Home » Bolton: the people’s ambassador? Pass the hat


Bolton: the people’s ambassador? Pass the hat — 14 Comments

  1. Yeah, where’s Madeline Albright when we need her? She could go shake hands with the Dear Leader again, and all our NK-Nukes problem would disappear!

    Of course, that’s still more than the current flock of geniuses has been doing lately…

  2. Over at Roger L. Simon’s blog I volunteered to be the coordinator for the campaign to collect Bolton’s salary, and I’m serious about that. I don’t think it would be too hard to get enough for him to have a good salary, benefits, expenses covered and the gratitude of millions.

    And Justaguy, I sure missed you. No one can do clueless and irrational like you can!

  3. The unfortunate fact is that liberals don’t like Bolton because he is a Bush Administration success. As pointed out by other contributors, the Clintonesque brand of foreign policy as already proved to be ineffective at minimum and disastrous at maximum. Should anyone care to challenge me on those assertions, I would be happy to provide an extensive list of verifiable examples. You can email me: thebad@cox.net.

    With regards to raising money for Bolton, we ought to rethink this concept. While the intent of the idea comes from the right place, there are two major problems:

    * We are already paying this salary with our tax dollars, whether the government cuts the checks or not. To pony up more money is giving the government money for nothing, which many of us feel like we are doing anyway. Nonetheless, we should take pause before opening our wallets.

    * To do this would set an ugly precedent. It opens the door for action groups of any sort, or evil oil company executives, or terrorists being able to purchase the UN representative for the United States.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: our government is the worst one out there, except for all the other ones.

  4. Thank you so much, Neo, for posting my email. At least the idea is out there and I’m going to check out whatever askmom already has in place over at Roger Simon’s. I appreciate the concern that this is possibly a questionable precedent to set but it just disturbed me so much that Mr. Bolton’s fine service might be cut short by partisan politics. He has proven himself as an outstanding UN ambassador in every way and it seems such a shame to lose him.Once again, thanks for letting me be a temporary squatter in your blogosphere real estate. Michaele

  5. Poor housewife isn’t too familiar with John Bolton and the U.N I’m afraid..

    The U.N isn’t a partisan issue – it’s an international body that the U.S is a functioning and integral part of.

    John Bolton has shown to be a liar and an obstructionist.

    His record at the U.N is atrocious – his appointment to the U.N was partisan – his appointment was an embarrasment to America – the events of the last 8 years are pure testement to that fact.

    Anyway – she’s a housewife – waddya’ want?

  6. Incidently – there has already been a ‘referendum’ on U.S foreign policy and the majority of Americans view it as a complete disaster.

    So his supporters, staunch democratic idealists, will surely understand the man has to go…

  7. Sorry for the ‘trolling’, one last point.

    I read today that there is “zero chance” of Bolton being affirmed to the U.N.

    So don’t quit your day job, or lose any sleep.

    And remember – most Americans agree….

  8. I’m getting hungry. I still think Bolton would be happier if we gave him plenipotentiary power to arrest UN bureacrats and try them in absentia. It would be in absentia, because the UN bureacrats would righteouslly either be disappeared or have already disappeared from the news.

  9. And Justaguy, I sure missed you. No one can do clueless and irrational like you can!
    askmom | Homepage | 11.10.06 – 8:47 pm | #

    Aw shucks mom, noone can do irony like you. A fundy christian, waiting for the rapture, pointing the “irrational” finger.

    You couldn’t make it up.

    Has it ever occurred to you that your calls for a one party state make you sound like a fascist?

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