Home » Viva Frei on that Time article


Viva Frei on that <i>Time</i> article — 15 Comments

  1. Viva Frei makes the important point that an early theme of the story is the fig leaf of saving democracy and for the greater good, etc. Yet by the end of the story, this theme is dropped, and naked partisanship is evident, instead.

    This point deserves reiteration to those you share it with. Otherwise, they may not realise how much they are there (as everywhere) getting gaslighted.

  2. Viva Frei is wonderful and I enjoyed this entire video. He does get a bit worked up and spastic on his own; that’s why I prefer him with Robert Barnes, who seems to be a calming force. They complement each other very well.

    But anyway, this was a great video, dissecting the remarkable Time article. Although, I can boil that article down to two sentences:

    1. Yep, we did it.
    2. *Quoting that immortal Democrat, Boss Tweed*: What are YOU going to do about it?

    Brazen, unapologetic, smug, disingenuous. Could we expect anything else from the ‘cabal’?

  3. Somehow, minus the eyelashes and lipstick, on that pic Biden and Harris look like they have the same face. Eek.

  4. “It’s the [cover-up], stupid.”

    They have to protect the King—and themselves, as well.

    (Actually, it’s the cover-up of the cover-up of the cover-up of the cover-up of the…. )

    The Democrats have to make damn sure that nothing leaks. Nothing gets out. Nothing, at least, that they can’t smother, conceal or airbrush out.

    Nothing that they don’t want to HAVE leaked—strategically, that is. (Which explains this particular—TIMEly—“journalistic” enormity.)

    And so…they need to be in power—and stay in power—at all costs.

    ….Problem is they’re willing to destroy the country to do it.

  5. barry:
    Destroying the country is part of the Democratic agenda. Is that not obvious since the day Biden first took office in the White House?

  6. “The Democrats have to make damn sure that nothing leaks. Nothing gets out. Nothing, at least, that they can’t smother, conceal or airbrush out.” Barry Meislin

    Do you know people with whom you can have a conversation about this or any other important issue and go over facts and evidence and they 1) will discuss it, 2) consider facts and change their position? I don’t. Especially if it involves “science”. A position has been chosen and they are inexorable. The only people I can discuss these things with are people who already agree with me.

  7. And now WHO is giving the lab in Wuhan a pass…Tried talking to a lefty college instructor recently, whose house I painted a couple of years ago. He was not interested in “ conspiracy theories”. Too many people had died to consider “ conspiracy theories” according to this guy. He had not even heard that many of the people who end up hospitalized have low vitamin D levels. As I pointed out to him, on low vitamin D , what is cause and what is effect I do not know. But he had not even heard about it. Never even crossed his path. Same planet, different news sources.

  8. Where’s the transcript? He’s a bit too excitable for me to enjoy watching him – rather play a video game. Even if I agree with him.

  9. Sharon, I don’t know anyone like that. (Not that I actively search them out, but one becomes exposed to—and this is the scary thing—Zombie-like attitudes, by people who really ought to know a lot better, regarding support of “The Narrative”, AKA adulation of the Democratic Party and its leaders and hysterical demonization of Trump and his supporters as well as those who decry the Democrats even if they may not support Trump).
    It’s heart-wrenching and it’s sinister.
    But it does seem undeniable that peoples’ positions are almost irrevocably hardened.

    I assume that the supporters of Biden and the Democratic party are triumphant and believe they need not back down. Having been fortified and reinforced by non-stop demonization of Trump and his supporters for the past four years, they perceive themselves as the moral arbiters of the country and Trump as the monster who must be defeated and even destroyed.
    I also assume that the same believe that getting Trump (and his supporters) out of power is/was far more important than how such a goal is achieved.
    After all, if Trump is the Devil, and his opponents the party of morality and progress—and patriotism—then it’s a “no brainer”.
    …which is the product of a successful, non-stop, no-holds-barred campaign of demonization aimed at Trump and his supporters, with which the Democratic Party and the media—nation-wide and world-wide—supersaturated the “news”.
    (And yet, and yet, they STILL had to steal the election.)

    Alas, on the heels of their extraordinary “success”, one can only expect more of the same: more demonization of their opponents, more lies, more denunciations, more violence, more stolen elections…all with the rabid support of the media.

    Those assumptions of mine, above, may not be correct. I certainly hope they’re wrong, but that’s how I see it.

    And yes, it’s heartwrenching. (That is, not at all good for one’s heart or one’s innards.)

    Because I can’t really see a way out of this mess without massive violence and destruction (though one is enjoined to always try to be positive)….

    Let’s hope and pray, therefore, that I’m totally off base (though to be sure, my hopes and prayers since early November haven’t been terribly effective…).

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