Home » Open thread 5/13/21


Open thread 5/13/21 — 15 Comments

  1. I’m hoping those ‘leaders’ who want to leave the GOP will do so. If they don’t like President Trump I would not vote for them anyway.

    Good riddance.

  2. Tuvea: Agreed. When Biden pushes through DC statehood, Liz Cheney can run for Senate…on the Democrat ticket.

  3. The key to success is sincerity. And once you learn to fake that you’ve got it made.

  4. Liz Cheney is a white oppressor, ancestors may even have owned slaves. She cannot represent the State of Swamp. 🙂

  5. Ready for a tiny hopeful anecdote in the political ocean of our discontent?

    I’ve got an old friend as a house guest this week who’s an iconoclast lefty. That is, he’s not reflexively left, and thinks he’s deeply and thoughtfully discerning and once in a while he is. So he viscerally hated Trump, gleefully voted for Biden, and may or may not have voted a straight Dem ticket last election.

    Chatting this morning he said: “I can’t wait for the 2022 election so I can vote Republican.” After picking my jaw up, he pointed me to this Bill Maher video (7 min.):


    He’s a avid reader and is now trying to read all the books he thinks are likely to be banned or burned: Huck Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc.

  6. When the many Somali were still fairly new to Minnesota, one of the Minneapolis suburbs was hosting English courses in the city hall complex. There was a breakfast and lunch restaurant in the complex. The workers all were women. And they had to tell the Somali students to stop abusing the restaurant workers, or they’d be forbidden to eat there.

    In Somalia, women do not go to restaurants. And women are the lowest class, subject to much abuse from not-women. So, to these Somali women new to the US, anyone who was subservient to them, as polite restaurant workers would be, is lower than low, and thus can be treated with utter contempt.

  7. When the many Somali were still fairly new to Minnesota…..And they had to tell the Somali students to stop abusing the restaurant workers, or they’d be forbidden to eat there.

    My introduction to Somalis was rather different. There was a grad student from Somalia in my engineering major, whom I occasionally talked with in the department’s student lounge. He wrote some interesting articles about Somalia for the student paper, such as how a Peace Corps worker had helped him. I wonder where he ended up. My bet is that he stayed in the US, or if he initially returned to Somalia, he ended up back in the US.

  8. @Gringo:

    That was one Six Sigma Somali you had there. Worth preserving… as in Taxidermy.

    For the rest, well… They have to be Carefully Taught ™.

    Problem is they have congenital learning deficiencies and They Must Go Back ™.

    Somalia for the Somalis! (And nowhere else.)

  9. “Chatting this morning he said: “I can’t wait for the 2022 election so I can vote Republican.”

    Haha I can’t wait for him to come to, after having been left torn and bleeding by the very furies his thoughtful liberality thoughtlessly unleashed.

    That would really give him something to think deeply about, as he lay there on Hell’s doorstep wondering how it came to be that his lifeblood had been spilled out by his own psychic offspring.

    Perhaps, failing that, he can proactively share some of his past justifications with you.

    More productively, and usefully, and boldly, he might even try sharing that video he pointed you towards, with his thoughtful progressive friends. If he is really into acts of contrition and regeneration that is.

    Otherwise, he just wanking.

  10. “I can’t wait for the 2022 election so I can vote Republican.” – TommyJay

    I was thinking the Democrats are gonna need a bigger fleet of fake ballot trucks.

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