Home » Of all things for John Brennan to be “increasingly embarrassed” about…


Of all things for John Brennan to be “increasingly embarrassed” about… — 35 Comments

  1. Brennan really should go back to the role he was born to play – giant moai head on Easter Island that never says anything. He’s just useless for any other purpose. He’s not even a good lefty conspirator. The only reason his obvious treasonous bumblings haven’t been prosecuted is because of the deep state double standard.

  2. I am very embarrassed that John Brennan is a fellow citizen. In short, I am very embarrassed that John Brennan and I have anything in common, be it US citizenship, ethnic background, or anything.

    I am very embarrassed that the CIA hired someone who admitted voting for the CPUSA Presidential candidate- must have been Gus Hall- in 1976. Decades after the fact, I found out that the father of a high school classmate spent a decade not just as a member of the CPUSA, but as an operative of the CPUSA. Even he had the smarts to leave the CPUSA and also stop voting for its candidates after Nikita Kruschev’s 1956 speech on Stalin.

  3. Brennan, I dubbed him arvin sloane after the antagonist in alias, is a nasty sort, I don’t know if he went native after his assignment in the 80s in the kingdom, and he’s not going to admit it, but he burned a once in a life asset the saudis and the brits had put inside al queda, he may have burned another one, aimen dean, in a off the record conversation with susskind, another fantasist, back in 2006. after the bureau went through the entire ap directory, they pegged a low level contractor who didn’t have the clearances or the contacts, to tell ap and cnn, he inspired the novella i’ve been writing, sort of departed in the desert,

  4. I’m embarrassed that my country twice elected a President who made this commie head of the CIA.

  5. As a white male and a human being I loathe you John Brennan and wish you on some other benighted race and gender. Take James Clapper and John Kerry with you as well.

  6. I’ll steal a line from Instapundit: we’re not that thrilled to have him in the club.

  7. FOAF:
    Are you surprised? It was all part of Obama’s “fundamental transformation”. That Brennan has not been charged with any federal crime, and maintained his top-level security clearance for a long time after ceasing federal employment shows the depth and strength of the Deep State, Democrats all.

    Do not look to Chris Wray to go after this POS; his Fibbies are too busy arresting US citizens who had the gall to “invade” the Capitol, 800 of them vs 1200 Capitol cops, some of whom helped the citizens gain access.

  8. Well Brennan can go F himself. If he is really as troubled as he says, he can solve his problem by killing himself.
    The citizens of the USA will be the beneficiaries .

    Some earlier comments mention communists.

    I suggest you read, “Witness,” by Whitaker Chambers and three books by Ron Radosh ( a former 1960s hard core leftist radical); “Commie;” “The Rosenberg Files;” and “Red Star Over Hollywood.”

    Radosh describes attending well known communist public schools and summer camps in NYC and NY State, respectively in the 1950s. When I read this, I could literally not believe this was so. After all, this commie mumbo-jumbo was all supposed to be some fictional bullshit from that right wing wacko, Joe McCarthy.

    Like most folks, I believed that the commie witch hunts of Joe McCarthy were the action of a right wing wacko Senator who imagined non-existent wide spread communist infiltration of the US govt. and within other areas of US society.

    The first two books, which I read, really have me wondering if McCarthy was really on to something- I now think he was, but his methods and the response of the “deep state” conspired to make it appear he was just right wing wacko.

    “Witness” describes how the author joined the CPUSA in the late 1920s ( Joe McCarthy at this time was either in high school or in college) and soon after began spying for the USSR in cooperation with Soviet spies within the US govt.

    Radosh , when he was still a hard core leftist radical, wanted to write a book PROVING that the Rosenbergs were innocent; he found otherwise. In fact, he was warned by a fellow communist NOT to pursue his book, because of what he, Radosh, would learn.

    Anyway, what I would at one time generally accept as “accurate” history, I know believe that the history is not so black and white.

  9. If he’s so embarrassed, he can always transition or identify differently

    He wouldn’t be any uglier than Richard Levine, and it would be a gateway to getting back on the government payroll.

  10. I don’t need a Weatherman to tell me there’s a cold wind blowing in Hell today.

    *Looks significantly at Om and Art+Deco*

    I think I could get on board with an expedited transitioning of John Brennan. He’d have to thank us afterwards, wouldn’t he?

    If you want a vision of the future, it’s Richard Levine doing Drag Queen Story Hour with your grandkids on his knee — forever.

    Glass Half Full Thought: Better a Richard than a James Levine.

  11. Not for a second would I consider Brennan to be sincere in his ’embarrassment’. Most likely, he’s angling for a position in the Xiden administration and seeking to burnish his PC credentials by acknowledging his ‘shame’ at having benefited from his “white privilege”. To call him a slimeball is to insult slime.

  12. “If you want a vision of the future, it’s Richard Levine doing Drag Queen Story Hour with your grandkids on his knee — forever.”

    That’s a pretty funny line, right there.

  13. @JohnTaylor:

    Their side gets all the good writers, editors, producers, gatekeepers. Oh, especially the gate keepers. The best of us are plodders.

    Ron Radosh is no E L Doctorow (The Book of Daniel).

  14. It is. But James Levine, land sakes, I remember vaguely that there was a scandal of such-and-such around him, but I don’t remember what. I just remember him as the conductor at the Met, and I’m okay with leaving it there for old times’ sake. At least he made my mother happy from time to time, unlike some other predatory people around these parts.

  15. Dr. Levine isn’t very convincing as a woman, it seems to me. Dr. Levine hasn’t invested much effort into looking attractive as a female. I’ve seen photos of Richard Levine, who was a normal, nice-looking, although not “handsome” guy. Rachel Levine is just a mess. And you guys are making me laugh. Put that hair on John Brennan, and indeed, you’re onto something.

  16. @Phillip Sells:

    Let’s just say that he was a Very Naughty Boy. He and the Mafioso during their joint reign did keep the Met’s productions mostly pretty sane and sensible with not too much in the way of turning (say) The Marriage of Figaro into an onstage BDSM orgy, so there’s that.

    Whole thing got damped down double quick fast. Some Animals are more equal than others.

  17. Rachel Levine has a devoted following on Gab. But I must warn those of you of a sensitive bent that it ain’t pretty. Then again nor is he.

  18. Kate:

    Jacqueline Brennan in black vinyl chaps, heels, bullwhip, that’s a picture. The whole BDSM thing. He’s so embarrassed. 🙂

  19. Zaphod:

    That’s our Jacqueline. Top secret secrets after all. What does she know about Johnny Boy Roberts?

    “Art” of the last century, what is there to miss?

  20. Om:

    What is there ought not be missed, you say…

    *Marcel Duchamp raises a tentative hand*

  21. It is. But James Levine, land sakes, I remember vaguely that there was a scandal of such-and-such around him, but I don’t remember what.

    My recollection is that it consisted of allegations of a discrete set of homosexual trysts and pesterings which occurred over a period of > five decades. The objects were late adolescent and above. Also much hand wringing that Anthony Bliss et al ‘must have known’, blah blah. Garden variety grossness with which bien pensants usually profess to be down. It was enough to get the corporation to issue a series of humiliations of him.

  22. Art Deco, aha, I see. Well, that’s not good, to be sure, but still, his rendition of the Ring cycle must count for something in the balance, yes, maybe…….?

    Five decades… man, he must have had a bucketful of spare hormones to burn off. LOL.

  23. As Harvey Weinstein said, when the first accusation surfaced, he was going to devote himself to going after the NRA. He was looking for some woke credit/teflon.
    I see the same thing here; Brennan is looking for some woke credit/teflon.

  24. Cicero: no not surprised that Obama appointed communists since that was his major political influence.

  25. John Brennan seems to have emerged into public view in his early mid fifties, pre-aged and the very image of a physical and moral wreck.

    I suppose it is possible that he suffered grave injuries during years of derring-do CIA assignments.

    But the guy is an odd one in any event, as others have noticed.

    In his recent warning to Americans regarding extremist threats to “our democracy”, he not only infamously included libertarians in his rogues gallery, but simultaneously gave some evidence of having taken elocution lessons from Christine Blasey Ford.

    The mockery about him “transitioning” may strike closer to the bull’s eye than intended. In any case, it was deserved. He is one of the most foul presences on an American political and social scene replete with moral and political degenerates.

  26. he has shown his strangelove twist, in citing al quds, when referring to jerusalem, and being an utter tool of the qatari and iranian lobbies, but that’s half of dc, and three fourths of the academics, on his watch we had the boston san bernardino and orlando attacks, all tied to salafi islamists,

  27. Brennan is a nasty piece of work. Unfortunately, he apparently has plenty of company in the national security state.

    On that subject, an excellent piece by the aforementioned Max Morton (or “Max Morton”?) at American Greatness:


    Extended excerpt on the importance of nullification at the state and local level:

    “For red-state governors, legislators, and other locally elected officials concerned with the peace and well-being of their people, now is the time to begin discussing nullification. We need to take a hard look at withdrawing state and local resources from federal entities that have already set their intent to target citizens for the crime of thinking differently. Those local resources can be redirected to protect and serve the interests of their local communities, instead of the ruling elites in Washington, New York, and Silicon Valley.

    In his recent testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, [Merrick] Garland made it clear that his Justice Department will not be focusing counterterrorism operations on the individuals and groups red-state citizens see as actual threats to their security and prosperity. Given that, the risks outweigh the benefits for red states to maintain and support federal terrorism task forces that present a potential threat to their citizens. If states are to pursue nullification, this is the place to start.”

    Read the whole thing. JR Dogman suggested similar (extreme federalism) many threads ago on this forum.

  28. miguel cervantes:

    Those were all incidents of hostile work environments or hostile cultures that were oppressive to the “other.” Fixed it for you (not). 🙂

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