Home » Kamala Harris is getting some bad press from the MSM. Why?


Kamala Harris is getting some bad press from the MSM. Why? — 52 Comments

  1. IMHO it is so obvious that Harris is a dumb moron, really just plain stupid, that the powers that be have determined she is a detriment to the present Bidet / Obama -re-tread administration.
    This being the case, they have “seeded” their propaganda organ – the MSM – to begin diminishing her as a viable political tool.
    After all, for the demonkrats, nothing at all matters other than maintaining/increasing power; they could give a flying F about the improving the lot of the citizenry.

  2. My best guess is that this is a preemptive strike against Harris’s ambitions to take over the presidency. There were a lot of hints and direct statements by Harris, her husband, and heck, even by Biden that we would soon be witnessing “President Harris” and her administration. Not sure why that was sold so strongly. To make her look good, instead of looking like a stooge for the black vote? IDK

    Who knows what Harris has been scheming behind the scenes, but Biden and Jill are not having any of it.

  3. But Harris has no subtlety, no finesse. She got her start in politics by sleeping with the (married) most powerful politician in California, and since then, she has risen through the hierarchy of public offices based on identity politics and personal pull in a one-party state.

    With Biden’s physical and mental health questionable, she has a good chance to become the first female POTUS without being elected to the office. Cleaning up after her messes then, in the hands of her chosen staff of lackeys, may be costly to all of us, not just to her dignity.

    Kamala Harris already becoming a problem for Biden White House

  4. So I guess handing out cookies in her likeness to all the usually fawning pressies on Air Force Two didn’t win them all over?

    Didn’t the current First Lady launch an expletive-laden attack against Harris after one of the early debates?

  5. Bad Press, but what’ch going to do? Impeach her? Only way to get rid of her to keep her from being Prez. Do you really think that Biden will serve 4 yrs? If he does who then would be the Dem nominee in 2024? Abrams? Michelle?

  6. ‘Tis a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

    The original quote was from Churchill in 1939 about Russia:

    I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest.

    We are reduced to bafflement in understanding the high leadership of the Democratic Party as we were with the Soviet leadership before WW II. No doubt the key is party interest…if we could understand how they understand that or exactly which subgroup is winning control.

  7. Could Kamala be forced to resign somehow?

    On October 10, 1973, [Spiro] Agnew appeared before the federal court in Baltimore, and pleaded nolo contendere (no contest) to one felony charge, tax evasion, … At the same time, Agnew submitted a formal letter of resignation to the Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, and sent a letter to Nixon stating he was resigning in the best interest of the nation.

    The Democrat party has plenty of clever Lavrentiy Beria wannabes.

  8. Only Biden and Harris stand between Nancy Pelosi and the Presidency…

  9. It ought to be clear by now that Joe is not doing anything intellectual in office; he does what he’s told, and his activities are simplified and brief in nature. There is no complexity to his movements, his words, his actions. His agency is very limited.

    That means the Office of the Presidency is being managed by somebody else. Trump was an animal in that role, 3-4 hours of sleep a night and wearing out his staff, constantly on the move, running traps. We were constantly seeing Trump directing meetings, actively working the problems with his advisors and his cabinet.

    Have we seen Joe in any settings like this? How big is the POTUS team now? Who is the POTUS team now? Who put all those Presidential orders together and articulated those visions? It wasn’t Joe. My bet is that Jill and the team are relishing the opportunity to wield power behind the curtain, away from scrutiny or criticism, away from interfering hands, putting Joe up front to run flak and generate distractions. What a rush, eh? It must be like a drug. They’ll defend that run like terriers, for as long as they can, I’ll bet.

  10. Harris was admitted to the California Bar, right? Twenty-, thirty- or so years ago, right?

    Were bonus points awarded even back then for race? (Must’a’ been a lotta points . . . ) I imagine back then, they did not award bonus points for genitalia.

    Serious question, then: how’d she pass the Bar Exam if she was/is the empty head she appears to be?

  11. M J R:

    Harris did fail the bar exam the first time. So did Michelle Obama.

  12. Perhaps they intend an “Agnew-Nixon-Ford” shuffle to get someone who couldn’t be elected to it as President.

  13. Camille Paglia says it well;

    ‘I had high hopes for Kamala Harris, but she missed a huge opportunity to play a moderating, statesmanlike role and has already imprinted an image of herself as a ruthless inquisitor that will make it hard for her to pull voters across party lines.’

    This was written be 2018;

    By 2020, there was a lot more information about Harris and it continued to erode her image.

    Harris reminds me of a woman who once had a lot of opportunities as a young, attractive person, who never really grew up. I personally find her shrill and not capable of her job.

  14. I thought that Harris was used to help get the black vote for Biden & was convinced she would quickly wear out her welcome & usefulness (because of her incompetence). I expect that she will be replaced by someone whom the Dems want to succeed Biden –– look for Harris to resign for some reason. Maybe they have Michelle in the wings…

  15. Maybe they have Michelle in the wings…

    Magnus Dalen:

    Hey, that’s my refrain! For which I was pied repeatedly back in 2020. Still I wouldn’t count her out, if she and B. could be persuaded.

    It appears whoever is running the Democratic Party these days has decided Harris isn’t viable to run as President in 2024. Pragmatically speaking, I agree.

    Furthermore, given that Biden’s facade of competency could collapse at any time, they need to start laying the groundwork early to push her out.

  16. Maybe they have Michelle in the wings…

    [eyeroll]. Hint: the woman who quit practicing law 30 years ago, the woman who wanted her husband out of elective office so as to be able to take a lucrative position as director of the Joyce Foundation, the woman who likely couldn’t explain to you what she did all day at the office for 17 years (other than pull down a hefty salary to launder the bribes to her husband), the woman who didn’t mind attending fundraisers because you get a lot of great decorating ideas scoping out the homes of wealthy donors, isn’t interested in taking a public office. Nor would ambitious Democratic pols just play dead for her to do so.

  17. That’s a scary thought. Push Kamala out on real or bogus criminal charges, appoint Michelle as VP, then have Biden step down when his health fails or they set him up to fail publicly. Power politics on an epic scale.

    Not to harp on McKinley/Roosevelt, but I’ve heard that TR was put on the McKinley ticket because they were afraid of his populist appeal, and in those days a VP did exactly nothing. It was a neutering gambit. They didn’t plan for an anarchist assassin though.

    At least Teddy actually ran on a presidential ticket. Interestingly, Gerald Ford never did (or not successfully).

  18. [eyeroll]. Hint: the woman who quit practicing law 30 years ago,

    Hint: Joe Biden, corrupt mediocre hack in some stage of dementia and calling lids in the early afternoon, is now President of the United States.

    Michelle doesn’t have to be interested, she doesn’t have to want to be President, she doesn’t have to do anything, except be the figurehead for some shadowy cabal … like Joe Biden.

    PS. You forgot to divide Michelle Obama by the population of the United States so you could say the answer is nothing.

  19. I thought that Harris was used to help get the black vote for Biden

    Very few people are motivated by whose on the bottom of the ticket, Democrats generally carry 90% of the black vote no matter who is at the top of the ticket, and Harris is not actually black.

  20. Hint: Joe Biden, corrupt mediocre hack in some stage of dementia and calling lids in the early afternoon, is now President of the United States.

    Biden spent 40-odd years in elected office and actually wanted the job before he lost his reason.

  21. Art Deco,
    You may well be correct that Michelle has zero interest in the job. But disgruntled Dems would do what exactly to stop Michelle? Complain to a media that adores the Obamas?

  22. Biden spent 40-odd years in elected office and actually wanted the job before he lost his reason.


    I guess you’ve never done something you didn’t want to or never changed a previous decision.

    Hint: Sometimes people do things they don’t want to and change previous decisions. It happens.

  23. Trump says he has made the decision about running in 2024. Being foxy, he didn’t say what that decision was.

    However, one must assume there is a reasonable possibility that Trump will run again. If by 2024 the Biden/Harris administration has made a dog’s breakfast of their term, which is also a reasonable possibility, Democrats could be looking at an electoral disaster in which they lose the White House, the Senate and the House — Everything.

    Not only that, it’s likely they will be looking at a new Trump with blood in his eyes, wiser to the ways of Washington, and understandably seeking big payback. Since the Dems have been playing fast and loose with everything, who knows how vulnerable they will be to a Trump bringing the hammer down.

    Plus there will be millions of angry Trump voters who won’t be in the mood for compromise or bipartisanship. Count me in.

    My point is the Dems will have lost power and be vulnerable to god knows what revelations. Obama himself could be facing considerable damage.

    Given such a scenario, Michelle Obama could be motivated by sheer survival to run for President. On paper, she would be a good choice.

    In 2020 the Obamas could have said to themselves, Hillary can handle this. In 2024 there may be no such option.

  24. As the Democrats ponder who will replace The Cloth Headed Dummy and/or The Ho, people here contemplate Michelle’s prospects. The thought came to me, “It could be worse. It could be raining.”


  25. They knew what she was when was picked. She slept her way to the top. The people who picked her are just as stupid as she it. Screw them all.

  26. I believe this is happening because the left fears a Harris candidacy, and with good reason. No secrets here- Harris is opportunistic and comes across poorly. Harris has yet to demonstrate that she has the abilities required of a leader. Were she to run in 2024, as she almost certainly will if the Dems can’t stop her, Harris’ candidacy will be a boon for Republicans and her defeat practically assured.

  27. Hint: Sometimes people do things they don’t want to and change previous decisions. It happens.

    Such a person wouldn’t be the first one to pop into your head. The Mooch talk is onanistic.

  28. I think the ones in charge, whoever they are, have decided she must be forced out. She is not presidential material. If she should run she would lose; they need a winner.
    I see more and more bad press coming her way, leading eventually to the sordid past with Brown. They will keep it up until she resigns in disgrace and they can place their next candidate in who will then run for president.
    With her emotional makeup, she may not do their bidding, she may dig in her heels and stay with the slander.

  29. Ehhh…at this point, who knows ? Can we even be sure of who is running the Democrat Party at this point, I mean, besides the devil?

  30. Here’s a theory not yet mentioned on the thread.


    Of course, personal animus cannot be ruled out. Harris is very close to the Obamas, with their endorsement of her career going back years. Former President Obama receive rare criticism in the media when he referred to Harris as the best-looking attorney general in the country. He also vigorously endorsed her as Biden’s running mate and throughout the campaign:

    Given the immediate and effusive endorsement of Harris and lagging lukewarm one for Biden, Obama seems to have been a key player in her selection. Recently, Obama claimed that the Biden adminstration is just finishing the work he started using many of the same team members. Could marginalizing Harris be a rebuke for Obama taking credit for Biden’s agenda?

  31. “Michelle Obama … On paper, she would be a good choice.”

    Harris was a good choice. On paper.

    My theory, which I think I stated in another thread here, is that they chose Harris because of George Floyd. They had already decided on a female VP, then after all the furor surrounding Floyd’s death they felt the VP needed to be black as well. They didn’t think it through and are now starting to realize what a loser she is. As is so often the case Dems are proving they are knaves AND fools.

  32. Note that if Obama is trying to take credit for Biden’s agenda, he is dumping on Michelle’s possible chances as a candidate, because even some Democrats don’t like the effects of Biden’s agenda (or the agenda of whoever is running the show, or is perceived as running the show).

    I hope Obama does get credit for the Democrats’ disasters. He started that ball rolling.

  33. It could be part of the payback for her claim that Biden was a racist during the Presidential Primary debates. I would not put this past the Bidens.
    I also feel Jill is protecting her turf—perhaps Joe is cognizant enough that this protects him, too. Gosh, I wish this were a Shakespearean play and we could count the corpses at the end of the play.

  34. While we know Leftists have group think, all on the same goal there still can be power struggles. But they have set up Harris to be President and are going to be hard pressed to not have that happen. Maybe they will try to keep Sundowner propped up for 4 years but I don’t see that happening.

  35. Dr. Jill as replacement VP. She’s already been sitting in the big boy’s chair, getting ready for summits, G7’s, etc. She could be the first female doctor president. First husband and wifeWhite House executives! Vogue would feature her all the more.

    Imagine all the fine documents, treaties, speeches she could pen. Such literary triumphs.

  36. Absent an Agnew type of charge against Harris, and conviction, she isn’t going anywhere. They won’t impeach her, and Biden has no power to remove her from office.

    This is all a political fight aimed at getting Harris to get in line and lower her profile. She has been asserting herself, and inserting herself into things, in ways that were supposed to build up her public image but which are backfiring – due to her incompetence – and making Biden look bad.

    Biden was an inconsequential VP to Obama that most importantly knew his place and knew to stay out of the limelight. Harris hasn’t yet realized that this is the model she is supposed to follow.

  37. I can’t, at this time, see what sort of charge could be brought to force Harris to resign. This is, then, a power struggle between her and the Obama team and whoever is running the Biden team.

    Lord help the country. On this Independence Day, how long can we hope to keep our independence? We’ve got to take the House and Senate next year, for our survival.

  38. “Michelle Obama … On paper, she would be a good choice.” Harris was a good choice. On paper.

    Michelle Obama isn’t a good choice on paper or anywhere else. Harris has at least run campaigns and been in charge of offices with real functions.

  39. I think the ones in charge, whoever they are, have decided she must be forced out. She is not presidential material.

    The Presidency has been occupied of late by Joseph Biden and Barack Obama. In Democratic circles, any random corpse is presidential material.

  40. The only reason Harris got past San Francisco was because of CA’s dysfunctional politics. Her presidential campaign was a humiliating embarrassment. As usual AD cannot suppress his inner Stalin.

  41. Photos dropped yesterday of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Carlos Slim in the VP residence during the Obama years. Apparently Hunter was working on a “business deal” with Mr. Slim. So add Mexico to the list now along with China and Ukraine.

    Maybe the Biden team is expecting more scandalous information to come out.

    Biden is a near-octogenarian president who doesn’t really excite the base and has a veep who has long been considered a rising star in the party (her 2020 follies aside). I can’t imagine that there is much appetite in the Democratic party to ride out a Biden scandal.

    A preemptive weakening of Harris could be a play to keep the party on-board in case things with Hunter get bad enough for the media to notice – or to make it clear to media allies that “noticing” would be a bad idea.

  42. One of the VP’s main communications staffers is Symone D. Sanders. She’s been on TV. She worked for Bernie in ’16 and Biden in ’20.

    I’m embarrassed to say that she is a Creighton alum and Omaha native. She’s a complete idiot and I’ve granted allowances for the fact that she’s a lib.

    She wrote a book. A very bad book. Also dishonest. She worked as an intern at a big downtown Omaha law firm. Outstanding firm. I have friends who work there. She wrote unkind and probably untrue things about the law firm.

    The worst of it was that she asserted she worked for a federal judge and attended depositions. She said the judge was Patricia Lamberty. I know Pat Lamberty as her office used to be across the hall from mine. And she was always a state court judge; not a federal court judge.

    State and federal courts are very different. Moreover, the state courthouse (right across the street from her former law firm) is over 100 years old while the federal courthouse is a brand new marble palace.

    Judges *never* preside over depositions. And did she not think an Omaha lawyer would read her book?

    To think that such a dumb and dishonest person is at the seat of power is disturbing. But I imagine that is the case with most Dems. The VP is less than impressive and POTUS is senile and was always a corrupt dope.

    This is going to turn out very badly for the country. The thing that drives me wild is that China owes us $10 trillion and Joe is eating ice cream. We are no longer a serious country.

    I regularly tweet at Ron Klain and refer to him as the President. Because he is.

  43. Symone Sanders is a senior advisor for former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. A juvenile justice advocate, she formerly served as chair of the Coalition of Juvenile Justice Emerging Leaders Committee and as a member of the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice. She is a former CNN political commentator and been a resident fellow at both Harvard University’s Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School and the University of Southern California’s Center for the Political Future. She lives in Washington, DC.


  44. Or, maybe she’s just a blithering idiot all around (even for the Biden clan), and now that she’s no longer useful to the regime, she’s being shown the door.

    It could be that simple. Or not…


  45. Perhaps the plan, all along, was to get away with the fraudulection, then swap out Harris for some other “unelected/unelectable” choice whom the Dems want in office “permanently” (or so they plan)… THEN Biden will suddenly be “unfit for office”, and step down, giving us yet again another pair of unelected top leaders, as with Ford et al in the 70s.

    … Except the 2024 elections will then be “supervised” by people who will guarantee re-election.

    Welcome to the American Banana Republic.

    I’m assuming Teh One is ineligible to be selected for Veep.

    What about Michelle? I can’t imagine her winning any possible election process, she’s even less pleasant than Harris, and would probably lose her temper in a candidacy-ending fit.

    But if Biden nominates her, she’s “clearly a good substitute”, as a black woman through the Left’s racist lens. And you can guarantee the merdia would go all gaga over her, positively swooning at a third… and fourth… and fifth (i.e., 10y long) Obama admin

    This seems… all too possible the plan all along. >:-/

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