Home » Obama’s nature


Obama’s nature — 17 Comments

  1. Some of this makes me think of Kamala Harris. Without the ability, or maybe motivation, to be charming, of course.
    They both rose to prominence through alliance with major state level pols; but, presumably by offering different enducements to their benefactors.

  2. I have a friend that has decided to call the people running Joe Biden and the government The Cabal as in “The Cabal decided to have Joe bomb syria.”

    I think that they want to keep Joe rolling until there is a good reason to hang him out to dry. A massive economic disaster or something like that so they can say we didn’t realize Joe had completely lost it, it is not really the Democrat party’s fault that this bad thing happened.

  3. Good review.

    One of the possibly underestimated people in Obama’s past is Bill Ayer’s father, Thomas Ayers. CEO of Commonwealth Edison, and a board member to many big corps., he was wealthy and powerful. I believe I read that Thomas had assisted Obama’s admission into Harvard, but I might be wrong.

    Another interesting item was Pres. Obama campaigning for Alexi Giannoulias’ election to the US Senate. While never indicted, Alexi had been working at the bank his father founded, not long before it became insolvent while loans to guys like Tony Rezko were being made. I always wondered why a Pres. Obama would risk tarnishing his reputation by associating with a Giannoulias.

    There is also Obama’s academic record. How is it possible that perfect secrecy has been maintained, and why? Imagine that his record shows a B or even a B- average. Would anyone care? I don’t think so. So why? How bad must it be? Is it worse than just a low grade point?

  4. Obama has never in his entire adult life held a real job; that is, a job in which one’s PERFORMANCE determines success/failure, as opposed to a political and/or bullshit job (e.g., community organizer) in which one’s personality, demeanor and public speaking skills are all that matter; a job in which there are no “hard” measures of success or failure.
    A real good example of this sort of phony bullshit artist is Pete Buttegieg; he has a ready response to any question one may pose.

    Yea, let’s be clear; if Obama was not black, he never would have been admitted to Columbia or Harvard. He is a prime example of the downside of affirmative action.

    He is an ideologue and everything he believes is based upon his pseudo-religious leftist belief system. His ENTIRE world view is based upon his ideology that proclaims all the world’s problems are because of the USA (and the UK, France, Spain) , racism, imperialism and capitalism.

    He, like most hard core leftists is immune to facts. In his worldview EVERYTHING is a result of inequities imposed upon the world by capitalism, imperialism and racism.

    He is a Joe Stalin, minus the mass exterminations, He , Obama, will do and say anything to attain power and influence. He is a first rate manipulator and deceiver.

    Check out some of the common characteristics of clinical psychopaths; they too are expert manipulators.

    Lastly, anyone totally embedded within a political theology, as were Hitler, Lenin Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, OBAMA, etc. , must have real personal / ego issues that manifest themselves by their zeal to have control over other everybody else.

    Not sure why this is; perhaps personal feeling of inadequacy- who knows. But Obama has made no bones about “fundamentally transforming” the American Society in a way that conforms to his worldview.

    If he were truly a confidant, THINKING individual that was motivated to actually do real good -as opposed to merely seeking fame, influence and wealth – , he would have been able to (or at least tried to) make substantive positive changes within Chicago’s inner city.
    You will recall, he (and Michelle -it’s been a struggle- Obama ) did not do one FUCKING thing to help the vast vast majority of the law abiding denizens of that deadly shithole. Not one FUCKING thing to change / improve the horrible educational system in south Chicago.
    He did not give a FUCK. If you think I am wrong, check out the his policies re: the Washington, DC Scholarship Program when he was president.

    Sorry for my French, but sometimes I just lose it.

  5. It’s essentially impossible to evaluate Obama’s abilities because he has almost always operated in an environment where virtually the entire media/political establishment was aligned to support him. How would Obama function if he faced 1/4th the scrutiny and pushback that Donald Trump got every day in office?

    Probably the best judgment of Obama is that he, like George W. Bush, managed to win two terms in office, then didn’t just see the other party win but actually ushered in a replacement that was a radical repudiation of his tenure.


  6. Ruthless.
    Utterly dishonest.
    Brilliantly manipulative.

    There are those who know it and love him for it.
    And those who prefer not to know.
    And those who simply don’t care (though they might down the road).

  7. You didn’t lose it John Tyler. You deliberately wrote that. I guess people now think it is sophisticated to use the most vulgar language in public. It has become endemic and systemic within the celebrity class, for instance.

    And no, I am not overly prudish. During my 25 years in the Navy I heard plenty of vulgarity in certain settings. And used some. It seemed obligatory, for instance, among Bosuns. It was shrugged off because they were, well Bosuns. They had to work within the limits of their vocabulary. Even now, I occasionally “lose it” myself, within certain limits. But, I am also conscious of who may be listening.

    Different times, different standards. But please, don’t insult the readers with lame excuses.
    By the way, just so you know; that wasn’t French.

  8. TommyJay,

    My guess regarding the transcripts is that his admission to Columbia shows foreign citizenship and he and his handlers were worried about that hurting his Presidential bid as well as muddying the waters with the whole “birth certificate” thing. His stepdad is Indonesian and Barack lived there for awhile with his mother. Many years ago I read Columbia was a common entry College for kids with foreign passports. Barack also wrote about visiting Pakistan in one of his many memoirs. At the time he traveled in Pakistan U.S. citizens could not typically get visas. The theory is Barack was able to go because he has Indonesian citizenship.

  9. There is an unfortunate tendency to elevate totemic Magical Woodpile Denizens, even on our side of politics. Actually especially on our side of politics because so many Cuckservative ‘Good People’ abound.

    They’re just people in dat dere Woodpile. Some good ‘uns and a whole passel you really don’t want living next door to you. When a particular exemplar can manage a sharp crease in his pants legs and sound forth from a teleprompter in words of three, yea even unto the number of four syllables — well what you need to do is metaphorically drop your magical individual in an imaginary vat of bleach and then listen as sceptically as if he had had the gross misfortune to have been born white. Same goes for all other aspects of his nebulous history.

    Obama is some kind of moderately high functioning narcissist with a great deal of racial animus for Whitey. Blindingly obvious that his path has been smoothed before him every step of the way and that after winning office he was mostly a rubber stamp for things his handlers put in front of him. Has clearly never done an honest day’s work and wouldn’t know what one was if it bit him on the posterior. I’m not saying that he doesn’t have ideas of his own, or that he’s a total blank slate… just that he’s clearly not anyone’s idea of a driven workaholic. As a very willing front man for an Inner Party faction of very dangerous individuals, he works just fine.

  10. Oh… got a bit sidetracked there… I really should learn to get to the point. His *nature*, you say?


  11. Rufus,
    That is not bad. The political incorrectness of dual citizenship for a presidential candidate is why they buried the transcripts. I’m relatively sure he was born on US soil, but doesn’t mean he couldn’t have dual citizenship.

  12. I think you make good points, but in many respects he shows incompetence. For example, the Obamacare rollout.

  13. Obama absolutely in charge of his administration. The Chicago Democrat machine was in charge of Obama. Valerie Jarret was there to monitor him and report his activities to the mob, and to relay their instructions to him. The mob was probably not all that interested in policy questions, as long as enough graft income was generated.

  14. The lightbulb light started to dawn on me (malapropism) when in ‘09 President Barack Obama signed off on the Native American Apology Resolution as part of a defense appropriations spending bill.
    As an Alaskan Native I was more than dismayed that this highly significant and meaningful event went over like a lead balloon. Did anyone even hear about it? The insult of mostly checking this duty off his to-do list steamed me! The blinders went off. What a deep deep disappointment. Trudeau, for his part, did the same gesture (formal apology to Indigenous people) in a very heartfelt and very public speech. Barack went out and did his shameless unremarkable PR stunt…still burns me up! Ultimately- or at least later…Benghazi. No turning back. He’s now essentially an “influencer”. Loathsome scary, somewhat manufactured persona but actual power behind the throne? Remember his made up college white girlfriend story? Who does 3 memoirs? We’ve deserved so much better-SO much better. *I voted for him once-Hope/Change gimmick really worked. Tragically.

  15. getting and keeping power and pushing for more of it.

    Reminds me of the scene in Gladiator, where the Emperor is being killed by his son (Commodus). The son discusses his own good points, including ambition, which the general supporting father didn’t appreciate.

    Funny how the snobs say they hate Trump because he’s a narcissist, yet fail to even judge Obama’s narcissism. Which I call worse, because he dishonestly tries to hide it.

    Obama has the BEST sounding VOICE in politics I’ve ever heard. Better than Reagan, better than Kennedy. The acoustic quality is superb – and his speech writers plus his own talent made it easy to love his speaking, if you didn’t hate his policies (which I hated).

    The Godfather is about getting and keeping power – and Obama knows it and is ruthless about it – while appearing mild and reasonable.

    BLM (Burn Loot Murder …) started with Obama’s support of Trayvon Martin’s attack on Zimmerman, trying to beat him to death but getting shot. Making the Black aggressor the victim.

    We should be calling them snobs, not elite. So the snobs hate Trump, both snob Dems and snob Republicans. The snobs are in control of the gov’t, which itself is full of wannabe snobs who don’t quite make it, but get close (with gov’t cash!). Snobs also control academia, media especially Hollywood, and journalism – the “poor snobs” whose snobbishness is based on moral superiority of speaking the Truth. Which they mostly don’t do anymore.

    Obama is running Biden.

    I do sometimes dream of a Rep US President having a Rep Congress and … impeaching Obama (so he can’t run for Senate! or … get appointed to anything, anyway) for some of his crimes. Nahh, sadly, ain’t gonna happen. Not even if Trump gets a newly created Florida seat in the House of Reps and the Reps take control … prolly not that either.

    Those against the irrational anti-Trumpers should call them snobs. Many working folk want to be “elite”, like Trump – but not a snob, like Obama.

  16. “But way back before Obama was elected, when I was first learning about him, I read up on his past and got a cold, cold chill. ” – Neo


  17. “There is also Obama’s academic record. How is it possible that perfect secrecy has been maintained, and why? Imagine that his record shows a B or even a B- average. Would anyone care? I don’t think so. So why? How bad must it be? Is it worse than just a low grade point?” – TommyJay

    The speculation about the dual-citizenship (or even that he terminated his American rights, as Cruz did his Canadian ones) has generally persuaded me that is why the transcript was deep-sixed during his campaigns; what impresses me more is the tight discipline that has KEPT it completely hidden all this time.

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