Home » The fall of the house of Cuomo


The fall of the house of Cuomo — 27 Comments

  1. The man from planned parent/hood, followed by his brother. No longer politically congruent, perhaps a “burden”, thus no longer viable. Aborted… cancelled. Karmic irony.

  2. Both of then annoyed me. I couldn’t understand how anyone could vote for, or watch on TV, either one.

  3. I agree that the movers and shakers of the demokrat party wanted him out and that these same folks could not care less regarding the “offenses” Cuomo committed.

    BUT !!!

    Do not be surprised if Chris Cuomo, in a few months, is re-inserted into his CNN role (as your typical, leftist propagandist) or on some other lefty TV network.

    Look at what happened to that guy who “pleasured himself” in front of millions of viewer or that other fraud, who claimed he was “under fire” when visiting Kosovo.
    They both got their jobs back.

    Leftists are only interested in one thing; advancing their agenda. That’s it folks
    Why bring back Cuomo?
    Ratings and ratings and ratings.

  4. A powerful left winger can do almost anything and be forgiven as long as

    1) It’s kept under wraps

    2) failing 1), it doesn’t reach a critical mass in terms of general public knowledge. This can by achieved (for a while anyway) with collective mainstream media silence. Any reports from conservative leaning outlets can be dismissed or disregarded as “conspiracy theories” and marginalized by late night comedy jokes.

    This formula seems to work for a while, but there does seem to be a threshhold of sorts. And once that threshhold is crossed the powerful Lefty must finally be held to account on some level. At some point there’s just too many normies who know the truth and it starts to erode the credibility of those who continue to support and excuse and downplay the bad behavoir the powerful Lefty. We’ve seen this with the Cuomo brothers.

  5. For all the threads at AoSHq can’t say it interests me much as well because I obviously know who they are but don’t see them on TV hardly. Still nice to see the powerful

  6. because brother andrew killed a loved one(s) of someone(s) very powerful, in a rest home. and brother fredo helped cover it up. expect both to be epsteined, once they are out of sight and mind.

  7. Chris Cuomo is perfectly representative of how shallow is nearly every prominent person on the left. Little depth of thought, bereft of principle, filled with platitudes and looking for meaning in all the wrong places.

  8. Somebody ought to start a Hall of Shame especially designed to feature liberal and progressive asswipe males whose hypocrisy funded their lifestyles and social status until it didn’t anymore; and they either fell on their own social justice pimping swords or were impaled by others on them.

    Politics, the media, the recent record is replete with them. Almost too many to count. Al Franken, Chrissy Matthews of the shivering leg, Chas. Rose, now the Cuomo duo.

    Maybe we should do a betting pool on that former Republican guy with the thick glasses seeing his wife dump him during a live TV broadcast.

  9. The Guv screwed up – big time. Sent Covid positive elderly patients to nursing homes resulting in many more deaths than might have happened had he kept them in hospitals Janice Dean of Fox News is on that case and she is never going to let go. Cuomo and/or the state of New York have a huge liability lurking out there.

    The Guv is a Luv Guv. Cannot keep his hands to himself. Too many credible accusations. The feminists are on his case, and he’s become a liability for the party. That’s why he was forced to resign.

    But Andrew has another strike against him. He used government employees to help m him, write his very profitable book about leadership in a pandemic. I haven’t read it, but imagine it looks like weak tea with the passage of time and the new knowledge that has been gained. Not helping his cause.

    Chris, the loyal brother, advised him on how to beat the charges of unwanted sexual advances. But it turns out that Chris has done some fondling himself. CNN’s audience is made up of feminists and other lefties. Knowledge of Chris’s activities turned out to be a liability for CNN.

    Can they be rehabilitated? Well, William Jefferson Clinton has recovered to some extent. And he was a notorious fondler/assaulter of women. But Slick Wilky is a likable sort. The Cuomos, not so much.

    Are they finished? Not in their minds they’re not. They’ll probably keep fighting to redeem their names. Buy more popcorn.

  10. In this case, NY Attorney General (Letitia James) is/was a rival for the Democratic Party nomination for the governor’s election next year; she apparently gathered testimony from a large number of women who claimed that Andrew Cuomo had harassed/assaulted them in various ways over the years. Cuomo agreed to step down after James showed him what was in her files. My assumption at the time is that whatever she showed him was much more…interesting…that what’s been publicly revealed.
    But anyway, I think that NY AG James is the wildcard in this whole discussion of Andrew Cuomo, and Chris Cuomo was fired – as others have said – to allow CNN to maintain its veneer of ‘objectivity’.

  11. I have read rumors that CNN will be spun off and consolidated with another cable group, and that the guy who will call the shots wants it to go back to being an actual news channel. That would be the end for more than just Cuomo. In any case, Chris Cuomo had no claim to being a “journalist” based on his “reporting” about his brother and COVID.

  12. J.J.,

    Not to quibble but Gov. Cuomo did not ‘screw up’. He was warned by multiple people, especially by nursing home directors of what would happen to those elderly nursing home patients, if they accepted them.

    He twisted their arms by threatening the nursing home directors with revocation of state funds and lawsuits if they refused to accept the Covid infected hospitalized elderly.

    Cuomo could have sent them to the hospital ship Trump had sent, instead for obvious political reasons he sent them to infect those nursing homes. Not one patient was sent to that Navy hospital ship.

    At the least, he’s guilty of depraved indifference and revealed it when he said on camera, “well, they were going to die sooner or later anyway”. Andrew Cuomo is a mass murdering monster.

    But he’s not alone, 7 other democrat governors sent infected Covid hospitalized patients to nursing homes.

    Though Fauci, the CDC directors, the FDA, the top management at Moderna and Pfizer and the medical establishment have far more blood on their hands.

    It is by far the greatest crime in US history and the democrat’s leadership enabled it. And a RINO Congress quietly accepted it.

  13. Tyler writes: “Leftists are only interested in one thing; advancing their agenda. That’s it folks
    Why bring back Cuomo?
    Ratings and ratings and ratings.”

    Tyler. Dude. There are NO RATINGS for the Cuomos or CNN. Rather, there ARE ratings but they are so low and marginal as to be utterly inconsequential.

    Since Trump has left CNN has no lipstick left for its pigs. Hence it has only pigs and only those who love pigs watch this pile of puke. Even if bringing Cuomo back made CNN’s ratings sextuple they would still be less than zero.

    As for ADS on CNN any ads you see are not driven by ratings. The ads are there because the companies or at least the companies executives are all party members.

  14. A year ago, my NYC cousin got all huffy when I expressed a negative opinion about Bill DeBlasio, a.k.a. Warren Wilhelm, a.k.a. Hizzohah Da Mayuh. Ironically, she later decided that Mayor Bill was a nogoodnik. I never expressed an opinion about the Cuomos- I knew a fair amount about Mayor Bill ( back in the day, his being a fan of the
    Sandinistas didn’t set well with me.) I never bothered to learn much about the Cuomos- but I knew she liked Governor Cuomo. I wonder if she changed her mind about either of the Cuomos.
    Will have to call and find out.

  15. Cuomo Jr. has nothing to offer the world of broadcast journalism (or journalism, period). He was only there because of Big Brother Cuomo. The progressive liberals have to purge their ranks once in a while, when a major figure gets too overconfident in the face of bad publicity and won’t go quietly when their problems start to damage the Big Plan. These infrequent purges also help clear their conscience with respect to the full-time cancellations of normal conservatives. They probably view themselves as impartial.

    Also, a bonus: With the change in objectives coming along with new management, I wonder if it occurred to some craven management team that maybe a little selective pruning of (what was now) deadwood might curry a little favor with the new hatchet man. ‘Cuz you know he’s coming. Call it the Soros method.

  16. Interesting that between them, they didn’t have enough clout to fight this. The Bigs are really Big.

    I know some people with annoying interpersonal habits or behaviors. They’ve never been socialized out of them. The mechanics of resisting what one would expect to be some kind of corrective pressure would be interesting.

    And harassing women is one of them. You shouldn’t. The women don’t like it. Better men don’t like it. Society tells you not to do it. The news regularly runs stories of guys getting into one or another kind of trouble. But keeping your hands to yourself just doesn’t occur to them.

  17. Aesop. I kind of figured the Cuomo clan were powers.

    That said, had it not ben a matter of handsy, what would have been the lever?

  18. “…what would have been the lever?”

    There wouldn’t have been one. (That is, there is one huge and very glaring lever but the Democrats can’t use it because of what is says about the party itself…. So we’ll get those embarrassments on sexual harassment charges, and/or immoral behavior, yeah that’ll work!!

    Which, given the criminal behavior of the Democratic Party for quite a while is a pretty sick joke. But there you go. They’ll do anything and everything to cover up who they are; and then anything and everything to cover up the coverup, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

    Latest example:
    All they have left to try to cement their power and pull the wool over the eyes of the electorate is to promote insane hysteria and incendiary prevarications: IOW the sordid, fetid, rancid and deranged “art” of projection—
    “Joe, Mika push Jan. 6 ‘decomposition’ of GOP”
    The mask has slipped and they have decided—as a matter of policy—to go full insane, where everything is backwards, upside down and inside out in their “Looking glass war” against the antagonist WHO MUST BE DESTROYED.
    Key grafs:
    “This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the cast on MSNBC’s Morning Joe embracing the liberal ‘Atlantic’ magazine’s special edition on the Jan. 6 riots that suggests the events on that day were a dry run for more GOP antics.
    “Hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski featured Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, who said it would take more than one issue of his magazine to ‘trace the Republican Party’s decomposition from Lincoln’s day to ours. It is enough to say that its most recent, and most catastrophic, turn — toward authoritarianism, nativism, and conspiracism — threatens the republic that it was founded to save.’…”

    Absolutely nuts. Absolutely nuts.

    But this is the official Democratic line—the narrative they’re going to flog non-stop as the country gets further enmired in the deep, repulsive cesspit that the Democratic Party has—INTENTIONALLY—dug and which it plans to further enlarge and expand.

  19. “…what would have been the lever?”

    There wouldn’t have been one. (That is, there IS one huge and very glaring lever but the Democrats can’t use it because of what is reveals about the party itself…. So we’ll get those embarrassments on sexual harassment charges, and/or immoral behavior, yeah that’ll work!!)

    Which, given the criminal behavior of the Democratic Party for quite a while is a pretty sick joke. But there you go. They’ll do anything and everything to cover up who they are; and then anything and everything to cover up the coverup, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

    Latest example:
    All they have left to try to cement their power and pull the wool over the eyes of the electorate is to promote insane hysteria and incendiary prevarications: IOW the sordid, fetid, rancid and deranged “art” of projection—
    “Joe, Mika push Jan. 6 ‘decomposition’ of GOP”
    The mask has slipped and they have decided—as a matter of policy—to go full insane, where everything is backwards, upside down and inside out in their “Looking glass war” against the antagonist WHO MUST BE DESTROYED.
    Key grafs:
    “This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the cast on MSNBC’s Morning Joe embracing the liberal ‘Atlantic’ magazine’s special edition on the Jan. 6 riots that suggests the events on that day were a dry run for more GOP antics.
    “Hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski featured Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, who said it would take more than one issue of his magazine to ‘trace the Republican Party’s decomposition from Lincoln’s day to ours. It is enough to say that its most recent, and most catastrophic, turn — toward authoritarianism, nativism, and conspiracism — threatens the republic that it was founded to save.’…”

    Absolutely nuts. Absolutely deranged.

    And yet, this is the official Democratic line—the narrative they’re going to flog non-stop as the country gets further enmired in the deep, repulsive cesspit that the Democratic Party has—INTENTIONALLY—dug and which it plans to further enlarge and expand.

  20. Gerard Vanderleun;

    There are enough ratings to keep them broadcasting their leftist propaganda and you are underestimating the affect / influence their propaganda has on many voters ( I know a bunch of these voters and I am sure you do too; they are totally brainwashed).
    Their ratings did well when Trump was president?
    Because there are enough folks willing to listen what CNN has to say; enough folks that about 1/2 of all voters voted for Joke Bidet because they believed the BS about Russia / Trump.
    Don’t know about you, but I never watched CNN before, during or post Trump.
    But a lot of folks do, and CNN knows this.
    That is why they never change their strategy (i.e., lies, lies, lies, leftist propaganda, more lies, etc) irrespective of their ratings.. Their ratings are still not low enough for them to change how they present “the news;” (or more precisely, their version of the news).

    Their ratings may today be in the toilet, but so what; they have enough voters watching their propaganda to perhaps help sway an election, which, of course, is one of their goals.
    And bringing back controversial propagandist mouthpieces back from the sewers caters to their audience.

    By the way, their on-camera folks are following the directions of the higher -ups at CNN.
    Jeff Zucker and all the “news” producers reporting to him are the ones that are directing and promoting CNN’s leftist propaganda efforts. Nothing at CNN is done without their approval.

  21. “…By the way…”
    Dershowitz says Fire Zucker, not Cuomo.

    The gist of the article is that Dershowitz claims that Cuomo didn’t MISLEAD anyone, this because EVERYONE knew he was biased in favor of his brother. Moreover, Zucker approved of the “brotherly love” tag-team programming—because he believed it was terrific for CNN’s ratings.
    Zucker, on the other hand, according to Dershowitz, CONSTANTLY MISLEADS on practically everything he touches.
    And so, Dershowitz concludes that Zucker should be fired. (Thought he doesn’t get into the mechanics of how Zucker might actually go about firing himself…)
    NB: It’s personal, since Dershowitz has been involved in a long-standing lawsuit against CNN for—I believe—defamation.

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