Home » Non-news story of the day: Christie’s not running


Non-news story of the day: Christie’s not running — 14 Comments

  1. on the flip side, putin is asking all the old soviet states to get back together under one collective…



    Congressman lashes out for cyber-espionage…

    in magic, you pay attention to what they want you to pay attention so that the magician is free to do something else while your attention is distracted…

    but a magician is a “honest con man”, he tells you he is going to cheat you, trick you, and your going to lose some money… but since he does it up front, you let him and find it entertaining… its still a con, and THEY know it.

    the SAME skill from a dishonest con man, wont tell you they are cheating you, wont limit the take, and will let you believe you will gain, not lose…

    sooooo… why bother paying attention to this BS along the way, when you can wait and read about it all done with? is it to help distract people?

    for certainly, if you want them to NOT be distracted, joining journolist zeitgeist… is not the way…

    ie… giving up the pavlovian training that keeps you coming back to be entertained by distractions and love the social commentary along the way, and not being at all effective anywhere… as in the crowd at circus maximus… is working for the other side..

    ie.. whose side are you on? the magician con artists who need the big lie and distractions farmed out and running SANS other information.. OR the people who really need to know whats going on outside the distraction?

    just a question, as i keep noticing that slowly over time, the distractions count more than anything real that WILL have influence.

    for instance… a REAL Trade war, and the dems saying to hold off elections for a while….

    would make the whole dog and pony show of cristie, a dog and pony show…

    we have a reunification of the soviet union just in time for an altercation in 2012… ignoring the cutting of the internet cables, the world bank break ins, the black mail of europe over energy, the claiming of land under the artic as theirs, and a HUGE list of more, which we ignore.. as we like that fat guy cristie..

    its like i am watching a bunch of adults screw with a child, who doesn’t know he has come to the candy house in the forest and these adults are going to eat that kid up whole… (and the kid thinks they are so adult, they just dont want to wonder why the house is candy, why are they not telling me whats going on in the other room, etc). no one is learning how not to be tricked, they are learning how enjoyable it is.

    its funny, but unlike this situation, when someone asks me to dinner, i want to know if i am a guest or on the menu…

    here you assume your a guest…
    and have not a care or whit as to whether or not that is what they meant…

    just as we assumed what CHANGE meant

    you would think that perhaps if you dont like the way things are going, that maybe doing the same thing that got you there, is a bad idea…

    being entertained and distracted, is not the cure for being too entertained and distracted that got us here… is it?

  2. Buying Counterfeit Chips From China

    It’s a problem for U.S. retailers when Communist China makes fake designer handbags and illegal copies of our music CDs, but it’s a much bigger problem when the fakes are chips installed in our military weapons.

    The American people are starting to discover that counterfeit computer components bought from the Chinese are used in our warplanes, ships and communication networks.

    ADD it all up and see the WAR coming…
    no ability to get loans
    spread to thin before it starts
    lack of supplies and bizarro rules of engagement and other distractions like women and gays…
    no motivation for the men to fight as a society (except the few who already serve believing)
    no basic skills and ability by the kids who would defend
    their military has been building up but hiding it
    they have refurbished MONSTROUSLY large nuclear shelters

    and the list goes on and on and on..

    including that the high tech stuff we need to function, may fail upon a signal or some other thing on demand by the enemy..

    and our troops are so dependent on it, they would be crippled.

    but if something starts we can just turn to american manufacturing… it will save the day… IF the chinese give us access to our factories…

    Bloomberg Business Week reported that a confidential Pentagon program issued an alert as long ago as 2005 that fake microchips were causing military equipment malfunctions.

    Four counterfeit chips were discovered in the flight computer of one of our F-15 fighter jets at Robins Air Force Base in Georgia


    we know that we are having field failures in almost every weapon system. Informed military observers believe that at least 15 percent of the spare and replacement chips the Pentagon buys are counterfeits.

    and the fact we are finding stuff in childrens food and toys that cause developmental disorders (ie, you cant fix it)… just accidents…

    Another danger from fake Chinese chips is that they facilitate foreign espionage. The head of cyber security in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the FBI have both admitted that these routers can allow the Chinese to gain access to U.S. secure systems.

    The U.S. has seized more than 400 fake routers. Nobody knows how many more Chinese counterfeits have been installed in U.S. equipment.

    so how is cristie really news?
    he is only news cause the big lie wants you to watch that rather than all these other things…

    if we saw these other thigns, we would not be so easily willing to consider obama for a second term

    and you can sure guess that china and russia WANT mr incompetent and mr marxist play book, and mr i am helpless and stupid in a clinch, seizing control in the right time so they can win… no?

    ie… as the catechism of the revolutionary says, the people favored have been idiots not capable. they did not want a competent soviet state with all we have coming on line… they want an incompetent one who will do all the work then lose it all to them!!!!!!!!!!!!
    just as with all their other partnerships for the most part.

  3. After guys like me whining about Obama’s lack of experience, except as a community organizer who gets others to do the dirty work, I wouldn’t want to support Chris Christie for President, for the analogous reason (although Christie does have ^some^ executive experience, which The One sorely lack(ed)(s).

  4. Let’s keep after Christie to run and see if it makes him really mad to keep on repeating himself.

  5. If the GOP nominates a Tea Party dreamboat and said dreamboat loses to Obama and Christie gets reelected governor, his 2016 prospects for the nomination will be very strong. Otoh, if Romney loses to Obama, I can’t see Christie 2016. Wheels within wheels…

  6. I think Christie was seriously exploring a run but probably concluded that he simply didn’t have enough time. Running for president is not something you do “at the last minute.”

    Plus his kids are still pretty young.

    But the speech at the Reagan library and all of the wooing did serve to put him on the map.

    At least we have Christie and Marco Rubio etc to look forward to in a few years.

  7. Y’all oughta be paying a wee bit of attention to Artfldgr. Maybe he and I are the resident paranoiacs. OTOH, if ol’ Art is only half-right, we will be beyond a world of hurt, where neither the Fat Man nor Rubio can help. 2016 might then be a century away.

  8. “… unlike this situation, when someone asks me to dinner, i want to know if i am a guest or on the menu…”

    You merely the hors d’oeuvres.

  9. I couldn’t agree with you more about Christie. I think he is a mixed bag and most conservatives would have been disappointed to fall in love with another guy like Rick Perry.

    If this is the non-story of the day, then the story of the day must be Herman Cain’s gains. But why is it the media is hovering over Christie and ignoring Cain?

  10. Christie is making sure he doesn’t repeat Palin’s mistake of leaving in the middle of her term and destroying her credibility and integrity.

    And Artful — there’s no con job at all with Vladimir Vladimirovich. Everybody knows who he is and what he wants. The only question is when he declares himself Tsar of all the Russias.

  11. “If the country is still be functioning by then”. This is a very big “if” indeed. Mark Steyn is not exactly optimistic on that.

  12. >>> Artfldgr Says:

    A lot of stuff that’s a bit overly dependent on hearsay rather than hard news items, esp. the bit about counterfeit chips. Show me the freakin’ report about this, not some editorial about it.

    Nothing personal, but I don’t trust Schlafly to know a computer chip from a cow chip.

    Not the least of which is that China’s capability to PRODUCE computer chips is still nowhere near the capability required to produce the kind of top-end chips that are going to be IN our avionics.

    Taiwan can make chips like that. China does not have the FABs to produce such things, and when I say that I MEAN it. A Fab for making the kind of top of the line computer chips in question is about as state of the art as things get, you don’t make them without a lot of precursor development, and China itself (as opposed to Taiwan) has not gone through a fraction of the degree of development needed to do so. Moreover, they would have to develop their own stuff from scratch, a highly visible activity that would be widely known about. It’s not like they can really just take Intel or AMD designs and “modify” them.

    If you saw how complex these things really, really are, this would be obvious. It would be like getting plans for the entire city of new york — i mean the WHOLE thing, and building a fake one somewhere in the desert that worked EXACTLY the same way, except for a few dozen buildings here or there that did something different.

    >>> The U.S. has seized more than 400 fake routers. Nobody knows how many more Chinese counterfeits have been installed in U.S. equipment.

    Counterfeiting a “router” isn’t the same thing — it’s a box with computer chips in it. *I* could counterfeit a router. Actually modifying it to do something other than it was specifically intended to, THAT would be, once more, beyond China’s skill, because it would require altering hardware, not just software. Now, China could hack the software, this is a talent that they have and does not require high-tech equipment, but there’s a problem there– if it was “counterfeit”, then the software getting loaded onto it would not be from China but from the official site the counterfeit was supposed to be coming from. And the counterfeit would either work or not work. And usually the military has their own software to do a lot of things like this, because they have quite unique security needs and protocols that are not for public use.

    More than likely this is just some entrepreneur attempting to pirate some cash by selling cheap knock-offs in a deceptive box.

    There ARE things China can do that are nasty. Producing/faking top of the line computer equipment/parts is NOT one of them at this point, and probably not for another 10-odd years at a guess. And a low-ball guess at that. 20 is more likely

    Yes, they are still THAT far behind the technology curve, all the more so because much of the maverick-based development talent required does NOT fit the Chinese psyche.

  13. P.S., in case it’s not REALLY obvious, Taiwan is NOT china for the purposes of any discussion about computer chips, at least, not yet, and not anytime in the immediate future.

    This is a much better cross-discussion than schlafly’s, the people talking there sound a lot like the have a better clue about what China is actually capable of and what the processes of actually making a “defective” computer chip would be.

    You’ll note their almost complete lack of concern.

    Because, unlike schlafly, they actually understand the difference between a cow chip and a computer chip.

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