Home » Truth: “What Killed Michael Brown?”


Truth: “What Killed Michael Brown?” — 47 Comments

  1. Indeed! One of the saddest elements of this annus horribilis is the existence of irrefutable evidence that propaganda (of the slickly-produced “progressive sort”, not in the Soviet style) does, in fact, very often have the desired effect, and, during this election, in which, according to many polls, millions of voters were influenced not simply by their hatred of Trump but by the fear and the panic induced in them by the Wuhan virus, many of the legitimate votes for the Dystopian Duo came from hopelessly brainwashed citizens.

  2. Strawman bad. Obama never gets tired of talking about himself but will take a break to argue with strawmen which is just another way of talking about himself.

    The cult leader is telling his followers that out-group non-followers are BAD.
    No evidence if offered and none is needed.
    Mystery solved; no thinking is necessary.
    It’s not that he’s a great orator – he’s really not if you pay attention.
    Also: They’re all projecting rather scandalous intracult bigotry.

  3. “Trump’s supporters were racists who were “spooked” by a black man being president”

    Um, how did he get elected twice? And four years apart … are we Trumpsters that slow to notice we had a dark-skinned President?

  4. Remember the left always projects.
    It’s why every GOP politician (especially the one in office NOW) is literally Hitler.
    Every time.
    It’s a reflection of what they crave and require: A glorious cult leader to guide them.
    All they have currently is a variety pack of aged dirty botoxed sock puppets.
    Not so glorious.
    So TFG has to be wheeled out of retirement to point his finger and level accusations.

  5. JimNorCal:

    I think Obama’s saying it was a long-delayed buyer’s remorse. And that the remorse of course couldn’t have been about his awful policies – nothing was ever about backlash to his awful policies – but it was about his race. Everything was always about his race.

    Which apparently took eight years to notice and absorb.

  6. Thanks for this post, Neo, which gives me the opportunity to say what a horrible, vicious man Obama is.

    What no one can adequately explain is why voting for one of two late-60s white candidates in 2016, or one of two 70-something white candidates in 2020, is racist.

  7. What killed Brown? According to prevailing beliefs, it was SARS-CoV-2. However, the autopsy shows cardiovascular progress and illicit drugs rendered him non-viable. Perhaps Covid-19 could be included as a comorbidity.

    America is a constitutional republic and legal jurisdiction, which coincides, but is not exclusive to geographical constraints. The Constitution identifies two parties: the People and our Posterity. Native born Americans are, contrary to the beliefs of the Progressive Church, conceived by people of two sexes: one male and one female, both American citizens.

  8. n.n, you may be thinking of George Floyd in Minneapolis this year, not Michael Brown in Ferguson during the Obama years.

  9. Thanks for this post, Neo, which gives me the opportunity to say what a horrible, vicious man Obama is. –Kate

    But he’s clean! As Biden said, in a famous gaffe:

    I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.

    Reminding me, naturally, of “A Hard Day’s Night.”

    “He’s very clean!”

    I loved Wilfred Bramble in that. He got typecast as a “little old man” while in his 40s.

  10. Obama probably won 2012 by election fraud after all Dementia Elect said in his vote fraud gaffe that the fraudsters had worked with the Obama administration.

  11. No other president has ever been such a beneficiary of identity politics and no other has used it as he has (although I await Kamala Harris playing the double or triple identity politics game): as a way to get ahead as he disses the opposition as racists.

    You want to get a street-level Democrat riled, drily recite Barack Obama’s employment history from 1983 to 2008. (Then recite Michelle Antoinette’s). Geraldine Ferraro’s blunt remark about how he got where he was is another datum, in case you needed one, in favor of the proposition that the Silent Generation did not have the capacity for artifice and outright mendacity that succeeding cohorts have displayed.

    Garrulous, self-centered, vain, shallow, spiteful, secretive. The one thing you could say in his defense is that he hasn’t generated any domestic or amatory scandals. (If there was dirt, the media would do its utmost to see to it that it was memory-holed).

  12. “Remember the left always projects.

    It’s a reflection of what they crave and require: A glorious cult leader to guide them.”


    “– nothing was ever about backlash to his awful policies – but it was about his race. Everything was always about his race.” neo

    Of course, it’s his “Gardol* Shield” his “teflon armour”. Reagan’s teflon armour consisted of reasoned truth, Obama’s of carefully crafted deceit.

    * https://interfaces.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Colgate-Ad.jpg

  13. While we’re at it, what killed Michael Brown was his own megalomania. His reaction to being told to quit blocking traffic and use the sidewalk was to attack the police officer so advising and try to take the man’s duty gun away from him, then to run away, then to charge the man (who had a loaded gun pointed at him) and to continue to charge him as the officer put bullets in his arm and deltoid.

    (The Funny Times used to have a brutal subfeature billed ‘the Darwin Award’, granted the person who in recent months has done the most to improve the gene pool by getting himself killed in the stupidest way imaginable. It was on the News of the Weird page of the paper, usually proximate to the entry on “Least Competent Criminals’)

    Burn Loot and Murder professes to have been inspired by this person and by Trayvon Martin, who was awarded with a bullet in his chest when he quite gratuitously walked 75 yards down an alley and attacked a private citizen who had never spoken a word to him (and only got the bullet after he’d repeatedly banged the man’s head on the concrete). Their real objection is that people for whom they have contempt (e.g. police officers and armed civilians, drawn as they are from the vernacular white population) have the authority to tell their aristocratic selves what to do and have a franchise under the law to defend themselves with force when one of us attacks them. If there was ever a political movement that had no legitimacy at all, it’s Burn Loot and Murder.

  14. “The one thing you could say in his defense is that he hasn’t generated any domestic or amatory scandals.” Art+Deco

    Reportedly, he’s been covertly active in contributing to the “resistance”.

    Of course, for those on the left, a former President covertly acting to undermine a sitting President is justified by the righteousness of their cause and therefore not a domestic scandel.

    That it gravely undermines our nation’s Constitutional infrastructure is, for those astute enough to recognize the inherent destructiveness… a feature not a bug.

    Which makes them traitors to that Constitution.

    Whereas, the liberal “useful idiots” who enable that destructiveness are in their willful blindness, complicit in that treason.

  15. “The one thing you could say in his defense is that he hasn’t generated any domestic or amatory scandals.”
    That we know of.
    Michelle rarely looks happy.
    Granted, she’s a grievancegrifter and miserable by nature, but still. She lives a very privileged life.

  16. Of course, Obama thinks he is the cause of Trump. Obama thinks he is the cause of everything. He’s a narcissist.

  17. AMartel (4:46 pm) writes, “So TFG has to be wheeled out of retirement . . . .”

    Please, who/what is “TFG”?

  18. ‘Spooked’… dead tell of some Ivy League polish. The delicate nuance of that prancing ponce never ceases to rain down gently upon us obstreperous peasants.

    If I could get my knuckles up off the floor enough to be able to type more on this fascinating topic, I’d pen a dissertation on ‘Nogged’.

  19. From the book excerpt: “…what Donald Trump understood when he started pedaling assertions that I had not been born in the United States…”

    I do dearly hope that the text of the book actually reads “pedaling.” It rather undermines the SFB attitude that he tends to inspire, not least from himself.

    (Decided I would get into the abbreviation biz myself: SFB = “so [ ] brilliant)

  20. People didn’t deeply dislike BHO because he was black. They could see that he was disdainful of anyone who couldn’t benefit him directly, which translated to about 99% of the country, although not all could see it. They disliked him because, for all of his lofty tele-prompted rhetoric, he was transparently full of sh*t.

    That documentary is on my list, haven’t seen it yet but definitely plan to.

  21. Chases Eagles (6:51 pm) said: “TFG= That F…ing Guy”

    Thanks, appreciated.

    Mac (6:58 pm) said: “SFB = “so [ ] brilliant”

    Thanks, appreciated.

    I can be slow on these sorts of things . . .

  22. Hello, Kate. You were waiting for the chance, eh? 🙂

    Well, it strikes me that His Majesty, as I still like to refer to him, is allowing himself to slowly drift into the race-baiters’ camp in general. I think his statement at the John Lewis funeral that it may not be Bull Connor doing such-and-such any more, but thus-and-so still goes on – I forget the exact wording, one can of course look it up – is a big indicator of this, by putting out the idea that nothing has fundamentally changed in white America’s attitude in the past 60 years. Maybe he is slowly feeling his way to shedding his covering attitude and letting the chip on his shoulder stand out more fully.

    But as far as the discussion between McWhorter, Loury and Steele goes, it is a puzzle how to dislodge the legend, which is in the way of becoming a new form of blood libel, is it not – I mean the legend of Michael Brown and the other exemplars. (Aside: is it just me, or has Coleman Hughes been a little quiet lately? Maybe I’m just not looking in the right places, and anyway Douglas Murray has been occupying more of my mental bandwidth lately, so I got diverted.)

  23. Kate (7:17 pm) confessed, “I have to look terms up on DuckDuckGo.”

    DuckDuckGo is my search engine of choice, too.

    It was not helpful, when I tried, with TFG.

    (Mac saved me the trouble with SFB.)

    Cheers . . .

  24. Civil rights legend, John Lewis, lied for political gain and the joy of racist slander that the Tea Party called members of the Black Congressional Caucus the N-word.

    It’s one of my tiny duties in life to recall that when others speak of him as a saint.

    I’ll let Kate take care of Obama!

  25. Thanks for this post, Neo. I had not seen the bloggingheads.tv video with Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, Shelby Steele, and Eli Steele. Good discussion.

    I watched “What Killed Michael Brown?” on Amazon Prime Video shortly after it came out last month. It cost $20 but it was worth it. Recommended.

    Shelby Steele has an interesting perspective and life story to bring to bear on race matters, and he finds and includes many other perspectives that one does not see in the MSM. The documentary is 1 hour 49 minutes long. Dr. Steele spends about the first half of the film making the case that it was NOT racism that killed Michael Brown. (“Hands up don’t shoot” was a lie.) In the remainder of the film, he makes the case that it was the paternalistic liberalism that began in the 1960s. The last 12 minutes or so bring it all together. Quote from about 1:38:00: “The liberalism that came out of the 60s has proven to be a more insidious oppression than either slavery or Jim Crow segregation. Those oppressions confined your person. Liberalism wants your very soul. It wants you to be a grateful and mindless captive, but a captive nonetheless.”

  26. F (10:24 pm): SFG = Same effing grifter

    [ chuckles ] I won’t (dare?) ask what the handle “F” stands for . . .

  27. @Martin:

    It’s obviously not Tertiary Syphilis because the man has never uttered an original thought in his life.

  28. Obama’s third auto-hagiography is now out: Why I’m so great and you are all racist!

    At least that’s the briefest honest summary. He’s amped up Jessie Jackson’s extortion game into moral blackmail forever, and thus he’s the King of CRT.

    My favorite insight on Obama comes from David Horowitz who sees in him a soul who’s a True Red Diaper baby. He saw through him immediately as a former fellow traveller.

    Back in February 2008, when his long 20 years ties to a devout “Hate America First” black (neoMarxist) nationalist race mongering “Minister” was briefly exposed, I thought he was through.

    That’s when the Fake News Media went from occasional to recurrent. (And constant since Trump.)

    Obama hates the middle class because he was happy to oversee its destruction and opposes its reconstruction. That’s as horrifyingly hateful of America as it ever gets. Economic growth averaged 1.2% per year, practically the same as the post-Great Depression 1930s, 1.1% per year.

    By 2016, vast swathes of people did not see our country anymore: simple binary survey query that spring of “Right track? Wrong track?” found the latter at 74%, and thus I expected Trump to win against Criminal Hillary.

    The Great (Racist) Divider in Chief even reaped evil division abroad. For example, Obama and SoS St. Hillary successfully brought back black slave markets to Libya, available at a paltry $200 a head, recently — a better bargain than a deluxe vibrator.

    Yet Donald Trump is the “racist.” And vast numbers of dupes agree.

  29. $200 a head you say? Perhaps we could take up a collection to buy Hilary, Pelosi and Feinstein each some thing to distract them from frustrating everyone else’s existences.

    Whether from Amazon or a Libyan Slave market… I’m sure they’ll be happy to make their individual preferences known.

    In totally unrelated ‘News’… Heeere’s Huma:


  30. Actually Spook is a pejorative term for a white person, but you may be right that the use of the verb is clever wordplay. How appropriate that it might be the work of a ghost writer.

  31. TFG is correct about Obama. I had drank the cool aid on Obama (feel foolish now) and what a disappointment. He is thinned skinned, narcissistic and vomit inducing. The worst is he is a socialist, globalist, and he is behind the candidacy of Biden/ Harris. He is not going anywhere and it is dangerous for American.

    ‘Sorry Barack, people were not spooked. Trump offered and provided jobs, like you did, but you left out the jobs.’ I think Obama has lost his ‘Mojo’ and he does not have audience he once had.

  32. Another example of Obama’s truly loathsome degree of hypocrisy is his complaint that Trump is “delegitimizing” democracy by not accepting the election results — exactly what Obama, Clinton, and the entire Democratic party apparatus engaged in from 2016 until now.

  33. “…Obama chooses his words very very carefully.”

    I think Obama has people who carefully choose his words for him. I doubt he writes any of his own stuff –– it doesn’t have enough “uhs” in it…

  34. I think it will be several generations before you seen honest histories of this era. And when you see honest histories, the smart money is that Obama will be treated dismissively, an ethereal and inconsequential character who was a conduit for the poisons of the age.

  35. Obama’s shameless, unapologetic ignoring and non-crediting his White Shepparding Grammy is a great “tell” of his malignant narcissism.

    Worst president of the last hundred+ years. I’ve long said that his idiocy incompetency and lying WAYS have made Jimmy Carter happy, Happy, HAPPY!!

    Why? Because he no longer holds the title!!

  36. “Why so hard to see the truth?”

    Because, once you lie to yourself into believing something that is false, to see the truth is to see your own lie. For most people, most of the time, they’d prefer to not see.

    I suspect those who “walk-away” finally see something that makes them understand they’ve been believing lies. Most of the time I thought that Montage would NOT be among such folk, but I can imagine, now, that he might. In a few months, or years. Or decades. Or not.

    Conversions are one-at-a-time, mostly. So not too much time on … half(?) trolls, yet no need for mere insults. I think insulting trolls is a way to feed them (so I try not to.)

    Floyd was about to die, or have big problems, due to drugs (plus Covid! – he was positive, but I don’t think he is listed as a Covid victim) – the ugly & brutal 9 min neck restraint looks terrible.

    Brown was attacking the cop who had to shoot him.

    Making Travyon Martin a “martyr” was a big mostly false myth.

    When a lie is “photogenic”, it is more believable. When some groups gain power with the lie, they have incentive to push it.

    Sex is photogenic – sex sells! Our country suffers, our world suffers, from systemic promiscuity, but folks don’t want to see that truth, so look for some other more comfy lie. Like racism.

    Obama is a race-hate monger. I didn’t like Obama’s personality, but DID like the acoustic sound of his voice. And most of his words, except for suspecting & then knowing he was just lying.

    I’m sure he heard Blacks referred to as “Spooks”. But racist & sexist & homophobic insults are not illegal, nor should they be treated as sins nor as crimes. Yeah, they’re rude, tho sometimes true. Polite folk should mostly avoid insulting others, as well as not feeling great about those who insult others. I’m still OK with Trump insulting those who insult him, but would prefer both sides to stop — Dems to stop first. (Naturally)

    Spooks were also ghosts & goblins and anything spooky.
    (Great song! “Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you…”
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpo9KZYJ4sA – a mixed race group!)

    And spooks were spies – often still are.

    Old beatnik joke.
    One pastor was trying to be really hip and popular with his congregation, but his Bishop came for a talk:
    “We didn’t complain when you updated the music to add bongo drums, and then replaced the organ with guitar.
    We didn’t complain when you accepted jeans & sneakers instead of suits and dresses.
    But many in the congregation are complaining that you’re replacing
    The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, with
    Daddy-o, Casey Jr., and the Spook. “

  37. Art+D, “Obama will be treated dismissively, an ethereal and inconsequential character who was a conduit for the poisons of the age.”

    I very much doubt this.

    He has been both a huge enabler as well as a catalyst for the excesses of the Dem Party, including stealing elections and dirty tricks and the illegal spying on Trump.

    And, with Biden, he is very much not yet gone. Yes to Obama as “worst Pres” since Wilson the globalist racist liar.

  38. Seconding neo on “spook”, I am old enough to recall its use as a derisive term for black people.

    Also recommend Nancy’s link to the Jack Cashill essay in American Thinker, it is excellent.

  39. neo on November 14, 2020 at 2:39 pm said:

    For some reason, you think “human” is a pejorative against humans.

    It’s similar to the response of Leftists that get offended by every little trigger and have to use the race card. They don’t actualyl argue whether the ideas or policies are racist, it is just that they feel insulted.

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