Home » Exculpatory evidence is being hidden from those arrested for January 6th activities


Exculpatory evidence is being hidden from those arrested for January 6th activities — 28 Comments

  1. Jane Fonda stated last year that Covid was “God’s gift to the left”; much the same can be said of the death of the blessed martyr Floyd and the “insurrection of 1/6”, and all three events, misunderstood by much of the public largely through incessant propaganda, will continue to be very useful as long as leftists control the levers of power and the means of cultural (not to mention academic and journalistic) production. Leftists crave power and control, consider “by any means necessary” as well as “the ends justify the means” to be completely reasonable propositions, and are quick to take full advantage of not only every crisis but also any event which can be manipulated for the purpose of vanquishing their ideological foes. The (mostly) weak and cowardly Republican opposition can muster little firepower against the leftist juggernaut.

  2. They don’t want to release the ‘thousands of hours’ of security footage because they know it would be crowd searched and would cause all kinds of issues for ‘the narrative’.

  3. Could there be any more clear & convincing proof America is a failed republic then the Federal government refusing to make public what actually transpired in the “people’s” house?

    Ours is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Yet here we see the government actively engaged in conspiring against the people in order to press a lie against the people.

  4. Griffin comments on Griffin. A-ieie!

    I thought we had enough name problems for the day.

  5. huxley,

    Ha! And to peak behind the curtain my name is not really Griffin!

    Very confusing.

  6. “The right has been served notice that the left is playing hardball…”

    This is, of course, likewise true of the COVID fiasco (as well as the huge Fauci coverup):

    Key graf:
    “There is a blackout on any conversation about how Ivermectin beat COVID-19 in India.”

    …in which case it is not so much “the right” as “everyone”…

    + Bonus:

  7. I don’t think the feds won the war in public opinion. Those who believe would believe, no matter what. They may point to one or another assertion, but the belief does not require them.
    Fair minded people are not likely to have “believed” in the first place such that, had more exculpatory evidence been available, they’d have been skeptical.
    For the left, first comes belief, or assertion of belief while knowing better. Facts are unnecessary except as virtual projectiles directed toward others. And such facts, obviously, need not be true.

  8. An invitation extended, a woman aborted (his Choice), a rug pulled out from underfoot, a witch hunt and warlock trial in progress…. take a knee, beg, good boy, girl, whatever.

  9. All it will take is one bulldog lawyer and luck of the draw on judge. Blow this whole thing wide open.

    But I won’t hold my breath.

  10. The process is, of course, the punishment.

    A.K.A. ,”You may beat the rap, but you won’t beat the ride.”

  11. Again, this travesty continues because the DC judiciary is godawful. Shut those courts down and carve up the jurisdiction.

  12. The Left have truly become Evil people. I know that J School students are generally not among the brightest members of the student body. Take them, and feed and train them carefully with the ideas of the Left, and soon you own the Media. Make them feel special, and clever, and they are yours.

    The same applies to many in show business. There are a lot of insecure and confused people there. No matter how much contempt you ave for them, treat them like their abilities and wisdom outshine the Sun itself. You will own them, too.

    Once you own the Media, and the entertainment industry, and control the sources of information for at least 60+% of the population, you control the 60%, too. No matter how many if them see Biden being senile, and openly corrupt; or Nancy Pelosi lying openly, and openly being contemptuous of the Citizens of this country; or the Evil dripping from Chuck Schumer, they are told that those people are brilliant, and virtuous by the Media, and the citizens, having been carefully taught in school not to think, but what to think, figure the Media knows better than they do, and go along with the flow.

    This is all very alarming, and what is even more alarming, is that unlike here, where the readers of Neo, and similar sites, who DO think, and pay attention, a large percentage of the population seems just fine with how things are going.

    As Neptunus Lex used to say, ” It is to weep “!

  13. It’s going to be interesting to see just how long some of these guys will be held without trial.

    Even if they get off, they’ll be on no-fly lists and have problems opening bank accounts or getting credit of any sort until a new dispensation arises.

  14. “January 6th was very very useful to the left, and will continue to be useful even if convictions never happen.”

    There’s a whole interwoven fabric of lies. Not just J6 prisoners.
    Ashli Babbitt. Brian Sicknick.

  15. “The right has been served notice that the left is playing hardball and that any defiance will be met with the threat of arrest and detention without bail.”

    They’re creating a pressure cooker and imagine that only their cannon fodder will suffer consequence. They’re also depending upon their opponents on the right to continue to play by the rules will they defecate upon the rules.

  16. Geoffrey @ Neo “The right has been served notice that the left is playing hardball and that any defiance will be met with the threat of arrest and detention without bail.”

    They’re creating a pressure cooker and imagine that only their cannon fodder will suffer consequence. They’re also depending upon their opponents on the right to continue to play by the rules will they defecate upon the rules.

  17. I read this at the NYP earlier today, and thought how much of it could be “lifted” into any story about the January 6 defendants.


    …government has moved to reassert control by arresting hundreds of their own citizens, more than three dozen of whom are suspected of having been “forced disappearances”
    …“They are making what we call ‘exemplary’ trials, with many people who are being prosecuted without evidence,”
    … relatives of defendants who do have access to legal representation are being told to keep quiet about their loved ones’ cases so that they may receive a lighter sentence.

    Here’s how the Cubans are fighting back.

    As of late Tuesday, a Google document contained the names of 805 people who had been arrested or are otherwise unaccounted for in the aftermath of the demonstrations, the intensity of which Cantera described as unprecedented since the ascension of Fidel Castro to power in 1959. The list has been slowly built out despite the best efforts of the Cuban government to limit the spread of information about their actions.

    As Senator Rand Paul said about the other scandalous government tyranny:
    “Resist the new world order.”—“They can’t arrest all of us.”

    They are apparently going to try, and (judging from the Cooper v. Cooper saga, among others) are happy to enlist the media, corporations, and public to do some of the job for them.

    At least Cuba openly uses their official police and courts to do the dirty work.

  18. Once you own the Media, and the entertainment industry, and control the sources of information for at least 60+% of the population, you control the 60%, too.

    No you don’t, and 70% of the population is willing to tell a pollster they don’t trust the media.

    Our problem is cultural, and it’s found in how the self-understanding of people expresses itself in political action (such as it is for most). The bulk of the professional-managerial class (and, in an attenuated way, their dependents and hangers-on among the general run of salaried employee) despises the vernacular working class in this country and all of the tastes and sentiments common among that class of people. Most blacks have an abstract hostility to whites not expressed in daily life, very much expressed in the voting booth. It’s a reasonable wager that 1/2 of the votes the Democratic Party receives can be accounted for by these two phenomena. Financial support for the Democratic Party can be accounted for by (1) the first of these phenomena and (2) pay-to-play transactions between the same class of people and Democratic office-holders.

  19. Art Deco:

    I think those stats on people distrusting the media are misleading. I don’t necessarily think the numbers themselves are false, but I have noticed that many people say they don’t trust the media and yet it hugely influences them. They may not even be aware how much; it’s a bit like advertising.

    And many of those people especially distrust the media on the right and refuse to read it. The facts they think they know are the ones that appear in the MSM, and the ones that only appear in the outlets on the right are unknown to them.

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  21. Whether an accused person poses a “danger to the community” may be a relevant factor in determining pre-trial release, but I don’t understand how that could possibly have been accepted by the judge in this case, given a misdemeanor charge of trespass involving no violence or damage. Chilling.

  22. @Griffin:

    Does Griffin’s group really ‘advocate for fun rights’?

    You gotta fight for your right to party.

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