Home » Mail-in ballot chain of custody? Now, let me think…


Mail-in ballot chain of custody? Now, let me think… — 46 Comments

  1. National Review posted, a few days ago, yet another disgraceful piece attempting to dissuade any and all rational persons from imagining that anything at all was amiss in the tabulation of votes in The Peach State (apparently, there was nothing remotely unusual or suspicious in Fulton County). The behavior of the elected Republicans in GA, and of much of the GOP (and its supporters in the media), has been the cause of much of the controversy over whether or not to vote for Perdue or Loeffler, who are both unimpressive, but simply less ghastly than their opponents.

  2. But even if you find something that looks like proof of fraud, what happens?

    Here Scott Adams has found a video he likes of electoral fraud:

    –Scott Adams, “Bullies Chased Out Witnesses”

    He doesn’t mention the venue, but the action is clear. Witnesses were removed from the ballot counting building by force, then cardboard was placed over the windows before counting resumed.

    As Adams says, after that the argument is over.

    So we seem to be at Stage 3 — “Yes, there was fraud but probably not enough to overturn the election.” If we wait much longer, Stage 4 — “It’s too late to do anything about it.”

  3. As was stated in MI, it isn’t the absence of laws and regulations, “shalls, musts, wills,” it is the absence of consequences for ignoring the laws and regulations. Funny how those laws and regulations don’t get followed because of “racism.”

    Chain of custody must be a slavery thing.

    That cardboard on the windows was in Detroit IIRC.

  4. “Spoilation of evidence” is a long-established evidentiary principle that where a party fails to produce evidence within his control, an adverse inference may be drawn that the withheld evidence would be unfavorable to the party failing to produce it.

    A recent decision in Georgia provided:

    “The term spoliation is used to refer to the destruction or failure to preserve evidence that is relevant to contemplated or pending litigation. Such conduct may give rise to the rebuttable presumption that the evidence would have been harmful to the spoliator.”

    The most severe sanctions for spoliation are reserved for “exceptional cases,” generally only those in which the party lost or destroyed material evidence intentionally in bad faith and thereby prejudiced the opposing party in an incurable way. The loss of relevant evidence due to mere negligence . . . normally should result in lesser sanctions, if any at all.

    Anthem Cos. v. Wills, 305 Ga. 313 Feb. 4, 2019.

  5. I suppose one consolation, if an odd one, is that the Democratic Party and the. DNC are rapidly making themselves into two of the most profoundly despised entities in the history of our country, whether they understand this or not.

  6. j.e.: “Perdue or Loeffler, who are both unimpressive, but simply less ghastly than their opponents.”
    So you say.
    Less ghastly? That is indeed faint praise.
    They are decent human beings, surely not faultless, nor are any–any–of us. You need to be impressed by them, as they and all of us face absolute tyranny just faintly disguised? Osoff and the “Rev.” mean us perpetual oppression, should they win in another fraudulent GA election, while they as elitists will continue the good life.

    It has always puzzled me that the pastors of black churches can make obvious, repetitive political statements from their podiums and still maintain tax-exempt status for their churches. The Rev. Wright comes to mind. Somehow his famous condemnation of white America was non-political. And his church thrives, with its black, ignorant and racist throng.
    Can’t do that in a white church!

  7. Perhaps you have seen this similar alt-perspective by a limey:

    The GA laws & regulations were violated by GA officials. The proof is the absence of evidence. Will SCOTUS or some other court “decide” a case in this way? Only a few days left to see.

    GA needs more than just a huge Trump rally – they need to become inconvenient. Like with massive car congestion protests, driving slowly during rush hour.

    And asking any police officer, very politely, for their badge number and identification. “Officer, can I have your badge number please?”
    – You’re in the way, you have to move.
    “Of course officer, as soon as you provide legal identification.”
    – You have to move NOW.
    “Oh yes, officer, I will certainly move as soon as you give me your bagde # and name. I wouldn’t want to make a mistake like the GA poll watchers who were misled.”
    – You have to MOVE NOW
    “of course, certainly, whatever you say. But first, you have to show me your badge and give me your name.”
    – Here’s my badge, my name is Mr. T
    “Let’s see, 606 8431, is that correct Mr. T?”
    – MOVE IT.
    – “Yes sir, I’m moving now”.

    I imagine this, over and over, with every GA policeman directed to “direct traffic”.

    Traffic only flows smoothly because so many folk obey the “law”. If the law is questioned, it takes TIME to confirm that the officer has legal authority. If EVERY SINGLE driver asks the officer the same questions, and for ID and name, it SLOWS traffic down.

    Who wants that?


    It’s so inconvenient, many would say it hurts. But it’s peaceful, and non-violent, and legal.

    The Tea Party didn’t hurt anybody, and wasn’t inconvenient. Got some publicity, mostly false bad opinions from Dem media. It would be good for Reps to be “peacefully inconvenient”.
    Many here think there will be a civil war. There might be. I fear it.

    War is hell.

    Effective Protests are … inconvenient. Sometimes VERY inconvenient.

    Maybe the inconvenience will be enough to generate publicity. Publicity for the complaint.

    “Officer, did you know that Republican poll watchers were told to leave, by unidentified GA officials, but then Sec. of State Raffensperger said those poll workers did not really understand. So you see, I really don’t want any misunderstanding, nor any fraud. Not like the election.”

    Is the US Republican voting public’s “white hot” anger enough to generate protests that both Dems and Reps will “not like”?

    And we hear that it’s “too late change any processes for the Jan run-off”.

    Certainly one change is that all poll watchers should have video phones and often make photos. Plus get the name of each “official”, as well as their supervisor, before accepting any “orders”.

    It’s so disgusting. Fraud in plain sight – violations of the “law” that go unpunished. To accept fraud.

    I do believe if the gov’t is unwilling to provide evidence of a fair election, then that is evidence the election was NOT fair.

  8. I was in that Scott Adams video taking a video of a table that looked like they were tabulating unfolded ballots. It is at the 1:00 to 1:01 mark. Seeing that just raises my ire again at the blatant illegality of it all. (I don’t even get my 15 minutes of fame. I still have 14:58 to go.)

    Dr. Tarver is so correct. Until we enforce the laws equally this crap will go on. I posted in another blog there are actually three systems of justice in this nation.
    The connected group (Hillary, Hunter, et al.), the group that the connected doesn’t like (Flynn, Page, Trump) and all others waiting to be put into the second group.

    This ain’t over by a long shot.

  9. I hate to sound like a stuck clock, but as I have pointed out in two prior threads on this topic, chain of custody is everything with anonymous voting and we have horrendous chains of custody in most States (a friend in Colorado says their mail in voting is actually reliable and secure, and that may be true, and I imagine there are good procedures in some other places).

    Since we did not have verifiable, auditable controls in place last November we are toast. Absent confessions from whatever actual perpetrators there may have been (and the odds of that are slim, to none) there is, unfortunately, nothing we can do, as this post points out, and the several attorneys here and in the prior threads explain.

    Even if the total votes tallied exceed the total number of legal age, living U.S. citizens, making it irrefutable that illegal ballots were cast, what can be done? Which ballots were appropriately filled out by citizens (or which screens were appropriately touched by citizens) and which were not? It’s all a big, huge, messy pile of votes and data, and the perpetrators, if they exist, understood this would be the case no matter how blatant their fraud.

  10. I am Spartacus:

    You the man! All too true what you and Dr. Traver have said. Detroit, Atlanta, Philly, Milwaukee, Phoenix(too ?) funny how these isolated cities just can’t seem to comply year after year?

    Voting Rights Act? Nothing to see.

  11. Again, absent confessions, the only possible recourse would be court cases invalidating enough states’ tallies that those states, or perhaps, even the entire nation would have to vote again. Because most all ballots are conveniently mixed and intermingled* about all that can be done is invalidation of the results in certain precincts or States and a new election ordered. Which, I’m on-board with, but the odds of any court mandating that are very, very low. As others pointed out, wouldn’t it be much easier for a judge(s) to rule: “Evidence of some fraud exceeds the minimum necessary threshold, however it is unlikely to have affected the overall results of the race, therefore, ipso facto, quod erat demonstratum, the results stand.”

    Oh, look what tomorrow is:

    December 8, 2020: The “Safe Harbor” Deadline
    The U.S. Code (3 U.S.C. §5) provides that if election
    results are contested in any state, and if the state, prior to
    election day, has enacted procedures to settle controversies
    or contests over electors and electoral votes, and if these
    procedures have been applied, and the results have been
    determined six days before the electors’ meetings, then
    these results are considered to be conclusive, and will apply
    in the counting of the electoral votes. This date, known as
    the “Safe Harbor” deadline, falls on December 8 in 2020.

    Happy Safe Harbor’s Eve!

    *The only segregated ballots I know of are those in Pennsylvania that were court ordered to be flagged, however I think even that was conveniently botched.

  12. Rufus the constitutional remedy is to have the legislators chose the electors and failing that the House of Representatives. There is a way.

    As ShipWreckCrew has postulated several times the Democrats fallback was always to have the stopgap be the Supreme Court. There it would be a 5-4 vote that it wasn’t in their jurisdiction and it would be over…..Then Ginsburg died and Barrett took her place. Now all bets are off.

    I hope the storekeepers kept their plywood up over their windows.

    When people find out that their votes were invalidated with fraud there will be a huge push to get the voting in this country right much to the uni-party dismay.

  13. I am Spartacus:

    Cool that you were there! Anything else to add?

    Would you say, just to be sure, the Adams video was accurate and not misleading?

  14. FRESH GEORGIA PEACHES! Not: isn’t Ruby Freeman one of a mother-daughter team caught on video counting (secret) ballots illegally?

    ‘THIS IS BIGGER THAN ME’: Georgia’s Ruby Freeman Lawyers Up, Cancels Interview
    Dec 7, 2020


    Ruby Freeman, exposed as one of the key individuals involved with the late night suitcase vote counting in Georgia, cancelled an interview she scheduled with journalist Carolyn Ryan, and told her that she needed to secure legal counsel.

    “I won’t be able to be interviewed,” wrote Freeman. “This is bigger than me.”

    “I need an attorney. Thanks,” Freeman added. “Much Luv to you and your team.”


  15. Tom Grey,

    I like your proposal, and I agree that is the best thing for this country right now. It is unfortunate it has come to this and our representatives have such disregard for the Constitution, but your proposal, as frustrating as it is, is much better than what could come in its place.

    Civil disobedience. What if 20%, 30%, 40% of the country “forgot” to file taxes on April 15th.

    What if 20%, 30%, 40% of parents started homeschooling their kids after Christmas break? What would the impact be to the public schools? How could they adjust to such a sudden, huge change? Retired folks, stay at home parents could run co-ops for parents who have to work and can’t participate as instructors. Do it on-line so the State can’t shut your co-op down due to board of health, or building code rules.

    What if 20%, 30%, 40% of families decided they would cancel their cable on the same day? How soon until there would be massive layoffs in the Entertainment industry. January 20th sounds like a good day to do that. I just pulled it out of thin air, but I like the sound of it.

    And the economy. You have to vote with your wallets people. You have to. Ace has a good post up about Coca Cola and Pepsi. Pick the worst corporate offenders and spread the word about their offenses, encouraging all concerned citizens to stop giving them power by giving them money. Facebook, twitter, Amazon, Google, Netflix, CNN, ESPN, Disney…

    In the past year I’ve divested myself of all but Google and Amazon, and I’m working on those. Target stores has their own SJW issues, but I was recently surprised how much of their on-line presence mirrors Amazon, including purchasing through resellers. I’m stuck with Google, at least for a bit, for professional reasons, but if you can’t cut completely off from some of these corporations, at least lessen what you can.

    And I know what a pain the television piece is. If you have a cable package with anyone, including streaming services like YouTube, you are giving money to NBC, CNN, ABC, Disney, ESPN, FoxNews, MSNBC… Even if you don’t watch those channels, they get a share of your monthly payment from your provider. Some providers, like Sling, allow you to choose sports-lite or news-lite packages.

    Their lifeblood is cash. We fund the golden handcuffs they use to shackle our freedoms.

    Tom Grey is correct. The time has come for discomfort. Dr. King would have preferred to stay behind the pulpit of his warm, cozy church than marching in front of armed government agents and being soaked by fire hoses. Moses would have preferred living in a palace as Pharoah’s son, than wandering in the desert (alone, and as leader of the Jewish slave revolt). The apostle Peter would have preferred to go back to his fishing nets. And, of course, the hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens who gave their lives freeing the slaves and freeing others from foreign tyranny, not to mention our fellow citizens who lived in bondage.

    When you put it in perspective; homeschooling your kid, drinking generic soda, missing a few sporting events or Netflix series, or, as Tom suggests, spending one afternoon a month in your car, listening to podcasts, stuck in a planned traffic jam… All those seem pretty easy compared to what others have done to get us the freedoms we cherish.

  16. I am Spartacus,

    I apologize for not being more comprehensive; I actually agree that whatever options still remain should be played out to their absolute fullist. More power to you and anyone who has a role in the legalities of this contested election. What you are doing is impressive.

  17. Tom Grey:

    Judy is down with you!

    They murdered boys in Mississippi
    They shot Medgar in the back
    Did you say that wasn’t proper?
    Did you stand out on the track?
    You were quiet just like mice
    Now you say that we’re not nice
    But if that’s freedom’s price
    We don’t mind
    Sing it out

    We don’t mind
    No, no, no

    It isn’t nice to block the doorway
    It isn’t nice to go to jail
    There are nicer ways to do it
    But the nice ways always fail
    It isn’t nice, it isn’t nice
    You told us once, you told us twice
    Well, thank you, buddy, for your advice
    But if that’s freedom’s price
    We don’t mind
    No, no, no
    We don’t mind

    No, no, no
    We don’t mind

    –Judy Collins, “It Isn’t Nice”

  18. It will land in the S.C.’s lap. If the majority on the court resort to legalisms to avoid responsibility, they will be responsible for ending the American Republic. The nation will not collapse tomorrow but it will no longer be a democratic republic.

    Once the left is certain that elections can be ‘won’ regardless of the actual vote, they will ‘win’ every important election henceforth. Nor will that majority ever allow corrective reforms to be enacted, as the needed votes in the legislature’s will not be there to pass reforms. We will be well on the way to Venezuela’s fate and nothing less than Civil War will arrest our slide into tyranny.

    Many think that to be hyperbole. They shall learn otherwise.

  19. I AM Artfldgr…
    I yam what i yam…

    These are the first days of the rest of your life…

    we be screwed…
    the question is whether its now or a short time later…

  20. Geoffrey Britain:

    Unfortunately, that’s how I see it as well, and that’s the way I’ve seen it for quite some time now.

    I hope we’re both wrong and that things are not that dire. But I think they are.

    Trump had his finger in the dike, but the waters have been threatening for many years and now he’s being forcibly removed.

    For me, the situation we’re in started to become clear with the Lois Lerner IRS incident – and by “it” I mean the power of what we call the Deep State and its alliance with the left, and the futility of expecting the legal process to represent a substantial defense against it. It has only gotten worse since. As the COVID election “reforms” piled up, I became more and more frightened of the possibility of widespread fraud, because the opportunities had certainly increased. Once it happens, it’s almost impossible to go back, for the very reasons you have stated.

  21. It’s completely ludicrous to me that even in the event that counties are getting more votes than registered voters you can’t even demand a simple audit.

  22. OT — Biden Empowers China at US Expense?

    Bobolinski said the Biden’s we’re compromised by the Chinese BEFORE THE ELECTION.
    TUCKER CARLSON BREAKS NEWS TONIGHT — Chinese economist and prof boasting that “we,” China, “have people in the highest inner circles of real American power.” Speaking before a Chinese audience on video.

    Bobelinski’s claims are here confirmed: the Biden Administration will be dangerous and traitorous.

    Gordon Chang comments on this, implying that Taiwan will be invaded, but saying only that “China’s arrogance” will lead it to “do something irreversible.”

    SEE OPENING TUCKER SEGMENT REPEATED ON FOX NEWS in 3 hours 40 minutes —Blockbuster!

  23. If I was a Democrat and I was worried that my candidate and his running mate were not well liked, and turnout for the ticket may be low, and I was worried that my opponent was drawing huge crowds and polling well in minority precincts, and I was willing to employ, “any means necessary” for my party to win, what would be the most efficient, least detectable way to see to that?

    I need votes. I especially need votes in swing states so I’d rank swing states by electoral vote count; those with the most electoral votes go to the top of my list.

    Then I’d look through that list for states that have a populous county with a large, non-white population. I’m hoping to find one county in the state with most, even a majority of that state’s population and I want it to have a significant, non-white component.

    Why? The likelihood of collusion succeeding decreases in direct proportion to the number of individuals involved with the conspiracy. I have to target the fewest states possible and I have to try to only target one county in each of those states. And, people may notice irregularities. Why are voting patterns in those counties different than voting patterns in similar counties within the same state? Different than voting patterns in similar counties in other states? Well, I chose counties with a large percentage of non-white residents which means my answer when confronted with that data is: “Shut up, racist!” “Are you trying to disfranchise African American (Latino, Latinx, “brownskinned”) voters?!”

    How would I know such a thing had occurred? If the largest counties in the fewest number of swing states needed to swing the results had huge turnout for my party and the percentages in those counties was skewed from other, similar counties within those states, and throughout the nation.

  24. neo, Geoffrey Brittain, there are way more of us than there are of them. Not even the most powerful monarch who has lived can be sovereign if his or her subjects don’t show up to be ruled.

    “If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders – What would you tell him?

    To shrug.”

    It is time to go Galt.

    Do not give them your money. Do not give them your eyeballs. Do not give them your clicks. Do not give them your children. Do not watch their circuses (NFL, NBA, Baseball, Soccer…) (CSIwherever, Game of Whatever, Housewives of Wherever…). Do not eat their bread. Find good people who provide what you want and buy from them, share their names with friends and family. Find entertainers who value freedom and liberty and buy their songs, attend their films, read their books.

    Too hard? 620,000 American men who died between 1861 and 1865 would disagree.

    Go Galt.

  25. Geoffrey Brittain, count me as another one in full agreement: “If the majority on the [Supreme] court resort to legalisms to avoid responsibility, they will be responsible for ending the American Republic. The nation will not collapse tomorrow but it will no longer be a democratic republic.

    “Once the left is certain that elections can be ‘won’ regardless of the actual vote, they will ‘win’ every important election…. [And then] We will be well on the way to Venezuela’s fate and nothing less than Civil War will arrest our slide into tyranny.”

    Welcome to Post-Constitutional “AmeriKKKa.” The Long imagined, sometimes feared, end of the American experiment, now — like a train on an express rail track — coming at us all like a cannonball.

    I’m contriving to put the almost inevitable CW2 coming very soon Truth —because Patriots will die on the Hill that’s been our USA to defeat the evil Traitors (including too many Rs) — out to warn the highest decision-makers that hundreds of thousands of like-minded will re-inact 1860/1776 and soon become millions.

    How To make the BOLDEST, BRIGHTEST, messaging to them, yet neither threaten them nor draw unwanted LEO attention my way?

    That’s our most important job for days and weeks ahead.

    PS If the President pulls this fourth coup out of the fire, and if We The People prevail, then I’m seriously considering working for one of three new Congresswomen. We cannot fail to keep the winning going, knowing how dangerous “do or die” Peal Harbor/Battle of Britain-like days we now see thrust upon us.

    World War Three will not be fought first kinetically, like past ones. Instead, it will be first fought, and won or lost, as information wars — like we see now.

  26. “Trump had his finger in the dike, but the waters have been threatening for many years and now he’s being forcibly removed.”

    by the LGBTQ movement and supporters, right? he should never put his finger there…

  27. Huxley @ 6:23 – What you see in the video is true and more. We were swarmed, ignored, kicked out, harassed and more. The only thing that didn’t happen was physical violence. We were outnumbered 5, 6, 7 to 1 as there were “vote integrity” organizations like Democracy Initiative, ACLU and so forth teams that was allowed to come in. Once they filled the room to capacity, Wayne County then closed off entry and never allowed another Republican in.

    In short we were out organized, out muscled and out thought. I say that when Trump wins Michigan it will IN SPITE OF and not because of the Michigan Republican Party. I will work within to fix it.

    I wrote an essay about this on Wednesday/Thursday 5th and 6th about my experience.

    There was a video discussion about how the judge was allowed to write a decision that put a hurt on the lawsuit. The issue was that the lawsuits was put together in a slap dash manner and should have been dismissed.


  28. Tom Grey,

    In your example, I count 4 times an officer told you to move…

    “– You’re in the way, you have to move.

    – You have to move NOW.

    – You have to MOVE

    – MOVE IT.”

    I think there’s an excellent chance that in the real world, that cop won’t tell you more than twice and will simply arrest you for defying a lawful order. I know he won’t tell you three times. And if you’re unlucky enough to appear before a leftist judge, he’ll throw the book at you. Sue and a judge of like mind will just throw the suit out of court.

    In the new world, laws are only for the right kind of people because “some animals are more equal than others”.

    Kyle Rittenhouse, Portland journalist Strickland arrested for brandishing his legal, concealed carry gun when surrounded by threaning antifa, “Mark and Patricia McCloskey face felony charges for displaying guns during a ‘protest’…”

  29. Geoffrey Britain:

    Indeed, the leftist DA of Multnoma County OR (Portland) won’t be reluctant to prosecute you and will you have the Soros(?) funded commies from the National Lawyers Guild there to bail you out? Tom’s tactics will be hard to pull off in commie bastions of Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York City, or even Bend. Much less in the one party state of California, but maybe not, things are easy from across the pond.

    A long hard fight ahead.

  30. Rufus T Firefly,

    Reducing the money isn’t enough. MSNBC and CNN have been in the red for years. As they’re propaganda arms of the left, they’re funded by the left. In 2020, the members of the Marxist teachers unions haven’t missed a dime of income. Same for ‘essential’ government workers.

    Costco, Sams Club, Amazon, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft are doing just fine and filling the left’s pockets with cash. Planned Parenthood’s in fine shape. NPR, PBS… not a problem in sight. Corps are filling BLM’s coffers with hundreds of millions.

    The rots far too deep and widespread for peaceful measures by the public to dissuade the left. So what if small business in America goes down the tubes. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

  31. TUCKER CARLSON USED Chinese TV video from a week ago of a Beijing university professor boasting about China’s influence on American political elites at the highest levels. Like Obama and Biden. (But not with the inscrutable Trump; he had other tasks besides pleasing the CCP.)

    Here’s 9 minutes of the first segment From FNC. The original video was also posted to Chinese social media, but then was later pulled.

  32. Geoffrey Britain @ 12:30am,

    With all due respect (and I mean that sincerely), you are flat out wrong. Reducing money and participation is everything. It’s the one Trump (excuse the pun) card we have, and it’s hugely powerful. We saw this in the NFL with the protests. Numbers dropped significantly and they changed. It was a kinda/sorta concession, but it was also a kinda/sorta boycott. Same at ESPN when their viewership started tanking due to frustrated cable cutters. There is a rather believable rumor that AT&T, CNN’s parent, will dump Zucker at the end of his contract due to his mismanagement of their news desk. It is not a secret that AT&T is trying to sell CNN and there are no buyers.

    The right funds the left. The left does not fund the right. We fund Planned Parenthood. They don’t fund our churches. We fund their entertainment networks, they don’t fund Daily Wire, CRTV, PJ Media, Sinclair Broadcasting…

    The left is very conscious of where they spend their money and where they put their eyeballs. They do not shop at Hobby Lobby. They do not eat at Chik-fil-a. My wife has been on a roadtrip with a lefty friend; my wife had two kids along, the friend zero. Kids were hungry. Chik-fil-a was convenient. Friend asked to be dropped at another place next door. Wouldn’t set foot in the place. Made my wife (who was only concerned about giving some kids what they wanted) go a few minutes out of her way on a 10 hour roadtrip so the friend didn’t have to cross Chik-fil-a’s vile threshhold. Neo’s site is filled with similar stories, all day long. Lefty friends who won’t watch videos we share, read books we recommend… We consume their media, read their books. THEY DO NOT! We fund their abuse.


    Go Galt.

    It will hurt them immensely. They love money. Money gives them prestige. Do not give it to them.

  33. TJ,

    I saw the segment. It was more disturbing than I expected. When I heard the words the lecturer was using I thought, “Well, maybe Tucker’s reading a bit much into this,” but the audience’s reaction convinced me.

    It’s something we’ve all known. No secret to the folks in Hong Kong. But the brazenness of that, the size of the audience, gives it the appearance that it is ramping up into a more open phase. The Nazi’s kept things in the inner circle until they felt confident they had planted enough seeds that they could be brazen and hold large rallies. It reminded me of the large, Bath Party conferences Saddam Hussein would convene. Get everyone together, especially those who may not be fully on board with the program yet. Then ramp up the evil to an uncomfortable level and make sure all clap. It goes a long way to discouraging anyone who may think they can stage a coup.

    Just as I am Spartacus describes with the Democrats in Michigan polling places; corrupt folks have no hesitation cheating in the open once they are confident they have the clout necessary to quash any would be accusers.

  34. Geoffrey Britain,

    I assume you know this, but MSNBC and CNN are funded by everyone who has cable. Your cable company gives a share of your monthly payment to them.


    AT&T is not in the business of losing money. No matter what Zucker or the news staff at CNN believe, or want, the more in the red we force those companies, the faster firings and changes will come.

    And, again, I mean this respectfully, you are a very thoughtful commenter, but why is a financial boycott not preferable when you often write about actual, armed insurrection? Wouldn’t a year of trying the non-armed method be preferable?

    Again, think of my example with homeschooling. Yes, we are forced to fund the Teacher’s Unions through our property taxes, but if the school districts suddenly have 20%, 30% fewer students, overnight, how can the city, county and state budgets vote to fund the now bloated administration? It would have to change. And rather quickly. The Left has no problem aggressively coming after Police funding. Rather than picking up a rifle and firing on Fort Sumter, wouldn’t it be easier to pull your kid out of school and teach her how to read, write and cipher?

    Go Galt.

  35. “The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it.”
    -Ayn Rand

    Not to be a scold, but if you fund CNN, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook… and yet you believe they are literally overturning our Republic…

    Well, if Benedict Arnold had a store would you shop there? If Pol Pot had a social media platform would you put pictures of your cat there? Go there to “meet up” with old High School friends? If the Confederacy was selling bourbon to fund their war effort would you buy it?

    I’m sorry, but if you sincerely believe this is a concerted effort to permanently limit and remove your rights you have to get serious and disassociate your resources from the enemy wherever possible. I am a very social, very tech savvy individual. I have a nice life. I have never been on Facebook. If I want to talk to someone from my High School I pick up a phone, or write a letter. I enjoy political discourse with bright people. I don’t use Twitter. I donate to Neo’s place and hang out here. I love sports. But ESPN was using my cable revenue and Nielsen ratings boost to damage the country I love even more than my beloved, Chicago Bears and White Sox, so I stopped watching and got ride of cable.

    Spread the word. The Left has done this for decades. And it has been very effective. We have to get serious. We have to get active. And we have to stop paying those who wish us ill.

  36. Sorry for droning on,

    But this also means we have to get uncomfortable with like-minded people. If you’re at a cocktail party and a friend who claims to be disgusted by the Dems corruption is railing about election fraud you have to stop them and say, “Your kids still go to the local, public schools, right? Why aren’t you using private, or home schooling?” It will get uncomfortable. They will make excuses. Then you’ll have to say, “I am sorry. I know you are sincere, but if you are giving your kids to their system 8 hours a day, your very own children, well, it doesn’t seem like you really want things to change.”

    Same thing when someone complains about the media. “Have you gotten rid of cable yet? Still have Netflix?”

    You can be polite. You should be polite, but you have to spread the word.

    Look, neo’s many posts and all of your informed comments show that our election votes don’t hold a lot of weight these days. Our dollar votes still do. Every dollar you spend is a vote. “I vote for this butter.” “I vote for this fast food chain.” “I vote for this automobile manufacturer.”

    If you learned a margarine company was funding Hezbollah would you buy their oleo? What if the company was funding BLM? Sending huge donations to Democrat candidates and PACs?

    Too busy to find out? That’s what the Left is banking on.

  37. @ Rufus,

    Yes. We are buying them the ballots they are killing us with. We are paying them to serve up sewerage on a plate and throw it in our faces.

    Just imagine if this Christmas, even anticipating Covid related declines, these companies registered significant and unanticipated further losses.

    YouTube and Amazon will be the toughest, in my estimation.

    Amazon, because it has successfully induced selles to aggregate with their direct competitors, and gotten them to provide free shipping even as shipping costs have risen.

    I was pricing planer mills recently [ hobby size, not commercial] and even on sale, the best non affiliated price I could find was significantly more than was found on Amazon. Independent catalog houses had better stop padding their bills with more than necessary shipping, and especially, handling, charges if they value their own independence.

  38. “Again, think of my example with homeschooling. Yes, we are forced to fund the Teacher’s Unions through our property taxes, but if the school districts suddenly have 20%, 30% fewer students, overnight, how can the city, county and state budgets vote to fund the now bloated administration?”

    People are being forced to virtually home school now using school district plans and hookups, and finding it a failure without direct parental involvement. Perhaps that will start some thinking.

    I have a neighbor, who home schools 5 children, 2 additional being too young yet. Admittedly, they may be unusual, especially in her comittment as a mother. But as a graduate nurse and degreed music teacher, she is competent to the task; and with the support of their parents and their evangelical church organization’s home schooling supplement classes, they manage.

    The kids are the most vigorous and normal I have met since my own childhood days. Possibly better, since they watch almost no television – i.e., they have no exposure to Hollywood – either.

    This may not be the place to bemoan the status of parochial education as an alternative but imagine what might have been possible if there had not been a great infiltration and collapse of the relevant institutions into the communitarian, rather than the sacred, beforehand.

  39. DNW:

    Re: “great infiltration”: Dr. Taylor Marshall approves.

    (And, basically, so do I: Whatever the etiology, leftism conquered our educational system, including the parochial, less as a political movement than as a substitute religion.)

  40. DNW:

    Re: “great infiltration”: Dr. Taylor Marshall approves.

    (And, basically, so do I: Whatever the etiology, leftism conquered our educational system, including the parochial, less as a political movement than as a substitute religion.)”

    Hi. I don’t know much about Taylor Marshall. I have seen his videos recommended on YouTube when I was perusing various religion themed videos, but found myself unable – despite his apparent erudition – to watch him. This, for much the same reason I cannot watch the meandering, back-tracing, self-interrupting Sean Hannity. In the videos I tried to watch, Marshall had some cohort on who just could not seem to spit it out.

    There is a big difference between being able to formulate ideas and criticisms, and being able to get it out fluidly in real time. The infamous Rush Limbaugh has excelled at that. No hemming, no hawing, no uhhs, and umms.

    To the substance of your point. Here, is a well known, and probably previously referenced by me here before, video of a Firing Line episode from the early 80’s.

    It will certainly stretch beyond even Neo’s C.S. Lewis quoting ecumenical interests. But for Christians in general, especially those who have knowledge of, or remember to some extent the celebration of the “sacred sensibility” pre Vatican II mass, it will be extremely edifying … if they can watch the whole thing. I have watched it through several times now, and it was only after several views that the full profundity of the change in orientation, as opposed to mere vernacular adjustment fully set in.

    The Kumbaya shouting mutual hand sniffing stuff was not just an accident. It was deliberately introduced to set the agenda, as well as to appeal to a specific communitarian sensibility.

    Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: The Fight over Catholic Orthodoxy
    Michael Davies, Joseph Champlin, Malachi Martin


    Davies, whatever his virtues or defects as a Catholic, provides one of the most impressive critiques and rebuttals given during a discussion that I have ever seen. It is clear that he is a confident master of his material in detail as he deconstructs Champlain’s Versus populum vs ad Orientem fake “history”.

    I shall now also quote the historian James Hitchcock quoting the scandalous, (now admittedly) homosexual, former Archbishop of Milwaukee Rembert Weakland from when he was a mere “liturgist” in the 1960’s.

    You can be a complete atheist and appreciate this:

    Hitchcock, from “The Liturgical Revolution, The Recovery of the Sacred”, quotes Weakland, saying:

    ” …worship … ‘is to be primarily the communal sensitivity that I am one with my brother next to me and that our song is our common twentieth-century situation….’ He urged that sacred music ‘deny her exalted position of being a ‘telephone to the beyond’…”

    The problem of truth versus emotion runs deep across many social domains.

  41. @DNW:


    Sorry, I wasn’t so much referencing Taylor Marshall’s videos, which admittedly suffer from the difficulties you describe. (If you want to see him get to the point a little better, look at the early “TnT” clips with Timothy Gordon, who was a little more blunt and on-point, albeit very casual, not at all slickly professional.)

    I was actually referencing Marshall’s book Infiltration, which takes on precisely the issues described by Malachi Martin in his various Buckley appearances, and also in the plot of Martin’s “faction” novel, Windswept House, the first half of which is merely Martin’s attempt at an exposé of real-world events, and in which so many characters are thinly-disguised depictions of real-world prelates.

    Marshall’s thesis is that what we now experience as general encroaching leftism, desacralized worldview, moral and ontological relativism, sentimentalism, and indifferentism is the long-term consequence of damage done to the culture for the last 150 years as a result of conscious infiltration of the institutional churches by hostile outsiders: Folk who snuck in under-the-radar and, once ensconced, consciously promoted “their own” through the ranks.

    Marshall blames what we’d today call “the left” for the first wave of infiltration and subversion of Christian doctrine in favor of leftism. But “the left” has shifted over the years. He asserts (and documents) that the Italian Masonic societies were the groups on “the left” that initially acted to infiltrate the Catholic Church’s hierarchy and seminaries, but that over time the importance of secret societies faded (even as their agenda became victorious) because, just as intended, their ideological agenda became the default culture of the Western World. (Why bother joining an irrelevant secret society when all your neighbors hold the same views that you do, openly and publicly?)

    One has to be careful about “New World Order” ranting, lest one sound like a loon. Still, Marshall traces the relevance of the changes in the liturgy and shows (pretty convincingly) that a lot of the guys from 1890-1980 who subverted liturgy and doctrine in the Catholic hierarchy, particularly Novus Ordo author Annibale Bugnini, were also card-carrying members of Masonic lodges (an excommunicable no-no). That detail allows the reader to see that it was less a matter of serious Catholics having an internal squabble about how best to evangelize the modern world, and more about actual infiltration by non-believing and ideologically-hostile outsiders.

    Anyway, Gramscian damage is the familiar recurring motif, whether you’re talking about churches or universities or the arts or popular culture. Robert Conquest was correct: Any organization that doesn’t self-consciously identify as right wing eventually becomes leftist. Infiltration (and in a different way, Windswept House) are about how the drift isn’t as organic and random as we sometimes suppose, but are a result of active skullduggery.

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