Home » Media says “pay no attention to that Hunter Biden story behind the curtain”


Media says “pay no attention to that Hunter Biden story behind the curtain” — 28 Comments

  1. And what do most of the posts the last few days have in common?

    Near monopolistic business is using its market power to stop discussions primarily from one side of the isle. Yelp, Twitter, Facebook etc are all blatantly doing so just 2 weeks out from an election. If it does not stop. Then there will be NO alternative to violence. When one side is told to shut up, called racist,sexist etc. And then not allowed to even defend yourself. That is a surefire recipe right there. I am not recommending violence. But I see it as the inevitable end to the road we are being marched down. It sickens me.

  2. To paraphrase John F Kennedy; “Those who make peaceful resolution of differences impossible, make violent resolution of differences inescapable.”

    See Keith Olbermann’s latest: “Former ESPN host Keith Olbermann calls for the prosecution and conviction of those tied to Trump”

    BTW, ‘those tied to Trump” includes anyone who has voted for Trump or who will on Nov 3rd. or who even questions Herr Olbermann’s diktats.

  3. They are copying – Das letzte Mal geschah dies, als die Roten eine Nation teilten und verloren. Diesmal glauben sie, dass sie nicht verlieren werden.

  4. The Associated Press refused to write an actual story about the Biden allegations in the Post OR about Facebook and Twitter’s attempt to censor those allegations.

    What they did do was produce an “explainer” about the whole thing that moves heaven and earth to pretend there’s nothing going on that anyone should care about. I would literally bet my entire life savings that you can’t find one single AP story about the Russia hoax, the “fine people” hoax, or the “suckers and losers” hoax that draws ANY of the supposed distinctions the AP does for Biden in its “explainer.”


    By the way, have you noticed the media pushing back JUST a bit on Biden and the Democrats recently? Nothing really serious, of course, but a marked change from their behavior since Obama was elected. I would guess that some older media types who have gone along with all the nonsense because #orangemanbad are preparing to reclaim their self-respect after Trump loses. But that’s not how it’s going to work. There’s an entire generation of “journalists” who now think their job is to be a PR flack for the Democrats and they’re not going to tolerate their elders rotten oldthink.


  5. The Associated Press is useless as a source of reliable information. It used to be the most bland, but solid, source. Shot that all to hell, really in the last couple of years.

    Here’s the question for Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey: The decision to stomp on this story was made by a guy who worked for several Democratic politicians. Exactly how many people who have a similar track record, but for Republicans, do you employ in similar jobs? Are there any at all at Twitter?

    The problem, of course, is that the Republican in Congress who have power over such corporations are pretty much all sound and fury. Companies that have petty cash funds in the billions can find many ways to line a committee chairman’s pocket.

  6. “The problem, of course, is that the Republican in Congress who have power over such corporations are pretty much all sound and fury. Companies that have petty cash funds in the billions can find many ways to line a committee chairman’s pocket. Gordon+Scott

    That’s true up to a point. There is a tipping point however and once public outrage reaches that point, suddenly politicians are on board with doing something about it.

    Facebook and Twitter’s latest censorship will be remembered by Trump once he wins reelection. The mass media false claim to non-partisanship is no longer sustainable. Their claim to 1st amendment protection is gone.

  7. In his ultimate ironic moment as kharma’s janitor, Dave Burge appears in this story about the NYPost Twitter-Lock even while his Twitter account has been recently hacked and disabled, and has currently ‘stopped moving’.

  8. The Deep State waters run stinky and deep?

    A man named Devon Archer worked with Joe Biden’s son, and Archer flaunted access to VP Biden through Hunter. Archer was prosecuted by the Feds and convicted for fraud and conspiracy. (Apparently, this did not involve the Burisma scandal.)

    His conviction was overturned, and then a week ago this was overturned and the conviction of Archer was reinstated.


    But on Hannity tonight, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson reports that the Judge that overturned Archer’s conviction — playing goalie for VP Biden? — had worked for the same DC law firm that essentially sold Gen. Flynn down the river to prison by mal-representing him?

    Excuse my question mark? I’m uncertain my recall is accurate; my memory is currently impaired by seasonal allergies — therefore I’m unsure of what I heard, but this detail sounded damning to the DC swamp.

    Senator Johnson further stated that a whistle blower on the matter has gone public, and his office had to checkout his claims. A search of the Senators web site shows no confirming information?

    Expect more shoes to drop regarding this Biden family corruption story.

  9. I notice that Richard Fernandes of Belmont Club recently tweeted that the increasingly open use of the monopoly power by FB Twitter Google ect means ‘they are all in’ at this point and, I would say, pretty desperate. What may be less apparent is that win or lose the self destruction of the dominant elite will continue. Trump is much more the catalyst than the cause of their accelerating cultural suicide.

  10. The AP post MBunge linked is “members only,” but this story turned up at the end of a trail of links someone here started – I don’t remember the path now.
    Since there were apparently several reporters at the interview, we should see some different accounts shortly.


    On Wednesday morning, the New York Post published a story alleging that Hunter Biden dropped off a laptop at a Delaware computer store for repair and that the device contained nefarious emails and photos.

    The item was immediately viewed with suspicion, both for the timing of it—coming less than three weeks before the elections—and the path the laptop supposedly took. The Post said that “before turning over the gear,” the owner of the computer repair shop “made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.” The story alleged that the Biden son was setting up a meeting between a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm on which he served and his father, who was then the vice president. The Biden campaign has said no such meeting was scheduled.

    On Wednesday afternoon, a group of reporters, among them a journalist for The Daily Beast, spoke with the owner of the shop, a man named John Paul Mac Isaac who lives in Wilmington, Delaware. The audio of that nearly hour-long question and answer session is below.

    Mac Isaac appeared nervous throughout. Several times, he said he was scared for his life and for the lives of those he loved. He appeared not to have a grasp on the timeline of the laptop arriving at his shop and its disappearance from it. He also said the impeachment of President Trump was a “sham.” Social media postings indicate that Mac Isaac is an avid Trump supporter and voted for him in the 2016 election.

    Mac Isaac said he had a medical condition that prevented him from actually seeing who dropped off the laptop but that he believed it to be Hunter Biden’s because of a sticker related to the Beau Biden Foundation that was on it. He said that Hunter Biden actually dropped off three laptops for repair, an abundance of hardware that he chalked up to the Biden son being “rich.”

    Throughout the interview, Mac Isaac switched back and forth from saying he reached out to law enforcement after viewing the files in the laptop to saying that it was actually the Federal Bureau of Investigation that contacted him. At one point, Mac Isaac claimed that he was emailing someone from the FBI about the laptop. At another point he claimed a special agent from the Baltimore office had contacted him after he alerted the FBI to the device’s existence. At another point, he said the FBI reached out to him for “help accessing his drive.”

    Mac Isaac referenced the infamous Seth Rich conspiracy theory—which holds that a DNC staffer who police say was murdered in a botched robbery was actually killed off by Clinton allies because he leaked committee emails—as reason for his paranoia. He said he made a copy of the hard drive for the purposes of personal protection.

    “They probably knew I had a copy because I was pretty vocal about not wanting to get murdered,” he said, “so I’m going to have a copy.”

    Mac Isaac refused to answer specific questions about whether he had been in contact with Rudy Giuliani before the laptop drop-off or at any other time before the Post article’s publication. Pressed on his relationship with Giuliani, he replied: “When you’re afraid and you don’t know anything about the depth of the waters that you’re in, you want to find a lifeguard.”

    Seeming to realize he’d said too much, he added: “Ah, shit.”

    So Rudy was your lifeguard? the reporters asked. “No comment,” he replied.

    I recommend this analysis from J E Dyer, who covers some essential aspects of the story, which makes an implausible pitch for a movie but seems to have actually happened.
    She links the Treehouse post, which has more information also.

    I wondered at first why the owner had kept the equipment so long, but it turns out he gave it to the FBI last December.



    As Aggie said on the earlier thread, “Since the FBI had its hand in examining this laptop, I bet that the DNC has known for some time that the Trump campaign has had its hands on this information, and would be timing its release for maximum effect.”

  11. “You cannot stop the signal.”

    But you most certainly can IGNORE it, e.g.,
    “…but it turns out he gave it to the FBI last December.”

    Plus all the Stalinist MSCM “enthusiasm” and mad rush to squelch it. Nip it in the bud. “Burn” it.

    Besides, at this point in time, with the Democrat/MSCM/Left four-year, non-stop, demonizing of Trump having been so effective and currently in overdrive, ANYTHING—which means EVERYTHING—corrupt/criminal that Biden or Obama or any Democrat or MSCM or InfoTech organ did or might do is perceived by the faithful as A-OK (or even perfectly understandable and/or desirable and/or the epitome of morality) , the rationale being that if it helps to rid the country (and the world) of the DEMON/DEVIL/ANTI-CHRIST/JEW Trump and his supporters, then OF COURSE IT’S PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE, GOOD, EXCELLENT!!

    One wonders though, if the decision by Twitter to deep-six this expose is quite possibly the WORST decision they could have made under the circumstances, in their attempt to censor, squelch and deep-six just another of many episodes of Biden’s criminality.

    But they’ve been in control for so long now (along with FB, Google and I’ll throw in Amazon/WAPO), they likely believe they’re unassailable, impregnable, omnipotent and omniscient….

  12. In a nutshell:
    H/T Sean Davis twitter feed

    AND…looks like they’re starting to climb down. Or trying to. (Or are they?):
    “Twitter CEO Dorsey Responds To Biden Block-Gate: Unacceptable”

    File under: Damage control—AKA “Close the ‘water-tight’ bulkheads PRONTO!!”(?)

  13. One might want to keep in mind that the major problem with the current Biden brouhaha is that it is NOT the main scandal; and while one might be encouraged that finally, something about it has come out, all the commotion surrounding this outrage could well OBFUSCATE the MAJOR SCANDAL of the Obama administration (along with “Logan Act” Bill Biden), which is:
    the massive weaponization and corruption of government agencies and the judicial system as part of conducting and coordinating, internationally, a complex web of intrigue to spy on and persecute American citizens, including a Presidential candidate and President elect, leading up to the grand finale: the coup attempt against a Constitutionally elected, sitting, president…
    …a coup that is ongoing.

    The current “noise” may well cause people to “take their eyes off the ball”. In fact, the Democrats may have concluded that the “current” scandal is an opportunity to ensure precisely that.

  14. Was always a point where you could think….maybe journalism can come back from this. Might have been less and less likely….but possible. Theoretically.
    No more.

  15. Besides some people I’ve know since childhood whom I really want to keep in contact with, another reason I keep my Facebook account running is that it lets me see into what’s happening on the “other side” with their rants. As of this morning…..dead silence. Now given the blackout of this story by the MSM and social media maybe they don’t even know about it. That’s plausible as I would expect to see several posts “debunking” this “hit piece”. Or it could be an ostrich response. Or maybe the FB censorship is so strong that even posting a rebuttal is struck down. We’ll see what happens later today.

  16. It’s the old tree-fell-in-the-forest trick.

    If no one sees (or reports) it then it didn’t fall.

    If someone does report it, then the MSCM can and will ignore it.

    However, if the scoop somehow gets out and is spread so far and wide that they can no longer ignore or deny it, they can say, “OK, we’ll level with you: we held back publication because we first had to check the story out thoroughly. This is because we didn’t want to report anything that wasn’t thoroughly vetted due to our fierce and uncompromising adherence to professionalism, in which we take great pride.” (Heh, and with a straight face, too.)

    But later, they can ALWAYS backtrack and say something to the effect that, “We checked this out even more thoroughly than before and while we found it was a tree and there was a forest it turns out that it was a Republican-photoshopped tree in a Republican-photoshopped forest. Clearly those Trumpists have pulled another fast one on the American people and as you can see, we continue to be in the vanguard of truth, justice and the American way, fighting to bounce those unrepentant POUNCERS from positions of power and eradicate them from decent, law-abiding, patriotic, inclusive, diverse society until they are ashamed of showing their faces amongst us.”

    They can always backtrack.
    They can always obfuscate.
    They can always qualify.
    They can always, in the best Totalitarian tradition, airbrush out.

    And the likelihood is that they will.

  17. physicsguy, I’ll check back to get the FB report. And, others above, I always know I can check the comments here in the morning to get all the commentary and links. Thanks!

    The bottom line is that any anti-Trump or anti-conservative story, no matter how questionable or no matter whether information was legally obtained, will be published immediately, but any anti-Democrat story will be buried if possible.

  18. I don’t think it is much of an exaggeration to say this situation is a test of whether you are a good citizen and, in significant ways, whether you are a good person,

    Even if you think the Hunter Biden story is crap, there is no reasonable way to excuse or justify the unprecedented efforts of Facebook and Twitter to censor it. It’s not even that they censored this while letting countless smears against Trump spread like wildfire. They censored it before anyone even tried to refute the story. Without even attempting to make an argument the story was wrong or incorrect, they just tried to squash it and anyone sharing it.

    If you ignore that, you are turning a blind eye to something evil and the only difference between you and others who have done that in the past (Hello, Mr. Godwin!) is a matter of degree.


  19. If you ignore that, you are turning a blind eye to something evil and the only difference between you and others who have done that in the past (Hello, Mr. Godwin!) is a matter of degree.

    Partisan Democrats have turned a blind eye to Lois Lerner and the associated cover up by Eric Holder, turned a blind eye to the machinations of Brennan-McCabe-Sztrok-Page-Weissman, turned a blind eye to the continuous harassment of Michael Flynn, turned a blind eye to the harassment of Brett Kavanaugh, turned a blind eye to the contrived refusal to enforce the immigration laws, turned a blind eye to the constant lawfare against ordinary policy measures, turned a blind eye to the absurd psyops whereby a Biden family scandal was transmogrified into a reason to impeach Trump, have been turning a blind eye to organized rioting on nonsense pretexts, have turned a blind eye to an explosion of violent crime, have turned a blind eye to the Democratic candidates’ mental decline, and are turning a blind eye to massive vote fraud. A critical mass of low-information swing voters are turning a blind eye as well. The source of the fecklessness is your own neighbors.

  20. If the hard drive contains photo/video evidence of Hunter cavorting with hussies and smoking crack – by all means go with it from now to November 3rd. It’s Weiner Redux.

    The public’s attention span on the Burisma follies is asymptotic to zero. But visual evidence of the sniff-meister’s son in flagrante delicto is an election eve winner.

  21. The bottom line is that any anti-Trump or anti-conservative story, no matter how questionable or no matter whether information was legally obtained, will be published immediately, but any anti-Democrat story will be buried if possible.

    Trump’s taxes being the obvious recent blatant example. I don’t recall Twitter suppressing anything about that story, though the materials must have been illegally leaked or ‘hacked.’

  22. I don’t see how Twitter, FaceBook, et al thought they could get away with this. Other than that they’ve been getting away with the same thing, at a lower level, for so long that they’ve deemed themselves invincible.

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