Home » Sanity Squad Podcast: let’s carry a toothpick


Sanity Squad Podcast: let’s carry a toothpick — 3 Comments

  1. Selfish, weak kneed, corrupt, fanatical. All terms you may use for the domestic insurgency, Neo. I mean you can call the suicide bombers fanatical, but not weak kneed. They aren’t “weak” in the terms of “they sit on their arse talking”. You can’t call the domestic insurgency inside the US as “strong”. If they don’t believe in something enough to kill and die for it, it is just a game to them and they shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    I find it funny how you guys recycle through the psychological terms ; ) It is good for a psyche terms review, for me at least.

    Eventually you guys might actually run out of psychological terms to describe things. But that is okay, everything has limits. War has limits, will has limits (can’t will resurrection), psychology has limits (not hard power), and psychological warfare has limits (can’t kill people directly with psyche war).

    I think when Iran has a nuke, they’ll nuke an Iranian or Saudi Arabian city. Secondary targets might be Iraq and Israel. Tertiary targets, Paris or London or the US. From rank of easy to harder. The “moderates” may simply be more pragmatic or just scared for their lives. But if Amanie is really a true believer, and he seems moderately smart and cunning, then he would probably try to bring on the 12th Imam through drastic action.

    I liked that point where you asserted yourself, Neo. Siggy was trying to jump in, but you were like “Hold On, I’m going to finish” ; )

    I bring that up because you seem to be very differential and respectful of other people’s viewpoints, even when they obviously interrupted your thought process (given you need some time to order your thoughts and present your views).

    Whenever I hear one of those incidents where you start off on a line of thought I get this curious curiosity going on as to where it will lead. Then someone interrupts and there’s no time… bah. At least with blogs you can write however long you wish or have time for. Some may not interest me, but at least rarely do I simply have it stop in midstride.

  2. ‘Selfish, weak kneed, corrupt, fanatical. All terms you may use for the domestic insurgency, Neo. I mean you can call the suicide bombers fanatical, but not weak kneed. They aren’t “weak” in the terms of “they sit on their arse talking”. You can’t call the domestic insurgency inside the US as “strong”.’

    What, Ymar, do you do other than sit on your ass and talk?

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