Home » Open thread 5/23/24


Open thread 5/23/24 — 69 Comments

  1. Israel Update, Mike and Gadi chat up the overfull week of news, “Will Netanyahu Be Arrested?”: https://youtu.be/Ehn5PUsFZdk?si=kT1O8dZV8CyrDCkD

    Betrayals betrayed, an hilarious week of treacherous about turns, starring Joe Biden, Yoav Gallant, Benny Gantz, and a cast of thousands poised to revolt you just off-stage!

  2. Very interesting read for those with access.


    But to be fair, “proving Biden wrong” about something is a pretty low bar.

    Highlights from the editorial:
    • 950,000 civilians evacuated out of Rafah.
    • 50 tunnels discovered from Rafa into Egypt.

    (Which allows me to say, “Told you about the tunnels”)

  3. Another freakin’ parrot?
    Hold on. Didn’t dis boid already make an appearance here??
    (I’m only bitter cuz he’s more eloquent ‘n me…)

    Hey, speaking of eloquent!
    Abu Hunter finally speaks da’ Troot (even if unintentionally).
    H/T Blazingcatfur

    Boy oh boy, those ballot stuffers and Xerox copy dudes are going to have to work super hard in November and for many days—weeks?—following the “election”.

    (And it shouldn’t be too difficult to predict, as has already been done by some commentators, that Decent Joe will win by an even hyuger number of votes this time around.
    A new record!!!!
    Cue Rocky soundtrack….)

    OTOH, they could always toss Trump in jail first…or even after he’s elected—probably convict him of showering with Biden’s daughter. Perhaps even send him to commiserate with Jeffrey Epstein….

  4. Part 3 of digitizing DVDs & Blu-rays from my Movies & TV series collection is up. Too many links for posting here. Two seasons (12 episodes) of Dark Winds have been resized down to 11.6GBs from around 60GBs w/o losing any quality. Am watching & digitizing Blue Bloods now. Time consuming…probably easier to just buy a new library when DVDs & Blu-rays go bad. 🙂

  5. The father and son Hamas rapists – Terrorists describe going house to house carrying out sex attacks and murder

    Biden’s daughter Ashley has finally admitted her diary about ‘showers with dad’ as well as fears she was ‘molested’ is real.

    Let’s pause here to state the obvious: If this were the diary entry of a Trump daughter, the media would be at DEFCON 1. This would be front-page news, the sole focus of special Rachel Maddow furrowed-brow editions, MSNBC and CNN primetime investigations, the incessant drumbeat of every Sunday show and op-ed from now until election day, the left-wing press demanding answers.

  6. This just on…for all you frequent flyers….
    Try to find a DC-3, if possible (or nothing higher than a 727, even if they’ve been retired).
    “Nearly 300 Boeing 777s Used By United & American Airlines At Risk For ‘Exploding’ Fuel Tanks”—

    The question, though, is: Why only United & American?
    Hmm. Do we really, really wanna find out…

  7. the oversight committee taking the word of hunter over the actual documents is pythonesque,

    yes there is a puree of faulkner, with china town,* in the whole scranton clan,

    *carey mcwilliams was supposedly the source for robert towns screenplay,
    telescoping the Mulholland dam break some 30 years into the future,


    in other news,


    I know a response would recquire shame on their part,

    parrots could do a decent impression of the white house press hack

  8. OTOH, I’d trust that parrot more than I’d trust the Left….
    “‘Unified Reich’ Hoax One Of The Most Blatantly Dishonest Attacks On Trump Yet”—
    Short version: Trump was referencing the late 19th-Century German Reich, (i.e., after the creation of the—mostly—unified German state), not the 1000-Year one…

    But hey, if you have an opportunity to call Trump a Nazi, how could you possibly pass it up?)

  9. “…shame…”

    Um, no, no shame.
    Pride, more likely. If a bit on the grim side.
    (Yep, grim pride. They faced a most difficult choice…and they HAD TO make a hard decision.)

    No shame, because they would claim the videos don’t matter.
    Nor do Hamas’s calls for Israel’s elimination.

    When you’re at the cutting edge of morality and righteousness, you really don’t have to trouble yourself with the truth…
    (Witness the—rancid—“creme de la creme” of Western universities…)

  10. well of the three in the war, perhaps franco acquitted himself best, devalera,* would have made a great gauletier, as for quisling, well the name has become norwegian for mudd,

    *its not accident they had alan rickman play him, opposite liam neeson,

    and this story seems to have flown under the
    radar, too many burnt offerings,

  11. Agree about Franco. Paul Johnson in “Modern Times” provides the best assessment (fair and balanced) of Franco, characterizing him as not at all a Fascist in the ideological sense but rather a conservative Catholic nationalist who was concerned with preserving and protecting Spain from the ideological madness of both the left and the right that was consuming Europe. He was antipathetic to the Falange, Spain’s authentically Fascist organization — he used Falange to achieve his ends, then packed the Falangists en masse off to the Russian front (as the “Blue Division), there to fight alongside the Germans and ultimately to be slaughtered.

    De Valera was purely a slime.

    Quisling was not at all representative of Norwegians as a whole. In WW2 the Norwegians valiantly resisted the Nazis to the extent possible. I’m quite surprised and disappointed by Norway’s recently taken stance on Hamas.

  12. It was pretty clear that something was up when all those Saudis were whisked out of the country—under the radar—almost immediately…

    Kinda like Pfizer DEMANDING exemption from ANY vax-related prosecution for 75 years.
    (Nuthin’ says “The vax is carefully tested AND safe” like 75 years…)

  13. well there is that, but this is an extraordinary piece of evidence, that a Saudi intelligence operative, was seen in concert with two of the hijackers, viewing a casing video, and the sainted Robert Mueller, misrepresented it to the 9/11 commission and other bodies, we have to conclude a similar pattern happened with MI-5 back in London,

    in tens of millions of words published about September 11th, enough to send the sequoias into extinction, this detail was not noted,

  14. Re Spain and Franco there is a skein of thinking that had the Soviets in fact persevered in Spain, they would have been able—following Stalin’s 1939 pact with the man whom, according to Solzhenytzin, he considered his closest friend (Stalin was not apparently well-schooled in friendship)—-to attack the soft underbelly of France…which would have changed drastically the outcome of the war.

    Far better to have an unaligned Spain, if under the rule of a Franco.

    Purely speculative, of course….

    According to this hypothesis, Franco , who experienced a terrible reputation, can be credited with saving Europe and, perhaps, the world…

    Of course one’s mileage may vary…

  15. Hitler tried desperately to get Franco to come into the war in Europe. Franco always agreed to do so, as long as Germany could supply Spain with the means to fight, knowing Germany could not supply him. Hitler claimed Franco was the toughest SOB he ever negotiated with. Franco had no intention of joining the war.

  16. De Valera was purely a slime.


    How you prattle on, Mr. Otter.


  17. African Greys are scary good. I asked Chat to bring me up to speed on current research:

    There is indeed ongoing research on the intelligence of African Grey parrots, with several recent studies highlighting their remarkable cognitive abilities.

    One significant area of study involves the “inference by exclusion” task, where African Grey parrots, such as Griffin at Harvard University, have demonstrated the ability to make logical decisions. These tasks show that African Greys can perform at cognitive levels comparable to young children, understanding concepts of certainty and probability that even some primates struggle with. Griffin, for example, could outperform five-year-old children in tasks requiring the understanding of volume and the ability to track changes in quantity despite attempts to mislead him visually?.

    Another interesting finding is related to self-control and altruism. Studies have shown that African Grey parrots exhibit significant self-control, often waiting longer for a preferred food compared to other parrot species. Additionally, these parrots have demonstrated altruistic behaviors, helping other parrots obtain food without expecting anything in return, highlighting their complex social cognition and empathy…


  18. So Biden is giving money to Kenya. Where is he getting this money? And other money?
    I really thought that the House had a say in what and how money is spent. Silly Me.

  19. A Republican victory in Spain, resulting in a Soviet satellite state, would not have seen Spain attacking the “soft underbelly” of France. The Germans didn’t need help with France — the entire country proved to be one big soft underbelly, falling to the German onslaught in just 6 weeks in May-June 1940. However . . . being aligned with Stalin (i.e., taking Stalin’s orders) Spain would likely have allowed the transit of Wehrmacht forces through Spain in order to seize Gibraltar, with Spanish forces fighting alongside the Germans. Taking Gibraltar would have closed off the Mediterranean to the British, becoming a Fascist lake, with catastrophic consequences for the sole remaining European power still resisting the Germans.

  20. My understanding is that Franco protected the Jews of Spain during WWII. If true this is particularly arresting and poignant given the history of Jews in Spain.

  21. To be a capital crime, there’d have to be law making it one, so the statement is illogical.

  22. paraphrasing winston from john wick ‘without laws, we live like the animals’

    this is the anarcho tyranny the progressives have unleashed against law abiding citizens against the West, which Israel is a proxy for, in favor of Criminals and Terrorists,

    they wreak similar damage in the sciences, ignoring biology, misrepresenting standard climactic cycles, but the goal is absolute power, over every process chemical physical
    over every though and deed, every interaction between peoplw, the individual for this brief instant in time, stands apart from the State, subjecto to his own conscience, but these world controllers (ht aldous Huxley) want
    the return to Feudalism,call it a stakeholder society, but you are on the other end of the stake and you must break a few eggs to get there, most of human history,
    has been the rule of one king oligarch warlord over the people, this is the end goal

  23. Last time a DC-3 crashed about 20 years ago, Boeing issued a statement of no new changes to DC-3 needed as a result of that crash. Any other company issue change statements for a product made in the 1940s?

    The last time there was a gasoline tanker fire on I-90, the Boeing Fire Department crash trucks from Boeing Field 20 miles away fought the fire. Some Boeing security personnel are also sheriffs deputies and can arrest you. If you have a medical emergency driving by the Boeing plant, you will be directed to the Boeing clinic where Boeing medical personnel will treat you until you can be transported. You even get a Boeing unique personnel number assigned to you to protect your SSN.

  24. Kate: Gee—you really think so!? 😉

    MC: Well, Winston ran a hotel for criminals, that says what he thinks of Laws—his quote was “Rules”. Anyway, we are animals… 😉

  25. I did say paraphrase, but rules, like the broken windows paradigm work, this bizarre witches brew, doesn’t work for most people, and one has to consider
    why they continue on this path, with only a few deviations,

    Hobbes, one of the most real politik philosophers, says the Leviathan is necessary to prevent a war of all against all, rule by the strong, Locke thought the social contact is necessary not to crush human aspirations but to sustain them, I think we started to go sideways with Rousseau and other Jacobin spirits,

  26. Correction: Humans *LOVE* their Laws & Rules! That is why we have local courts, state courts, Federal courts, and even World Courts like the ICC to enforce the humans ‘Beloved‘ Laws & Rules.

    Ought to be a Capital Crime for humans to create Laws & Rules…

  27. I fought the law and the law won.

    The Laws of Thermodynamics, Ohms Law, Law of Gravity, Law of Superposition, and of course the Law of Unintended Consequences (aka FAFO).

  28. miguel cervantes:

    In a previous thread some of us already discussed that Reason article by Volokh, the one you linked above. Back then I said I’d read it but I wasn’t at all sure it was correct. I’ve seen other people link to it, but I’ve not seen a decent discussion of whether Volokh is correct or not in his interpretation of the statute, and in the comments at Reason I’ve seen quite a few people arguing that it does not say what he thinks it says.

    I’ve been waiting for more information before I write about it. I haven’t seen anyone other than Volokh, or people relying on Volokh. Have you found anything else? My gut feeling is that he’s over-interpreting, but I don’t know.

  29. haven’t seen a follow up,

    so karmi how would you shape society without rules, just mutual agreements with no actual contract

  30. miguel+cervantes:

    so karmi how would you shape society without rules, just mutual agreements with no actual contract

    Impossible—society (AKA mob) humans are not going to give up their ‘Beloved‘ Laws & Rules.

  31. thats a cop out, show what parameters you would suggest, if laws do not work to your satisfaction,

  32. That bird’s vocabulary and enunciation is better than Joe Biden’s.

  33. Humptey Dumptey logic on display by Karmi: mob rule equated with lawful rule.

    Anarchy for me but not for thee? FAFO will win out.

  34. @neo:in the comments at Reason I’ve seen quite a few people arguing that it does not say what he thinks it says.

    By my count, 4 of the commenters, two of whom are Sarcastro and the Rev. Arthur Kirkland, long-time trolls who contradict everything posted by Volokh for many years now. The other two who disagree are reasonable.

    But a bill can be used very differently from how it’s presented or intended. Remember the reason we’re stuck with online government censorship today under the color of “disinformation” is because of a bill (clearly aimed at Trump given its focus on “Russian election interference”), sponsored by Republicans, that they worked with Democrats to slip into a defense spending bill. A few people at the time said “hey this could blow up into censorship”, but they were not heeded until it was too late

  35. Niketas Choniates:

    Of course bills can be used in ways in which they weren’t intended, if the left gets their hands on them. Happens all the time. The solution to that is to defeat the left, which may or may not be possible.

    But what annoys me is that I haven’t seen any other person actually discuss the bill other than to link to Volokh. Does this bill really open the door as much as he says? I simply can’t tell. And it also seems that most people linking to him and writing about the bill are in the “the Democrats and the Republicans are all alike, and the Republicans are all corrupt liars” camp.

    Although there are certainly Republicans like that, I don’t believe that they all are or that even the bulk of them are. I think there are very very real differences between electing Democrats and electing Republicans, and I think the kind of “both sides are equal” apathy and cynicism I see has been very destructive and only furthers the victories of the left. I’ve been fighting against that attitude for the whole time I’ve been a blogger, two decades. I have found in the past that many (not all, but many) of the supposed facts that foster that attitude are bogus.

    So I am very careful about this. I’d like more people I trust to weigh in on it.

  36. stewart baker, is not someone known for extravagant claims, and it appears some of the rebuttals are weak, but you would think there would some in depth examination of such a far reaching bill,

    Rob Portman and Chris Murphy anchored this last dog and pony show, like with Cathy NcMorris and Jane Cantwell, somethings got to give, and not in a good way,

  37. FOAF:

    The “h” is silent?

    Stuff happens?

    The Irresistable forces win?

    Don’t be a scofflaw?

    Actually, I didn’t notice Ohm and “om.”

  38. Hey hey! The powers that be in Germany will now arrest Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu if he sets foot on former Nazi soil.

    Anybody see the irony of prosecuting a duly authorised head of state here? Where’s the OUTRAGE?

  39. Is there a worldwide legal plot to drag Benjamin Netanyahu before the International Criminal Court? He should reject any invitation to speak before Congress—at least reject doing it in person…

  40. Re: AI employment apocalypse — College grads — It has begun

    Employers plan to hire 5.8% fewer new graduates than they did last year, according to a spring survey of 226 employers by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. And what those bosses want from entry-level workers is changing, students and recruiters say, from years of experience to sophisticated artificial-intelligence skills. Some companies say AI is taking over part of the work fresh graduates used to do.

    It’s just the latest challenge for the graduating seniors who began their studies with Covid-19 lockdowns and Zoom classes and finished them amid protests that disrupted campus life nationwide. . . .

    The supply of computer-science majors continues to grow as hiring demand for software programming roles appears to be cooling. Two other major campus job recruiting sectors—consulting and finance—are also retrenching after pandemic hiring sprees.

    Graduates looking for jobs must meet a higher bar because the market is already crowded with junior workers who recently lost jobs, says Jay Killough, who leads Texas Tech University’s career center.


  41. @T J:Anybody see the irony of prosecuting a duly authorised head of state here?

    The head of state of Israel is Isaac Herzog and I haven’t heard he’s to be prosecuted by the ICC…

  42. “Nuthin’ says “The vax is carefully tested AND safe” like 75 years…”

    And nuthin’ says “The natural origins of Covid19 is THE ONLY SCIENCE-BASED possibility” like surreptitiously deleting ALL emails discussing the possibility of lab-linked origins…
    ” ‘I Did Delete All Of Peter’s Emails Relating To Origin’: COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests”—

  43. One of the ways that “Biden” is fighting the good fight against INFLATION….
    “Pro-Hamas group got $50 million US grant under Inflation Reduction Act…”

    + Bonus: A remarkable story of a remarkable woman….
    “Activist for Iranian women also champions Israel’s human-rights cause;
    “British-Iranian Elaaheh Jamali, 37, insists that hers is the voice of most Iranians today.”—

  44. This sounds likd something blofeld terry savalas version would do

    The phizer set up

  45. Miguel, replace “hanging judge” with “gagging judge” and your comment about exculpatory evidence is still pretty accurate, at least in Manhattan.

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