Home » Britain: voter ID for general elections will be mandatory


Britain: voter ID for general elections will be mandatory — 16 Comments

  1. I recently obtained a P.O. box from my local post office. I had to provide two, separate forms of identification. At least one had to be a government issued, photo ID. Both had to show my legal address.

    Just to rent a 3″ x 5.5″ by 12″ mailbox.

  2. How many American leftists (who usually admire our northern neighbor) are even aware that, in Canadian federal elections, paper ballots are counted by hand in the presence of scrutineers (Dominion, nominally a Canadian company, not being used)? It should be obvious to any intelligent and rational person that the only reason for leftists to oppose recent efforts to minimize fraud in the electoral process (by cleaning the rolls and by requiring ID) is the understanding amongst “progressives” that voter fraud (along with a policy of open borders in order to create reliable voters in the future, not to mention incessant propaganda from all quarters ) is an important component of the Democratic strategy to ensure permanent one-party (mis)rule.

  3. Rufus T Firefly:

    Well, that won’t do! There were reports of people who lived in commercial mail drops in 2020; that’s where they voted from. Those tiny boxes are too small to house even a single person, much less an extended family. Such a systematically unjust country, the USA. (sarc)

  4. Hmmm, would you by any chance be calling the Democratic Party deceitful?
    Devious? Ruthless?

    OK, you want deceitful? You want devious? You want ruthless?
    Well, here it is!
    Elegantly deceitful!
    Exquisitely devious!!
    Breathlessly ruthless!!!
    …Makes the Russiagate masterpiece and the Election piece-de-resistance look like child’s play… Heeeere’s Barack Obama at the pinnacle—the very apex—of his (malevolent) talent:

  5. Just yesterday I had to provide photos of front and back of my driving license in order to rent an Airbnb home. Virtually everything other than one of the most important acts in a participatory “democracy” requires a government-issued ID.

  6. J.E.,

    I’d never heard of “scrutineer” before, but now I very much want to be one. I’d love having that listed as my occupation on my business card.

    “Rufus T. Firefly – Scrutineer!”

  7. Republicans should do the comparison you did and then show one every week or so. This week, US vs France; next week US vs Denmark, etc. People need to see that the US is really the outlier. Maybe they should also publish this abroad, so that foreigners will laugh at us. Maybe some will even stop getting their US info from CNN.

  8. Bravo for Britain!

    It’s my understanding that European countries eschew mail-in ballots precisely because of the possibility (probability) of fraud.

  9. expat,

    That’s a great idea*!

    *However, you are forgetting that the Republican party is completely clueless regarding communication and salesmanship.

  10. I’m pretty sure you need an ID to purchase a firearm. Guess Libs are ok with minorities being denied certain constitutional rights. Consistency was never their strong suit.

  11. The inmates and criminals are in charge. Neither group will peacefully relinquish power. There’s no safe place to escape to, no land across a vast sea in which to find refuge. The inmates and criminals are intent upon America’s destruction and the LIVs are clueless. This cannot end well.

  12. Speaking from the other side of the pond, this isn’t really solving a problem that we have particularly. There just aren’t too many issues with our in-person voting (ballot paper marked in pencil, counted by hand). Granted, it’s not going to hurt anything either.

    There is another side to our voting system that I think keeps our elections clean(-er) – that you have to re-register every year, and if you don’t the default is that you’re removed from the Electoral Roll. That means the voting rolls are auto-cleaning essentially.

    Being registered to vote at your home address is also a major factor in your credit score, so there’s actual personal incentive to be registered correctly.

    Has been interesting watching US elections though, mostly in the way you can’t keep your eyes off a car crash. So much of it is “Wait, what? How or why is that allowed?”

  13. “I’m pretty sure you need an ID to purchase a firearm. Guess Libs are ok with minorities being denied certain constitutional rights. Consistency was never their strong suit.” – RockMeAle

    They don’t want anyone to have legal, aka openly purchased according to state and federal regulations whether Constitutional or not, firearms.
    They are fine with illegal, aka stolen or similarly acquired, weapons for their own folks.
    Their only consistency is what serves their agenda.

  14. In some states, IDs are free. Not drivers licenses, or “Real IDs” but and ordinary state ID.

    So the argument about cost of getting one is bogus.

  15. Democrats believe that black people are too dumb, or too lazy, to get a driver’s license or state ID.
    And I’m the racist?

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