Home » On that “Antiracism” authority, Ibram X. Kendi, who had this to say in response to Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to SCOTUS


On that “Antiracism” authority, Ibram X. Kendi, who had this to say in response to Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to SCOTUS — 63 Comments

  1. Jack Dorsey, the “woke” billionaire whose Twitter platform is notorious for its highly ideological censorship, recently gave Kendi ten million dollars, money which will no doubt be very well-spent in helping to indoctrinate masses of students into his abhorrent view of this country and of the world.

  2. This racist POS Kendi has the option of “de-colonizing” himself along with those who think like him, and move his black racist ass – surely a benefit of “set asides” and “affirmative action” – back to Africa.
    He can go F himself.

    If he were forced to leave permanently the USA there is no way in hell he would choose to live in any nation of Africa. He would choose a nation governed by and populated mostly by non-blacks.
    So much for his dislike of “colonizing” nations; he is totally FOS.

    Just like those folks white and back who sing the praises of Castro’s Cuba, they never, ever decide to live there. Apparently talk is cheap. Ditto for those who were supposed to move to Canada upon Trump becoming president.
    We are all still waiting for the exodus from the USA.

    Honestly, this nation needs to find a way to force dog manure like Kendi, AOC, et. al., , to be deported. You would think they would welcome the opportunity to depart from the racist, homophobic, sexist, militaristic, imperialistic, oppressive USA.
    I would personally check off a box on my IRS return (if there was one) contributing $$ for provide one way airfare to any nation of their choice for these s***heads.

    Unlike the communist nations they so adore, they still are free to get the F out of the USA.

    By the way, if “cultural appropriation” is a racist act, it should be noted that EVERYTHING a black person touches, uses, rides in, wears and lives in is the result of inventions and technologies produced by white folks.
    I await Kendi’s proclamation that from this point forward, he will not touch, use, observe, wear, ride in or view anything produced by the racist white culture.

  3. But if you are a single, white, Hollywood woman who adopts black/brown children you are adored on the front page of People magazine.

  4. Kendi’s a fool or a grifter, and an indicator of the degree to which higher education is a patronage mill for con men and sectaries. This man is not yet 40 and he’s sitting atop an endowed chair and a pseudo-think-tank at a research university. Go go GoogleScholar and you will see how little he’s actually published in the standard sort of venues. It’s the sort of publication record you’d see at a third-tier institution like the one which employs Robin diAngelo. NB, I was acquainted with a (black) social psychologist who was denied tenure at a teaching institution who had a better publication record than Kendi’s (but a lesser one than you usually saw in that venue). He was so crestfallen he left academe entirely.

  5. It is not clear what people such as Kendl, and the other racialists, expect to accomplish by consistently insulting the 85% or so of the population who are not Black. Granted, they are gaining encouragement and support from a percentage who buy the narrative, or who are willing to self-flagellate in reaction to the universal accusations of guilt. But, it is being overplayed to the point that one has to believe that the longer term effect will not be favorable for their stated ambitions.

    One must assume that their goals are not the ones that they publicly espouse; i.e., their intent has nothing to do with mitigating racism or achieving justice.

    It is more than a bit disconcerting to observe how many people acquiesce, if not express overt support for the efforts of outright charlatans. You have to conclude that there is a dismaying level of ignorance, and intellectual laziness, among our population.

  6. The black “racialists”(I like that term) ignore the fact that blacks are 13%, at best, of the society they inhabit. Democrats have spent years, at least since 1965, bringing Hispanics in to be a serf class. Hispanics of the second generation are in danger of looking around and noticing that blacks are competitors and violent ones. Hispanics may be 20% of the population by now and are increasing. They also tend to be Catholic, and we are about to see an outburst of anti-Catholic bigotry from Democrats. Jews seem capable of ignoring increasing anti-Semetic bigotry from Democrats but I’m not sure this will go over well with ispanics.

  7. Hispanics of the second generation are in danger of looking around and noticing that blacks are competitors and violent ones.

    Mike K: And vice versa. On a trip north on 101 a SoCal friend told me the story of how Oxnard had had a reasonably large black population, then Hispanics moved in and moved the blacks out and not by asking nicely.

    The media underplays the tension between blacks and Hispanics. The groups don’t particularly like each other and their interests often conflict.

  8. Well, I just pray that this Ibram Kendi and I never have to be in the same room at the same time. I don’t know what would happen. Rarely am I moved to genuinely hate someone – even at this stage in history – but I have to admit: at this point in time, I hate this guy. I only hope it’s along the lines of what David described: “Thine enemies have I hated with a perfect hatred”. (The prophet implies, therefore, that there exist imperfect hatreds, which is indeed true. Let me not fall victim to those.)

    By the way, every means I attempt to access that Twitter thread is met with the error message “Something went wrong.” Does that mean Twitter is censoring, the tweet was deleted, or there are too many responses, or what?

  9. It is more than a bit disconcerting to observe how many people acquiesce, if not express overt support for the efforts of outright charlatans. You have to conclude that there is a dismaying level of ignorance, and intellectual laziness, among our population.

    Oldflyer: Several days ago FirstThings posted an intriguing article about pre-Revolution Russia (1900-1917), a period marked by thousands of acts of political terrorism. One might have expected the liberal, though still non-violent, groups would condemn this radical violence, but instead they backed it to the hilt:

    How did educated, liberal society respond to such terrorism? What was the position of the Constitutional Democratic (Kadet) Party and its deputies in the Duma (the parliament set up in 1905)? Though Kadets advocated democratic, constitutional procedures, and did not themselves engage in ­terrorism, they aided the terrorists in any way they could. Kadets collected money for terrorists, turned their homes into safe houses, and called for total amnesty for arrested terrorists who pledged to continue the mayhem. Kadet Party central committee member N. N. Shchepkin declared that the party did not regard terrorists as criminals at all, but as saints and martyrs. The official Kadet paper, Herald of the Party of People’s Freedom, never published an article condemning political assassination. The party leader, Paul Milyukov, declared that “all means are now legitimate . . . and all means should be tried.” When asked to condemn terrorism, another liberal leader in the Duma, Ivan Petrunkevich, famously replied: “Condemn terror? That would be the moral death of the party!”

    –Gary Saul Morson, “SUICIDE OF THE LIBERALS”


    Needless to say, these liberals were among the first to be eaten by the crocodile after the Revolution.

    We’ve been to this movie before.

  10. Kendi’s philosophy is intended to stir up racial hatred, not promote racial harmony. That is part of the Communist plan. Divide the country by races, sexes, and other interest groups. Get them squabbling among themselves. While people are squabbling, it’s easier to hoodwink them and take power.

    Kendi is either a committed Marxist or a useful idiot. Anytime someone denounces individualism, you know they are a collectivist. He is a collectivist who promotes a statist idea.

    I am biased. All of us are biased. Some people may be biased against the color of one’s skin, as Kendi seems to be about white skin. But there are other biases as well. I am biased about people who are slackers, druggies, alcoholics, criminals, sexual deviants, and Marxists. I won’t associate with them, if at all possible. The color of their skin doesn’t matter to me. I prefer to associate with people who share my values regardless of their skin color.. What Kendi is telling me is that I have to change my values. My belief in individualism, ambition, hard work, free markets, and freedom of association are wrong, according to him. Unless/until he can point out why those values are wrong, I’m sticking with them. So far, he’s failed.

  11. Racism is a subclass of diversity (i.e. color judgment) that denies individual dignity, denies individual conscience, normalizes color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination. It is a dogmatic doctrine of the ostensibly “secular” Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent (“=”) quasi-religion (“ethics”) of the Progressive Church, favored by liberals (i.e. divergent) and left of center (e.g. single/central/minority authority structures) ideologues.

  12. Kendi’s philosophy is intended to stir up racial hatred, not promote racial harmony.

    Diversity (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism, breeds adversity and fosters exclusion.

  13. J.J. on September 28, 2020 at 6:05 pm said:

    I have often wished that Neo had an “up vote” option – and your post is one that I’d certainly give an up vote. Two or three if I could.

  14. Kendi’s philosophy is intended to stir up racial hatred, not promote racial harmony.

    I’ll wager it’s performance art to promote good salaries and job security for Ibram X Kendi. Though, who knows, he might believe his twaddle. He’s gotten so many unearned encomiums one can imagine he has no clue about who he really is.

  15. Just realized that AOC graduated from Boston U; same place from where the Grand Black Klaxon of BLM , Kendi, holds his hate whitey ceremonies.
    I could not figure out how AOC was able to graduate college , given her incredible stupidity.
    Now I know, just look at who they appoint as “professors.”

  16. I agree with you, Neo, that this tweet is not only incredibly offensive to the Barrett family and to their children, but is also very hurtful to any other adoptees whose biological characteristics don’t match those of their adoptive parents.

    From what Judge Barrett has said, the older Haitian child, a 16-year-old girl, was in desperate medical condition when she joined the Barrett family — 14 months old and weighing eleven pounds.

    I would imagine this devout Catholic family went through Catholic social services in Haiti, and not some questionable group.

  17. Philip Sells:

    Have you tried refreshing the Twitter page? That might work.

    I can still access his tweet and the replies.

  18. The natural outcome of Kendi’s BS is the sad saga of the Stolen Generations mythology that is now part of the Australian cultural re-written history.

    Basically that the European colonists/”invaders” tried to “breed the black” out of the indigenous populations & “stole” them from their tribal families & tribal homelands adopting them into European culture; “stealing” not only their bodies into white family homes & schools & orphanages but also using those imposed structures such that indigenous languages & cultures were destroyed to near extinction. For PM Kevin “I wanna be Secretary General of the UN” Rudd it culminated in a grand “Sorry Day” where he said “sorry” to the indigenous folks.

    For people closer to the source…Tim Blair & Andrew Bolt…but it’s so ingrained now you can’t even question it…and as an outsider living here at the moment, I don’t except where I know I won’t cause a fight. But that’s where 1619 & reparations & anti-racism crap in the US is headed. Kendi is the pointy part of that spear.

  19. Let us hope God sees fit to introduce Kendi to some of those violent individuals who “need saving” by him and his ilk. It might be an object lesson in what is the actual problem.

    No, he won’t learn it, but there will be many smiles of well- deserved schadenfreude in the aftermath.

  20. You realize that Kendi would be of no consequence – just a man who got denied tenure at a 3d tier college, absent faculty committees playing let’s pretend – if he was hired by faculty at any of these places. How much you want to bet the provost just jammed it down everyone’s throat?

    Question: why are these crooked people playing these games, and why don’t the trustees say Basta! ? It’s not as if Kendi’s lack of scholarship isn’t manifest. He is to a real academic what a man dressed as a caricature of a giant oriole is to a working player employed by the Orioles ball club.

    It’s something Glenn Reynolds refers to frequently: worst elites in history.

  21. but is also very hurtful to any other adoptees whose biological characteristics don’t match those of their adoptive parents.

    He’s a professional a**hole. Hurting people is the whole point.

  22. The patient (America) may well not survive the radical surgery needed to save it.

    Ibram X Kendi aka Henry Rogers is a demagogue, virulent racist and a race hustler.

    His purposely chosen first name is Muslim, which at the least, indicates he’s a Muslim sympathizer. Given his radicalness, he’s almost certainly an apologist for Islamic terrorism.

    Ironically, it is common for Muslims from Middle Eastern cultures to view blacks as less than human. Nor has it apparently occurred to him that if the world were to be ‘freed’ from white ‘domination’, it would open the door to Chinese domination. He’d then be lucky if the ChiComs only used him for slave labor. If possible, Chinese culture has an even lesser opinion of blacks than does Islam. Neither of those cultures have any moral remorse, they view their POV as entirely justified.

  23. Geoffrey Britain:

    A correction – I can understand why you think his given name is “Henry Rogers” (I believe Wiki states that). But having now read a lot about him, I think I am correct in saying his given name is actually “Ibram Henry Rogers.” Henry was his middle name.

    His parents were and are still Black liberation theology Christians. (I seem to recall that Rev. Wright is of that ilk, as well.) But they appear to have named him “Ibram.” When he got married, he changed his last name to “Kendi,” as did his wife.

    It’s a bit complicated.

    He also dropped the middle name “Henry” because of some bad stuff he read about Prince Henry the Navigator, and adopted the middle name of Xolani.

  24. This guy teaches at BU. AOC is a honors grad of BU.

    Creighton, my alma mater, recently hired a dean of diversity and inclusion. That’s $250k down a rathole.

  25. [Kendi’s] parents were and are still Black liberation theology Christians. (I seem to recall that Rev. Wright is of that ilk, as well.)

    neo: Yes, indeed. James Cone is considered the father of Black Theology and Black Liberation Theology, and Cone offered Rev. Wright’s church as the best example of Black Theology in practice. Wright acknowledged Cone’s influence as well. During Obama’s 2008 campaign I assembled the following Cone quotes:

    * Black Theology is the theological arm of Black Power, and Black Power is the political arm of Black Theology.

    * Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.

    * Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.

    * Theologically, Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man “the devil.”

    * Black theology must say: ‘If the doctrine is compatible with or enhances the drive for black freedom, then it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. If the doctrine is against or indifferent to the essence of blackness as expressed in Black Power, then it is the work of the Anti-Christ.’ It is as simple as that.

    –James Cone
    (Many of these can be found in “Divine Racism: The Unacknowledged Threshold,” Cornel West, Eddie S. Glaude)


    Charming. I can’t read these words as anything other than violent, racist, black supremacy appropriating Christianity as a vehicle.

  26. What other races are adopting black babies from Haiti?

    How many blacks adopt, period? How many Asians adopt black babies?

    While I tend to agree with him that the phenomenon of well-off whites adopting black babies does have a bit to do with virtue signalling, that is more the case when those doing the adopting are left-wing (Angelina Jolie, Mitt Romney’s family) than with Barrett, who never gave thought to someday showing off by slapping that Ivy League sticker on the back window of her car when their black adoptees take full advantage of affirmative action, and showing up her white neighbors with natural children who only got into the likes of Boston University.

  27. My first inclination is to say that even discussing what this man says is a waste of time. Then I realize that if nothing is said, the problem will get worse. Quite a situation. The thing that makes this possible is the left’s stranglehold on almost all means of education in our country.

  28. If blacks improve their lives by straightening out, where will Kendi find the proof of racism he needs to keep on grifting?

  29. Part of the goal of Kendi & the Black Liberation Theocratists (there’s no genuine Biblical theology there…it’s a theocracy of their own making) and of course the newest version Burn Loot Murder, is a full on shooting war between blacks and whites. There’s no other way to read Cone or the others. It’s full-on Marxo-fascism & an overthrow of the existing structures of power & authority especially that which they see as white.

    Washing the streets with blood is no problem for these guys…Hutus Tutsis… Bloods Crips…It’s all the same to them as long as there are dead white folks and chaos that dismantles something of the existing power structure, they’re happy.

  30. Is it racist to suggest that a lot of younger African-Americans who’ve grown up in upper-middle class households have experienced relatively little bigotry in their lives and feel envious of previous generations and the moral status of victim older African-Americans can more rightfully claim?

  31. neo,

    Thank you for the correction.

    It may be coincidental but seems likely that Ibram is a variation of “Ibrahim (also spelled Ibrahem, Ibraheem or Ebrahim)… is the Arabic name of the prophet and patriarch Abraham and one of Allah’s messengers in the Quran.”

  32. No doubt Kendi looked around a bit, saw how much people like Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wrightm Colin Kaepernick and Louis Farrakhan were worth and said to himself, “Hey, I want some ‘a THAT!”

    So hats off to this extraordinary success story.

    Is America a great country or what?!

    File under: Only in America(?) / “What Makes Ibram Run(?)

  33. huxley,

    Thank you for that reminder of just how loathsomely evil is Critical Race Theory. That, in its demands, it places itself above God reveals its Satanic origin.

  34. More indisputable proof that the US of A is indisputably racist.

    I mean, what’s a poor, young Somali woman supposed to do to be able to survive in this godforsaken country?

    (The very least Pelosi could have done for her is put her on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The very least. Oh wait…)
    Related—AKA “Not to be missed”:

  35. There are slaves and there are slave masters.

    This slave X, is an interesting hybrid. They live fat on the dollars given to them by their slaves, who they cal l their masters.

    That, in its demands, it places itself above God reveals its Satanic origin.

    If only you humans knew what Satan truly is. Like The Christ, it is a title, not a person.

  36. Is it racist to suggest that a lot of younger African-Americans who’ve grown up in upper-middle class households have experienced relatively little bigotry in their lives and feel envious of previous generations and the moral status of victim older African-Americans can more rightfully claim?

    Blacks typically account for about 6% of those in professional-managerial jobs and maybe 6-7% of the black population is in the professional-managerial class. I’m wagering that obnoxious black college students are as often as not from this stratum. Wouldn’t venture a guess about Burn, Loot, and Murder rioters.

    About 35 years ago, I saw a report of a piece of public opinion research where blacks were asked (among other things) if they’d ever been insulted due to their race and if they’d ever been discriminated against. If my memory serves me, the affirmative answers were 59% and 40%. NB, the median age of poll respondents is generally about 40 and the majority of blacks (then as now) were Southern born and bred. If that piece of research was valid (and if I’m remembering it correctly), that does tend to suggest that the uglier aspects of race relations have not for some time been quotidienne events in the lives of blacks from any walk of life, not merely among the haut bourgeois.

    What’s interesting about race matters in this country (and this has been so for over 60 years) is that there’s been so much misapplied effort. It’s a reasonable inference that this has been so because it’s aimed to serve the guild interests and amour-propre of gentry liberals, black patronage brokers, and black chauvinists. It has nothing to do with addressing quality-of-life issues in black sections of town.

  37. Some thoughts.

    How many black families adopt black children??
    Can a white family here in the USA adopt a USA born black child, or is it almost impossible?
    Why did Oprah Winfrey (a billionaire and surely a victim of racism) fund a school in South Africa (for black and white students), but not in her hometown of Chicago or anywhere else in the USA?
    How many know that the valedictorian of Princeton University is a black man who majored in financial engineering and operations research (both fields are heavily mathematical. Why is this sort of “news” never news?
    Why are the success stories of blacks – outside of sports and the entertainment industry – never reported?

    Why do racial problems disappear from the “news” when a democrat is president?

    Did you know that black immigrants to the USA from Africa are more likely to have a college degree or higher, than Americans overall?
    Did you know that 59% of Nigerians who have emigrated to the USA have college degrees, yet only 10% of Somali immigrants can make this claim.

    Did you know that Michelle Obama’s life was a “struggle?” She went to
    Princeton ( one of the best universities on earth and which 95% of all white kids have ZERO chance of entering), then on to Harvard Law School (admit rate of about 13% of those who apply). And she had a stable family life growing up.

    Contrast her upbringing with that of Clarence Thomas; see “My Grandfather’s Son – A Memoir.” Funny how you never hear the struggles that Thomas endured.

  38. Contrast her upbringing with that of Clarence Thomas; see “My Grandfather’s Son – A Memoir.” Funny how you never hear the struggles that Thomas endured.

    Anyone familiar with Thomas’ biography knows about his struggles. Thomas custodial grandfather was a moderately prosperous local businessman. Thomas suffered from parental incompetence and abandonment, but his grandfather was highly capable and made up for what he wasn’t receiving from his mother and father. Myers Anderson was, alas, a rather unpleasant man in domestic circumstances, so an important struggle for Thomas over the years has been to forgive him for that. That struggle can last your whole life.

  39. Did you know that Michelle Obama’s life was a “struggle?” She went to
    Princeton ( one of the best universities on earth and which 95% of all white kids have ZERO chance of entering), then on to Harvard Law School (admit rate of about 13% of those who apply). And she had a stable family life growing up.

    I don’t remember anyone referring to her ‘struggles’ except perhaps in women’s mag discourse where everyone who is the subject of such profiles has ‘struggles’. I have a suspicion if you carefully question the producers and readers of women’s magazines, you’ll discover the vast majority are great believers in ’emotional labor’.

    What Michelle Obama needed to learn was who she is and what she can do. That’s been a challenge for her because people have been flattering her for decades. Both she and her husband have had a weird simulacrum of an adult life rather than the real thing. If she’d had the real thing and been spoken to honestly by the people evaluating her over the years, she’d have enrolled at one of Illinois’ public research universities (Champaign-Urbana, Chicago, &c), avoided the sociology department like a strep infection, gone to professional school, and found work as lawyer in a small partnership, or selling real estate, or perhaps a department store manager, or perhaps as a museum curator.

  40. Art Deco: I imagine JohnTyler is referring to Michelle Obama’s Princeton thesis, “Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community,” which is essentially a long, poorly-written complaint about how tough it is to be black at Princeton.


    Spengler wrote a useful review of it back in 2008, reprinted a few years ago in NRO.


  41. Thank you for that reminder of just how loathsomely evil is Critical Race Theory. That, in its demands, it places itself above God reveals its Satanic origin.

    Geoffrey Britain: You’re welcome!

    I sent those quotes to one of the founders of the Episcopal Church I was attending then to see what he thought. He had a Ph.D from Yale Divinity and was an intelligent, decent fellow. I was disappointed, though not surprised, that he waffled about and didn’t address the obvious issues in Cone’s quotes.

  42. Art Deco;

    Michelle Obama herself has stated, more than once, “it’s been a struggle.”
    I did not read it anywhere nor have I ever heard anyone else make that comment.

    The one time I recall her saying this was on an online video where she appeared with Oprah and Beyonce.
    All three were bitching about how racist the USA was., which is understandable because only Oprah is a BILLIONAIRE whereas Michelle is only a plain Jane millionaire and Beyonce a multimillionaire .
    Of course, this puts two of them on the same socio-economic plane as illiterate, inbred white hillbillies living in the hills of Appalachia earning a living selling drugs.

    Oprah, of course, given her BILLIONS, is still upset that despite having wealth that exceeds 99.999% of the entire population of planet earth, the very very few wealthier than her are mostly white folks.
    There you go, see; racism in action again. Just can’t get away from it !!!

    When Michelle was asked what did you do to become so successful she responded with “it’s been a struggle.”
    Wow, some F’n struggle, don’t you think.
    Princeton, Harvard, First Lady, millionaire.
    Huge 10 million $$$ mansion (almost ocean front) in Martha’s Vineyard – very near the ocean that is soon to rise due to global warming; but hey, they have the $$$ to place their house on stilts before the Great Flood.
    Best selling book author.
    Yea, it’s been a real struggle to make ends meet in the racist USA that got wealthy on the backs of black slave labor.

  43. “…struggle…”

    Do you know just how hard it is to find good help on Martha’s Vineyard?

    Besides, after eight years of being “proud” of her country, I think that Michelle Obama has distraughtedly decided that it’s no longer possible (again).

    Just think of the awesome emotional and intellectual struggle involved in such flip-flopping. The pain. The anguish.

    Actually, though, taking into account that Michelle Obama is one of the most popular women in the universe, Biden has a perfect campaign slogan:
    “Vote for me and make Michelle PROUD of her country (again)!”

    Yeah, that should work!

  44. Art Deco: I imagine JohnTyler is referring to Michelle Obama’s Princeton thesis, “Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community,” which is essentially a long, poorly-written complaint about how tough it is to be black at Princeton.

    I’ve read about half of it. It’s an ordinary college term paper of the era. It’s not exceptionally long. Pace Christopher Hitchens, the language isn’t impenetrable. It’s a meh research project produced by a student who chose the wrong major. Students doing something today, or even halfway between then and now, would do something more engaging and worthwhile because statistical software is so much easier to use.

  45. When Michelle was asked what did you do to become so successful she responded with “it’s been a struggle.”

    She’s a girl. That’s how women talk. Ashley Kavanaugh used similar language to describe her trudging through her husband’s confirmation hearings. Take it seriously, but not literally.

    Mooch has some real vices and crimes. Don’t bother about banal shortcomings.

  46. huxley (if you posted this–it’s way above): “violent, racist, black supremacy appropriating Christianity as a vehicle.”

    One cannot appropriate Christianity. One can lie, however, and lay cradled in the bosom of Satan.

    Liars are liars, charlatans are crooks. Rev. Wright was surely both, and Barack Hussein and Michelle attended his “church” for 20 years. Because they are black and had to build some street cred.

  47. Art Deco: I said it was a “long complaint,” not a long term paper.

    You might pay more attention to what people say and consider the possibility they might not be as foolish as you like to assume.

  48. Art Deco: I said it was a “long complaint,” not a long term paper. You might pay more attention to what people say and consider the possibility they might not be as foolish as you like to assume.

    No clue how the ‘complaint’ can be ‘long’ and the mediating document something other than long. No clue why you’re hung up on me calling it a ‘term paper’. That’s what it is, bar that it was likely written as an independent study rather than as part of a course. Her thesis is a report of a research project. It’s not a polemical piece.

  49. Art Deco:
    You say “I’ve read about half of it. It’s an ordinary college term paper of the era.”

    Now you say “Her thesis is a report of a research project. It’s not a polemical piece.”

    The two are quite different, so which is it?

    I read her paper’s (aka thesis) concluding statement years ago, and it was a complaint Princeton did not admit enough blacks. How is that research? Strikes me as polemical.

    She was a sociology major, and here is what Wiki says about her “research”:

    “As part of her requirements for graduation, she wrote a sociology thesis, entitled Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community.[45][46] She researched her thesis by sending a questionnaire to African-American graduates, asking that they specify when and how comfortable they were with their race prior to their enrollment at Princeton and how they felt about it when they were a student and since then. Of the 400 alumni to whom she sent the survey, fewer than 90 responded. Her findings did not support her hope that the black alumni would still identify with the African-American community, even though they had attended an elite university and had the advantages that accrue to its graduates.”

    “Her hope”? Some thesis.

  50. Art Deco: You are never wrong and you are smarter than everyone.

    I’m glad to know where to go to get the authoritative ruling on what nouns can be modified by “long” and how.

    Talk about [eyeroll].

  51. MacKenzie Bezos donated $1.7 billion, and Amazon supports, Some, Select Black Lives Matter to speak truth to facts a la 1619 Project, CAGW, etc., an organization incorporated under the established Pro-Choice quasi-religion (“ethics”), to progress the diversity (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism, racket. The semantic games will be buried in a black hole… whore h/t NAACP, but their consequences are clear and progressive, another wicked solution.

    That said, Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. All-American. #BabyLivesMatter

  52. I read the first two or so pages of Michelle’s thesis; honestly, if the first two pages is indicative of the rest, it would have gotten a “C” in my freshman, no-name undergrad college writing class.
    I am not joking.
    And this writing class I speak of was for engineering majors; you will not find a Jane Austen or a Charles Dickens in a writing class for engineers.
    The professor was a Harvard grad; he looked and dressed the part and he also had the obligatory, affected “English accent.”
    He was a tough grader too and he gave no quarter even though we students were many levels below Ivy League material (that includes Princeton).
    How he wound up at my no name undergrad college is still a mystery to me.

  53. The two are quite different, so which is it?

    The two are not different at all. Term papers commonly incorporate research projects of one sort or another.

  54. I read the first two or so pages of Michelle’s thesis; honestly, if the first two pages is indicative of the rest, it would have gotten a “C” in my freshman, no-name undergrad college writing class.

    It’s not imaginative literature. It’s written in the idiom of research papers.

  55. I read her paper’s (aka thesis) concluding statement years ago, and it was a complaint Princeton did not admit enough blacks. How is that research? Strikes me as polemical.

    It’s a conclusory statement, not the meat of the paper. I think you do it according to spec, you have a statement of your hypothesis, describe and illustrate your model, discuss methods of data gathering, and report results and analyses. The conclusory statement is in reference to your initial hypothesis. I suppose you can indicate preferences (and there are normative suppositions encoded in to why you think the question is worth investigating), but it’s not necessary. Your complaint is what, that she wrote a mediocre thesis? Happens a great deal.

  56. Art Deco: You are never wrong and you are smarter than everyone.

    Someone took exception to something you said. You might try getting over it.

  57. We are witnessing a slow inversion of America, like a huge tanker slowly rolling over in a hurricane, and what was the deepest, the keel, is now the ship’s highest point.
    Everywhere we are subjected to the theme “blacks are better”.
    It is not just black racists like Kendi the profiteer, it is everywhere.

    Black models fill TV commercials and mail-order catalogs.
    Even if you buy men’s clothing from fairly high-end Brooks Brothers, which I assume Art Deco does not, you are subjected to black fashion models (and only Ivy-educated blacks buy from Brooks!). Land’s End is another example.

    Of course, none of these black models resemble Michelle. They all resemble Barack, a half-European with East African pigment and features, unlike the blacker-than-black West Africans, whence American slaves all came from.

    It is bizarre, since blacks are only 13% of the population, and their median incomes are lower. So we are being led down a path into the land of diversity, never mind black violent crime rates, single parent households, number of abortions, and a “culture” that features anger, often explosively so, when an “injustice” is alleged. Facts simply do not matter.

    So we have BLM, and people who have said “All Lives Matter” are castigated in temples of higher education.

    Good luck, America. It’s been good to know you.

  58. It would seem that there are a large number of African-American children seeking adoption. So, how many has Kendi adopted?

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