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One of the only good things about the COVID lockdowns… — 23 Comments

  1. What a coincidence! I also have a cold for the first time in quite a while, which I think I caught from my kids and grandchild over Thanksgiving. Haven’t bothered to get a COVID test since it seems to be an ordinary head cold; however, I am taking the quercetin, zinc, and extra Vitamin C I stocked for COVID, and I’m feeling better.

  2. I too was visited with someone with a common cold type illness. It was just yesterday, so I don’t know if I caught anything or not. I haven’t been sick in 3 years. I hope you get well soon.

  3. Ray:

    I always take zinc lozenges at the first sign of a cold. I still get bad colds ordinarily. Perhaps they would be worse without it, but I have no way to judge that.

  4. Will be interesting to see if whenever the fear porn merchants have to give up the fight whether they will come back every winter to force masks on everybody over colds and flu.

    I’m mixed on whether they will because the monomaniacal COVID obsession seems to not at all care about other ailments (Biden, massive flu on several campuses, College football teams playing through huge flu outbreaks) but I’m sure they will get to that eventually.

  5. That reminds me: time to stockpile some Sudafed, before I need it. (It really helps me with cold symptoms.) Once I need it, sometimes it’s hard to find, and the purchase limits can be a nuisance if several family members get a cold.

  6. To skew the thread a bit, has anyone else found it weird that curated State news has gone stale and boring now?

  7. “But I plan to soldier on with no interruption of service.”

    I know that is considered virtuous, but it’s not what you should be doing. We are exposed to viruses all the time. Most of the time, our immune system detects and fights off the invaders before they establish a foot hold. We only succumb to them when we are tired or stressed.

    I take it as my body’s way of telling me to take it easy. A day or so in bed, or on the sofa, pampering yourself and eating chicken soup… As my Grandmother would have said, “How could it hurt you?”

    Your colds could be lasting longer than normal because you are forcing your body to choose between “soldiering on” or fighting the infection. In doing both, you are not doing either one very well.

    So, listen to your body and give it what it wants.

  8. Coincidentally, I *also* recently experienced my first cold since early 2019. Pretty sure I didn’t catch it from grandchildren (don’t have any)! but was probably more susceptible due to recent fatigue and stress.

  9. Seriously: I was taking Zicam and getting along, but still sick, so I started taking the quercetin and C along with the zinc. Almost immediately feeling better, although I suppose it could be just the virus waning. It’s been since Friday. Usually I’d be affected for a week at least.

  10. I guess colds are making the rounds again. I just caught my first cold in ages. Congestion started in the chest late last week, and has moved into my head over the last day or so.

  11. Apparently, quercetin just by itself is an overall health booster and can be taken as a daily supplement
    (It’s found in relatively large quantities in members of the onion/garlic/etc. family…though this doesn’t mean you have to go out and eat lots of onions and garlic necessarily…even if doing so IS an effective strategy to encourage others to engage in social distancing…)

  12. When Covid started, my doctor suggested a basic routine of vitamins/minerals if you felt sick, with the understanding that you would contact her asap. I started taking higher doses of Zn last year and noticed that my skin issues radically improved. My Dr. ordered a Zn test, which showed that I was mid-level (83 on a range of 60-130) even with a very high level of Zn intake, about 200 mg/day. She also researched Zn and skin issues and suggested a higher dose to another patient who promptly had a marked improvement on her skin issues.

    About Vit D – I am active with a lot of sailing and gardening in the summer, but I use sun screen as well as wearing the long sleeve shirts and a hat. My lowest level was 15 (range 30-100) in 2017 when I started the additional supplements. I still take 5000-10,000 units a day and my last test was at 78.

    So, I may just be an individual with weird vitamin/mineral needs, but I’ll pay attention to the blood tests. And, I always recommend the blood tests to check your levels. And, I have the blood tests coming up, in prep for the next doctor appt.

    But, the important take is that we are all individuals and the “recommended dose” of essential vitamins and minerals may not be the best for you. Take the blood tests to make sure, sorry about repeating that fact! If your doctor won’t order the tests, check out Quest Dx since you can take the tests without physician orders. Yes, it may not be covered by your insurance plan, but the info is essential.

    FYI – I am also taking Quercetin, C, D, Zn, Famotidine, as well as other supplements. But, I am also overweight, taking BP meds and over 65. I am at risk due to previous blood clots and allergic drug reactions, so I am delaying the vaxx based in doctor recommendation.

    But, I am healthy wrt C-19. I live in OK, check the local case loads (local school, local university, county, then state reports). I adjust my activity to what is happening.

    I hope this helps …. ok – I just checked the other comments and need to add that when I start feeling bad, I overdress in layers, get into bed, layer lots of blankets on myself and force myself to sweat. It seems to work, but, it may be that I established a routine to get myself feeling better – a psych effect, but it works!

  13. My dad’s remedy for colds was one he said he learned in England in the winter of 1943-1944 (the winter before D-Day): 1) hang your hat on the bedpost at the foot of your bed; 2) get into bed and drink hot whiskey toddies until you see two hats; 3) then pull the covers over your head and go to sleep.

    He used to fix hot toddies for me when I was a kid and got a bad cold. Here’s the standard Pennsylvania dad recipe:

    2 Tbsp. whiskey
    2 Tbsp. lemon juice
    1 Tbsp. honey
    Boiling water

    Pour the whiskey into a mug and stir in the honey and lemon juice. Top with boiling water and stir well to dissolve the honey.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  14. Why the rank insanity over Covid?

    In the wake of Austria’s drastic lockdown of unvaccinated people, EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code

    Ursula Van Der Leyen, the head of the EU commission, told the press on Wednesday that she is in favour of scrapping the long-standing Nuremburg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated against COVID.


  15. @ JimNorCal > “In the wake of Austria’s drastic lockdown of unvaccinated people, EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code”

    Meme picked up from Twitter today:

    And the Bee has Breaking News!

    The meme is funny, of course, but every time I scan through comments on something like that, I see a lot of “my family emigrated from (totalitarian country) and this is how it starts.”

  16. “Why the rank insanity over Covid?”
    Why? indeed!
    Power play? Paradigm shift? Time for the global elites to fully-implement their Archimedes-like fulcrum?
    Whatever it is, there’s method to this “madness”.
    I’ll repost this on the PCR-test scandal:
    “Casedemic: The Hideous Scandal Of The Irredeemably Flawed PCR Test”—

    It would appear that all roads lead to Fauci…

  17. The immunologic and treatment-related comments here are a delight in absurdity.

    Have we forgotten that “colds”, i.e. Upper Respiratory Infections, also known as URIs, are often caused by corona viruses? Of which COVID is just one.

    Ursula Van Der Leyden (see above post by JimNorCal) is one of the many emerging Nazis that wait until the right moment, like cicada larvae buried in the ground for years. They are taking down all of Western civilization, and no excuse is too phony.

  18. Neo, I used to suffer week-long cold symptoms, even though the cold virus lasts only 24-48 house in the body.

    Since I started helminthic therapy for allergies and asthma, my cold symptoms have not outlasted the virus itself.

    Look into it. Not FDA-approved because there’s no Big Pharma behind it.


  19. I’ll give you a couple of more good things about the pandemic. Because my wife and I used to be teachers we used Facetime and taught our grandkids (7 & 9) for 2 hours every day for the whole time they were out of school. We got to see more of them (they’re in Chicago and we’re in Arkansas) and know them better than we ever would have otherwise. And, it was a big help to our son and daughter-in-law.

    Another thing we did was save a lot of money because we didn’t go out to eat or take any trips for over a year. Now we can afford our Hawaiian vacation next month.

    To me the most important thing that happened is that we took advantage of being stuck at home and started dieting and exercising. Now, a year later, I have gone from 250 lbs. to 180 lbs. My waist is 8 inches smaller (44 to 36) and I’ve dropped at least 2 sizes in everything except shoes. I feel better and quit taking blood pressure and a couple of other types of medicine. My doctors are thrilled (especially my son who’s a doctor.)

    I hate to say it but I’m looking forward to the next variant (a joke for those who are humor impaired.) Thanks for listening. It’s better to write this so people can just skip it rather than just stop strangers on the street to tell my story.

    Also, I too have had no colds or other minor illnesses the whole time, probably thanks to isolating so much.

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