Home » Has Biden met your expectations?


Has Biden met your expectations? — 40 Comments

  1. “He’s certainly met mine. I expected a mendacious, cognitively challenged, nasty leftist tool.”

    Wow! Don’t hold back Boss…tell us how you really feel! 😉

  2. Yes, Brandon has exceeded expectations in the worst of ways. The media has continued to fulfill its chosen role.

    Two Senators have, so far, exceeded expectations in the good way; Sinema and Manchin.

    Very interesting times, which isn’t a good thing. A tale of two cities; Washington, D.C. and Tallahassee, FL. Or Richmond 2021 and Richmond 2022?

  3. When Biden ran I expected him to be an idiot. He has exceeded my expectations by far.

  4. I expected bad policy decisions and a lack of leadership, and he has delivered those. He’s been nastier than I expected. Why have Jon Meacham write him an inaugural speech about unity and healing when he had no intention of unifying? And a year later, delivering his appalling Atlanta speech. Who on earth wrote that thing, and who thought it was a good idea?

  5. He’s certainly exceeded my expectations and deserves a raise. Just enough to get his feet off the ground.

  6. The saddest and most confounding point for me is, “there still were plenty of people who voted for him”.

    And, there are still many who would pull the lever for him today (or put their ballot into the Xerox machine).

    This is a completely confounding thing for me. Sure, I get the Never Trump, Hate Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome stuff, but I find all of that shallow and demonstrative of a very uninformed voter. Kinda like the teacher you disliked, but from whom you learned so much. (My high school chem teacher)

    I also get that things were not kosher in the old voting system on that fateful day, er.. I mean, those fateful days.

    Still about half the country voted for this pathetic creature…

  7. No. He massively exceeded my expectations. I expected incompetence and corruption and a senile old dude. The level of incompetence showed in the pull out of Afghanistan was so wildly outside the scope of my imagination. Corruption, Hunter is selling “Art” couldn’t have come up with that one. All of his interactions with the world are totally scripted. They built a TV oval office set to do his press events and don’t even match the picture out the window to the current season. I think the oval office set for SNL skits has better production value. They send him home to his Delaware basement to reset his failing brain every couple of weeks.

    It has been so much worse than I thought it would be. At least one more year to go if they can keep him alive since they don’t want to put Kamala in until Jan 21, 2023 so she can run twice for herself on the theory she can win.

  8. Certainly he’s greatly exceeded our expectations. Or rather, the cabal steering him is as traitorous as it’s possible to be.

    KD Keene is correct, “there are still many who would pull the lever for him today”.

    But I’m not confounded by their voting for him and continued support.

    It’s the old “He may be a bastard but he’s our bastard.”

    Biden is on their side and at base, for such as them, that’s all that counts. When you have no bedrock principles, and there can be no principles involved in attitudes strictly derived from feelings… that’s all that can count.

  9. Biden is pretty much exactly what I thought he would be. He is a little more coherent than I expected and his decline is going a little more slowly than I thought. I still find it amusing that he is treated by the MSM as if he is actually running things.

    There is an hilarious piece in Time by Molly Ball entitled “How the Biden Administration Lost It’s Way”, as if it were some great mystery. They still act as if Biden was some great foreign policy expert or “master of the Senate” or some such nonsense. James Carville’s opinion that Biden’s press conference was a success because he showed “stamina” for remaining upright for two hours, shows how far the standards have fallen.

    Given all the clean up that Jen Psaki has to do after the press conference, I think even some Democrats are realizing it is not a good idea to have Joe say anything that hasn’t been written for him. Biden is not just a joke he is a menace.

  10. I expected him to be extremely divisive, but in that he’s actually exceeded my expectations and engendered even more divisiveness than I thought he would.



    I thought Biden’s Atlanta rant last week in which he compared all Republicans, plus Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, to Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor, and George Wallace, was the most shameful speech ever given by a modern American president.

    And stupid politics to boot.

  11. I would say he has even exceeded Barack Obama’s expectations..
    “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fxxx things up”’

  12. Can we please derail this thread and do Kamala Double Entendres Part Deux? Pants Pooping Joe is such a bore.

    Slow morning here. Want to go out and annoy meat robots instead of you good folks, but can’t leave home until the Biltong (made by real Boers) delivery is dropped off.

  13. JD Keene:”This is a completely confounding thing for me. Sure, I get the Never Trump, Hate Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome stuff, but I find all of that shallow and demonstrative of a very uninformed voter.”
    “Cutting off your nose to spite your face” comes to mind.

    And “agreed” with previous comments, including the commentary of our host.
    Except, he hasn’t met my expectations. I didn’t expect it to be this bad and I had the bar set low.

  14. I agree with what most of what most of you have said. He has certainly exceeded my expectations for divisiveness. I expected it to be done more skillfully, not this foaming at the mouth stuff.

    I agree with huxley’s “most shameful speech.” I thought less highly of Trump than a lot of you did, agreed with a lot of the criticisms of his bragging, insults, b.s., etc. But Trump never made a speech approaching this level of vileness, not just in what Biden said but in the inflammatory effects of it. He is a despicable man. I’ve quoted you, Neo, from some months back to the effect that he is not very smart and not very honest. That’s still true but he’s so proven to be so much worse than that description conveys.

    Nor did I expect the level of sheer incompetence that he’s demonstrated. But it’s the vicious stoking of hatred that I most despise.

  15. From our point of view, he is a failure. From his point of view, he is succeeding. He’s opened our borders, he’s crippled the fossil fuel industry, he’s gotten us back in the Paris Climate Accords, he’s reopened talks with Iran, he got out of Afghanistan (sure he broke some eggs, but you know foreign engagements are messy 🙂 ), he’s poisoned the well of trust in elections, he’s managed to accentuate racial divisions, he’s lowered our expectations of what to expect from the economy, and more. All bad in our eyes. But it is the Marxist agenda. So, he’s succeeding in his and his hard-core supporters’ eyes. They are busy “transforming” America into Nueva Venezuela.

    Can a GOP controlled Congress after 2022 slow him down?
    I have my doubts, but we can hope they will have the courage and wisdom to take him on.

  16. Trump was a braggart; it was one of his most salient characteristics. And he certainly exaggerated. But he actually had a lot to brag about. Biden most decidedly does not.

    I would concur by simply saying the following

    The difference between them is that Trump exaggerates while Biden simply lies.

  17. Yea, Biden has exceeded my expectations. I didn’t have ANY hopes that he would do anything good and I did except him to do harm. But, I didn’t expect the harm to be as bad as it is.

    My question is this: even if we elect the “right” person can we, as a country and a divided society, recover? I want to believe (really “hope” is the word) that we can. But the bitterness from the left will never end. They are still going after Trump and his family even though they have gotten him out of office. They got victory in the election; but what they seem to want is total destruction of anyone they don’t like or agree with. It will never end.

  18. Charles asks “Can we, as a country and a divided society, recover?”
    I think we could if the other side would admit that they were wrong, and showed some contrition, if not remorse.
    So, to answer your question, “No.”

  19. “… there still were plenty of people who voted for him.]”

    Yup, no shortage of assholes around. I love it that a lot of the poor assholes who voted for him now have to suck it up as his inflation breaks them. But at least they don’t have to read “mean tweets.”

  20. Epic rant at Monster Hunter Nation: “The One-Year Anniversary of Utter Failure”–
    A sample: Biden has accomplished exactly one thing. And that’s demonstrating beyond a shadow of a doubt to all reasonable, thinking Americans that democrats are total shit at governing. They talk a big game, but it’s all just platitudes, wishful thinking, and magic unicorns farting free shit. Their claimed philosophy is childlike and disintegrates when it touches reality, exposing their actual philosophy, which is draconian control freaks who are compelled to meddle in everything. And the less they understand something, the more they feel the need to fuck with it. . . .
    There’s no way to hide the hypocrisy. They just do whatever they want and hope that you are stupid enough to believe whatever their pet news megacorps tell you about it.

    I can’t list all the things the Biden administration has managed to fuck up in the last year. There’s just too many. And that’s with the media scrambling to protect him. Just imagine all the stuff we don’t hear about.

    As the writer says, “Happy Anniversary.”

  21. Those who did vote for him, baffle, and frighten me. To listen to the ramblings of a man who clearly had senile dementia, and still voted for him is incomprehensible to me.

  22. @ PA Cat – the comments at Larry’s post are much as you might expect, but this was the winner, from Correia45 himself: “We did a pool on Facebook. I actually didn’t think he’d make it this long.”

  23. Has this shown up at Neo’s blog & comments yet? If so, it still bears repeating.
    By William Jacobson

    Joe Biden is setting the stage for Democrats to claim 2022 wins by Republicans would be illegitimate, based on the false claims of voting suppression that even CNN said were lies,

    Democrats are expecting to lose bigly in the 2022 elections, so of course, Biden preemptively is suggesting the 2022 elections may not be legitimate. That’s just how Biden framed it at his press conference today:

    “It all depends on whether or not we’re able to make the case…that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election.”

    “Oh, yeah, I think it could easily be illegitimate … The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed.”

    I for one am sick of this insurrectionist talk.

  24. His first Days signing executive orders wo wipe out President Trump showed what he was going to be like, he hasn’t disappointed that expectation.
    I have wanted him gone since day 1 and replaced by KH to show those couple million voters who did vote just for him they were had.
    Still not seeing him last 3 more years.

  25. Exactly what JJ said.
    (Well, except for that first sentence; i.e., If one’s goal is destroy…and one is succeeding magnificently in that goal, then how can that achievement be considered a “failure” whether by your supporters or your opponents?… ESPECIALLY if one is illegitimate from the get-go—I mean, if getting away with stealing an election isn’t considered a phenomenal “success” then what possibly could be considered as such…?)

    …but, no doubt, I quibble…


    They didn’t vote for Biden, they voted for the team, still do and will continue to do so because ‘good’ people have no choice but to do so.

  27. AesopFan,

    I presume when Jacobson states, “I for one am sick of this insurrectionist talk.” he’s referring to the left’s portrayal of the Jan 6th protest as an “insurrection”.

    If the dems manage to steal/invalidate the 2022 and 2024 elections… what alternative to revolution will remain?

  28. Hey look! (No, not a squirrel!!…Just another spectacular “Biden” disaster…):
    “Emirates president: The 5G snafu is the biggest screwup I’ve witnessed in my career:—

    And while one surely knows that “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”…this is getting a tad ridiculous…

    (Though in “Biden”‘s defense, one must never forget that “disaster” is actually—yes, really—“success”…as we’ve been reminded time after time…which only goes to prove that “Biden”‘s opponents have either a huge memory deficit or a massive learning disability, or both…a la Winston Smith, no doubt…)

  29. He wasn’t replaced using the 25th Amendment in the first 4 months, so yes, he exceeded expectations…

  30. Biden consistently lowers the standards for performance then fails to meet that standard. So…yes, he’s continued to meet my expectations.

  31. On the basis of his press conference, I’d have to say he is exceeding my expectations (explanation follows immediately).

    I thought he would have choked on his dentures by now – but those pearly whites held firm during all two hours of his constipated BS.

  32. Has Biden met your expectations?

    He’s exceeded mine. After watching his Senatorial career, I knew he owned no principles other than wrestling for immediate political gratification, but after the Afghan debacle it was clear that the principles included selling out the USA without a thought. His enjoyment of Hunter’s connivings at cash-through-connections also pegged the crookery-needle.

  33. Neo, you said it so wonderfully. And the other commentors did too. I have only this to add: He exceeded my expectations by still being upright. I only wish he had met that expectation.

  34. I expected some effort to appear moderate while the “team” behind him did the usual leftist misgovernment. He has not. He reminds me a bit of his performance in the 2012 VP debate. He acted the fool but he had Ryan as a foil. Maybe his handlers expected the entire GOP to be as passive as Ryan was. Fortunately, the HR-1 monstrosity seems to be on hold at the moment. A Democrat Congressman nearly gave away the plot yesterday. Hakeem Jeffries (probably a Speaker candidate after Pelosi) said the following.

    On Wednesday, Jeffries went before reporters to defend President Joe Biden’s first year in office, and to lambast Republicans once again for their opposition to the election reform bills currently up for debate in Congress. As Jeffries claimed that the bills carry the spirit of various civil rights leaders, he had a serious misspeak when he said “we were inspired by Hugo Chavez.”

    So HR-1 was inspired by Hugo Chavez. It was one of those Freudian slips that are called “gaffes.” He later claimed he meant Caesar Chavez but the cat was out of the bag.

  35. I have to admit, this was expected (via AoS):
    Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, said in a written Q&A on the ministry’s website that Russia’s demands included “withdrawing foreign forces, equipment, and armaments and making other steps to return to the condition as of 1997”, when Nato began admitting former Warsaw Pact countries.

    “That includes Bulgaria and Romania,” Lavrov said, adding that Russia’s demand was “core” and “deliberately worded as clearly as possible so as not to allow any dual interpretations”.

    Make sense to me after seeing the actions and statements made by the Biden Administration in this past year. Now France wants the EU to negotiate without the US, thus severing NATO at the political level if not yet militarily.

    Heck of a job, Brandon! Perhaps Russia will announce next that the Sea of Okhotsk is entirely Russia Territorial waters. Put pressure on Japan, so that US allies can hear “let’s be clear” on the support they’ll get from Biden.

  36. He has met every expectation as a bumbling, but mendacious, fool. He has exceeded expectations, iaw fears, for how far Left he has gone; and how quickly he did it. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say how completely he succumbed to the puppeteers who manipulate him.

  37. When you look up “dunning kruger effect” on wiki, there is a photo of Biden as an extreme case… (of course if you look up mass delusion you get something about tulips and the democrats today… )

    this has been a post by an anex of the baby lon bee…

    of course… I have some nice Memes i could send Neo that i made..

    did you know:
    without B.I.D.E.N. you cant spell INBRED….

    did you know:
    without B.I.D.E.N. you cant spell FEEBLEMINDED….

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