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Update on Officer Sicknick’s death — 47 Comments

  1. Officer Sicknick, it has been reported, will lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda next week. His death was very sad (undeniably, a lamentable tragedy) but any rational person should be concerned by the lack of details concerning this event and, even more, by the blatantly ideological use to which it is so outrageously being put by the utterly shameless Pelosi and Schumer. One wonders what the members of his family, not to mention his fellow officers, may perhaps be making of this nakedly partisan stunt, no less totalitarian and gruesome than what a Soviet commissar might have planned.

  2. One wonders what the members of his family, not to mention his fellow officers, may perhaps be making of this nakedly partisan stunt, no less totalitarian and gruesome than what a Soviet commissar might have planned.

    No need to wonder, as I recall (don’t have a link handy) that his family specifically requested that his death not be exploited for political or partisan purposes. Needless to say, that simple request has been ignored by the MSM and other partisans on the left.

  3. Once again media lapdogs’ agenda takes precedence over the truth. When will citizens wake up and realize just how much they’ve been misled?

  4. The narrative has been established what actually happened doesn’t even matter.

    Trump’s ‘fine people on both sides’ comment is a good comparison.

  5. Griffin is, of course, entirely correct. The narrative has been firmly established and buttressed. There is no going back or correcting it in the minds of about 90% of liberals/progressives/leftists, etc.

  6. Officer Sicknick, it has been reported, will lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda next week. –j e

    Where’s Ashli’s gold coffin?

  7. Over a period of 23 days, there has been ample time to prepare an autopsy report on Ofc. Sicknick. Since it’s a murder inquiry and the Capitol Police is an amply staffed force, it’s a reasonable wager they’ve reviewed videotape from a miscellany of locations and have pieced together Ofc. Sicknick’s movements between 1:00 pm and 8:00 pm. (Work backward from his appearance in the division office ‘ere his collapse). And, of course, they know the name of the officer who fired his weapon into a scrum of people separated from him by a heavy door, killing a merchant from San Diego. They know these things. They’re not telling us these things.

  8. And yet if you were to poll most people who know about Sicknick’s death at all, I bet the vast majority of them think that all of that has been proven already and that right-wing Capitol insurrectionists killed Sicknick by beating him with a fire extinguisher.

    Here’s where the MSM is ahead of the objective truth by two jumps, and has permanently seeded Media Truth in the public eye. It’s long past time that the non-MSM sets up investigative capabilities and propagates real fact checks – supported – as quickly and widely as possible. Time for some concise confrontation, while those 74 million voters might still recognize and respond to the news. A counter-seed, as it were.

  9. Yes, Jimmy, Officer Sicknick’s family has asked that his death not be politicized. He was reportedly a conservative and Trump supporter. But in any case, using his tragic death as a political bludgeon is an act of disrespect to him and to his family. If his death was as a result of assault, let’s see the evidence and charge the person or persons responsible.

  10. Art Deco:

    Agreed. I’m not even sure they will ever issue a public update of any kind.

    It seems obvious that an autopsy would be indicated, but not a word. And it doesn’t seem as though the MSM is pursuing the question, either.

  11. In burying the facts, the left is once again declaring that only the deaths of those who can be used to advance their agenda are worthy of remembrance.

    Deplorable Lives Don’t Matter…

  12. “Family members were told that the officer had a blood clot and suffered a stroke “.
    OK, he had atrial fibrillation causing the clot to form in the left atrium of the heart which got sent upstairs to cause the (massive) stroke. He needed CPR right away!

    Little basis for an autopsy other than to correct the Ministry of Propaganda. He was not a Trump rally casualty.

  13. The secrets will only get more frequent and blatant. No name for the shooter who killed Ashli Babbit. I remember well that the grand jury in Idaho that Randy Weaver was dragged before, did not indict him and the jury was very anxious to see the FBI sniper brought in. His name was Lon Horiuchi.

    The deep state is getting smarter and will keep all this secret.

  14. Huxley,

    Yes, you can often get an idea of the truth when dealing with partisan actors by what they don’t say. If they had rock solid evidence of an attack (autopsy or video) it would have leaked or been released but nothing so it is probably not nearly as cut and dry as they portray.

  15. Griffin,

    Seems like we need a new duality like “Knave or Fool?” along the lines of “Confident or Desperate?”

    Which is to say, are Democrats so confident and in control that they’re not worried about showing their contempt for the facts, for the laws and for us? Or are they so desperate, they don’t have a choice?

  16. They are always self righteous and maybe that comes across as confidence.

    But I think they are desperate because the savvy ones know a lot of this stuff is very unpopular even with some of their own voters and their hold on Congress is extremely weak and they know they blew it in 2009-2011 when they had huge majorities.

  17. I’ve said it before in here, and I’ll say it again. The Capital building has to be plastered with security cameras. I would like to start seeing some of that footage. It strikes me the footage would answer a lot of questions, and the fact we’re not seeing any of it speaks volumes in its own way.

  18. The January 6 “insurrection” in Washington DC is the American equivalent of the Reichstag fire, with the Democratic Party and the media flawlessly playing the role of Doctor Josef Goebbels.

  19. Many Democrats made statements alluding to Officer Sticknick’s death as a murder, but it fits in their narrative they were also on the hit list.
    Said before 2 days after on radio heard it was a brain aneurysm, no idea where the news organization got their information.

  20. This affair reminds of how, IIRC, in the Spygate plot, the Dems fed a bogus “fact” to Yahoo News, and the FBI used that “media report” as a basis for their fraudulent FISA warrant.

  21. Huxley @ 7:14 – “Speaking to Politico about Obama’s concerns, one aide recalled him saying: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.””

    Joe is not in charge. He just signs what is in front of him or reads the words on the teleprompter.

    More scary it seems that Susan Rice has an outsized influence. She is a true incompetent followed closely by Kerry, Blinken, Grandholm and Yellen. GAWD what a band of D level intellects.

  22. Joe is not in charge. He just signs what is in front of him or reads the words on the teleprompter.

    I am Spartacus:

    I’m sure that’s true.

    Even so, having a cognitively-impaired man, who was never that competent to begin with and is now pretending to be president while everyone else must pretend likewise, certainly complicates the operations of the Biden White House. As you point out the rest of the WH gang aren’t terribly swift either.

    Even reading a teleprompter is a risk. It will be hard to mind Biden 24/7/365 so his deficits aren’t revealed at a disastrous moment. Plus he could get ornery and start shouting about “dog-faced pony soldiers” in public again.

    Who knows. Biden might forget he’s pretending to be president and start acting like he is.

    Tricky business. Very tricky. I’m curious if he makes it through his first year of his “Weekend at Bernie’s” presidency.

  23. We know even less about the government sanctioned murder of Ashli Babbitt then we do about this police officer.

    Justice for Ashli Babbitt!

  24. Where is Babbitt’s coroner report, funeral, and Cindy Sheehan treatment?

    Where is Sick’s coroner report, now that I think about it…

  25. Ymar:

    Say their names:

    Ashli Babbitt RIP
    Brian Sicknick RIP

    Show some respect for the dead.

    QAnon kills. Fabulists can too.

  26. Hi Neo. I was a White House correspondent and a member of the Congressional Press Gallery for nearly 40 years. I find it shameful and astonishing that no “journalists” are pressing the authorities for answers. I cannot recall a police shooting EVER (especially one in a public place with ample witnesses) in which the officer has not been identified by this time, either on the initiative of the authorities themselves or because of pressure from the media. The press was liberal and becoming ever more so in my time in Washington (‘66 to ‘02) but there were still plenty of reporters then (of whatever stripe) who would have been on this like a bulldog with his teeth in a wool pant leg. Now? As they say, “crickets.”

  27. Thank you for that first-hand account, Ralph, it conforms with my own impressions. I know the press has always leaned left and I’ve had to examine my own attitudes since for most of that time I was more liberal myself and voting Dem. But it seemed to me that there was still a basic inclination to ferret out the truth, and that reporters didn’t like being lied to by either party. Now they are strictly a propaganda adjunct to the DNC and anything possibly embarrassing to Democrats or any part of their narrative is reflexively buried. Just look at the outrageous treatment of the NY Post story on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

  28. FOAF:

    You’ll be glad to know that Hunter has landed on his feet and started a new career as an artist.

    As federal prosecutors continue their criminal probes into Hunter Biden’s taxes and international business dealings, the President’s son — shuttling between Washington DC and a sprawling Hollywood Hills home — is lying low, consulting with lawyers and focusing on his new career in art.

    Biden, who turns 51 next week, is prepping a solo show with Soho art dealer Georges Berges, who currently represents Sylvester Stallone. Berges was once arrested for “terrorist threats” and assault with a deadly weapon in California and has strong ties to China.

    Biden, who continues to hold business interests in a billion-dollar Chinese investment firm, moved into the 2,000-square foot hilltop Los Angeles home with his wife Melissa Cohen in January 2020, two months before the birth of their baby boy.


    I love a happy ending!

  29. “terrorist threats”
    “ties to China”

    Good thing those crazy Republicans aren’t in office any more!

  30. Sadly, the facts of his death won’t matter when they are finally released. The narrative has been embedded by the Left that crazed redneck conservatives killed him as part of an insurrection.

  31. In the movie Mr. Jones, he pointed out something as to the reichstag fires..
    That regardless who we believe caused it or accomplished it..

    it marked the ability of the one party rule necessary for all that was to come to happen… that it was used as an excuse to shut down all other parties.

    history repeats…

  32. Ralph Kinney Bennett:

    Unfortunately, although it is indeed shameful, it is no longer astonishing. We’ve watched a liberal press that was still functioning somewhat objectively at times degenerate over the years into a nearly-pure propaganda organ. We’ve watched a Democratic Party that was somewhat left become dominated by the far left. We’ve watched the movement for racial equality morph into a movement for racial equity. We’ve watched the academy become intolerant of anything but orthodox leftist opinion. And on and on and on.

    The press no longer publishes any truth that might be inconvenient to the left.

  33. Yammer doesn’t understand the concept of “need to know.” 🙂

    OT: It would be ironic and tragic if Yammer were to shake these mortal coils from the want of a tetanus vaccination or from the bite of a rabid dog. Delusions have their costs.

  34. ” Joe is not in charge. He just signs what is in front of him or reads the words on the teleprompter.

    More scary it seems that Susan Rice has an outsized influence. She is a true incompetent followed closely by Kerry, Blinken, Grandholm and Yellen. GAWD what a band of D level intellects.”

    Those unfortunate enough to have memories of the Granholm experience, will recall that crypto Stalinist Canadian mutt accusing Republicans of ‘treason” for “talking down” the economy during an election season, or the idea she floated of taxing farmers for the use of rainwater.

    I think there is no doubt that there must be some innate driver underlying the population phenomenon, i.e., the assortative selection process trending toward bureaucratic collectivism, expressed by the Codevilla Thesis.

  35. Fox News this AM, Feb. 2, reports “Sicknick, 42, was struck in the head by a fire extinguisher while “physically engaging” with rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, authorities said. He collapsed once he returned to his division and died at the hospital from his injuries the next day.” That would be Jan. 7.

    This is despite other news reports that he’d texted family that had been pepper-sprayed twice on Jan 6, had returned to his duties/office and texted family that evening that he felt fine. He suddenly collapsed at his desk, apparently received CPR whether he needed it or not, since cops are not EMTs or MDs.

    Sicknick’s family says that after his death they were told by his doctors he had a “clot” which caused a “stroke”.

    Illness not injury!

    The narrative just goes on and on, even at Fox. The death-dealing mystical Extinguisher!

    Now he will lie in state in the Capitol, as a deceased Trump supporter BTW.

    Today’s Fox story goes on to say “Five people, including Sicknick, died directly as a result of the violence. At least two officers, one from the Capitol Police, another from D.C. Metro Police, died by suicide after responding to the riot. At least two officers, one from the Capitol Police, another from D.C. Metro Police, died by suicide after responding to the riot.” Maybe one of the suicides was the cop who murdered Babbitt.

    As we know, one person was shot to death in the Capitol by a cop, three died of heart attacks or stroke in the group way outside the Capitol. Now Sicknick’s death is included as “a direct result of the violence.”
    But in fact Ashli Babbitt, age 31 and non-violent, shot to death by a Capitol cop in the Capitol, is the ONLY, SOLITARY, SINGLE person to have died as a direct result of violence. Violence by Capitol cop.

    This is reporting worthy of the NYTimes, Boston Globe, WaPo or LA Times, but we see the superiority of narrative over fact, even at Fox.

  36. The speed of the media narrative–“terrorists/insurrectionists/coup/white supremicists”–from Jan. 6th on was breathtaking–comparable to “hands up don’t shoot” & the Coventry Catholic kids. Every day I see articles referencing “6 dead” as a direct result of the “Capitol riots”. Gotta tip your hat, they are relentless & shameless.

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