Home » Why was the guy who derailed a NYC subway set free with no bail after a previous offense?


Why was the guy who derailed a NYC subway set free with no bail after a previous offense? — 17 Comments

  1. both the perpetrator and the hero of this story are black

    Diversity (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism, and other prejudicial systems, processes, and beliefs, is founded in low-information judgments that breed adversity.

  2. Loathsome Cuomo, clueless DeBlasio have provided New Yorkers with their enlightened “get out of jail free” program.

  3. Neo, I agree – if it was that easy to derail a train, how did this happen rarely or not at all before? Is the perp mentally ill, maybe? I suppose that will be looked into along the way. And the “supervised release” – ha! – supervised by whom? Who fell asleep at that switch, hm?

    Many questions. Hats off to Mr. Wilder – it takes a brave man these days to stick his neck out to stop some unhinged person one-on-one.

    These kinds of incidents carry such weighty implications for how people can live in NYC. I wonder, does the no-bail instance from September 5 go back once again to the specific law that was passed for bail reform, or was it based on some other consideration?

  4. If Trump wins, I would hope that one of the first tasks of the next Trump Administration will be to use all the force of law to identify, penalize, and to go after–in every possible way they can–these various Democrat office holders and officials, whose misfeasance and malfeasance–whose very deliberate actions and refusals to act–have made possible and increased the disruption , violence, intimidation, destruction, and the spread of fear we are currently suffering from.

  5. DeBlasio will probably have this guy Wilder arrested too for trespassing and “tampering” with the tracks (even though he was removing debris). I would guess Wilder is the one who faces jail time for his actions, not Harvard, especially if the races of the two are right.

  6. Moreover, although it is currently some Democrats in Congress who are talking about legislation to modify or perhaps to eliminate the current doctrine of “qualified immunity”–which prohibits officials and police from being sued for their actions–given a Trump victory and Republican majorities in both houses of Congress–the torpedo circling back towards those who have launched it–such modifications might also be undertaken by Republicans.

  7. crepes, totally agree. It’s the pattern, is it not? That was one of the reasons why I suggested Mr. Wilder was particularly brave. And the very fact that we sit ready to expect such a thing of ‘Hizzoner’ as a matter of course is… well, I guess indicative of our times.

    Or maybe Wilhelm won’t pull the trigger himself; he’ll get somebody in the DA’s office to do it for him.

    (And crepes, your presence is making me hungry. What kind(s) are you? Savory? 🙂 )

  8. Only a year of MetroCard rides?!? They need to make another level of reward called “Free Rides For Life”. I would donate to a reward for that guy. It takes guts to step in front of one of these terrorists and it takes guts to jump down onto the rails to prevent a potentially catastrophic train derailment.

  9. “Demetrius Harvard” is one who in days of old would have been involuntarily committed to a State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Now my bro the shrink “treats” such in a community mental health center. Hah.

  10. Whether sane or not, that was an act of terrorism. Those accused of acts of terrorism should never have the option of making bail. Cuomo, de Blasio and the Judge who released that terrorist are guilty of now being accessories to terrorism and obstruction of justice.

  11. Fractal Rabbit: “Only a year of MetroCard rides?!?”

    Oh, you should have heard the local TV news here in the New York City area – they ALL went off on that cheap reward. There wasn’t a single newscaster covering that story that didn’t suggest what you suggested – free rides for life!

  12. humans are insane. Get used to it. Any one of you can be hijacked or root hacked or temporarily Taken Over, by the agent smiths of this dark matrix.

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