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Sanity Squad’s latest — 9 Comments

  1. Looking at it from a military perspective, Neo. You are correct, the Euro backlash suffers from logistics problems. Besides, the Muslims rioters and subversives have the advantage. They have a plan, they know what their end game is. Siggy is correct that there will be some backlash when the economy crashes and people let out the inner rage at the Left and the Muslims. However, in a military standpoint, the Muslims are more violent, more organized, and with greater mob strength. This will overwhelm the French counter-riots.

    Iran, Syria, they are right now, I assure you, planting cells and guerrila trainers in France. Training militia, waiting, waiting. When they attack, it will be a surprise to the French police and military. Then it will be over, because the French have not the WILL to fight. They will give up if they get a deal, dhimmitude.

    As for your question about Peters, Neo. The backlash will probably be in the form of counter-riots and gang violence. Fights. Looting. As the economy goes down, more people will join in the streets. But the French are not strong enough, not ruthlessness enough compared to the strength of the Muslims. When what we have seen and fought with in Iraq, comes to France, France will cave, immediately. They will try to defend themselves, but they have not the will nor the ability.

    They don’t even have the fire of the Russians, and the Russians are a has been empire.

  2. The Muslims are planning a coup de tat in France, the subversion of the French government, and rigged elections.

    If it was just political correctness, then you could fight it. But political correctness is dangerous because it OPENs the gates for the fortress. It is the barbarians that you fight, but you can’t fight it if the PC boys open the gates.

  3. Like I said, Neo, with your comment on the Chuch Hagel piece. Go far enough left, hit the right. Far enough right, hit left. Whether you are talking about Rightist isolationists or Leftists isolationists, same deal. They got different goals they say, but the psychological triggers are similar.

    There are some people on that right like Chuch, which are very very close to the Left. Then there are those who are just short of the Left, because they are closer to the middle, but still on the right.

  4. I believe in military power, Neo. Political power to me is simply military power, the ability to control the government, the ability to control the services, the ability to protect the people. Military-government.

    I cannot really rely upon Siggy’s emphasis on moderate institutions. My idea of a foundational institution is West Point.

    All the things you 4 discussed concerning how hard it is for moderate Muslims to rise up and then get their heads cut off, are correct. The solution? Military power, because words do not safeguard you but soldiers do. By going to the Middle East and protecting the women and the children and the moderates with the world’s most powerful armed forces, you cut out the time loop required for the Arabs to build their own military force as Ataturk did in Turkey.

  5. Iran’s our sworn enemy???? Hello!, Iran is a puppet state of the western intelligence agencies.

    Ever heard of Iran-Contra? Iraq Gate? Just do the research and you will learn that our government and British intelligence have colluded to do business with our so called enemy.

    I mean common…stop ignoring history. Iraq Gate where the Pentagon in collaboration with large weapons contractors were selling WMD’s including bioweapons to Iran and Iraq. Iran Contra where we were trafficking warheads to the Mullahs.

    Dont forget our CIA in synchrony with MI6 installed the Sha and proped up the Islamic fundamentalist Ayatollah.

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