Home » The re-education of the January 6th prisoners


The re-education of the January 6th prisoners — 18 Comments

  1. It’s pathological, perverted, twisted, sick, humiliating, bullying masochistic and extremely troubling that it’s coming from the government of the USA.

    (Other than that…)

    File under: “Come, let me educate you”, said the spider to the fly.

  2. This is very creepy. The Left really is an evil bunch. What makes them truly evil, is that they feel good about what they do!

  3. How can any official in the illegitimate Harris/Biden administration have the temerity to lecture any other nation on its abuses of “human rights” when its thoroughly corrupt FBI and the equally corrupt DOJ have detained dozens of purely political prisoners in a squalid jail, often in solitary confinement, in DC on the most ludicrous charges? Meanwhile, the brazen falsehoods about this country’s “systemic racism” and about the wholly imaginary “lethal threat” from “white supremacy”, and from “domestic extremists” and “right-wing terrorists” (i.e. Trump-supporters and traditional conservatives), provide excellent grist for the mill of anti-American propaganda from the CCP.

  4. The price Anna Lloyd paid for her freedom was the acceptance of a lie.

    “Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” ~ Theodore Dalrymple

  5. Whether in this life or the next, those who imprison political objectors will have no defense when they are called to account.

    In their minds they justify it and that justification will stand as proof of their guilt.

    We are never ‘forced’ to agree to a lie. What we face when forced into a choice between truth (as we understand it) and what we see as a lie, is a choice between reality and illusion. Choosing reality may even mean personal ruin or even the ruin of those we cherish.

    Giving in to evil perpetuates evil, as it assists evil and thus it does convey complicity upon those who, however unwillingly have perpetuated evil.

    It also denies a great truth; the greater the evil, the greater the sacrifice required of good to defeat it.

    “Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.” President John Adams

  6. Possibly having Merrick Garland as a judge on SCOTUS would have been less harmful than having him as AG for 4 years. His power would have been diluted.

    The months’ long solitary imprisonment of hundreds of Jan. 6 protestors/demonstrators receives no coverage from our esteemed Ministry of Propaganda (NYT, WaPo, etc). We do not even know on what charges these prisoners are being held IN SOLITARY. Do you?

    What I do know is the USA is rapidly being converted into another ordinary totalitarian state. That Bill S.1 failed is a mere stumbling block, not a true victory for the Right, by the slimmest of margins.

    And Kamala the border czar will finally visit El Rio, by going to (!) El Paso, where she can peek over the border wall from her chauffered, armored black Suburban on I-10 into grubby Juarez, a view of terrible huts which has not changed in 25 years, that is hardly reflective of what’s occurring at the rural AZ or TX border, where the illegals are slashing their way to the luxuries of federal supportive measures and illegal voting opportunities. She’s going to Beto-land for enlightenment! A quick turn-around, on the ground for just as long as AF-2 refuels.

    It is hard to stay on the sunny side of life; I do not know how Neo manages to do that.

  7. Possibly having Merrick Garland as a judge on SCOTUS would have been less harmful than having him as AG for 4 years. His power would have been diluted.

    The scandal here is that the judges in DC are permitting this. No, it would not be better to have given the odious Garland a lifetime appointment.

  8. Read this article closely and carefully; then, read it again. Neo’s analogy is mostly apt; except I don’t think this story is quite yet in the totalitarian dystopia envisioned in 1984. Rather, it is authoritarian. The main difference is that an authoritarian regime typically doesn’t care what you believe in private; as long as you mouth the right platitudes and never, ever attempt to challenge the regime or any of its minions, you will (likely) be left alone. If you do challenge it, in any way (or if it perceives you to be challenging it, regardless of your intent) there will be severe consequences.

    A totalitarian regime does care what you believe in private, and wants to control and direct every moment of your life, every thought and every feeling you have. That’s 1984; that’s Brave New World.

    What is happening to the 1/6 protestors is authoritarian repression. It is ghastly and reprehensible, but I don’t think rises to the level of totalitarianism. Lloyd may be sincere, or she might just be stating what her lawyer has told her the tribunal and the prosecutors want to hear. Either is suitable to the latter. As long as she keeps spouting this generic lefty pablum, she’ll likely go free (with minimum punishment) in the near future. She can then return to her normal life, as long as she keeps her mouth shut and never, ever, ever says or does anything akin to Wrongthink again. That’s authoritarianism.

    A totalitarian regime would force her to spout its platitudes and devote her life to it for…possibly the rest of her life (or at least a very long time). It would shove her into a bunch of BLM marches and make sure she participated enthusiastically. It would make her cut off all contact with any and all friends, family and acquaintances, who do not openly and passionately support the party line. It would assign her a ‘minder’ to openly keep track of her movements and monitor all of her online activities. Any infraction (this would include simply not proclaiming her devotion and support of the regime enthusiastically enough) would result in a hefty prison sentence.

    We are not at that point…yet. But this is a harbinger of the creeping authoritarianism which will soon be very mainstream.

    We are all Anna Lloyd.

  9. Power vs factual truth. From “Truth and Politics” by Arendt.

    “The chances of factual truth surviving the onslaught of power are very slim indeed; it is always in danger of being maneuvered out of the world not only for a time but, potentially, forever. Facts and events are infinitely more fragile things than axioms, discoveries, theories – even the most wildly speculative ones – produced by the human mind; they occur in the field of the ever-changing affairs of men, in whose flux there is nothing more permanent than the admittedly relative permanence of the human mind’s structure.

    Once they are lost, no rational effort will ever bring them back. Perhaps the chances that Euclidean mathematics or Einstein’s theory of relativity – let alone Plato’s philosophy – would have been reproduced in time if their authors had been prevented from handing them down to posterity are not very good either, yet they are infinitely better than the chances that a fact of importance, forgotten or, more likely, lied away, will one day be rediscovered.”

  10. That the 1/6 interlopers are being classified as “white supremacists” is bizarre. The Trump rally and the incursion had nothing to do with race. This is such a false accusation. But when you realize they are trying to make everything about race and stir up a race war, it all makes sense. The MSM will carry their water and committed Democrats will eat it up like it was real facts. The LIVs will accept it, and only the deplorables will know the truth. I see where they are heading. A race war, which will provide the government cover to attack the deplorables because they are all white supremacists who want to put POC “back in chains.” Civil War II with Biden as Lincoln fighting for the rights of POC.

    They cannot let anyone say the incursion was about election fraud. They want everyone to accept that there was NO election FRAUD. Period!

  11. I fully agree with neo’s take on Biden that she’s expressed in her addendum. But I don’t think that line of thought originated with
    the cognitively declining Biden.

    I strongly suspect he’s repeating, in his own words of course, parts of discussions he’s heard by staff. But now lacks the savvy to keep his mouth shut.

    The possibility of an actual armed rebellion has to have occurred to them and false bravado has to have led some moron to confidently express the view that an insurrection could never succeed because ‘we have the fighter jets, bombers and nukes!’

    WH apparatchiks have to be very nervous about the possible repercussions they may yet face. Nor is that anxiousness limited to those in the adminstration. Pelosi’s fence being guarded by 25,000 troops was and is a clear indication of a fearful mind. One shared by many Congressional democrats. Evidenced by their scurrying out of Congress when no real danger was yet evident. Some were certainly in on the false flag operation but most could not have been, if it was going to work.

    On some level they have to know that they’re playing with fire and they’re all vulnerable to assassinations. They know it’s not possible to be a politician and be entirely protected from mortal threats. Rand Paul and Steve Scalise’s attacks could happen to them as well and they know they’re fomenting outrage among millions of Americans.

    Attacking children for the color of their skin invites retaliation.

    Nor does it matter in their minds that conservatives are law abiding and would only resort to violence in self-defense. Part of human nature is to think that others think as we do and, “the guilty flee where no man pursueth”.

  12. Shaner will be shunned and subject to unprecedented negative scrutiny as word spreads of how she betrayed her clients. I’m not worried about her as her career with be flushing down the toilet in the coming years. She has no idea the hate she’s going to receive for this craven display. What bothers me is the silence of Trump and the Republicans. When Putin says more about the abuse and torture of peaceful protestors, you have a problem.

  13. Correction on that last line – “She Loved Big Biden.”

    They probably threatened to take out her out with F-15s. It begs the question. For all those prisoners in solitary for months, you think they were provided reading materials by Ibram X. Kendi, Jim Acosta and Robin D’angelo? Would it surprise you?

    You also have to wonder. Is our military being made woke and “right-wing extremists” purged so they have forces more with the program of attacking enemy American targets? I’ve never feared for my country more than I do now.

  14. I want everyone on this forum to understand where these monsters come from. These are not uncommon psychopaths. They live next door to you. My mother is a sociopath who starved me and tried to kill me with candy I choked on giving it to me many times. She sent me to the lake alone when I was three and i almost drowned save fro a man who happened to be there. It was a secluded lake. My mother ingratiated herslef with all the teachers and children at my school pretenifn to love me in public. Being charming superficially like ted Bundy.
    The difference between me and you is that I alreafy know this evil and it does not only exist in the elite and most powerful. There are persons without conscience living next door smiling charmingly at you in the elevator or on the street pretending to scarfice themselves for their children while secretly they are pedophiles. You see the macrocosm; I experienced the microcosm. Jeffrey EPstein, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, BLM narcissist do not surprise me at all. I am repulsed and angered because I went no contact with the psychopaths who abused me and I do not like being reminded of such grotesque subhumans. But this is not something that only the elite do. Child abuse is happening right next door to you and you don’t see the signs. That child who is the “problem child” of the family-that is the only family member with a conscience. Most of these abusers are liberals as was the narcissistic clan I was born into. They have no boundaries. They pretend to belive in God -they will go to church faithfully on Christmas and Easter but they hate God. Please turn your attention to the microcosm of abuse. it is the only way to stop it from happening at the top. We must catch these predators before they are allowed to reach the top. How do they reach the top? backstabbing while smiling in your face. Undermining you at your corporate job. They have no conscience ask anyone who grew up with psychopaths. They go undiagnosed and gaslight their children whom are pinned as “patient” in the pseudosienctific psychiatric world. Believe children when they say they are being ritually abused. It happens. How can it happen at the top level and not happen in the home. Think about it.

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