    Jan 12th, 2022

    Geoffrey Britain said…8:59 PM, October 07, 2009
    Answer: Everything

  79. @ Barry > “Dished out by MSNBC (whom else?): a whopping helping of insanity to go with a side-order of craziness”

    One of “Tyler Durden’s” better essays, and a pithy ending:
    As one twitter user put it…
    Can we get a side-by-side comparison of Joe Rogan’s “misinformation” to Jen Psaki’s?
    The least we could do is circle back.
    — Nathanwlove

  80. Heh, not even sure that True Jen’s, um, emanations can even be classified as “misinformation”…
    It’s almost “sui-generis”…even as she perfectly characterizes “Biden” (which, of course, she must…and no, it can’t be easy, though she seems to be “a natural”!).

    Nonetheless, we’re still left with the problem of how to describe her bizarre and deranged utterances…utterly and completely divorced from anything approaching reality… Hmmm:
    – “Beyond Misinformation”(TM)? — https://www.beyondmeat.com/en-US/
    – “Toxic fantasies”?
    – “Psaki-delic”?
    – Method acting?
    – Other??
    – All of the above?

    File under: Baffling perplexity….

  81. But these days Whoopi is primarily one of the members of “The View,” a talk show I don’t watch but which has an enormous and influential following. Every excerpt I’ve seen from it is either inane or actively offensive or both, and Whoopi is by no means the worst offender there.

    Its daytime womens tv for the oppressed and powerless…

    ONLY normalized bat-sh*t-normal women watch this stuff and believe and act on it and insure their friends follow… [men as a demographic do NOT believe and trust in female inane as a reality – they like to claim stay at home dads like the view too!]

    The Talk, The View and The Chew have a median age in the range of 60

    political correctness and supposed shifting demographics be damned, daytime TV is still all about women. According to a Pew research report last year, 73% of daytime talk show audiences are female.

    and yet us men get in trouble pointing out how seriously mental 43 million women who love and believe and follow this are… yes… over 43 million have no problem with the ideas in the VIEW…

    women — specifically women ages 18-49 — are the viewers most sought by advertisers during daytime TV

    40% of the daytime viewers make less than $20,000 a year
    85% don’t have a college degree
    Regular viewers of daytime talk shows are less educated than the public as a whole – Pew

    19% have four year degrees,
    26% have attended some college and
    54% have a high school diploma or less education

    Daytime talk show watchers stand out as the least well off regular audience. About half (51%) have family incomes of less than $30,000, while three-in-ten have $30,000-$74,999 incomes. Just 12% have incomes of $75,000 or more

    So the shows are actually very damaging and harmful while pretending to be better as they were in the past in terms of caring for their public..

    in fact… that is what happened for the womens political rags like ms and others to win…. you see… harpers, ladies home journal, etc… refused to hurt their clients… ie. refused to get into bed with tobacco and alcohol… but the communist rags masquerading as womens mags were falling on bankruptcy…

    they are the ones that manipulate women the most..

    ie. changes your mating habits, career goals, who you love or dont love, wear underwear outside, sexually debase oneself as a norm, who to vote for, and on and on..

    women have no real lives of their own because of this…
    and have less now than they used to have if one has a critical eye

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