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The crowd in the Capitol — 186 Comments

  1. “The thing is, though, people will do this when they perceive that all those other things haven’t worked. They will do this if they feel their country slipping away, if they feel demonized and hated already and betrayed and that they’ve got nothing to lose.”

    Exactly! When people feel they have no other option, or that they have nothing left to lose, they will “lash out.”

    For decades we have heard about “angry black men” so beaten down by “the man” that their violence, their criminal behavior, is understandable (if not outright accepted).

    Why wouldn’t some Trump supporters, who have been treated with outrageous contempt by the media and others not react in such a way?

  2. Once upon a time, when leftists had far less power and much less control over the institutions in this country, they were vocal in arguing for freedom of speech because it was a necessary component of their strategy to attain hegemony; now that they sense total victory (political, cultural, and corporate) within their grasp, they are more and more intent upon silencing any and all opposing voices. Over the past summer, leftists, with almost no exceptions, ignored or excused countless acts of violence and destruction from Antifa/BLM because it was politically useful to do so; now that some frustrated supporters of Trump have apparently gone too far, the howling from leftists for “law and order” and the suppression of dissent will probably intensify.

  3. I would not be surprised if we get some combo “ martial law- covid lockdown” from Biden in a few days….and they will point to this as the reason for it.

  4. I certainly don’t condone any violence on the part of anyone, Trump supporters most of all. Whatever unprovoked violence has been committed by them today (the details of which will be unclear for a long time…perhaps forever), it’s very clear the perpetrators feel they have nothing to lose.

    They may be right; they may not. But that they can plausibly come to such a conclusion should be of no surprise to anyone paying attention.

  5. I’m emotionally exhausted from the last couple of months, for starters. Sometimes I get tired from having to react in real time to the constant stream of events.

    I also think that people expected to have a day in court on voting fraud, and the fact that no case was ever heard on the merits really rankles. I think it would have been better if the evidence had been aired in a courtroom and at least evaluated, even if it was found wanting. To have the cases all thrown out on procedural grounds just underlines and amplifies the idea that the system is deaf to the concerns of those on the right, . . .

    There is not a single thing in this essay I can disagree with. It’s not that anyone would encourage violence, but conservatives have, for too long, relied on the system to fix the system. Patience is not infinite. Now in the face of evidence of egregious election fraud and the system, especially the courts, responding to the public with middle fingers, just what is there to lose?

    There were Tories 245 years ago who would have also decried similar events as “despicable.” To them and to their Tory ancestors today, I say: “To Hell with them all.”

  6. Interesting to see the Trump kids say this is not who we are. Their goose is cooked now. Trump was never a great deal maker or business man but managed to squeeze himself out of deals leaving others to pick up the pieces. How much of Trump’s international hotel and golf business is going to remain (at least branded Trump Resorts etc.)? All the Trump buildings have pretty much removed his name for business reasons.

    Donald had a chance to show he understood something about the job he won four years ago but couldn’t get outside of his skin to see it. A little effort at wooing people who might vote for him naturally but were not fanboys and he would be at his 2nd term soon. But since he can’t work with anyone else for more than a few months no real team was developed, no allies, no trusted friends. It was his to win and his to lose. Now he has lost any legacy.

    What a doof.

  7. Interesting to see the Trump kids say this is not who we are. Their goose is cooked now. Trump was never a great deal maker or business man but managed to squeeze himself

    Thanks for the recitation of talking points. Always an education. I gather they’ve rotated Montage out.

  8. Your previous post starts by quoting, “If we’re not in it now, we are hurtling towards the abyss. They’ve captured the government, the courts, the media, and most crucially the schools, where all of this metastasized from so many decades ago.”

    When people know they are being lied to, despised, laughed at, viewed as inconsequential (at best), they will act out. The begin to see themselves as Mal Reynolds from Firefly and say, “I aim to misbehave.”

    They believe their legitimate concerns are ignored if not called conspiracy theories without being given a chance to argue their points. This was what started the American Revolution.

    The “elites”, those in power, the media, internet companies, it seems everyone is against them so where can they turn? Antifa and BLM protests that destroyed large sections of cities were labeled “mostly peaceful” while if they march they are enabling sedition and a coup.

    I don’t know how this will end but it doesn’t look good for any of us.

  9. A riot is an ugly thing. Und I think it is just about time that we had one!

    –Kenneth Mars, “Young Frankenstein”


    Generally I’m not in favor of riots and violence, but I fear it is part of the process of political change. It’s certainly part of the left’s MO. I admire the right’s restraint and decorum hitherto. However, unless we want to go full Gandhi or full Civil War 2.0, this will be on the menu.

    I’m sorry to say this.

  10. Donald Trump Jr., the President’s son, said that his supporters who mobbed the Capitol were “wrong and not who we are.”

    I understand why DT Jr. said this, but I’ve got to say I’m done with anyone telling me who we are and who we aren’t.

    I’ll figure that out for myself, thank you.

  11. “To them and to their Tory ancestors descendants today, I say: “To Hell with them all.”

    Sorry, misspoke.

  12. My contempt for Bush Republicans is pretty expansive but Ari Fleischer’s tweet is everything anyone needs to learn/understand about today’s events.


    “If you don’t like what’s happening today, maybe you should go back four years, look in the mirror and ask if it was a good idea to declare #NotMyPresident, declare yourself the Resistance, and boycott an Inaugural. When one side violates norms, the other side will too.”

  13. Big discussion in my house. Wife is appalled.

    I respond that the message has been sent and received over the past several months that whoever has the biggest mob wins.

    It is a sorry state of affairs; but, it did not begin today.

    Stand by for the sickening, self-righteous clucking from the Democrats and their media accomplices who were silent for so long.

    Fortunately, we do know that protests, demonstrations, and riots do not spread COVID. At least that is something.

  14. Just saw a video on Instapundit that showed the woman down, looks like SS and armed police there. Another pic of I believe 5 or 6 SS with guns out in the Capital building. Some on Instapundit claim to be in DC and noted that Antifa presence may be in the mix. Not pretty. And we Trump supporters will not be given a pass as have BLM and Antifa been dismissed as a nothing burger.
    A too good excuse for the Dems/MSM to clamp down hard. There have been calls today to impeach and or imprison/ remove Trump now.
    VA National Guard and State Troopers on way to Capital now.

  15. The system was blatantly and obviously abused.

    Only the blind and Democrat voters (but I repeat myself) couldn’t see what happened.

    Clean it out.

    Let it burn.

    There’s nothing but a hollowed out shell of what we thought was the Republic left anyways.

  16. 1. Isn’t this the rising up of the working and lower classes against the Elites that the Left is always going on about?

    2. I was assured these were “mostly peaceful protests”. I am sure these are too.

    3. If the Left was doing this it would be lauded as a glorious uprising by the American People against as corrupt government.

    4. We all knew we were moving towards a Civil War, and maybe this is the start

    5. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” -JFK

  17. A bad thing happened when the protestors decided to breach the House and Senate chambers. The case against the validity of the elections in AZ, GA, WI, MI, PA, and NV was being well made on the floors of the chambers. I had been watching C-SPAN and was heartened by the way the Republicans were successfully making the point about the way state election laws were unconstitutionally changed to allow cheating in those states. Ted Cruz had offered an alternative to overturning the election, a commission to study the results and offer recommendations to make sure this never happens again. Things seemed to be going well.

    All that is now moot. The story is now the unruly mob that breached the capitol buildings. The lawless Trump protestors are now the story and the way the states election laws were unconstitutionally changed has been obscured – probably for good.

    For myself, I could not help but side with the protestors because I understand their frustration. We seem help[less to stop the juggernaut of the MSM, progressive politicians, academia, and the brownshirts (BLM/ANTIFA) who are marching toward a socialist future. It makes you want to strike out. To do anything to get your voice heard. But this was a tactical error. It plays right into the hands of the left’s meme of violent right wing Trumpers. 🙁

  18. Excellent coverage by Newsmax

    Update every hour or half hour.

    “ I think that this will cause further backlash against the right, but on the other hand what doesn’t?”

    But how else to put spine into the feckless reps on the Right? THERE AIN’T NO ALTERNATIVE!

  19. After a solid year of the “media” diligently hunting, looking, searching for violent protest … they have finally found one.

    As we say in the south … the MSM is on it like white on rice to cover this RIOT!

  20. I disagree with Neo’s claim that Trump is “making things worse rather than better”.
    He is a natural-born fighter, and cannot be expected to retreat into a corner like a mouse in his last days.
    The election was stolen.
    There is no reasonable doubt about extensive vote fraud.
    Yet no court will give a litigant, even the state of Texas, “standing” to make a legal case. Sixty-some courts, including the Supremes, have disallowed a hearing. It is akin to barring free elections….forever.
    The country is over and done. Harris will be our home-grown Maduro.

  21. There is a contingent on the Right that firmly feels that this election theft (Big Maq’s agreement with the CCP-invested media notwithstanding) means there will never be a fair election again. In other words, the Republic is dead. Obviously debatable, but for the faction of Trump supporters who honestly believe that, such a response is understandable. I believe we would have seen very serious unrest had President Trump’s re-election stood. Let me be clear….I believe it was stolen and blatantly so. The unrest we would have encountered would have had to been dealt with by the President with serious means. So either way, after today, things were coming to a head. Because it is a small faction of the right that feels “militia” oriented, things are already settling down. Would have been a tumult in the other case, and I think potentially life-saving to our country. Right now we are headed to the abyss Neo spoke of in the earlier post. Whether it takes months or years, the rule of law is gone for the those who regard virtue.

  22. ‘Bonchie’ over @ Red State says, “One of the last vestiges of Trump’s movement was that his followers didn’t do this kind of thing. They kept their cool and showed their support in a way that made sense and was effective.

    Effective? Right. Sure. Just out of curiosity, in what alternate universe was that ‘effective’?


    “unless we want to go full Gandhi or full Civil War 2.0”

    No one on the right ‘wants’ “to go full Gandhi or full Civil War 2.0”
    The Left is forcing upon us the most brutal of choices; enslavement or war.

    Nor would Ghandi’s tactics work with the left. Never, in all of history has nonviolent protest worked against totalitarians.


    “The case against the validity of the elections in AZ, GA, WI, MI, PA, and NV was being well made on the floors of the chambers. [and] Ted Cruz had offered an alternative to overturning the election, a commission to study the results and offer recommendations to make sure this never happens again. Things seemed to be going well.”

    I wasn’t watching but I’ll happily take your word for it. That said, not one of the 87 Senators stating that, ‘there’s nothing to see here folks, move along now’ is paying any actual attention to the cases being made against the validity of this ‘election’. Nor will they pursue Ted Cruz’s suggestions. Lip service is as far as their pursuit of Cruz’s suggestion will go because they’re not the least bit interested in making sure this never happens again.

  23. There is literally no excuse, regardless of party, ideology or philosophy that justified the lawless action witnessed at the Capitol today. The Republican Party will naturally pay the price. I am aware that the national media covers for the left’s counterparts such as Antifa and BLM, but if we do not stand for the rule of law then there is no hope.

  24. The Democrats have abandoned the rule of law. The choices left are submission and violent opposition. Unlike most people who comment here, I think that Trump should have said the obvious: after hundreds of days of street violence, not a single Democrat voiced disapproval. After a stolen election, not a single Democrat supported electoral reform.

    Violence is the only legitimate response to the destruction of the republic. Burn down the cities that made it happen: Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit, Phoenix, Las Vegas. Kill the Marxists who corrupted the the country. Do it now. The longer we wait, the more degraded we become.

    As I write this, I’m sixty-eight years old. If I were twenty years younger, I’d be setting fires. If I were forty years younger, I’d be making bombs. The alternative is a retreat into what little the totalitarians have left us in the arts and religion. A polite evisceration. Is that what men have come to be?

  25. No one on the right ‘wants’ “to go full Gandhi or full Civil War 2.0”
    The Left is forcing upon us the most brutal of choices; enslavement or war.

    Geoffrey Britain: No one gets to choose how life comes at them. No one gets to choose the full range of responses available. But we still have choices.

    I’m assuming we understand life is not fair yet we are still agents in our lives looking to make the best choices we can.

    And no, I don’t agree that the choices are enslavement or war. That’s how you see it, but I don’t.

  26. Stu,

    What makes you think the rule of law still applies? It hasn’t applied for the Right in many a year.

    You can’t crap on one side of the political divide, wipe your ass with the Constitution, back the Deplorables in to a corner with no way for peaceful redress and then *not* expect such rage.

  27. “…after hundreds of days of street violence, not a single Democrat voiced disapproval,” Cornflour

    Ace addresses this issue with his usual perspicuity writ large:

    “Meanwhile, other Donor-Class Darlings are attacking Trump for not offering a full-throated-enough condemnation of Mostly Peaceful Protests.

    Quick question, though: You know the candidate you in fact supported, but were too cowardly to forthrightly admit you supported? You know, the “moderate” Joe Biden?

    Can you tell me when he condemned the violent anarchists of antifa?

    Oh he refused to, right? He was demanded by Trump to denounce antifa, and refused, and said antifa was “just an idea” and therefore should not/could not be denounced?

    And of course you took him to task for that, right?

    Oh you didn’t?

    You know, for years, those of us on the Real Right have had one fundamental, dealbreaker demand: We shall not have two sets of rules, one for the left and one — a much more punishing and vindictive one — for the right.

    And throughout all these years, the grifter pseudoright has backed up their leftwing allies’ in their insistence that no, the left should have a more lenient and permissive set of rules, and should be permitted the occasional year-long spasm of psychopathic violence.

    We should defer to the Moral Authority of the psychopathic left.

    So yeah, the pseudoright agrees with the left on the minor issue of whether conservatives actually are full citizens in the US — they agree with the left that we’re second-class citizens as best. We’re a kind of unconvicted-criminal class who are born into a lesser caste marked by limitations and special obligations.

    But you know, they agree with us on the really fundamental “conservative” issues like whether their donor Google should be protected forever from an antitrust/monopoly practices lawsuit. And other big issues like whether or not their corporate donors should get another big tax break.

    So, at least we have agreement on that.

    So we’re all one big happy Party, right?

    We’re one United States of America, huh?”

  28. “Truth is the first casualty in war.”

    https://quoteinvestigator.com/2020/04/11/casualty/The first casualty of war is truth. When, to Aeschylus, Hiram Johnson, Arthur Ponsonby, and others.

    We’ve already seen nearly half a year of “mostly peaceful protests” and now that the Capitol Police have shot a young woman in the Capitol it may take a little while to learn who she was and why she was shot. Many have noted that the “stormtroopers” in Portland didn’t shoot any BLM/Antifa after months of “engagement and discussion.” Why the gunplay now? Doubt that it was a right wing extremism in play.

  29. I’m going with an Antifa /Kristal Nacht false flag riot. There are reports of rioters with hammer and sickle tattoos . This will give the left an excuse to subvert the Second Amendment and the civil war will be on once Biden is sworn in and the Congress meets. Meanwhile, Paul Krugman will predict a booming stock market in response to this election.

  30. What exactly is the proper response when the government refuses even to go through the motions of addressing grievances? When it becomes apparent that there is no rule of law?

    That is the question I am asking.

  31. neo: It’s like watching a Greek tragedy play out, only without the poetry, and with an uncertain ending.

    But not, regrettably, without the Greek chorus.

  32. Cornflour,

    “If I were twenty years younger, I’d be setting fires. If I were forty years younger, I’d be making bombs.”

    I’m 72 and I would be too but if the flesh is now weaker my spirit is still strong. As for me, I aim to misbehave.


    “And no, I don’t agree that the choices are enslavement or war. That’s how you see it, but I don’t.”

    I honor your disagreement and hope for all of our sake that you’re right. And I’ll happily admit to having been wrong. We all have “feet of clay” and this is not something I want to be right about.

    But I’m willing to bet you’re dead wrong. Time will tell and if the choice is as I think, not me but the left will confirm it for you.

  33. Eeyore,

    Eventually, it comes down to bend the knee or take up arms.

    Caesar only demanded obediance and compliance. Marx’s devotees demand our children’s minds and souls.

  34. Treason of the Rs! We can’t “overturn” certified but fraudulent elections! If the State’s want a fraudulent President, we cannot stop them because “states rights!” This must be protected, says, Sen. Rand Paul! “Follow the [lawless] Law!”

    Here’s from his speech prepared to give on the 6th of January:

    The question is: Should Congress override the certified results from the states and nullify the states’ right to conduct elections?

    The vote today is not a protest; the vote today is literally to overturn the election!

    Voting to overturn state-certified elections would be the opposite of what states’ rights Republicans have always advocated for.

    This would doom the electoral college forever.

    It was never intended by our founders that Congress have the power to overturn state-certified elections.

    My oath to the Constitution doesn’t allow me to disobey the law. I cannot vote to overturn the verdict of the states.


    Can you see now, Neo, what pretzel illogic we hardcore CW folks are fighting among our ranks? THIS REALLY IS TREASON TO THE RULE OF LAW! THIS IS A CON TO ANY CONSTITUTION!


  35. Paul in Boston: “I’m going with an Antifa /Kristal Nacht false flag riot. There are reports of rioters with hammer and sickle tattoos.”

    I did see on C-SPAN some of the people going through Statuary Hall and they looked very much like ANTIFA. They were dressed in black with back packs, gloves, and helmets. When i saw them, I wondered if ANTIFA had decided to disturb the proceedings. But all the news reports claimed he people in the chambers were Trump supporters. I’m now wondering if we will get more info and find out it was some ANTIFA that breached security. If so, how will the MSM spin it?

  36. As to “enslavement or war”, enslavement is relative and variable. War is not.

    Our enslavement will continue to proceed gradually so we don’t really notice it, like the frog in the pot. But it has been underway for a century, as critical students of modern American history may have noted especially those aware of Gramsci’s “March through the institutions”.
    None of the programs of the “experts” have been undone. Not Medicare, to which 98% of docs were opposed in 1965. Not Social “Security”, which was initiated as a scam, since life expectancy then was 64 for white males but one had to be 65 to get “benefits”. Not the War on Poverty, an expenditure of many trillions and what has it gotten us? Tens of millions of Americans aborted, so we have labor shortages filled with people who force us to have Espanol as a second language.
    I am personally not distressed at angered citizens crawling over “their” Capital.
    I am more bothered by the sanctimony of the Romneys and the Sasses, who watch their country disappear from their privileged and safe seats while doing nothing positive..

  37. The woman who was shot by law enforcement inside the Capitol has died.

    I am seeing questions online about whether there were Antifa infiltrators among the group that broke into the Capitol. I await evidence. The large majority of the protesters remained outside, protesting.

    It is wrong that the substantive election challenges have never had a hearing. All court denials have been procedural, not substantive.

    I am prepared to face jail time, or to lose my life, to defend my right to defend myself, or to defend my right to worship according to my beliefs. When I lived in the Middle East and South Asia, I considered whether I would decline to make a bogus profession of Islamic faith if kidnapped. I think I would have. We can never tell what we will really do when faced with the situation. I didn’t think I would lose my rights here in my own country.

  38. TJ:

    What makes you think that this would put “put spine” into GOP legislators who lack it? I think it merely gives them an excuse to say those making demands are thugs and not to be catered to.

    You don’t ordinarily “put spine” into the spineless. You primary them and hope to replace them.

    One of the main things that has been driving this sort of anger is distrust of the election process. Without trust in fair elections, people lose hope. That was a foreseeable result of the loosening of election security and rules. That set us up for the accusation – from whichever side lost the election – that the process was unfair and rigged. That perception is nearly as fatal to civil order as actual fraud. That’s one of many reasons why the rules have to be such that people perceive that elections are fair, and why I have believed that, whoever won the election, such accusations – and possible violence – would follow from the other side. If the right had won, I believe the leftist violence and disruption would have been far worse than what we have seen today on the right. The die was cast when the rules were changed.

    Now we have also seen that bona fide evidence of fraud cannot even get a hearing on the merits and it can’t be determined if the allegations hold water or not. The courts have refused to look at it, and people are understanding that, if widespread fraud did occur, there is no remedy in the courts. This is a sobering and perhaps a new revelation.

    I was expecting fraud allegations post-election from the losing side. When the fraud allegations first came up, I immediately wondered whether, even if they were true, there was an available remedy with any real possibility of being carried out. A new election? Not going to happen on the national level. On the state level? Probably not, either. A simple recount wasn’t going to solve the problem. And how could a legal case possibly be presented in time? Didn’t seem possible either. So I was already alarmed, and that’s how it’s panned out. But it all began with the relaxing of the rules.

  39. Paul in Boston presumably means a Reichstag Fire moment.

    This is a good time to observe the 24 hour rule about such news. We still need the Who and What before we get into frenzied speculation about Why.

  40. I’ve been deployed to three countries in the midst of civil war. What’s coming is not going to be good.

  41. J.J. —

    “if we will get more info and find out it was some ANTIFA that breached security”

    If that turns out to be true we will never hear about it from any “official” source or the media.

    I’m holding my fire on this one, but any evidence of false flags will only ever circulate as samizdat and be dismissed as conspiracy theory and censored from “reputable” outlets and social media.

  42. I was at the rally and capital but not on the side where the breech occurred. People are frustrated angry. Not at the Democrats but at the Republican leadership at the state and federal level to allow this.

    I am on the way home but I will post once I have a chance to process.

    The rally itself was great. If someone can tell how to post a short video I can the crowd size.

  43. Oblio is right to invoke the 24-hour (or even 3-day) rule, but the Left observes no such hiatus in pushing their narrative.

    See Scott Adams as mentioned yesterday.

    AesopFan on January 6, 2021 at 4:02 am said:
    I think I picked this up from a PowerLine commenter.
    I don’t listen to Adams’ podcasts, although I used to read his blog; however, the graphic can be seen and understood without having to listen. The example is the Raffensperger call.


    I stand with Sarahcuda:

    With the nation’s capitol in chaos on Wednesday as protesters stormed the Capitol Building, Sarah Palin had a message for the media about how they ought to be reporting.

    Sharing a photo of a bare-chested man wearing horns standing with other individuals inside the building, the former Alaska governor said they need to be identified before labeling them.

    “Media: quit labeling DC protestors ‘Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Trump Supporters, etc’ LOOK IN TO WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE who’d choose an apparent leaderless insane swarm to create a perception of condoned violence. KNOCK IT OFF,” she tweeted. “And to any insincere, fake DC “patriots” used as PLANTS – you will be found out.”

    RedState pundits are at least saying “alleged” Trump supporters.
    Most of Townhall, NR, and other “right wing” media omit the modifier.

    With friends like these (and they’ve always been like this), it’s no wonder Trump fans are angry enough to blow something up.

    However, there was no reason for Trump’s supporters to disrupt the Senate proceedings that were the last-ditch opportunity to at least get the evidence before the public, even if there was not going to be any change in the Electoral Votes (although there was a close-to-but-not-zero possibility one or more state legislatures would flinch).

    I’m betting that Antifa lit the fuse.

  44. J.J. if those who breached the building are Antifa, I seriously doubt that we will ever be told–at least not officially or by the MSM.

    I will be waiting to see the shooter cuffed and hauled away. But, not with bated breath.

    I saw one report that “dozens” had entered the capital. Somehow listening to the media, i thought it would be hundreds if not thousands. Doesn’t seem like it would be too hard to herd dozens. I will add that no reports are completely credible at this point, and perhaps never.

  45. There is, however, absolutely zero probability that these reports will hit any main stream media outlet near you.


    Many Republicans are denouncing the violence currently being perpetrated by what are, so far, being labeled as Trump supporters. Claims have arisen on Twitter that these are actually Antifa operatives disguised as Trump supporters with some posting pictures of Antifa propaganda instructing its members to do so.

    Sadly, regardless of who lit it, the fuse was inserted into powder kegs ready to blow.


    Former Vice President Mike Pence sent a letter to lawmakers on Capitol Hill Wednesday announcing he will not reject certified election results from the states and will confirm the 2020 Electoral College votes.

    “As presiding officer, I will do my duty to ensure these concerns receive a fair and open hearing in the Congress of the United States. Objections will be heard, evidence will be presented, and the elected representatives of the American people will make their decision.”

    The letter came as President Donald Trump spoke to thousands of supporters on the Elipse in Washington D.C. and said he would be “very disappointed” if Pence “didn’t come through” to reject the results.

    “Disappointed” does not necessarily translate into “burn it down” but the spin potential is definitely there.

  46. False flag conspiracy?

    Congresswoman Cori Bush says she’ll be introducing a resolution to have the Republican members of Congress who “incited this domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election” expelled from Congress.

    “Now do Democrat lawmakers with Antifa, the burning buildings, assaults, and murders. Those who ignored and sanctioned leftist violence with silence should have no expectation of authority on this.” – Dana Loesch

    She includes a Tweet of Cori’s Resolution draft — dated January 5 — “that makes no mention of any “domestic terror attack.” It was ready to go Tuesday.”

    Twitchy tossed out a couple of reminders that AOC and Cuomo were for protests before they were against them.

    Also not making it into any MSM stories.

  47. AS a Lurker I thank you very much for your efforts. You are a voice of reason in a sea of people who make a lot of money promoting hate and division for their profit with the guise of being journalists.

  48. Nazis were diversitists (i.e. color judgment), who normalized the concept of Jew privilege, wars without borders, etc.. They subscribed to a Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, relativistic (“ethical”) religion, including concepts of social justice, redistributive change, life deemed unworthy of life (“burdens”), etc. Left, right? They had a single/central/monopoly fetish, so decidedly left of center. That said, not all leftists are Nazis, but all Nazis were leftists.

  49. Isn’t this the rising up of the working and lower classes against the Elites that the Left is always going on about?

    No, this was a call to audit the vote in light of clear and progressive evidence of irregularities, perhaps fraud. After 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests, and longer yet denied equal representation, denied a voice, and denied standing and due process, the assembly was predictable. That said, this does not, however, explain events on the hill, where actions taken are uncharacteristic of libertarians on the rigth, and conservatives in the middle, who are both known for peaceful assemblies and leaving the grounds cleaner than when they arrived.

  50. Read the comments carefully.

    Cucks, Fence Sitters, Wobblers to the virtual Ignore List.

  51. Obligo- a Reichstag Fire moment? Very possible.

    I agree that the 24 hour rule is in order. How many times have we found out that what everyone assumed to be true in the heat of the moment turned out not to be true at all?

  52. Well given that nearly everyone in these protests carries smartphones and lots of live streamers are out there if very little or no citizen journalist footage of the shooting show up soon (proving a negative) I would be inclined to believe it was an Antifa op. Antifa are all about anomnimity and dressing in the black-block and using umbrellas to obscure faces. If they dress as normies, aka cis white fascists, they won’t have their balaclavas and black togs to hide behind. And of course they would stick out amongst the normies if dressed in their “usual uniforms.” To avoid ID they would not want much filming but couldn’t use their umbrellas. It will take a little while for the web to ID those involved.

    It took about 24 hours IIRC for the Antifa Assassin of Portland to be identified.

  53. Have a family member who’s is of the left. His mentality can be described as nothing but TDS and, even, outright bigotry to his supporters. Once he learned of the Capitol Hill shooting he said that it probably was a Trump supporter and wondered aloud why there weren’t any police on site given “it is the Capitol building,” with him thinking that Trump ordered police to not be present. I take he hasn’t been paying attention to the BLM/Antifa rallies and the utter lack of law and order within Democratic cities in which they took place. The irony.

  54. The “soap box” was destroyed by Facebook, Google and the “cancel culture.”
    The “jury box” was destroyed by the courts who dismissed cases on “procedural grounds.”
    The “ballot box” was destroyed by apparent fraud (or at least refusal to view the evidence).
    That leaves only the “ammo box.”
    My family lost people on both sides in the last Civil War and I’m not looking forward to the coming one (though I’m too old to do more than try to defend my own & neighbors’ homesteads).

  55. Will they even identify, much less investigate the killing of that unarmed woman?

    Slapping on a locked and barricaded door and perhaps yelling through a window is now lawful grounds for lethal force?

    What about her civil rights?

    Oh, that’s right, only the ‘right’ people now have civil rights.

    My apologies, not yet up to speed on having no rights, just qualified privileges.

  56. I’m still waiting for news to find out what happened and expect it will take a couple of days, if ever. That said, things have been going downhill since Al Gore and the 2000 election, followed soon after by the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election with the multiple recounts and found ballots. Trust in elections has never recovered. So here we are twenty years later.

    It has been said that the aim of left wing demonstrations is to excite over reaction by the authorities. Well, maybe. But we might see that now, and the result will be a split that may not heal for a long time. It isn’t like there hasn’t been a ton of left wing hatred engendered by the media over the last four years. If draconian measures are enacted there will also significant disobedience, civil and otherwise.

  57. ….occasional neo-Nazi vs. Antifa skirmishes (and I maintain that neo-Nazis aren’t right or left but occupy some other spot)…

    Neo-Nazis are the Right, clearly gone too far to the Right. Antifa is the Left where there is no clear demarcation of how far Left is too far Left.

  58. After at least a year of protest, protest, protest … ALL of the media is now screaming … rule of law, rule of law, rule of LAW!

    What a 180 … in a heartbeat!

    And after all the defund the police, reimagine the police … now in a 180 … WHERE ARE THE POLICE!

  59. How to get rid of a dictator? Massive Mass Protests.
    Mostly peaceful, but with huge mass.

    Conservative leaders, sort of like John Hindraker at PL, think Trump’s fighting has been “insane”.
    Unlike Dems, he’s calling for “peace”.
    But protest.

    I was thinking we have a Democratic Deep State Dictatorship – but it’s worse. It’s an Elite Deep State Dictatorship, with many el-GOPs going along. Like the elites who went along with Hitler as Hitler was taking over Germany.

    I’m sorry to say that violence works. And it’s easy to say from Slovakia.

    Stop election fraud. All Americans and lovers of democracy should want to stop election fraud.

    As said, there was no court which heard the evidence. Mobs and elite Media declared, falsely, that “there is no evidence”.

    John H (PL) declared, as has been said here, that the processes allowing so much fraud need to be fought against before the election.
    He’s right.

    Such processes need to be fought against, and the fight needs to be won.

    So protests need to be bigger, and more inconvenient.

    Not violent – but some local violence is much easier than mass peaceful protests, and most conservatives, and moderate Americans, don’t really believe it’s so bad. Because it doesn’t quite seem so bad, yet.

    But it is. And it’s going to get worse.
    And keep getting worse until good people “fight” (?), protest and win elections – or actually fight.

    Talk to the local police about how the elites stole the election, and now want to end Free and Fair elections, forever.

    Being good losers is certainly NOT going to stop the PC-Nazis from rounding up the Jews Republican Conservative Freedom Lovers.

    So Sad.

  60. Neo,

    At this point I dont support violence. But in any society I admit there comes a time.

    The left has spent so much time boxing everyone else in. Using strategic threats and cutting off any other avenue to resolve grievances.

    A pressure cooker has a valve for a reason. And I see the left desperately trying to block the valve thinking the steam is the enemy.

    My question to you..and everyone else here. Where is that valve any longer? Because right now. Im not seeing it

  61. Cynical alert, fortunately she (RIP) was a white woman. But not in Charlottesville. Not a Breonna Taylor.

    The authorities had to protect the transition to Biden.

    On the other hand there was the Bernie bro who tried to murder a bunch of Congressmen and the press has been stoking the fires of the dreaded white supremacists for years now. See treatment of Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer vs Rose City Antifa for example; Antifa being an idea, but the “right wing” can be stopped with deadly force.

    Will the call be “Say her name?”

  62. Now that I’ve watched a bunch of the video footage, and had time to reflect, I’m coming to the same conclusion as many others:

    This was an Antifa False Flag.

    Yes, the “Stop the Steal” rally was real, and 95+% of the protestors who marched to the Capitol were legitimate Trump supporters. But, the tiny contingent who engaged in violence (the scope of which is still undetermined) were mostly Antifa moles. That’s not saying no legitimate Trump supporters didn’t get involved in the melee and engage in violence. But the primary instigators were Antifa moles.

    Look at the videos. Do the people leading the melee look like Trump supporters? Or do they look like the typical leftist cavalcade of freaks impersonating Trump supporters? Also, the smoke bombs the protestors set off: I have seen Antifa and other leftist agitators engage in this tactic scores of times; I’ve never seen a right wing protestor do it, even on the rare occasions right wingers turn violent.

    This was a setup, pure and simple. How deep it goes remains to be seen (and might never be known). The fact that the Mayor asked federal forces to stand down yesterday is, of course, suspicious. Also, it is curious these protestors were able to get into the Capitol so easily with Congress in session, during the most consequential and intense session in many years.

    So, there’s a decent chance this goes deeper. Far deeper, into the depths of the deep state. This might be our very American version of the Reichstag Fire.

    But in any case, the main perpetrators were leftist moles. Of that, I am quite certain.

  63. Oblio @6:35. Yes, should have been the Reichstag fire.

    The MSM will lie about it, no matter what happened, and try to pin it on us.

  64. “Zaphod on January 6, 2021 at 7:29 pm said:

    Read the comments carefully.

    Cucks, Fence Sitters, Wobblers to the virtual Ignore List.”

    Which comments and where? Here?

    You know, when pursuing big game in dense and somewhat confusing woods, it always pays to be certain of what you are looking at, and to take very careful aim, before pulling the trigger.

    I’m not the Great White Hunter, but I have done a lot of killing of a sort, and can report that thus far I have never confused my targets. Because once you let fly, there is no taking it back, even if it is a friend who gets in the way.

    Generally a license is in order as well. There are different kinds of licenses. It might be reasonably said that some are in the form of official pieces of paper, and that others are merely moral. Some might call this latter, “a right”.

    But those who believe in justifications based on more than simple raw power and self-assertion, generally desire to make sure that they actually do have one or the other.

  65. I decided to pop over to the Daily Mail. To get the overseas perspective

    They of course blame it all on Trump. All the capital violence can be heaped upon his foot.

    Then once you scroll down. The next story is how the UK government is dragging people off the streets for not wearing a mask.

    One justified, the other vilified. Yet they never get anywhere understanding that they are both parts of the same problem.

  66. I see that Pence and and the Senate has reconvened to “continue with the people’s business”.

    Chuck Schumer went on at length, so far, about Trump and his Insurrection. Trump’s Twitter account has been suspended.

    Very, very bad signs that would seem to confirm the False Flag/Reichstag theories.

    Dark times my friends. Very dark indeed. Prayers for you all.

  67. Neo – it is deluded to “play fair” with repeated evil doers bent on “winning” power at all costs (See Georgia again).. Waiting them out means being forced to kneel. It means being humiliated and spouting their Lies! It means being forced to perpetuate their evils and injustice!

    How can you not see that?

    Of course, one never knows when Right Reason comes to man, Senator Paul so formerly noted for his courage. One can never ultimately know when the spark of enlightenment falls to a man…. Except that “compromise” begets only more and deeper tyranny (cf, the past year, over and over; see Trump entire presidency).

    That man fought for us against odds no one foresaw, growing ever greater all the time. Now it is time for us, We the People, to fight for our own Liberty, because:

    “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves… [But] when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.”

    Be Righteous and Rebel! Stand and repel the One-Party State tyrants!

    We owe this to ourselves, as we embrace, emulate, and admire our Revolutionary hero’s.

    For we are great in numbers; history is on our side; and our cause great and just. Only exercising courage — the rarest of virtues — can win us the prize of Sweet Liberty. This, our fore-fathers knew.

    Why lie to ourselves theses Truths so Great and so Evident for us, now?

  68. I no longer care what the media, the judicial system, or the representatives elite think. They have made it quite clear that they care not for what we think or feel.

    I fear there is no reasonable way to retake our country. Yes, I am fatigued by all of this, too. Yet, I will not ever say that Biden-Harris is my president.

  69. At this time the Democrats have won, by hook and crook and all sorts of devious dealing they have taken the whole damn thing. The media they have owned for decades, now they will have both houses and a wobbly group in the Supremes so there your have it. It will probably take more than my lifetime to rebuild the GOP as the conservative party but I am sure that it will happen as the Green, Dream, Commie Party starts to play their hand and leaves our nation in a mess.

    I really did not want to live in such ‘Interesting Times’ yet here we are and none of us should be surprised.

  70. Ruth, I’m with you.

    His Fraudulence will never even be my DementiaDent.

    Ackler — but of course. The goal was stampede the failing Rs like Buffalo over the cliff, like Indians.

  71. Tom Grey in Slovakia—please drop me a note. I expect to be South of you, later this year, in Budapest. ullr2007 at yahoo dottt commm. Let’s meet?

  72. The long game by the GOPe and the Dems is to heap all this on OrangeManBad to preserve the GOPe’s place at the table (scraps to be had) and to ensure OrangeManBad cannot trouble them again.

    LeClerc, don’t forget the Ho of Frisco (not to be confused with the Ho of Babylon).

  73. Dear Democrats in congress:

    the events at the US capitol, today can’t be called, [riots].

    The lootings, + intimidations, + violence, done in the taken-over section of Seattle- by Antifa + their pals, was called, [protests], by you.

    If the left’s protesters can do unacceptable actions, + you call these actions,


    then the right’s protesters get to do these actions, + get their actions called,
    ” protests”, too.

    Fair is fair.

  74. TJ @ 8:45

    This is where my youngest son has been since the first lockdown in California that prevented him from being able to work as a Realtor, the sole earner of his family. Thankfully he has been able to maintain, but he saw the writing on the wall and is ready for the fight. I went to D.C. with him for the Stop the Steal/Let the Church Roar rallys. He wanted to go because he said we are on the precipice of being imprisoned in our own homes because of the Leftist cabal that holds the levers. He prays I’m right, “Be patient Son, we can repair it.” I hope he’s wrong, “The Republic is dead.”

  75. Jameson:

    What makes neo-Nazis “on the right”? What philosophy do they espouse? Racial hatred, identity group hatred, Jew hatred, and sometimes admiration of historical Nazis – that’s it. There is nothing there that US conservatives share, and nothing the US right stands for.

  76. Comment seen at another site.


    Matt’s Toast. Not to mention not surprising he got the facts wrong, it was a 14 yr airforce vet that was shot not 16yr old.
    “Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran from San Diego who served 4 tours with the US Air Force as a high-level security officer was killed today. The young unarmed woman shot and killed by the Capitol Police on Wednesday has been identified.” -KUSI

  77. JimNorCal— Wow. (thanks, Jim
    I’m sad to have to say it. But our MAGA Revolutionary Movement needed a martyr. I’m so sad. I’m furious!

    A veteran who gave of herself, and volunteered to be there at that moment in time has fallen for us.

    More reaction captured from theGatewayPundit:

    Jane Tanner Spike Springer • 2 hours ago
    my daughter was on the steps of the Capital, it could have been her. It is someone else’s child. She was unarmed, she was 16. I’ll never, ever stand by the police again, not one antifa or blm looter, rioter, pos was shot. But they killed an anarmed girl. Weeping.
    Unknowxn Facexbook Jane Tanner • 2 hours ago
    DC mayor and capitol police are BLM ANTFA criminals, they even escorted their charter buses for the occasion
    ricocat1 Unknowxn Facexbook • 2 hours ago
    It looks like the conservative movement is permanently fractured. Trump supporters, and we are tens of millions, will never forget or forgive the RINO TRAITORS who enabled Democrat vote fraud.

  78. Reportedly Cruz and Hawley are dropping their opposition.

    Pence is being accused of working in collusion with McConnell, Pelosi and McCarthy to end the opposition.

    Twitter has suspended President Trump’s twitter acct.

    Trump called for peace, said that he felt the protestors pain and that they should go home. The mass media is not reporting that.

    Some Republicans and Democrat officials are calling for Trump’s removal under the 25th Amendment.

    Reportedly, Trump’s cabinet is discussing it.

    Clearly, the coup is taking no chances that Trump may declare Martial law.

    I can’t think of a better way to impress upon the 74+ million that voted for Trump that a coup is occuring.


    Several conservative media outlets are showing a pic of a white 14 yr USAF veteran as the slain woman.

  79. LeClerc — “Never. Never. Never”

    Thus, the next activist order of business is to burn His Fraudulence and the unpunished Obamunist Trump prosecutors in effigy come the 20th!


  80. Next on the political agenda is forming a New Freedom party.
    Will it be “America First” or “MAGA ON.” Or something else?

    Time to let the Patriots flood out of the wimpy, freckles Rs who bend over for anal exams and prosecutions, as happened to Lt Gen. Mike Flynn.

    So many people is high office learned so very little over too much time.

    So. We make it so!

  81. Apparently there is still some confusion from the videos I’ve seen and the shooting victim Ashli Babbit.

    Perhaps there was another younger female involved?

    Anyway, more bio on Ashli, from San Diego (who is manifestly white):

    “[…] The woman is Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service.

    “Her husband says she was a strong supporter of President Trump, and was a great patriot to all who knew her. The Metropolitan Police Department says an investigation into her death continues.”

  82. “Some Republicans and Democrat officials are calling for Trump’s removal under the 25th Amendment.”

    As awful as so much of the last four years has been, the single most terrifying thing is that we’ve all learned our entrenched American elite are astonishingly stupid. Living under the thumb of an aristocracy sucks, but smart and self-aware aristocrats who hold themselves to their own standards are tolerable. What we have in America are aristocrats who are either:

    A. Entirely certain of their own genius while actually not even being as smart as your average plumber from Albuquerque, or…

    B. Actually smart people, who are still not as smart as they think they are and who are so profoundly disconnected and alienated from the vast majority of their fellow citizens they might as well be Martian overseers.


  83. Thank you, Other Chuck.
    It was weird that Tarrio was arrested and ordered to leave D.C. (for allegedly burning a BLM flag).

    The timing was ideal for the Commies to run a false flag op.

    Also, heard speculation that the Leftist Kenosha government delayed the no charges filed announcement for the policeman who shot Jacob Blake, until the weather got cold.

  84. “And no, I don’t agree that the choices are enslavement or war. That’s how you see it, but I don’t.” – Huxley
    What other options do you see?

  85. Mythx —

    “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

  86. Viva Frei / Barne Law live from DC with a synopsis of the day. Listening now.


    As I drift through the internet tonight I am a bit surprised at how quickly the supposed ‘renegade citizen journalist’ alternatives, who normally are quick-on-the-draw to attack the Left, are roundly condemning all of today’s events as Trump’s direct fault and loudly proclaiming that it’s now time for him to go away.

    Time for a third party and solid plans for getting incumbents primary’d.

  87. Re AesopFan and NYPostal nuts: Our Ruling Class pols have no brains, no guts, and negative glory. Soon it shall get gory!

  88. Meh. Waited too long to respond, too many intervening comments.

    Geoffrey Britain —

    Graphic violence on video doesn’t bother me much, so I’ve watched two different fairly clear videos of the woman being shot, including seeing her lying face up on the floor. I would say there’s no way she’s 16 years old. I’m accepting the Ashley Babbit identification.

  89. “And no, I don’t agree that the choices are enslavement or war. That’s how you see it, but I don’t.” – Huxley
    What other options do you see?

    leavingliberty: All the stuff between.

    * Mexicans lived 80 years straight under PRI. Were they enslaved?
    * American Blacks lived a century under Jim Crow. Were they enslaved?
    * Europeans have been living under the current EU since 2004. Are they enslaved?
    * You and I pay taxes and suffer a lot of red tape, fees, regulations and such. Are we enslaved?

    I’m not saying these are ideal conditions or even very tolerable. But they do seem to fall short of a typical dictionary definition:

    The condition in which one person is owned as property by another and is under the owner’s control, especially in involuntary servitude.

    I don’t understand how conservative discussions often boil down to a binary choice. This doesn’t match the complexity of reality as I see it.

    I’m not looking forward to whatever the Biden/Harris administration brings, but I don’t believe it will be enslavement, if one cares to use the term accurately as opposed to in the service of hot rhetoric.

    Sometimes called the Fallacy of the Excluded Middle.

  90. Well, we may lose all our rights of free speech, religion, assembly, and self-defense, but we won’t be enslaved. So we’ve got that going for us.

  91. MBunge @ 10:28,

    B… from their position in the stratosphere their fellow citizens appear as little ants far below.


    My reticence as to the efficacy of forming a third party is that I don’t see what’s to prevent the dems from using the same fraudulent tactics against that party? Or for that matter using them to ensure that RINO types win a third party’s primary contests. Given that they control who counts the votes and are protected from consequence, upon what basis is there to imagine a third party can make any significant electoral headway against the left?

  92. Well, we may lose all our rights of free speech, religion, assembly, and self-defense, but we won’t be enslaved. So we’ve got that going for us.

    Brian Lovely: I don’t believe we lose all those either. None of the groups I mentioned above did.

    Do you, really?

    I’ve been through my share of bleak, frightened times. What didn’t help was scaring myself further.

  93. “As I drift through the internet tonight I am a bit surprised at how quickly the supposed ‘renegade citizen journalist’ alternatives, who normally are quick-on-the-draw to attack the Left, are roundly condemning all of today’s events as Trump’s direct fault and loudly proclaiming that it’s now time for him to go away.” – Aggie

    Even nominal conservative sites are mindlessly (or deliberately?) using the Left’s framing narratives — I particularly noticed how many stories that supposedly supported Trump included the “baseless claims” and “without evidence” lines even in posts that discussed the evidence being produced.

    I’m sure that some of the writers on those sites are bona-fide America First Conservatives, but I have been getting the strong impression that the rest of the masthead is using them as stalking horses to get conservative reader clicks.

    Fox News comes to mind.

    One writer at Washington Examiner dredged up all the old reasons from 2016 we should never have elected Trump in the first place.

    Still, I’m sorry that some worthwhile challenges in the Senate came to an end this way.

  94. huxley —

    If I had a gun and a housebreaker came through my door and I just waved it at him, never mind shooting him, I would be prosecuted by the Seattle authorities.

    My 11-year-old daughter is flirting with transgenderism, but if I object in public or to her therapist I’ll probably end up losing my career and my parental rights.

    I’m not a Christian, but I’m pretty sure I can’t just go to church around here. Nor can I gather with others in the street without fear of arrest and prosecution.

    So yeah, kinda.

  95. I didn’t. But losing all my natural rights (or having them deeply infringed on, which is basically the same thing) is a close second.

  96. Bryan Lovely,

    You have me confused with another. No problem but I never suggested this murdered martyr was 16, she was clearly much older.


    By the traditional definition you just offered, under the Soviets the Russian people weren’t enslaved either. In my and our Founder’s opinion, when your ‘rights’ are reduced to inflexible, mandatory behavior, dictated by and subject to a goverment’s whim, you’re effectively enslaved.

    Apparently, you’re either more comfortable with that degree of external control of your life or… your whistling past the graveyard.

    Hopefully, you’ll adjust to now casting a meaningless vote. Restricting yourself to approved and fluidic gender terms. Watching girls and women regularly beaten in athletic contests by confused boys and men. Watching the words you utter in public to avoid accusations of committing unconscious microaggressions or even hate speech.

    Living in a society ‘free’ from religion.

    Nonexistent police with criminals released from prison to make room for political prisoners.

    A military reduced to an inability to defend against attack.

    Bureaucratic restrictions upon your diet, as an unhealthy diet is a financial burden upon the public.

    And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    Perhaps reacquainting yourself with Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago” would be enlightening when considering the ways in which enslavement can manifest.

    It’s not so much your body the Marxists want, it’s your soul.

    ” Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.

    It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.

    The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” C.S. Lewis

    Trust me, the mindset manifesting in Antifa and BLM is never going to stop tormenting you because control needs neverending reinforcement. That’s why they keep moving the goalposts and calling it ‘progress’.

  97. Not that long ago, if you were a leftist, unionist, black or homosexual, you faced real concerns about the state coming down on you.

    Those groups got together and did something about it. I don’t agree with all that they did, but they acted. It wasn’t easy, but they kept at it. I admire that.

    Biden is not marching us into camps just yet. That being the case, we might do something, many things, aside from giving up until it’s so bad it’s time to lead a banzai charge into Civil War 2.0.

    We’re Americans. We find a way or we make a way. Or at least that’s what I was told.

    How about it?

  98. Not that long ago if you were Bill Ayers or Bernadette Dohrn you may have feared the government comming down on you for bombing the Pentagon or other locations, Or some of your fellow travelers may have feared the government comming down on you for your robing banks and murdering policemen. How times change, it’s the arc of history.

    Or if you were in a teacher’s union you weren’t in fear of actually teaching children who don’t spread or come down with what is essentially the flu on steriods; not TB or Polio or hepatitis, or Mono. But today’s teachers unions are more concerned with politics and indoctrination than they are with education. The arc of history.

    And again in the bad old days one didn’t celebrate THOTs with WAPs or the thug life while railing about the manifest evil of whiteness while demanding reparations and preferential treatment above other minorities and non-minorities. The arc of history again. Seems to be bending into the crapper,

  99. “Banzai charge” is cultural appropriation and racially insensitive. Get with the new rules. “Necklacing” may be an approved term however.

  100. One last thought – there has been lots of criticism thrown at the police for inadequate security and barriers, etc., but I think that has a simple explanation.

    Despite the media hype, DC & Capitol LEOs have dealt with conservative “protesters” for decades, and KNOW that they don’t cause trouble and violence.
    So does Congress. If they had really been worried, they would have insisted on more protection from the Evil Right Wing Mob.

    It doesn’t seem like there was any big push on the Left to bring counter-protesters this time (we are familiar with their social media organizing from last year – it was conspicuously absent), and so the police may have relaxed their guard (or, as some people claim, deliberately dropped it – either side, if bent on violence, would benefit from that).

    The crowd pictures don’t seem to show any confrontations with any Black Bloc groups, or even recognizable Antifa clusters; we haven’t seen every picture, of course, so those may surface later. JJ says there were some Antifa-dressed people inside the building, but no hard evidence is on the internet yet.

    It’s hard to protect the flock against wolves in sheep’s clothing.


  101. We need more Stacy Abrams of our own, someone who does know how to game the system to find loopholes to exploit to win without breaking the laws and produces results instead of Alex Jones who accomplish nothing but indulge people into baseless conspiracies or fantasy of some Deus ex machina coming down to crush down the socialists to save the republic for you without you having to lift a pinkie and daydreaming how you will one day save the republic from a tyranny using the guns you have been hoarding for years.

  102. Bryan Lovely:
    As I’ve said often over these years:

    It won’t be enough to agree that 2 + 2 = 5.
    You’ll have to believe that 2 + 2 = 5,
    Or the rats will eat your face.

  103. Antifa infiltrators masquerade among the MAGA men? Pamela Geller shares photo proof of a hammer and sickle tatted goon, plus another unmasked Comrade from Cap a Hill:

    Former FBI Agent on the ground says at least one bus load of ANTIFA thugs infiltrated Trump demonstration.

    At least one Antifa inside the capitol was identified by facial recognition.

    Take. Notes, folks, because the Democrat media and the Traitorous RepubliCants don’t want you to know and act accordingly, FOF styles. They will disappear your outrage and condition you to conform…Or ELSE.

  104. Hey huxley (11:48, 12:19), wake up! Our Revolutionary heroes from Tom Paine and Jefferson on to lesser lights did exaggerate their claims. They did so deliberately to foster an independent course, not because British Empire were jailers delighting in holding their cage keys out against them.

    These were polemics, not scientific research reports. Move on or be irrelevant.

  105. huxley’s challenge: “ We’re Americans. We find a way or we make a way. Or at least that’s what I was told. How about it?”

    Yeah. I planned to not vote after Trump n 2020. Now I’m just another in the vote striking tax payer sticking, General striking force for things to come.

    After street theater, then things get kinetic and fiery. What worked for Marxist BLM and Antifa can work for us, too! Or am I not allowed to notice what works in the past and use it again?

    I’m sure I won’t be. But what the Hell, they can’t put us all in jail. Just Do It, as once was proudly touted by someone.

  106. All the indications are that the violence in question was performed by false-flag Antifa wearing MAGA gear. There are indications that the “backwards hat” MAGA cap was the supposed means to know Who Was Who.

    And, of course, “in light of the violence”, several of those who supposedly were going to back the election challenge backed down.

    Because, after all, that was EXACTLY THE INTENDED PURPOSE OF IT.

    Sick and tired of spineless jackasses claiming to represent my interests.

    Apparently, the only ones able to show a spine are those who actually ARE ready to be violent.

    And we know where that leads.

  107. Larry Correa is at it again. The former corporate auditor has many questions. Just as the fascists prepare to claim total power over its citizens, with one half to a third denying His Fraudulence much legitimacy, and ther are so many questions going ruefully, intransigently and conveniently, unanswered.

    Here’s where he winds up:

    “…in conclusion, the government loves auditing everything the people do because we are incompetent, untrustworthy, cheaters. But if the people want to audit election results, we are terrible bad conspiracy theorists who need to be shamed into silence. Them auditing us is good and necessary. Us auditing them is silly foolishness.

    “I’m glad we got that cleared up.”

    The first of many comments in reply is stinging and on target in its sarcasm for us:

    “ Basementhomebrewer
    JANUARY 5, 2021 AT 1:24 AM
    This has been my mantra for years. People would lie, cheat and steal for money, everyone agrees with that. For some reason, when it comes to power, including the power to enrich yourself, everyone is suddenly a Saint. No one would ever do anything untwoard to gain that.”


    Larry is Right
    JANUARY 5, 2021 AT 2:44 AM
    There’s a team of auditors, investigators, and data analysts, of which I’m a member of, that has been looking at the election data in Texas, mostly one large county.

    I have seen the data that the county is required legally to release to the state. Every possible scam you can think of and more took place. Combine that with criminal levels of apathy from the government and press, there goes your so-called republic.

    Anyone that claims there are no issues, or that cheating doesn’t affect the races, is a liar. This just isn’t a statistical analysis. This is going over the voter records and finding unregistered voters voting, non-residents voting, dead voting, people residing in foreign countries voting, voters voting twice or thrice, voters being illegally purged, ghost voters, computers changing votes, observers being denied entry to the polls, and so on…

    And the “press” will not acknowledge any issue with this election regardless of the credentials of the auditors.

    Now multiply this to a national scale especially the swing states. This is warfare through cheating, propaganda and corruption. You don’t need an army if you count the votes and decide the winners beforehand.

    So what’s next? Either citizens are going to accept their shit sandwich or not…


    Thus, this is it: “what’s next? Either citizens are going to accept their shit sandwich or not.”

  108. NOW HEAR this summary gem, and all of the Evils Perped criminally upon our once Great Republic — who only Trump, it seems, fought against:

    Larry is Right
    JANUARY 5, 2021 AT 12:55 PM
    Allowing mail in ballots makes the election moot.

    Recounting the vote after false ballots are already in the system makes the election moot.

    Counting or recounting the ballots when observers are kept far enough away as to be unable to observe the count makes the election moot.

    Refusing to allow auditors to inspect the voting machines or software makes the election moot.

    Refusing to allow poll observers into polling places makes the election moot.

    Shredding ballots and other evidence when federal law requires all materials to be kept for 22 months after the election makes the election moot.

    With President Trump gone, nothing will change, and the criminals will be free to ravage their theft of the people again and again.

    As Charlton Heston famously once uttered: “Damn you all to Hell!”

  109. huxley,

    The groups you cite, the leftist, unionist, black or homosexual were confronting basically the same forces Ghandi faced. The Brits were not the Nazis.

    Here in this country, those groups faced other Americans who in the main, claimed to support Christianity and America’s founding principles. When confronted with hypocrisy and demands that Americans live up to what they say they believe in… their own basic decency did not allow them to continue to oppress those seeking a fair place at the table.

    We’re facing people of the same mindset who last century murdered 100+ MILLION people, solely to establish and consolidate their totalitarian ideologies.

    In the past, we found a way and made a way because both sides honored Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s “in America, politics stops at the water’s edge”.

    That’s simply no longer the case and deep down you have to know that.

    All denial of reality accomplishes is to deepen the consequences.

    “Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.” Edward Abbey

  110. VIDEO — MAGA men cheered by a wild crowd stop Antifa from destroying a window on the Capitol building.

    Accompanying Tweet text:
    “OMG! BUSTED! Video shows Trump supporters stopping & pulling away Antifa men from breaking the Capitol windows. Trump supporters are heard yelling out ‘That’s Antifa!!!’

    “Dems set us up & GOP just threw us under the bus over a trap. Surreal! Wow!”


  111. Pingback:How did PDT achieve so much surrounded as he was by so many enemies? | Catallaxy Files

  112. This incident whether staged or manipulate, will be used by the Socialist-Democrats now in power to IMPOSE greater restrictions on our Bill of Rights.

  113. Antifa posed as Trump supporters like the Reichstag Fire was done by the Nazi’s who framed an innocent man? Eyewitness and earwitness on Cap Hill tells us that this was in fact the case in 2 minute interview:


    “We gotta shake things up to make them look bad” he claims they said. “These people were promoting false narratives to make Trump supporters,” who were walking away, “look bad.”

  114. Just to reiterate:

    On January 20, a senile grifter – accompanied by his trashy, pretentious spouse and even perhaps by his degenerate son – will be taking the oath of office.

    At that point The White House will transmogrify into a trailer park,

  115. Doesn’t anyone remember the Kavanaugh hearings? People swarmed the Capitol and Senate offices, screaming at senators and chasing them down the halls and into elevators. But that was okay, somehow.

  116. Nothing adds up here.
    It doesn’t make sense that protesters were able to “breach” the Capitol. They increased security in DC, the mayor called up the National Guard, but somehow they didn’t secure the building? I don’t buy it.
    We were watching the hearings and saw the video of the first stream of protesters. They were not storming, they were ambling along between the velvet ropes. When the crowd got a bit larger, some of them moved the ropes to make the corridor wider. They didn’t seem mad about anything, they weren’t even walking quickly! Someone could be heard calling “this way! this way!”
    The outlandish costumes looked like they were straight from central casting. Videos of the horn-hat guy immediately showed up on twitter — same guy, same get-up, at BLM and climate-change protests. Videos are not evidence until they are verified, but it’s interesting.
    Why were the cameras off? We could see the whole chamber while they were deliberating. Supposedly the protesters stormed the chamber and “desecrated” it (a creepy locution I heard more than once last night), but there is no video, only still shots. Who took those shots? Why aren’t there more?
    The timing is also peculiar. Things were just getting started. This was our one chance for the country to hear the details about the election fraud. Why would they storm the building before that happened? Maybe after the certification, if the objections were ignored, I can see it possibly happening, but why in the beginning?
    There was nothing to be gained by Trump supporters in doing this.
    But there was everything to be gained by the Democrats. It worked perfectly. The objections were dropped, the story of the election fraud has been pushed to the back burner, and material is now available to cement the narrative that Trump supporters are lawless and violent.
    That seems like a lot of benefit for a random event, and a lot of implausible things that enabled it to happen.

  117. The Capitol Police opened the gates and let them in. It is on video. Then they basically led the crowd around. It was a false flag from Nancy Pelosi. Pence is in on it.

  118. je…”Once upon a time, when leftists had far less power and much less control over the institutions in this country, they were vocal in arguing for freedom of speech because it was a necessary component of their strategy to attain hegemony”

    Also, those leftists were largely *different people*. The pro-free-speech leftists of old have in many cases become conservatives.

  119. Pingback:How did PDT achieve so much surrounded as he was by so many enemies? - The Rabbit Hole

  120. After due reflection regarding the events of 1-6-21:

    Throughout 2020, the Left stormed and burned blue cities. The police and military were impotent to stop them.

    Yesterday the Right stormed and shook up Congress. The police and military were impotent to stop them.

    The senile grifter should take note: Hundreds of Thousands of Citizens will Rock your World. And what will you do ? Kill them ? Jail them ? What will General Austin and Merrick Garland do ? You’re looking at The People expressing their righteous indignation. Cement your dentures and nail down your toupee, Grifter. Behold the Tempest.

  121. Antifa “false flag” operation?

    Who would benefit the most from shutting down a forum where all the sketchy votes from the 2020 election could be reviewed and discussed in one place?

  122. Hey Grifter ! Your election resulted in a young woman becoming a martyr.

    Her blood is on your hands.

  123. Get ready for a 12 year presidency of Kamala Harris.
    Get ready for an executive branch that rules by executive order and totally bypasses Congress.
    Get ready for republicans in Congress to do ZERO when this occurs.
    Get ready for a new series of Federal Laws that will guarantee that all future elections – by rigging the voting processes – for president and US Senators will never again be republicans.

    Ironically, if the demonstrators at the Capitol Building were ANTIFA thugs, the cops would have been ordered to stand down, and the media would covered the “peaceful” and “justified” demonstrations as buildings burned in the background.

    So, pray tell, when the govt. sanctions a 2020 fraudulent election, when they ignore the seditious and treasonous efforts to overthrow a legally and honestly elected president in 2016, when they ignore the newly “installed” president taking pay offs from foreign governments, what avenues remain for the citizenry to set things right?

    By the way, there is no way to tell from any video who shot and killed that woman in the Capitol Building as she tried to climb thru a broken window. It may have been a security guard or by an ANTIFA thug ( if the demonstrators were infiltrated by ANTIFA thugs and they have been known to do this sort of thing) .

  124. John Tyler:

    Look at the video from two comments above as to the shooter.

    There are things called evidence if an actual inquiry is done.

  125. MAGA supporters stopped some people from breaking windows.

    Supposedly, a guy that videoed the shooting was a Utah BLM anti-Trump activist and was interviewed by CNN.

  126. For anyone feeling depressed or defeated, remember that our political establishment has now bet 100% of their credibility and legitimacy on JOE BIDEN and KAMALA HARRIS.

    Those millions of white people who voted against Trump in 2020 after four years of gaslighting and brainwashing by the media and our political establishment? What do you think they’re going to do when wages stagnate, income inequality increases, the economy crashes, China invades Taiwan, etc., etc., etc.?


  127. The Left condoned mob rule throughout 2020.

    Incredibly, they never thought it would come back to bite them.

    Happy New Year.

  128. Blame Trump. Ha! Does anyone remember Obama’s first term rhetoric? I’d say om does.

  129. Where is Donald? His schedule says The White House. The internet says Dyess AFB in Texas.

  130. To: OM @ 12:17PM

    thanks much for your comment; I was unaware of this video you referenced.

    As for ANTIFA infiltrating the demonstrations, well, who knows? Maybe or maybe not.

  131. The Antifa Press Corp appears to have been there. Wink, wink, nod, nod. Or “nothing to see, move along.” Squirrel!

  132. I mean, I knew most people were stupid.

    That’s just statistics and the Bell curve, so I never really cared much that most people’s IQs border on the barely functional. Most people can get by well enough… so “no harm, no foul” with that.

    But I had no idea how stupid Stupid could be. And… evil? Yeah. Evil it is.

    Apparently stupid enough to tell Ben Franklin to eff off.

    “… a Republic, if you can keep it.”

    The Republic is dead. We couldn’t keep it after all.

    In hindsight, it’s been a hollow shell for a while now anyways. But yesterday the last lingering traces of the Founders monument burned down. Nothing remains but its history… which is being rewritten or outright destroyed by fools.

    Can the blind be blinded further by historians?

    I guess we’ll see.

    I also expect we’ll see the Antichrist any day now.

    … buy maybe that’s just me.

  133. “Neo-Nazis are the Right, . . .” [Jameson @ 7:59]

    To clarify and amplify Neo's response above (@ 9:34):

    Nazi = Nationalistichesozialistische Deutscher Arbeiterspartei = National Socialistic German Workers’ Party.

    Nazi’s and Neo-Nazi’s are the extreme left. Always were.

  134. I’m beyond feelings of outrage at this point in our polity’s journey through time.

    Noticing the language of the legacy networks as they describe the “riots” in the Capitol, so soon after they described the mayhem, looting, murder, and property destruction in our cities as mostly peaceful protests, I had to laugh at the brazen hypocrisy and ‘end-days’ shamelessness of it all.

    In fact, there is something grimly interesting there from an intellectual point of view; and for me in particular: as I was always intensely interested as a child in the “fall of civilizations.”

    It is obvious from one angle that part of the answer is simply that patterns of association cease to exist when the remaining participants can or will no longer muster the human and other resources to preserve the once prevailing cultural patterns. But that of course is very nearly tautological. A more detailed look reveals that in many cases the reason for this inability – or unwillingness of certain elements of the population to sacrifice for the project – is found in that “old fashioned” and “sermonizing non-explanation” of the “people and their leaders’ loss of virtue.”

    You see it is called old fashioned or obscurantist bevause it cannot be due to that. This impossibility, because according to “materialist” ( and I put that in quotes because the term undercuts itself with reference to human behavior) explanationatory ideology, it all has to be about drought, or plague, or the loss of tin trade routes or climate change almost alone.

    But properly understood, “virtue” denotes a cluster of human attributes (once particularly associated with masculinity, but) which were excellences attainable by almost all: courage, honor, strength, truthfulness, vigor, fair dealing and so on, even to matters like “piety” or reverance in the analysis of some. And if you are yourself an honest if thoroughgoing materialist, these human behaviors cannot ex hypothesi be irrelevantly vaporous epiphenomena, but must instead be physically/materially manifested realities. By one’s own assumption they cannot be some mysteriously impotent non material static buried within the brain that can be excluded from any analysis: because per the assumption there is no such thing and therefore every existing phenomenon must be material to some degree. Thus the expression of virtues or their lack are as real as a balanced or an unbalanced ball bearing, or a clean or a virus infected wheat germ.

    And: without these qualities, or behavioral grooves in the individuals making up the association, the very predicate of the associative project is itself undermined. What’s the long term benefit in being a member of a cut-throat pirate crew wherein there is not even any honor among thieves?

    This last question presumes, or implies of course, the old fashioned social contract theory – well pre Hobbes and his nonsense – which, (i.e., the social contract itself) implies that society or associating, is for something: that the association exists to further certain shared and intrinsic human ends.

    But we have reached a civilizational point wherein there is neither any consensus within the population on what traits constitute virtue, nor on what it is that human associations exist to promote, if indeef, to promote anything at all.

    In fact we don’t even share the same anthropological “theory”. And in some cases, as among the the radically progressive or crit theory SJW Trans blend types, if one grants their premisses, there is no “one humanity” with a common nature and interests.

    There are just locii of ultimately inexplicable and self-justifying appetites, the justification of which hinges not on some in-common human teleology, but on the sheer power of an in-principle not-to-be-questioned urge to realize ITSELF through the vehicle of the skin bag with a face within which it wells up and manifests.

    You cannot have an in-common project at that point, because there is no in common to serve as a base for it; no matter how often the morally deconstructed ones cynically deploy the traditional language of fellowship and community as part of their rhetorical strategy for bilking the living resources among whom they live.

    This is all so blatantly and blithely shameless, because in a reality without intrinsic meaning, the world can make no deep sense. And in that world, there can be no binding standards, and in that world, that is to say the world of the progressive class, shame, as well as truthfulness, makes no sense.

    Well, at least I know how first hand how it all it happens, even if we manage skate by and the Chinese don’t attack Taiwan

  135. DNW: “This is all so blatantly and blithely shameless, because in a reality without intrinsic meaning, the world can make no deep sense.”

    Good point. In a world where one can just assign meaning to something “just because,” due to the moment and cultural status quo, why is anyone actually obligated to even acknowledge, care and agree with whatever modernism considers amoral, good or bad.

  136. Neo– Neo-Nazis are not on the Right, as I started. They ‘depart’ from the Right when they begin espousing racial superiority, for example. That is the demarcation from, where do you think they come from? They come from the traditionalist constituencies that make up the conglomeration of the Right, constituencies, conglomeration — you might flip flop the order of those terms, or not. On the contrary, to their detriment and glee, the Left has no demarcation of when they have gone too far to the Left, which makes them much more dangerous. On the Right, the demarcated become a self-imploding death cult. On the Left, there is no demarcation, only endless tautologies or iterations of prollier-than-thou-ness, deeper and deeper, decades longs, depths of sanctimonious perversions of the original set of grievances.

  137. One of the Big Lies that Democrats have been so successful at is this:
    “Nazis are on the Right”.
    No. National Socialist Workers Party members are on the Left – they are socialists.
    Against the individuals.
    Conservatives must make the point, again and again, that Socialists believe in group rights, and are NOT conservatives. Conservatives believe in individual rights.

    The video is hard to watch, can’t not watch it. A semi-peaceful protested killed … by police.

    One of the four armed police guys shot her. Or was it somebody else? (What is the name of the shooter?)
    She was 35, a 14 year veteran.
    Trespassing, as part of a no-violence against people semi-peaceful protest.
    No weapon. No threat to anybody.
    Trying to be the first thru a broken window, broken by somebody else.
    (Possibly an Antifa guy – possibly a Trump supporter.)

    My sister was in DC at the protests – wish I could have been there.

    Paper ballots – with voting rolls in advance – with legal ID to check against the voting roll.
    One vote only for all legal voters.
    It’s not that hard to have free, fair, honest elections.

    Unless the dictator doesn’t want it.

    The USA is becoming a Dictatorship of the Elite Deep State. With el-Dems & el-Reps & el-Bureaucrats & el-Mediacrats & el-wannabes. El-Reps are not exactly RINOs. They’re the elite GOP, the GOPe. They want Trump supporter votes; often want some of the Trump policies; they do not like, nor want, Trump himself. He’s so anti-class.

  138. It was the Capitol Police that shot Ashli Babbit (Say Her Name) and they are spinning to justify their actions by citing unlawful and dangerous acts of the protestors (acts that didn’t appear to have happened to the policemen in the specific location). ‘Some people did some bad things in the building or on the grounds so we had to shoot that woman …..’ spokesman spin translation.

    So it wasn’t the Secret Service after all, a black day for the Capitol Police. No mistakes were made (sarc).


  139. ” in a reality without intrinsic meaning, the world can make no deep sense. And in that world, there can be no binding standards, and in that world, that is to say the world of the progressive class, shame, as well as truthfulness, makes no sense. ”

    A long string of pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-rational mush, with an over-entitled sense of superiority (“human behaviors cannot ex hypothesi be irrelevantly vaporous epiphenomena” – like who talks like this? Sounds like it is straight from the crap some liberal university professor spews out in their “research” papers – obfuscate and condescend enough so the rubes will bow down), from someone who hardly ever questioned some of those basics with Trump.

    If y’all cannot discern the lies Trump (and the echo chamber that has great incentive to repeat those same) from truth, you’ve LOST your standard.

    Y’all cannot see the cynicism of those who virtue signal their fealty to Trump (Cruz and Hawley come to mind as the latest – cynically looking to “buy” your support). You cannot get more cuck than that. If you buy it from them, what does that say about you?

    Goebbels was right:

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Only, we don’t need an official State repression mechanism, we have self-selection into our own media (social and otherwise) bubbles to do that voluntarily for ourselves (how many of you are on/follow Parlour, Gab, OANN, etc.?).

    We’ve seen this on the left for years and complained about it, but on the right like a frog in a pot, nobody notices the temperature of unreality rising until it is too late.

    Look, the United States is still the greatest country in the world, but you’d think from the reactions here that it was the eve before 1917 in Russia, or late 1940s in China. There is a TON of ground between here and there!

    You’d rather someone takes up arms (of course not y’all – keyboard jockeys all – because deep inside you know the fantasy it is) to fight for something (what is it really? I think you lost sight of what it is, given that you are willing to “sacrifice” our institutions “for the project”), going from 0 to 11, instead of engaging and persuading (the REAL stuff of democracy – yes it is difficult, but did you even really give it a sustained try? or did you stay in your comfort zone with like-minded reinforcing each other?).

    Someone disagrees with you? They must be “stupid Stupid” or “immoral” or some other mental or character flaw. They couldn’t possibly come by their conclusions honestly. After all, they are one of “THEM” – one homogenous group of “OTHERS”.

    This has become some new religion for y’all. You’d rather BELIEVE some complicated Rube Goldberg set of explanations (which seems to change on the fly as the previous explanation gets debunked – “conservative” media have been very good at backfilling explanations for every Trump twist and turn) vs understand the simple truth – that a majority people just don’t like Trump (for a whole lot of reasons, valid or not – and Trump gave them plenty of scope to work with) and therefore didn’t vote for him, even though down-ticket they were good to send more GOP Reps to the House, and Governors / Reps to the State Legislatures, etc.

    You’d rather BELIEVE there was massive fraud, that NOBODY in the extensive chain of managing elections (from local to federal – including Trump supporting GOP), nor any judiciary (local to federal – including Trump appointees) are acting in good faith. Somehow, all these people, dispursed as they are across geographies and instututions and interests, are somehow acting nefariously in concert to break/bend/cajole/ignore process/prodcures/laws just so they can specifically deny Trump a win.

    You’d rather throw out the rules and precendents already established, and which protect us from domination by the Dems should they control Congress and the WH (guess what, they will now!), just so you could keep a POTUS – one who you must hold in such high esteem (didn’t we agree he was an extensive and thorough liar big and small all the way back in 2016? what kind of respect are YOU getting in return?) to want to go to such great lengths to keep him in place.

    What are those “binding standards” in all this from “our” side?

    Seems rather situational. The left are horrible because of this or that standard. But, “we” get a pass. Why? Oh, because how bad/mean/unfair/hypocritical/dangerous “THEY” are, donchano!

    All the good things this admin achieved get erased. Not because of the big bad MSM. Not because of some vast conspiracy. No.

    It is because YOU couldn’t hold Dear Leader to a standard. You were too afraid to say much critical of him. You were too infatuated with him. You wanted to “own the libs” so bad, nothing else mattered. You let him go off the rails. You cheered on his sycophants and media stooges. You cheered him on.

    So, the question is – What are you going to do now that the Dems have what they need?

    Double down and lazily follow the poison of lies into physical revolution, or other self-defeating, destructive behavior (worked in GA – a safe GOP state – didn’t it?)?

    Or, engage and persuade those outside your bubble, and do the hard stuff to make democracy work?

  140. Or, engage and persuade those outside your bubble, and do the hard stuff to make democracy work?

    I can’t figure out if you’re a fool or a fraud.

  141. Whatever Trump thinks, but this action definitely not supporting more, in facts he did damage whatever goods he did for the last four years as the president of USA.

    Some reactions that been put by some former US Presidents:

    Bill Clinton

    condemned the “unprecedented assault,” adding that the “match was lit by Donald Trump.”

    Today we faced an unprecedented assault on our Capitol, our Constitution, and our country. The assault was fueled by more than four years of poison politics spreading deliberate misinformation, sowing distrust in our system, and pitting Americans against one another.

    Barack Obama

    former President Barack Obama said he will remember today’s violence as a moment of “great dishonor and shame for our nation.”The 44th president of the U.S. wrote this was “incited by a sitting president who has continued to baselessly lie about the outcome of a lawful election.”

    George W. Bush

    he was appalled and called the protest a “sickening and heartbreaking sight.”

    “Laura and I are watching the scenes of mayhem unfolding at the seat of our Nation’s government in disbelief and dismay. It is a sickening and heartbreaking sight. This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic –

    What caught my attention is GWB words and remind me of his words

    It was on April 10, the same day the sacking of the National Museum in Baghdad began, that a subtitled George W. Bush went on TV to tell the Iraqi people that they are ”the heirs of a great civilization that contributes to all humanity.” And so what if America stood idly by while much of the heritage of that civilization — its artifacts, its artistic treasures, its literary riches and written records — was being destroyed as he spoke? It’s not as if we weren’t bringing in some culture of our own to fill that unfortunate vacuum.

    How and why the US encouraged looting in Iraq

    as Rumsfeld on looting in Iraq”
    “”Freedom’s untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things,” Rumsfeld said. “They’re also free to live their lives and do wonderful things. And that’s what’s going to happen here.””

  142. Big Mac is back with another tome o’concern. Doesn’t know Parler
    from a parlor or his a** from an excavation but he said something? Did he say anything y’all?

    Ashli Babbitt, heard of her, Mr. Hamburger?

  143. FD,

    I could care less what Clinton, Obama, and Bush said about all of this. They’re the bought and paid for opposition.

  144. FD:

    Clinton, Obama, and GW Bush are appalled or something. Curiously silent for the last year when cities were aflame or when a Federal Protective Agent was murdered and police were assassinated or Federal courthouses and ICE facilities were being attacked. Didn’t say a peep when Antifa goons murder Trump supporters (Portland and Denver). Or when Antifa tried to blow up an occupied ICE facility in western WA. How could that be? Curiously silent with the protests during the Kavanaugh hearings, crickets were louder.

    A new concern troll arrives. Thanks for sharing FD. 🙂

  145. “A long string of pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-rational mush, with an over-entitled sense of superiority (“human behaviors cannot ex hypothesi be irrelevantly vaporous epiphenomena” – like who talks like this? Sounds like it is straight from the crap some liberal university professor spews out in their “research” papers – obfuscate and condescend enough so the rubes will bow down), from someone who hardly ever questioned some of those basics with Trump. “

    Ok. How about this instead? You are absolved from reading anything I write. And ‘Fuck you you sniveling hand wringing twit, to boot’, and then we leave it at that.

    Now, other more philosophically and logically informed readers than yourself – as opposed to whining conservative fideists who tremble to look too deeply into once taken-for-granted rationales – will recognize that the presumption of human solidarity and mutual interest (shit that Pope Frankie for example is always mumbling about) is precisely the presumption that has been called into question by the left and its ideology.

    As a matter of fact the conclusion should be that it is distributively dead; at least as far as regards any extension to and through the class of the leftist organisms themselves.

    However if you still are in need of more … maybe this will help. You say:

    “If y’all cannot discern the lies Trump (and the echo chamber that has great incentive to repeat those same) from truth, you’ve LOST your standard.”

    Well, my standard is the preservation of my heritage of economic and political liberties and rights, not your feelings. This, regardless of needs arising from your autogenous dysfunctions, or your wrenchingly profound illegal alien sympathies, or your craving to dance mindlessly, affirmed, engaged, included, and potentially tax funded, in that circle of naked apes, which Neo has mentioned as so appealing to the sensibilities of some. Some whose ancestors somehow braved the raging seas in little wooden boats to reach wilderness shores … only to soon relapse into whatever it was they were before, once cities and government employment became available to them …

    So, when I look at the Trump record with regard to my standards, I am looking at those court appointments you predicted would never materialize; and I am looking at those increases in manufacturing jobs that Onanbama declared could never be brought back; and I am looking at the Obama era executive orders that were rescinded; and I am looking at the record of the lowest unemployment figures for all classes of Americans virtually on record. And I am also looking at those failed predictions of ensuring war and authoritarianism and closet liberalism you made with regard to Trump back in 2016. And in doing so I recognize that there was not one damn thing you had figured right, or had any real insight into … except the “feelings” driven issues of puling ponces like yourself.

    But then, as I earlier mentioned, thinking and understanding, and facing the clear implications of the anthropo-political analysis is apparently not for everyone. Not when they can snivel about “engagement” and practice mutual ass sniffing instead.

    But, as far as logical implication goes, it is now settled and on the bases of their own pronouncements that they are a morally alien kind.

    How it eventually plays out socially and politically is a matter of interest and speculation for some … if not for you.

  146. GRA on January 7, 2021 at 2:51 pm said:

    DNW: “This is all so blatantly and blithely shameless, because in a reality without intrinsic meaning, the world can make no deep sense.”

    Good point. In a world where one can just assign meaning to something “just because,” due to the moment and cultural status quo, why is anyone actually obligated to even acknowledge, care and agree with whatever modernism considers amoral, good or bad.

    They are not so entitled and no one is so obligated. Certainly not on the crit/trans/post modernist/whatever/blend theorists’ own set of assumptions.

    Which is why Hubert, and one or two others possibly, were so on target with their link to the essays on why critical theorists won’t engage in debate.

    It is because they reject the world interpreting program of objective analysis and logical inference in favor of what they apparently view as some form of creation of reality through relativist subjective experience and verbal pronouncements.

    So, yeah, they, like Margaret Mead, their cultural relativist precursor, cannot really tell that obstreperous jock in the back of the room why it would be more than a cultural taboo to smash her face in with that billiard ball he has stashed in his letter jacket.

    Because on reducing her view, it is not. No sense then in engaging in an actual discussion with him from her point of self-preservation view. To even acknowledge the question much less address it, is “unsafe” and legitimizing.

    Thus, she can only preach: over and over and over; but, never argue.

  147. I’m very torn, even over a day later. I hate that it came to such a pass in some people’s minds that they had to invade the Capitol. Did the President incite them to it? Maybe on some level, and I imagine indirectly if so; but as some have pointed out, the invaders were ultimately responsible for themselves, morally.

    I didn’t really want violence and think that the best that can be said of the invasion (“storming” or “assault” are words I’m not prepared to use, but then I’ve not seen much of the video or anything) is that the timing was remarkably bad in terms of how the debate process was going at the time. I was at someone else’s place Wednesday evening and for the first time in ages, sat watching an MSM news report for an extended period of time. One thing that struck me about what I was watching – I don’t know which channel it was; it was the one with Stephanopoulos – was that of all the talking heads that they were bringing on and speeches from the floor of Congress afterward that they were showing, almost all had pretty much the same message in the same terms. But they never showed anybody going and asking any protesters on camera “hi, why are you here, what do you hope to achieve and how,” etc. You know, actual reporting… if you want to know what the point of an activity is, maybe if you go and just ask the person doing it, you might get an answer.

    But no – it was all seemingly aimed at moral delegitimization of the objections to the electoral votes, and in part of the objectors themselves. I would say it was aimed at delegitimization, in a truly final sense, of the MSM’s great bogeyman, of course, but that was already taken for granted in their eyes anyway. I listened to the speeches by Romney, Pelosi, McCarthy, even the usurper, and someone else new in the House that I didn’t recognize. I would have liked to hear from Cruz and Hawley as well, but Stephanopoulos presumably had no interest in admitting any longer that the other side had any legitimacy to speak at all. Tucker had what I thought was a very good point: we need to understand why this happened and not apply double standards where they don’t belong.

    I hear a number of you speculating on false-flag ops and other things and I think, well, maybe perhaps. Then I consider whether there is not some irreparable taint that attached to the electoral objections in the House and Senate due specifically to the invasion of the Capitol and I can understand why a lot of the objectors pulled back. Do I think the President has become definitely culpable and should be punished? I don’t know. Do I think the invaders were right to burst in and create such chaos? I don’t know. For the first time in a while, on a political question, I don’t feel I know what the right answer is.

    I do know that as much as I dislike what happened yesterday both within and without the chambers, if someone were to ask me if I regret my vote in November, I do not, though I admit that my confidence in Trump has been shaken. And I know that I didn’t want it to end like this. Anything more than that and I feel like I’m in a fog now. I’m not even angry, not even depressed particularly; just feel wiped out.

  148. Don’t hold back, DNW, tell him what you really think! 😀

    Bill Whittle is saying that this was a trap that we walked right into, and now they’re going to go all Reichstag Fire on us. His solution is to work politics from the local and state level on up, and I guess we should probably try that first and see if 2022 is any different. I rather doubt it.

    Larry Correia has an FB post basically saying “wtf did you expect?” He might as well have worded it “when a long train of abuses and usurpations…”

  149. Bryan – Correia is correct.

    Someone (here? CTH?) yesterday recommended his post at his own blog. Note: before he became an insanely popular science-fiction-fantasy writer, he was a full-time professional accountant.


    When you run a business you will get audited by the government. If something your company does raises a red flag with the government, they will audit you. If there is an anomaly in your government mandated paperwork you must legally submit, it can trigger an audit. And sometimes, various agencies will just randomly audit you to make sure you are obeying all their regulations.

    The IRS audits everyone’s financials to make sure they are paying all their taxes.

    [a very very very long list of all the situations which are audited]

    Every step of the way the government audits the people, and if you don’t obey their rules, you will be corrected, punished, fined, or imprisoned.

    It is a great big audit jamboree of everybody checking everybody else’s work, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because it is always safe to assume in any given endeavor human beings make mistakes and sometimes they are dishonest.

    Except for elections. Elections are special.

    Apparently elections are a sainted process, and people would never lie and cheat there, and the people over the controls would never obfuscate and cover their asses if their controls were insufficient. That only happens in literally every other industry on Earth… but not in elections. They are different.

    Because the government gets to audit the people, but the people don’t get to audit the government.

    Checking an election consists of the system asking the system if the system is okay and the system declaring the system is fine. Then they call that an “audit” and you should just suck it up. In elections you can just make up whatever excuse you want to explain the flags, and that’s cool. If anyone questions this, they obviously hate democracy.

    And even if you’re like me, and you’ve got a professional background of going through many different kinds of audits from various federal and state agencies, if you think the election result should be audited with the same level of scrutiny the government would apply to any of our businesses or personal financials, you are a terrible conspiracy theorist, and should be shamed into silence. Now enjoy these “fact checks” written by journalism majors who can’t balance their checkbooks.

    Them auditing us is good and necessary. Us auditing them is silly foolishness.

    I’m glad we got that cleared up.

    He only briefly recounts above the “executive summary” of the red flags & “investigations” pretending to be audits.

    ICYMI, read the one from November for the details.

    Bonus: I had never read Larry’s blog bio before, and it’s good as a short story diversion.


  150. “I also expect we’ll see the Antichrist any day now.

    … buy [but] maybe that’s just me.” – brdavis9

    Actually, you are probably not alone.
    However, “any day” could turn out to be several years or decades.
    As some people have pointed out, things have been worse over the millenia, at least in some places, and can get much worse here before the USA is in the same position.
    Or it could happen in months (gradually, then suddenly, as Hemingway said).

    However, I believe, he came some time ago, and has been sponsoring imitators & adherents since them.

  151. “I maintain that neo-Nazis aren’t right or left but occupy some other spot” – Neo

    “National Socialistic German Workers’ Party.
    Nazi’s and Neo-Nazi’s are the extreme left. Always were.” – T

    “One of the Big Lies that Democrats have been so successful at is this:
    “Nazis are on the Right”.
    No. National Socialist Workers Party members are on the Left – they are socialists.
    Against the individuals.
    Conservatives must make the point, again and again, that Socialists believe in group rights, and are NOT conservatives. Conservatives believe in individual rights.” – Tom Grey

    The Original Nazi party was socialist, therefore Left by definition.

    I may not understand the Neo-Nazi ideology completely, having avoided attempting to do so, but it seems to me that Neo is correct.
    The Neo-Nazi groups appear to have blended group rights (theirs as White Supremacists) with individual rights (because they don’t want the government – or anyone else – telling them what to do).

    Mathematically, their position is orthogonal to the political Left-Right axis.

    They are conservative in the sense of attempting to conserve a defunct societal arrangement, but most conservatives today do not object to the improvements in laws and community that have been made since the Civil War.

    We just object to the mangling of those advances by the Left.

  152. @AesopFan:

    How many NeoNazi Engels (sic. ha!) can dance on the head of a pin?

    What if that *Pin* was actually manufactured by the Acme *Needles* Factory?

    Asking for a Friend.

    If I carve runes with a *hammer* and a chisel does that make me 1/3 Bolshevik?

    I’m all confused now. My brain is overheating inside my Stahlhelm.

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck…?

    And how much can a Koala Bear?

    Seriously who gives a @#$% at this point? Let them twist language while we twist their necks.

  153. }}} Neo-Nazis are the Right, clearly gone too far to the Right. Antifa is the Left where there is no clear demarcation of how far Left is too far Left.


    SO sick of this idiotic claim.

    Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST.

    What part of this is too hard to grasp?

    Socialism == LEFT.

    The reason why Nazis and Communists are historically at odds is because they are each co-opting the others’ methodologies, and can’t share them, because this would require sharing power. And Dictators aren’t big on sharing power.

    The REAL issue is that the actual “neo nazis” — the “white supremacists” and “extreme racists” are so thin on the ground that they are, other than on an entirely individual level, no threat to ANYONE.

    Look at it this way.

    Richard Spencer, one of the BIG BIG wigs of the “movement” managed to get all of 400-500 people to come to a rally in South Carolina. Antifa managed to get THOUSANDS.

    A year or so later, at a rally in Gainesville, FL, he got all of **92** people to show up, ONE of whom was an Indian co-worker who went there solely to see “what the big deal was”.

    Now, I ack Gainesville is in a very liberal county, but it is surrounded by counties that haven’t voted for a Democrat president since Dole-v-Clinton in 1996.

    Yet out of hundreds of thousands of people — millions, actually since Jacksonville is fairly conservative, too, and not more than 90m away — he managed to get LESS THAN 100 people to show up at his rally.

    These people are INSIGNIFICANT as a percentage of the populace.

  154. I posted last night and it appears that the word length is too long. This is from a post I sent to the small group I work with in MI to plan for change in 2022 and 2024.

    Part One

    Here is what I experienced, and some other people experienced Wednesday. Thanks you all for your prayers and support. I really appreciate it. First, I met so many wonderful and warm people at the rally. Like other Trump rallies, people were friendly and fully of good cheer. The closest experience I can relate to is being at the tailgate party of a home college team that wins a lot.

    I was part of four buses from Oakland County Michigan that were all full. We arrived after a long bus ride around 8:45 am close to the Lincoln Memorial. I had teamed up with a lady for this day in Washington. Walking to the rally point there were groups of people happy to be there. We ended up positioned in front of the large screen outside the Ellipse where the official rally was to start because the Ellipse was already full of its allotted capacity of 50K. The crowd was ENORMOUS. It stretched from the fence of the White House to the top of the Washington Monument and sideways almost to the Constitution Gardens to the Old Post Office now the Trump Hotel. During this time, we talked to people around us, asking what state they were from and how long it took to get there and about what was happening in their state. Those from Republican run states commiserated with us having Frau Whitmer as our governor.

    There were warm up speakers and I think that Don Jr. and Rudy Guiliani had the best speeches. Don Jr. is a natural orator like his father. He has the charisma factor. The president was 45 minutes late when he started talking with us and he gave his typical speech with his off the cuff comments that elicited cheers and jeers. He made his last plea to Pence to have the disputed states electors sent back to the legislatures to look at the processes again. He knew at that time what Pence was going to do. More about this later.

    He concluded his speech and urged us to PEACEFULLY march to the capital and let them know we wanted just treatment. In no way did I or anyone else hear him incite violence. We started walking to the capital. While walking there, police in cars and bikes passed us and nobody was paying them attention or being belligerent towards them.

  155. Part Two

    When we got close to the capital, we learned that Pence gave his statement about not challenging the electors. People were really pissed and vocally letting off steam. It was an anger like when the home football team was playing badly and losing. There was no shouting to do physical violence that I heard. We saw a man getting water in his eyes and when asked what happened he said that the police was firing tear gas at Antifa and he was close by and got some gas in his eyes. That was my first inkling that Antifa was at work. We decided not to go up the capital proper but to go to Union Station to freshen up and eat. You could hear police sirens going off in the distance as they called for back up support. While at Union Station we heard that the capital was broken into and that a 16 year old girl was shot (later changed). After Union Station we walked back to the capital front side so we could see the Supreme Court. We could see that large crowds were still outside on the capital steps, shouting, praying, cheering and chanting. All peacefully. Passing through the house side of the Capital you could see police and National Guard going into the capital complex. Nobody was impeding them but they were getting verbal abuse from a few people. The shooting of the girl was the focus of their anger. On the mall side of the capital you could see thousands of people on the inauguration stands and on the capital grounds basically just being present. Then we got a text about the 6 pm curfew and we started back to the buses located at the Lincoln Memorial and we talked about what we heard and seen. At the bus pick up point we got more information about Antifa. The bus captain was at the drop off area and saw a bus pull in while the rally was going on with people getting off with Trump gear on but they give a different vibe. They were not happy and jovial but intense and scowling. Some military types at the drop off point also noted several of them had gas masks and batons on them. Later Paul Sperry, an investigative reporter tweeted he was informed that a former FBI agent knew Antifa was about and now we have video of them inside the capital as well as a Trump supported stopping a window break in.

    So the capital break in was a false flag operation designed to cast the rally goers as a mob. In a tactic right out the communist playbook mentioned in a book called “The Riot Makers” published in 1970 they deliberately injected themselves into an angry situation and exacerbated it. I read it when it first came out. That there was so few Trump rally goers that actually went to the Capital was a testament that we are law abiding citizens. But the uni-party and media ran with the story they wanted. We got back to Detroit @ 5:45 am and I heard the first 10 minutes of the morning NPR show that called us rioters and a mob. We heard that Biden was elected as the 46th president and all the uni-party animals tut tutted their disapproval and opprobrium at us. The same ones that praised BLM earlier in the year.
    Two observations right now. A longer essay of the ramifications will follow in a day or two.

  156. Part Three

    1. Riding in the bus in both directions I was surprised how many smart people were taken in by the QAnon disinformation campaign. They actually thought that Pence would send the electors back. I told them because he hadn’t prepared the groundwork to do so, he wasn’t going to do it. People didn’t believe me until after it happened. Then people started talking about Trump declaring Martial Law with military tribunals and Nancy Pelosi was starting Congress @ 9 pm to stop it. It was just like another of the QAnon statements. As a disinformation operation it succeeded brilliantly as it got people’s energy and attention away from what was really going on. It played to our cognitive bias to want us to believe that there was a plan and structure and Trump was playing with the deep state. There are so many people that pay attention to Lin Wood is a surprise to me. We have got to get people away from this conspiracy stuff and focused on real actions that results in real change.
    2. As stated earlier, the Police are not our friend. When it comes to enforcing the dictates of the power structure they will do so. The police violence in Quebec breaking up six men from meeting. The charging into a house in Scotland to arrest a family with crying children is coming to your city when Biden orders a nationwide mask mandate. We need to engage our local and state leaders NOW to be sure that they know this is unacceptable. Frau Whitmer will be all in on this. Don’t think they will not come for you.
    a. This incident happened to a friend of mine who was at the rally Wednesday. He took a disabled vet and a disabled child both in wheelchairs to the rally. When the Capital incident happened they decided to leave. Unfortunately, the disabled vet lost a wheel leaving due to Washington DC poor road condition and was stranded. My friend went to get his car to pick up the vet. The police arrogantly refused permission to go into the zone. He wouldn’t even let one of the other police men go get the man. Nor would he allow my friend to park his car there to make it a shorter trip. He was forced to park his car take the child’s wheelchair and put a 6’4” 240 man in it. He gave the police a piece of his mind about this whole sorry episode.
    I am pissed but optimistic. A lady at the bus stop said I was pisomistic. I like that word and will use it. As of this writing, Trump being the lawful man he is announced there will be the peaceful transition of power putting the lie to the media, democrats and QAnon that he would never leave the White House. Now starts to work to get this constitution back. I am starting that now and I am determined to make it happen.

  157. Cannot tell you how impressed I am with your dedication and calm, rational, and determined activism.

    I am not really familiar with the Q-Anon business. I tried reading a couple of pronouncements but it seemed so obvious a scam or prank of some kind, that I could not fathom how anyone could bother with it. Some person or persons jerking the chains of the credulous for the malicious glee of it …

    But you are right. People who have swallowed a line of nonsense despite it being constantly falsified by developments, may have energy and zeal, but can easily be derailed as well.

    And they do their larger cause no favors when they are mockingly shown to be spouting excitable nonsense. Which is why I am against people running around in those goddamned costumes too. Like fat boys with glasses, portraying frontiersmen in those pathetic reenactments done for cheesy History channel episodes they appear comical, ridiculous and unserious, if not outright stupid. . … 270 lbs of lard poured into buckskin with a sign around its neck saying “Look at me, I’m with them”.

    Great work. And congratulations on making history rather than being a spectator to it.

  158. I am Spartacus:

    Thanks for posting your observations. I sent them along to a fellow conservative friend. Keep fighting the Wretched Forehead and her Flying Monkey Minions!

  159. Thank you also I am Spartacus. A very impressive witness and many times more believable than anything from the MFM … well any number divided by zero is infinity, right?

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