Home » Obamacare was the turning point for the American left


Obamacare was the turning point for the American left — 52 Comments

  1. If things proceed as you indicate above, then the two Georgia Senate election results will be remembered as very significant. Georgians knew what was at stake and the consequences, so I have to say, like the de Blasio re-election, this is what the electorate genuinely wants.

  2. What’s happened? What’s going to happen? Well stated answers, Neo.

    But how to defeat these salami tactics? Medicine is being collectivised and dumbed down because that became Obama policy.

    Future medicine must be smart and targeted medicine, not scattershot unsustainable fake insurance.

  3. In the process the left learned that, with the help of a compliant press, they could get away with it.

    There is so much packed into that statement. Sadly, it is no longer a compliant press but a fully participatory press. It was a bit then, yet old habits of pretense meant they were at least embarrassed to be caught being bias but not anymore. Now they revel in participating in the lies.

  4. “They want to transform the US further, even if it’s only by a margin of one vote.” neo

    It’s a virtual certainty that at some point, the democrat’s will end the filibuster and start shoving their tyranny down the throats of those not on board with their planned utopia.

    It’s a certainty because no collectivist ideology can tolerate individual disagreement that refuses to comply.

    That’s when the SHTF. As a refusal to face the imposition of Orwell’s 1984 will no longer be sustainable. And make no mistake, however unintended the consequences, that’s where all collectivist ideologies end up.

  5. Obama was, not Obamacare…
    once they got such a communist with such creds in the past in and could hide and obfuscate it, they knew they won…

  6. I fear that evil will become triumphant. Because the press has convinced people that they want evil to win.

  7. Agree with the Dodger:

    Over the last 20 years enough eventful @#$% has stuck to the ectoplasm that we have increasingly been able to make out the broad outlines of this monstrous unnatural beast that looms over us. Obamacare was in there, yes.

    My metaphor isn’t very good because it’s not just us becoming aware of The Beast, it’s also the Beast awakening, becoming self-aware, and discovering its potentialities. In that sense, Obamacare showed us that a Supreme Court Justice could be suborned… Did it show the Beast this too, or had the Beast known and been at that trick for a while already? We’ll never know.

  8. It’s such a shame that so many citizens worked hard to rollback OCare… only to see GOPe leaders betray them

  9. Dinesh D’souza agrees with Neo. But frames it more broadly in his interview with John Solomon in his latest podcast. In his eyes, the Left has never had control of national political levers AND the culture, except briefly under Obama.

    Solomon gives us long portions of it in text.

    “I think it happened in stages. You know, I saw this, actually, 30 years ago on the campus. And my first book, which was ‘Illiberal Education,’ a kind of exposé of political correctness on the campus, I began to realize the vulnerability of the students because they were at the mercy of their professors and the administrators. But the campus to me, at that time, I saw it as kind of an asylum, a lunatic asylum. And not only me, everybody else thought that way,” D’Souza said.

    “When C. Vann Woodward, the Yale historian, wrote a favorable review of my book in ‘The New York Review of Books,’ the predominant response from liberals was, ‘No, no, no, no, no, this can’t be going on. It’s too insane. Dinesh is just exaggerating the situation,’ and so on. But I thought that this was an anomaly of campus subculture. I think the significant development of our time has been the kind of metastasization of campus culture into American culture.”

    D’Souza continued, “So now the media plays the role of the professors. And you know, and the political establishment plays the role of the deans. And digital media, of course, is the equivalent of the old campus speech code. And so suddenly, we’re living in an America that has become an asylum in which intolerance is now the order of the day. So I think that’s been brewing for some time, now, but what was once in confined enclaves has now become the state of our society.”

    The illiberalism in universities originated in a debate on Marxism a hundred years ago, D’Souza said.


    The solution? Build our own infrastructure for culture. An ecosystem for the Right.

  10. It was a turning point for me. Until then, I’d assumed their silly plans could damage the country, but not me. After that, I considered them serious threats to my own financial stability and safety.

  11. Dinesh D’Souza is not to be taken seriously. Grifter. I’d say much predictably more but am on best behaviour today because having too much fun with Open Thread.

    Beyond ridiculous. The ‘Cathedral’ (see Yarvin/Moldbug) has been in charge since Wilson and arguably longer.

  12. Zaphod – you are not being engaged or serious. I’m calling “ridiculous!” on you. Pot, see kettle.

  13. @TJ:

    With all due respect, D’Souza is a nasty piece of sleazy grifting alien work who should (a) not be in the USA and (b) has no place telling poor bloody Legacy Americans how to live, vote, or much of anything at all.

    I *am* being engaged and serious in this case. Sometimes engaged and un-serious when playing at Holy Fool, and sometimes doubtless a Damned Fool into the bargain.

    Email Fellow American Dinesh and ask him to write an article in NR supporting your Natural Right of Free Association to form a club expressly forbidding membership to anyone with Indian Subcontinental Ancestry or (random pick) females of any race.

    He’s not a ‘Conservative’ — whatever that is in this debased Current Year.

    As for his trite blather on the seeds of present day liberalism, life is too short to go into that here. He’s the kind of guy who offers you an aspirin for headache when you present with a Glioblastoma IV. He wouldn’t *dare* go near the root causes of the problems which are canker in the very roots of Enlightenment Liberalism — that might lop off the very remunerative branch he sits on and lectures us from. And yes, I enjoy mixing metaphors. So sue me.

    Anyway, welcome to disagree with me. You’ll probably end up to the right of me when reality bites 😀

  14. Obamacare as the turning point….maybe. More likely now that Obama has his 3rd term, that is the real turning point. No doubt in my mind who is pulling Biden’s strings.

  15. Future medicine must be smart and targeted medicine, not scattershot unsustainable fake insurance.

    What I see, as a retired surgeon, is that Obamacare destroyed the existing system. Doctors now, especially primary care, are unhappy and resentful. I go to an internist who is supposed to be good but he is a bit of a jerk. Obviously a Democrat. My wife went to see him as a new patient after her other internist decided to go to a cash (concierge) practice. After one interview, in which he told her that the HCQ she has taken for seven years for her rheumatoid arthritis is “dangerous.” 500 million people take it every day for malaria prophylaxis but the Democrats demonized it because Trump.

    I told her to go back to the guy who is going to cash. She is a nurse practitioner with three degrees. Medicine has been destroyed.

  16. I haven’t seen a my primary care Dr since Obama care came into effect. In fact I haven’t even seen the nurse practitioner since the covid mess. Only phone calls.

    How are you feeling?
    Good … talk to you again in 6 months!

    All the time paying the same bill!

  17. It’s a bit intellectually lazy to omit from this argument both the Bill Frist era as well as Mitch McConnell implementing the most obstructive and strategical manipulation of the legislative process in history.

    Remembering Frist, the GOP in power basically said to either give them their way or they’d nuke the filibuster process. And when Mitch was in the minority, he took obstructing judges to an entirely new level which forced Dems to make changes as otherwise, they couldn’t fill seats that even ultimately gained 100-0 Senate approval.

    It’s certainly hard for anyone of reasonable intellect to argue any justification in the refusal to seat Obama’s SCOTUS pick and then the instant change of rules to seat Trump’s pick.

    McConnell has rendered the filibuster rule useless and outdated and that’s where the blame lies. Whatever changes Dems make and whatever results occur will be because of Mitch’s ruthless and shameless power grab.

    The filibuster is on it’s death bed. The demise will come either by Democrats or by Republicans, whichever has enough votes at the time and finds it advantageous at that time.

    On another note as to the only reason why Mitch didn’t push for the change in 2017 is because there was no need at that time. His only interest was to fill the empty court seats that he denied Democrats from doing under Obama. He had no interests in legislation and what little he did want (the tax bill comes to mind) he was able to do by the reconciliation rule which allowed an up and down 50 vote majority.

  18. Ronald Ward:
    Your comment is foolish.
    The Democrats are the new Communist Party. They created it themselves. Blaming any Republican, including ol’ Mitch, is a grievous error.
    I hope you’ll be happy in the days to come. The “fundamental transformation of America” continues, full steam ahead.

  19. Cicero, claims of foolishness and derogative slurs of your opponent are a dime a dozen on an elementary school yard playground but rather asinine in an adult debate, unless of course facts and realistic history has no merit.

    Likewise, my happiness or lack of on the political shift and transformation doesn’t change the drivers of the process we’re seeing in real time.

    We all witness the obstruction of Mitch McConnell. We saw and heard his GOP majority predecessor threaten the filibuster unless Dems caved to their demands. We witnessed on live camera Mitch and the GOP senate vote immediately to change the filibuster rule when their SCOTUS candidate failed to reach the 60 vote to proceed. We saw Mitch and the GOP change the vetting and confirmation process to rapidly seat judges who’s very seats Mitch had obstructed Dems to fill. We heard Mitch statement when he denied Judge Merrick Garland to replace Justice Antonin Scalia: “All we are doing is following the long-standing tradition of not fulfilling a nomination in the middle of a presidential year.” and we also not only heard his hypocrisy when seating Amy Coney Barrett but he explained that the Constitution allowed him to do so as well as the other changes he had made.

    So Mitch McConnell, following the advise of Sen Bill Frist, has ushered in an acceptance of power grabbing based on whatever Constitutional language at their disposal.

    Another lesson that Mitch taught Dems in 2009 was that ruthlessness is all he knows and any attempts to negotiate or compromise with the GOP would be like Charlie Brown taking another punt at Lucy’s football.

    Mitch ate the Dems lunch and spit it back in their faces. Of course Dems will change any rule they’re constitutionally allowed-just as Mitch has and will given the chance and having a need.

  20. Poor little Ronny J. Ward, he of unquestionable intelligence, his nappies are still soiled because of Merrick, Hillary, and Bret Kavanaugh. Sad, stinky, little Ronny, bless his heart.

    Can his Mommy change his nappies now? Creepy Joe and the Ho will keep him safe and snuggly.

  21. Ronald Ward:
    I only said “Your comment is foolish”.
    I did not generate “slurs” (plural). Nothing ad hominem.

    You are clearly a Democrat, busily revising history to suit a Democrat narrative, while oppressing all Americans.

    Perhaps you are an academic leftist, a sociologist perhaps?

  22. Cirero, perhaps your accusation of Democrats being communists was meant to be
    a compliment?

    I suppose “om” has is equally interested in a civil and thoughtful dialog of our present legislative dilemma?

  23. Poor little Ronny, when one of unquestionable intelligence, considers “our” delima a problem of legislative process, not communistic propensities, well some things become questionable. Does little Ronny bridle at “communist” or is “socialist” how “he” identifies, or “principled conservative?” Who knows, Ronny could be a NR, Bulwark, or Lincoln Project fellow?

  24. Who knows, Ronny could be a NR, Bulwark, or Lincoln Project fellow?

    I’m going to go with … a teacher/educator.

    Am I warm Mr Ward?

  25. Ronald Ward:
    That the Democrats are the “new” communists should be apparent to all who know a modicum of history, Marx’s writings, and what followed, even to the present day.
    I’m not passing out encomiums, just facts. And if the shoe fits your foot, well, it is your choice whether to wear it or reject it. You seem determined to wear it.

  26. Cicerio, the door of historical events and writings swings both ways, particularly if you look at the parallels of the party of Trump with that of communism and dictatorships of the last century. The arguments are far from binary and the same sized shoe fits many feet.

    But what is much more conclusive is my argument of how Mitch McConnell has grinded the legislative process to a useless partisan power grabbing tool of the donor class with no intentions of governing for “We the People”. Granted, Democrats can’t govern themselves out of a wet paper bag and have been naïve and weak.

    My point is that due to the overwhelming evidence of the obstruction from the GOP, there are 2 things we can indeed expect. 1 is that today’s so-called conservative GOP, like a mad dog in the chicken coop, are far from satisfying their blood lust and would end the filibuster and challenge the Constitution to no limits. 2 is that for Democrats, this is the new norms of utilizing political power and that a failure to do so would be nothing less than another punt at Lucy’s football.

  27. “Like a mad dog in a chicken coop”

    Good thing Ward is so opposed to ad hominems. Save us please!

  28. Ronny may be a leftist or a fellow who follows the leading of NR (except VDH), the Bulwark, or The Lincoln Project, aka the grifters of “principled” conservatism. Most likely Ronny is unquestionablly intelligent. 🙂

  29. Ronald Ward:

    The Democrats are the ones who trashed the filibuster for federal judicial approvals, and they were warned that such an action would open the door to Republicans doing something similar for SCOTUS appointments. The GOP would not have done it but for the Democrats’ prior actions – because the GOP had had opportunities prior to that to eliminate the filibuster, either for judicial nominations or for more general legislation (for example, during the years they controlled the Senate during the Bush administration), and they never did.

    And in fact, when Trump was first elected, the GOP had control of the Senate. The Republicans could have voted to end the filibuster for all bills at that point, but they didn’t even try. It’s only the Democrats who would do that if they could. Right now only Manchin and Sinema appear to stand in the Democrats’ way – and it’s not clear that they will continue to stand in their way.

    You can find some of the history here as well as here and here.

  30. Ronny has identified the root of the problem. Wait for it, it’s those blood thirsty conservatives loose in the chicken coup (not coop) of the Capitol. Whew, I thought the problem came from the left and their enablers (Ronny) and sundry media minions and billionaires. Silly me, one of questionable intelligence.

  31. Ronald’s insights include “ look at the parallels of the party of Trump with that of communism and dictatorships of the last century.”

    Yeah. Refusing judicial review and installing armed troops at our Capitol city, for instance? Right.

    Enough with you.

  32. neo:

    @3:28 is something you do so very well.

    I tend to get aggravated and forget everything, when presented with such one-sided arguments.

    It’s like they imagine the Democratic Party is Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, led by Mr. Rogers himself. Then, out of the blue, mean old Republicans sneak up and catch poor Fred Rogers with a sucker punch to the head.

  33. huxley:

    Yep, that was one of The Turtle’s chief weapons, mastery of The Knockout Game. The Democrats never knew what hit them. Now the jig is up! What evil ruse or strategem will The Turtle now employ to blindside the pure, innocent Democrats?

  34. I think the turning point was when the Dems found out how, with enough hysteria and delirium, they could change the election. They now have this method stored away as precedent knowing exactly how to use it the next time.

  35. reconciliation rule which allowed an up and down 50 vote majority.

    Ward, wasn’t that Harry Reid’s method? I am no fan of Mitch, and thought his just say ‘no’ tactics were over the top. This is politics, in it’s meanest and nastiest form.

    Cry me a river on how the Republicans have treated the Democrats in the past. I voted for Obama, but what has occurred in the last 4 years is lunatic, fraudulent, appalling and ultimately treasonous IMHO. We the people pay elected people to destroy this country. And we have man with dementia in charge.

    Australia is correct; the emperor has no cloths.

  36. “…Harry Reid’s method…”

    Yes, rather curious that Reid wasn’t mentioned earlier (though Neo hinted at him).

    As for a “man with dementia” in charge, well, that’s for appearances only.
    It’s the “cabal” that’s in charge.
    AKA “Obama”.

  37. Neo: “The GOP would not have done it but for the Democrats’ prior actions”.

    Utter nonsense and a denial of reality, also conflicts with the documented timeline of events leading up to Democrats making the change.

    The Mitch goal was to simply not fill Obama appointed judge seats at all, leaving those seats empty until Republicans had power. He was warned on more than one occasion yet obstructed every appointee. His gambit is what allowed Trump to seat a record number of lifetime judges, something that Mitch gleefully accepts as his brilliant ploy.

    It appears I’ve landed in a coop (not coup) of batshit crazy glazed over cultists not only unable to distinguish what is true and what isn’t true but don’t care.

  38. Ronald J Ward,

    The collective noun for a group of bats is; “cauldron,” or “cloud.” However, perhaps by using, “coop” you meant to reference where they dwell. In that case, “cave” or “cavern” would have been more appropriate. But neither of those terms work with your attempt at humor with the “coup” pun.

    Pigeons “coo” and are sometimes used as a metaphor for humans susceptible to a con, or small minded people. If you were intent on an avian pun, maybe pigeons would have been a better species to make the wordplay, insult and pun work. Just something to think about, going forward. I hope this helps!

  39. Ronald J. Ward:

    The great and powerful Ronald J. Ward has spoken. All bow down.

    You see no need to deal with the actual links and the history described. That’s no surprise, of course.

  40. Short version:
    “Look what those nasty, deplorable Republicans made us do!!”

    (Always useful, mind you….)

  41. Ronny returns, puts on his Pinatta costume (cultural appropriation) but is surprised that the crazed mob is already bored with his game. Sad little Ronny.

  42. He’s got a severe case of Bats in the Belfry.

    FWIW: I’m pretty much done with Bats after the last year.

  43. Ronald J Ward:

    Those of us who care to remember the actual events, or bother to check actual facts on what happened when if we don’t remember, are not easily fooled by claims of “facts” that are not, in fact, facts.

    Your description of the timeline of events is simply false. Please educate yourself… or stop lying, if you already know the actual facts.

    “It’s certainly hard for anyone of reasonable intellect to argue any justification in the refusal to seat Obama’s SCOTUS pick and then the instant change of rules to seat Trump’s pick. ”

    Any perusal of the history of SCOTUS openings in the last year of a Presidency would have shown you a very simple thing: when the Senate and the President at the same party, the seat is very, very nearly always filled, and when the President and the Senate are not the same party, it is very, very nearly always left vacant.

    The claims that this is some kind of new low are at best broadcasting your ignorance. It is bog-standard, normal behaviour, historically speaking.

    Now, understand that I am making no *ethical* claims there… politicians and ethics are generally of the “oil and water” type of relation.

  44. It appears I’ve landed in a coop (not coup) of batshit crazy glazed over cultists not only unable to distinguish what is true and what isn’t true but don’t care.

    RJ Ward

    I keep waiting to read a Democrat discover that their party has change drastically from the Jimmy Carter and Daniel Patrick Moynihan party and become the AOC and Maxine Waters party. I knew the Dems had shifted when they referred to ‘Auntie Maxine’ and gave her plenty of of air time. That was when I realised, as you so delicately stated, the Dems were ‘batshit crazy glazed over cultists’.

    Some of us are ‘awake’ to what the truth is and see propaganda a mile away. There are a handful of our ruling class that are smart and have integrity. Unfortunately they are not leaders in either party. Corruption reigns in Capital Hill. You should be concerned of this fact.

  45. Pingback:Obamacare was the turning point for the American left – The New Neo – Tom DeGisi

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