Home » Portland, Oregon has had enough of its Soros-backed DA


Portland, Oregon has had enough of its Soros-backed DA — 19 Comments

  1. New guy doesn’t take office until next January so still lots of time for trouble.

  2. So just shy of 44% of the voters of Portland cast their vote for Schmidt.
    This is really un-F’n believable.
    Were conditions in Portland not bad enough for these voters?
    Did they approve of the real world consequences of Schmidt’s policies?
    Were there not enough junkies living on the streets in tents (supplied by Portland)?
    Was there not enough crime in Portland.

    I really hate to sound like an arrogant a-hole, but these voters must simply be incredibly stupid people.
    Either that, or perhaps they live and work in areas far removed from the crime and junkies so they just don’t care.

  3. JohnTyler…
    It’s always “and.”
    There is a unique stupid that keeps voting for what is destroying your city. There are those who likely think, “That’s over there not where I live.”
    AND…were all those ballots legit?
    “after a SURGE OF LAST MINUTE BALLOTS…” Hmm… where have we seen THAT before?

  4. I know I know about the ” Red Wave of 22″. But something is coming!

  5. Portland, Oregon has decided anarchy isn’t what it’s cracked up to be, even for leftists:

    I wish that were broadly true, but unfortunately it isn’t. Notice they don’t mention anything or anyone else on the ballot….

  6. He won the election. But will the state allow him to do his job?

    Chesa Boudin got thrown out in San Francisco. But I heard that when his replacement started trying to do her job, Sacramento decided it was time to conduct some investigations of the SF DA’s office.

  7. There’s a more rational candidate running against Gascon in LA, but even if he wins, perhaps Sacramento will intervene, junior?

  8. Soros and his ilk are the embodiment of evil. I cannot forget he cooperated with the Nazi concentration camp guards to save his own sorry skin, unlike the Catholic priest who stepped forward and offered himself in favor of a camp prisoner who was about to be executed for a triviality.

  9. Cicero:

    I agree that Soros is evil.

    But he did NOT “cooperate with Nazi concentration camp guards to save his own sorry skin.”

    I believe in telling the truth, even about evil. Soros’ actual history is something I have discussed many many times before. Here’s one of them, to refresh your memory. Please read the linked post very carefully.

  10. In addition to what Neo said, I have no evidence Soros ever set eyes on a Nazi Concentration Camp, and the only one he was in a position to see as far as any of us know was the Budapest Ghetto the Nazis and their Arrow Cross vassals built out of almost whole cloth.

    Soros was a Budapester who grew up in an anti-Jewish family of Jewish ancestry, and basically his family conspired to set him up as the “good Christian” son of a war profiteer, black marketeer, and rather venal collaborator who did things like auction off stolen property and host parties for Major SS and Arrow Cross members during the siege. Soros himself apparently served as a minor errand boy doing things like sending out notices of confiscation and handling the stolen property (there’s a lot of controversy on if he sent out deportation or death notices but Soros and his Allies strenuously deny it and as far as I am aware we have no evidence to refute them).

    Neo and I disagree on whether or not the actions we can pin to him make him a Nazi collaborator (I believe the term fits), but the minor level of the actions he did as well as his age means even I do not think they would be actionable, and it is telling even Hungary’s government under Orban – which justifiably hates him and is seeking to indict him – has not touched on the idea of prosecuting him for crimes of collaboration.

    In any case I agree with Daniel Greenfield that he was old enough to know right from wrong and certainly could have done more including resistance work, but did not. But it is easy to judge after the fact and other survivors did far worse. In any case most of Soros’s actions have no such ambiguity or doubt, and have no excuse that he was trying to survive a genocide or keep his real identity hidden.

    It’s also worth noting that Soros was about 14 when the Nazi coup replaced Horthy with the Arrow Cross, and not a year older when the war in Europe ended. The martyr Max Kolbe was 47. Moreover, Kolbe was already in a death camp, while Soros was undercover and connected to both his birth family and his (admittedly evil and corrupt) foster father, all of whom might have been endangered had he tried to make a dramatic gesture of defiance.

  11. And then there’s “Greater Idaho”…but I’m pretty sure that the corrupt media would much rather not tell us anything about THAT…

  12. Turtler:

    Yes, and in addition – if memory serves me – Soros only was involved in that very limited “collaborative” activity, as a young teenager, on one or two occasions.

    What he’s done as an adult is the problem, a big one.

  13. yes I hold his adult activities, more than his teen experience, when he faced the Arrow Cross, who were more fanatical than the Nazis themselves, much like the Ustache, the OUN and the Milice,

    at one point in the 70s and 80s his heart seem to be in the right place, working to undermine the Eastern Bloc’s system of control, some commentators, suggest the reaction to his breaking the pound, triggered this metamorphosis into a bond villain,

    he thought he could buy many institutions that could challenge him, his subsequent actions in South East Asia, where he expanded the economic crisis

    are also of note, but I think that was always in him, he thought he was smarter than anyone and the rules didn’t apply, in that way he resembles the latest incarnation of Le Chiffre in the Daniel Craig years, one might say the Open Society became more of a Clockwork Orange Society, trying to rearrange civilization,

  14. If I was the freshly-elected DA, I’d be making it priority to understanding that part about” the surge of last-minute ballots failed to help him overcome his gap …. I’d be looking at the XY plot of time vs. votes cast for each candidate, and then I’d start asking questions.

    I realize that ward bosses often hold back folders of ballots from boxes in purely favorable districts – it’s the part about enhancing those boxes that worries me.

  15. It really rankles though that he 1) never once in his life embraced his Jewish heritage 2) in fact pretty much disowned it (even if he was young) and survived while the Jews of Hungary were being genocided in the last days of the war at the hands of Arrowcross 3) supports BDS and Hamas but 4) gets his lackeys to accuse anyone who criticizes him of “antisemitism”. What a scumbag, of course for countless other reasons as well.

  16. More Soros DAs for Portland, please!!!

    I want them to live in a suffering hellscape of rape, drugs, mutilation and murder.

    Nothing is too bad for Portland in my opinion

    (I may be biased)

  17. Re: Soros and the comment of FOAF @ 3:14 AM

    IMHO I don’t think it’s a big deal that Soros did not embrace his Jewish heritage. Many Jewish (and Catholic, Protestant, etc) folks are not religious and do not embrace their religious heritage.

    What is of significance is that Soros engaged in activities that were particularly harmful to Jewish people. Kinda/sorta like he was expressing self hate by choosing targets that would help him assuage the hatred he had/has for his own Jewish heritage.

    Some would call this a “self hating Jews;” a term, ironically, that more often than not is stated by Jewish people who are criticizing other Jewish people.

    Sometimes I think Soros is a Russian spy. Everything he does is harmful to the USA and would be perfectly in accord with what Russia would do in seeking to destabilize the USA.

  18. }}} surge of last-minute ballots

    Why is it that there is one of these in every contested location where a liberal has any chance to win?

    Inquiring minds want to know…. 😛


    }}} Sometimes I think Soros is a Russian spy. Everything he does is harmful to the USA and would be perfectly in accord with what Russia would do in seeking to destabilize the USA.

    Nahhhh. He just hates America. He’s in the Obama Camp of Elitist Eurotrash One World Government f***s, and history is thwarting his cadre in their efforts to finalize the process. Remember, Obama was fed America hatred in his mother’s milk. I suspect Soros is more the J.R. Ewing type of evil, though.

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