Home » Goebbels’ Big Lie and Joe Biden


Goebbels’ Big Lie and Joe Biden — 42 Comments

  1. I dare say that with the possible exception of Barack Obama, no American politician is more familiar with the Big Lie than Joe Biden.
    He’s been employing it his whole life and his reward is the Presidency.

    In making his assertions, Biden was not speaking to we on the right. He was speaking to liberals. He doesn’t care what deplorables think or believe. As thanks to our Congressional RINOs… we now have no say in the governance of America.

    In the left making the disenfranchisement of 74+ Million patriotic Americans their goal, Joe Biden may yet go down in history as the first American President executed for treason. Or, he may join those Presidents assassinated in office. Not that he’s worthy of membership in that group either.

  2. Personally I’d fire him out of a circus cannon from the top of Mount Rushmore.

    Just had a sudden lightning strike of insight. Small Town Southerners had time machines and were cribbing the writings of René Girard before he was even born. What is tarring and feathering but a communal ejection of the Scapegoat?

    The Left are coming at us like this:

    Commune/Polity/GROUP -> dumps on us in overwhelming media / institutions deluge -> we feel like it’s each of us individually being shamed and smacked down.

    So each individual on our side gets to feel like he’s been tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. And *they* get to feel like it’s a Jamboree.

    Taking them down will require reciprocal ***Communal Acts***. It won’t just be a million strong individual atomized clones of Dan Boone and his trusty iron. How do they immunize us against communal action? Paging Mister Godwin… call for you on Extension 666.

    We have to make *them* feel like the one odd man out at Nuremberg Rally. Or we lose.

    Our mental shackles are their greatest ally.

  3. “Biden said, “I was being reminded by a friend of mine…when we’re told [about] Goebbels and the great lie, you keep repeating the lie, repeating the lie.””

    Repeating the lie. Repeating the lie.

    Ha! Maybe we aren’t giving Joe enough credit…

  4. “we feel like it’s each of us individually being shamed and smacked down.” Zaphod

    Sorry that you do and you may well have much company. But I don’t feel the least bit of shame. In fact, I’m damn proud that I stand with our Founding Fathers and place logic, reason and objectively confirmed truth before an evil ideology.

    They can label me as they wish and my response is “nuts”.

    Nor do I feel “smacked down”. Evil must be fought and I aim to misbehave.

    “I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.” Robert A. Heinlein

    Some things are worth living for, laughter and love. Some things are worth dying for, foremost among them are family, friends and the liberty to think and speak as I please.

  5. The big lie is that we had fair and free elections in this country.
    The big lie is that Trump is guilty of inciting insurrection.
    There are plenty of big lies to go around.

  6. Funny quip from the latest Curtis Yarvin (=Mencius Moldbug) Gray Mirror email which came today:

    “So… maybe forget about the policies, principles and personalities? Maybe, now and for the foreseeable future, a political party is just a vehicle for seizing power — as much of it as possible and ideally *all* of it?

    As someone told me today, once there were two kinds of cons: neocons and paleocons. Now there are two kinds of cons: rubicons and pedocons. It’s not true, but it’s funny – and often funny things have a way of coming true.”


    He’s worth following.

  7. I am amazed at the hutzpah of Democrats calling contesting the electoral count seditious when they contested the counts for last three Republican presidents. And not one “journalist” will ask them about it. I have felt for the past year that I am living in bizarro land, in a bad dream. But this is reality, and I don’t know what to do about it.

  8. The grifter intends to have an administration that works for half the country – as well as the projected multitudes coming across the southern border.

  9. Whoever thinks the demokrats have any interest whatsoever in “uniting” the country has their head way up their digestive system.

    Never in the modern times (or even non-modern times ??) , outside of wartime, has the suppression of dissent or free speech NOT been accompanied by loss of other individual liberties.

    Suppression of free speech is the MO of tyrannical governments, and it is really frightening to see corporate America , academia, Hollywood, joining with the neo-communist demokrat party to impose this upon the citizenry.

    What recourse does the citizenry have??
    Voting no longer matters because it is rigged and fraudulent.

    Perhaps, the states need to begin a USA version of Brexit; let’s call it Amerexit.

  10. Stand down and obey t red cinc orders in time of war. – Ymar

    Hey, Y. We could have used you issuing these orders before the breach of the capitol.

    That’s when we needed Qanon disciples showing a little discipline. Quite frankly, that little bit of idiocy, has undone much of what the President achieved. Thanks to you guys, the left gained the narrative about voter illegalities. So much naming can get you banned.

    Turns out Qanon and his disciples were working against the President.

    Too little, too late.

  11. One of Yammer’s problem is that other humans don’t obey his “orders.”

    But QAnon still kills, it’s a feature.

  12. The Pleistocene is from about 10,000 years ago until about 2.6 million years ago. It’s just about the range where mankind was beginning with Lucy and H. erectus and then departed hunting and gathering and passed into agriculture and life in camps and villages. Homo sapiens began about 300,000 years ago.You can predict almost exactly the behavior of man during this time because of our large heads, delayed maturation, long need for childhood nuture, shape of female pelves, absence of hair, climate and ice ages, food supply on the savanna and in the jungle, need for fire, clothes, shoes, large megafauna and need for weapons and endless killing and warfare…

    The Progressive Left believe they are super modern and even post-modern but what they have done is unconsciously and atavistically reverted into Pleistocene man. They have defaulted into the instincts of really old dusty genes…like intolerance of tribal heterodoxy and desire for neo-equity, now meaning equality of outcomes.

    All that good stuff that we have added since BCE 10,000, including democracy and the Enlightenment and its great logic and reasoning, is now considered passe by the Left who are now on a very old dirt road back to the ancient past.

  13. We were also not super successful following Pleistocene Rules, nor were other great apes. In fact, we nearly died out about 60,000 years ago when our numbers were thought to be in the low thousands range (as told by the homogeneity and relative similarity of all of our genomes; we only vary by one in a thousand base-pairs from one another. This is called the Founder Effect.)

  14. Thou shalt not utter the words “Rigged Election”.

    We have experienced The Immaculate Election.

    Election Deniers shall be cast out East of Biden.

  15. That current polls show only 28% of Americans “approve” of Trump means the battle for preservation of the American Republic has been lost. The assaults against Hawley and Cruz frighten me as a sign of the looming oppression hovering over us all. Just wait until Harris is POTUS!

    A majority of us citizens are dullards, ignorant as rocks, my oldest son among them. They are couch potatoes; they are fed MSM crap and think they are aware. They do not read, except work-related stuff. They watch TV (my TV has no inputs–it shows only DVDs that I feed it!) My son was a history major at a “fine” school but he is appallingly uninformed and not particularly embarrassed about his ignorance. When I fill a small historical void of his, something all of us should know, he responds judgmentally, “I can accept that”.

  16. Brian E @ 1:16 PM “Turns out Qanon and his disciples were working against the President.”

    So true and so sad. Ashli Babbit died to insure that Biden was named as president with Antifa (John Sullivan) at her side. What a kick in the tail. But when people believe they have no voice this is what they turn to….violence.

  17. @Cicero:

    That goes for the citizenry everywhere at all times. It’s part of the programmed demoralization of America that folks are lead to believe that their Lumpenproletariat is more insular and dull than everyone elses. Not true.

    Simple truth is that most people are Cattle (Hehe… excuse me while I rub my hands with glee) who will graze dully until the end of time unless following the herd this or that way.

    The trick is to move the herd. That takes a determined minority. It’s always been that way — even your sainted 1776 and events following.

    I tend to excrete Black Pills, but this Cattle Factor must be comforting to actual men of action.

  18. Spartacus-
    Ashli Babbitt (glad you are one of the few who remember her name), the 14 year Air Force veteran, age 31, was entirely unarmed, murdered by a single, yes, single shot from a Capitol cop not 15 feet away. I have seen the video many times; she was not facing or confronting her killer. She was at the periphery of a bunch of 15-20 people.
    Why was she singled out for murder by cop?

  19. To go along with my earlier post there was an article published in “The Burning Platform” that was the most read post in 2020. It goes along with the other posts I linked to last week. Zero Hedge links to Burning Platform. It encapsulates the frustration of the people left behind by globalization. If you haven’t read J.D. Vance “Hillbilly Elegy” please do so. The Netflix series though well acted doesn’t touch on the societal reasons for the descent.

    Here is what Zero Hedge leads off with.
    “Four days after the election, a woman calling herself OHMama posted “I Am Done” on The Burning Platform website. It was the site’s most read article of 2020. SLL and many other websites reposted it. It was raw, explosive anger and a profoundly moving lament; OHMama was clearly at the end of her rope. The closing paragraph packed a wallop.”


    Here are the other postings from last week that relate to the same topic.



    But remember this. THEY ARE SCARED OF US. That is why the steel curtain is in place and will probably remain there. They are squatters with permission to stay in our house of government. Let’s keep reminding them of that.

  20. An epic deconstruction (little joke) of President Dementia’s semi-scripted nonsense, by Neo. It was long Neo, but very educational and well worth the time.

  21. @Cicero:

    Not nearly scared enough yet.

    You take away all meaning and purpose in a people’s existence and enough of them are eventually going to find new purpose.

    What should terrify the ruling classes is that the Little People are so bereft of hope that they’d follow an obvious clown like Trump or believe in Fever Swamp QAnon Nonsense just for something, anything to believe in.

    The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves. One way or the other.

  22. Cicero – “Why was she singled out for murder by cop?”

    Let me make this clear. The shooting was unjustifiable because no warning was given that we heard.

    She was shot because she was climbing through a window to open the door. Egged on by John Sullivan. She had a backpack on. Rumors of gun shots and explosions were being reported. The backpack could contain anything since the perimeter was breached. Her actions contributed to her death like Rashood Berry and George Floyd.

    Sad but true.

  23. More Reps need to remind folks of what the Nazis actually did – they demonized a group of innocent folk so they could be treated badly.
    Today, the Dems are demonizing a group of innocent folk so as to treat them badly.

    … We all know the Dems will rationalize that Trump is evil, so his supporters are supporting evil, so they’re evil – so it’s OK to be evil to them.

    I’m planning to laugh more at my Dem friends, about how evil people are taking away free speech. And supporting a stolen election – or at least avoiding any serious investigation of the claims and evidence of fraud.

    Not looking forward to the next year. Guess it’s time for bed. (“All out of love. What are you thinking of? “) Glad I have a happy marriage.

    I hadn’t realized it was Air Supply which did “Making Love, Out of Nothing at All”.
    (Thought it was Meatloaf)
    Smile at this:

    (Am I on the wrong thread? Lies, Schmies, no surprise, don’t be one a those

  24. I am Spartacus:

    I am less inclined to give the Capitol Policeman any slack. She was shot climbing through a window. Could she see that her executioner had drawn his weapon? You assume her what her next actions would have been. Her summary execution doesn’t allow anyone to know that.

    QAnon kills.

    Ashli Babbit RIP.

  25. om – you and I are in agreement. It was unjustified but I place things in context.

    The plainclothes cop will not be charged. The deep state protects it’s own. I will surprised if we ever learn his name.

  26. Can we finally agree without any hedging? — Democrats are evil. Flat out, plain evil to the core. And this isn’t a secret or difficult for anyone to see. So those who vote for them do so knowing they are supporting evil. Oh, they’ll lie to themselves and certainly lie to us. But they know the lies, slanders, corruption, and criminality are constant and relentless.

    The Democrat party is a crime family.

  27. stan:

    No, I don’t agree, and I’ve explained why many times and don’t need to do it again.

    Yes, some Democratic leaders are probably actually evil (and I suppose some voters are too). The rest think they’re on the side of good for any number of reasons I’ve gone into in the past. But I want to add here that there’s a logical flaw in your argument, even if a person were to accept the premise that Democrat officeholders are evil, your second premise does not logically follow from it: “those who vote for them do so knowing they are supporting evil.” Au contraire – they think they are supporting good. And then your next assertion – “they lie to themselves” – makes no sense either. To lie to themselves, they’d have to perceive Democratic leaders as evil, and they don’t.

    What do you think you’re accomplishing by demonizing half the country?

  28. Neo @ 1:27 am “What do you think you’re accomplishing by demonizing half the country?”

    Dang you do stay up late. What Stan is doing is following the pattern of what people do before violence. Making the other side “the non-human”. The unacceptable, the one who needs purged. This is what we fight against.

    Stan – it is not the Democratic Party that is the crime family, it is the Deep State, the Administrative State, the Credentialed state, the Ruling Class who are invested in the current globalist structure. They are the ones who benefit from the hollowing out of middle class America. There was a reason that Romney wants no mention of Hunter Biden’s influence peddling being explored. His kids are in it too if we look closely enough. Kerry’s step-son is in on the take as well as well as business moguls and big business like Apple, GM, Alphabet, Ford and others. Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Brian Kemp and other Republicans are beneficiaries. Read the links on my earlier post @ 7:15.

    Define the opposition more precisely

  29. DOD is returning to BHO standard operating procedures after keeping it on the down low (barely) since 2017. BHO started the purging of the commissioned officers. Diversity Inc. seeks to rid the ranks of all wrongthink threats IMO.

  30. Yes, they think they are good people when they vote D. That’s a big part of the essence of the evil. That they pat themselves on the back for being good people while hating and othering those who vote differently.

    Democrats routinely “other” and have for decades. They slander tens of millions of Americans as racist, sexist, fascist, Nazi, white supremacists who want to kill seniors and starve kids. They viciously slander 800,000 cops as racist killers and celebrate themselves for doing so. That’s not evil?

    Any person with any moral sensibilities knows that half of America is not made up of fascist, Nazi, white supremacists that want to kill. It’s a big lie. The biggest. They know that Republicans don’t really want to put blacks “back in chains”. Democrat voters KNOWINGLY vote for those who constantly engage in such othering.

    I think that kind of “othering” is evil. Can we agree on that? It’s nasty, vicious and vile. It has to be obvious to anyone that such othering only leads to violence. And yet Democrat voters have supported it for decades. Would anyone really try to argue that the typical D voter is unaware of the othering? Is unaware of the central thesis of BLM? Is unaware of the censorship we’ve seen this year?

    The Democrats have now gone pretty far down the Orwell path. Any person of any intelligence at all understands where this leads. And yet, I have not seen or heard Democrat supporters stand against it. [possible exceptions are Turley, Dershowitz and Alex Berenson].

    One more point. Liberals hate. They hate deeply. We can see that clearly in the research that Jonathon Haidt has done. We’ve seen Thomas Sowell discuss it. We see it in the relentlessly nasty assault on Rush, Trump, and all the “deplorables”. It is central to the typical liberal’s view of herself to view conservatives as nasty because it makes the liberal feel good about herself as a person. As liberals increasingly abandon formal religion, politics has become the source of their religious experience. [Everyone has some form of religion.] We know that liberals give far less to charity and some polling suggests it is because they derive a sense of morality from the way they vote.

    Neo suggests that D voters think they are good people for voting D. I completely agree. It’s because they view “deplorables” as evil. See Krauthammer’s famous axiom nearly 20 years ago. Seeing themselves as better and morally superior is not an attractive quality. Seeing themselves as moral when they “other” their political opponents doesn’t make them good or moral. It suggests evil.

    They hate. They feel morally superior because of that hate. And they have no problem with othering because of that hate. I think that’s evil.

    Let’s go back to Krauthammer. Do you agree with his point that liberals think conservatives are evil? Isn’t that evil itself?

  31. Look to the future… no republican president will ever serve again if they have control of both house and senate… they will just ‘impeach’ them on lies in which there is no process for defense… so either republican serves as a democrat bowing to everything or they are out… conveyor belt presidency… the power of the presidency is dead…

    we now have a soviet system in structure even if not in name…

  32. Liberals hated Nazi’s racism but in support of Nazi’s methods of dealing with their political opponents and will not mind using the same methods to deal with people they deem evil is the fundamental difference between Conservatives and liberals. Despite the atrociousness of racism what made Nazi truly evil was their violence and propaganda but somehow the truly evil elements of the Nazi was never the cause for the left’s contempt but only the racism. A murderer and rapist was never as equally evil as a person who holds some negative thought about some minorities in their hearts but never act it out in real life to liberals regardless how trivial those prejudices might be. A person who thinks illegal immigrants should come here through legal channels or Chinese men are all bad drivers or Jews are good accountants is probably more evil than someone who committed mass murder for good causes to liberals, their moral compasses are skewed.

    Don’t agree with me, ask yourself whom do you think Montege think is more evil, the Viking horn guy who raided the capitol or Castro

  33. Dave:

    But Castro gave Cuba universal health care and literacy (LOL), and with Che, only executed the truly irredeemable (LOL x infinite). Channeling Montage.

  34. stan:

    Your assumptions are incorrect. The vast vast majority of Democrats do not know any such thing. I don’t think you understand run-of-the-mill Democrats very well.

    Some Democrats hate, some don’t – but most of the ones who hate think they are hating evil. They get their info from the MSM and have been indoctrinated into believing that media sources on the right are lying. So their worldview is shaped that way.

  35. Only a little(?) off topic but 2000 National Guard troops have been sworn in as Special Deputy U.S. Marshalls which means that anyone who is arrested by or interferes with a deputized National Guardsman will be facing Federal charges. Antifa/BLM/QAnon types, all those bozos may be adversely impacted.

    This approach was used in Portland to get past the Multnomah County DA’s catch, release, and don’t prosecute policy last fall, in that case OR State Patrol (and Portland Police?) were deputized as Special Deputy U.S. Marshalls. Not that this process could be abused after January 20, 2021 …..?


  36. Neo to Stan — “Your assumptions are incorrect.” There complicity with evil comes innocently.

    Stan might say, no, they are not. Democrats are still evil.

    In frustration, I agree with Stan. How is lifting their veil of ignorance going to change Haters into decent human beings? It won’t.

    Headline a Zerohedge “ Trump Lifts Ban On Travel From EU, UK And Brazil… And Biden Immediately Reinstates It”

  37. Hard to see how asking that allegations of fraud be looked into in a constitutionally permitted manner could be argued to be a lie, much less a big one.

    I am amazed at the hutzpah* of Democrats calling contesting the Electoral Count seditious

    The decency of ordinary people unable to recognize the depth of evil to which their opponents have dived.

    Democrats have been calling Republicans Nazis since Wendell Willkie. Now they appear to actually believe it.

    * which autocorrect insists on correcting to “huts-alone”

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