Home » Open thread 2/28/24


Open thread 2/28/24 — 31 Comments

  1. However, Tuesday’s ruling left untouched the $1.7 trillion in appropriations, and with most of the money already spent, there is no real remedy for the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House’s blatant disregard for the Constitution.


    “No real remedy”? I’d say that conclusion is rather wanting in imaginative power, for I dare suggest most people will have many very real remedies spring readily to mind.

  2. Word starting with I, Articles of I…….

    But in accordance with the Burr report, would the old man Brandon remember what he did?

    Wink, wink, nod, nod.

    And does the Burr precident apply to Nancy P? Too old to be removed from the House?

    Double wink, wink, nod, nod?

  3. See female soccer professionals, IrishOtter49. Burn ’em away through strenuous and constant acivity, no? Could also play a role with dancers, I’d reckon.

  4. which shows what that award is worth, I’m sure there have been some zaftig ballerinas, but the insistence on body positivity is worrying and unhealthy,

  5. From Neo’s a “mind is difficult to change” catagory.

    Sabine has another video out on climate, and MAYBE she’s made a small step. She takes climate scientists to task for finding ways to throw out model results they don’t like. A first step is realizing what those people are actually doing. However, she still seems to give those people much credit, and has not yet questioned that these are MODEL results, not model vs actual data comparisons. A hopeful small step on her part. I did comment that she still needs to look at the actual data, and hear what people like John Christy are saying and doing.


  6. My Verizon WiFi high speed internet has been slow for several days now – readings like 45 kbps (Yes kbps!?) & 0.10 Mbps today. Fortunately Fiber Optics is here now and may be to me by summer.

    New version of “I Surrender”:

    iSurrender: Apple Pulls Plug on Electric Car Project After a Decade

    Breitbart News reported this morning that Apple has scrapped its plans to produce an EV, nicknamed the “iCar” in honor of Apple’s notorious product naming scheme. The cancelation comes just a month after a 2028 release date for the EV was announced by the company.

  7. Mitch McConnell announces he’s stepping down as Republican Leader come Nov. Years late, he thinks he still knows what time it is.

  8. McConnell said “When I first came to Washington 40 years ago …” True, he was first elected senator in 1984, a long time ago, but he first came to Washington as a senate aide in 1968 and returned in 1974 to work in the Justice Department. The guy hasn’t had much of a life outside of DC and almost none outside of politics. I’m glad he’s going.

  9. For some strange reason, Kentuchy has a Democrat governor, so I guess he’ll appoint a Democrat once McConnell vacates the seat in November until a special election can be held.

  10. sdferr, I’ve been wondering what’s the remedy (other than rebellion) when the government ignores the law? Or when a law is declared unconstitutional and continues to be enforced.

    It is my understanding that Jack Smith is ineligible to be special counsel as the law is written. Yet no one in government seems to care. What’s the remedy? The ready answer is voting, but that is far from certain. Who watches the guardians?

  11. For some strange reason, Kentuchy has a Democrat governor…

    I could write a book about those strange reasons. That was home for me until about the age of 35. It is indeed an unusual place with strange politics. Oversimplified, the reasons are similar to why Manchin is popular in WV.

  12. physicsguy, I watch Sabine as well. She can be quite funny in a very dry way.
    I have many bones to pick with the religious climate change people. I know the climate is changing, where I live the growing season is about 2 weeks longer than 40 years ago. And I know that people can affect climate. The Med Basin was drastically changed by goats of all things.
    What really upsets me is the certainty that we can change the climate to our liking. Reducing emissions is a guess, nothing more. Yet no one talks about that.

  13. Artists…
    …from the Venice Biennale
    The Italian Minister of Culture is having none of it….

    Key quote:
    ‘A petition to kick Israel out of the Venice Biennale art show because of the war in Gaza signed by more than 16,000 artists, curators and academics has been angrily dismissed as “shameful” by Italy’s arts minister.’

  14. IrishOtter49 on February 28, 2024 at 10:10 am said:
    This is a serious question. Can women with an, er, “ample” bust be ballet dancers?”

    No serious idea, here. Never watched ballet except for a 1940s quasi comic bonus short that came with a Bogart film on CD.

    The females in it looked surprisingly normal. The supposedly nefarious guys who were wearing pants were also if I recall, sporting curly handlebar moustaches and slicked down hair and spent their time making surprise faces into the camera. Everybody was running around chasing or being chased. At least that is how I remember it. So even though the women were in standard get up, maybe it was not a real ballet.

    But broadening out a bit, normal women were seen as recently as a generation ago in the Olympics where they engaged in a sport that involved rolling hoops, and doing acrobatic work while holding streamers. Or something like that. I thought it was very attractive, at the time.

    I suppose they have all been replaced since then by neotenous transsexuals.

    However the Polish 4×4 women’s Olympic track team of a few years back seemed to be composed of all actual females too. And a number of American sprinters are obviously real women and doing impressively.

    Though admittedly, these examples may be the exceptions to the rule. And many of the females in Olympic sport seem to have hips narrower than a 14 year old Kentucky country boy … to pick a heritage related instance. Aunts … will after all, comment.

  15. Word for the day: hypomania. Hypomania is “Hypomania is a mood episode of overactive energy, mood, behavior, and activity levels different from normal.” It can be a symptom of bipolarity or a mild form of it.

    A headline hunting Johns Hopkins professor, John Gartner, makes headlines today claiming that Trump has dementia, while Biden’s brain is aging normally. Of course, he’s just following partisan orders. Gartner periodically made the news in earlier years claiming Trump had various mental disorders. Now that Biden’s cognitive abilities are in question, he changes his message to suit the circumstances.

    Gartner’s first big study was of “hypomania” as a grounding for success, though. He said that people who are restless, impetuous, flooded with ideas and urges, risktaking, and extroverted tend to succeed in the world. He saw those traits in Bill Clinton and thought they were on the whole not a bad thing. He saw those traits in Trump and said they were signs of dangerous mental illnesses.

    For me, it’s a good bet that someone who succeeds in politics does have a high level of narcissism and “hypomania.” It helps them overcome the ups and downs in their careers.

  16. Captain Obvious (not a dancer). If you are jumping, spinning, bending at the waist, rapidly at times, in cadence with a musical accompanyment, and of course trying for grace and art, or being thrown into the air by your partner excess mass and non-muscular tissue is probably a burden.

    If for no other reason than it places extra stress on the bones, joints, etc.

    It seems that this type of dance is very demanding physically and very competetive. Physical and aesthetic selection against hearty gals as well?

  17. If the Polish 4×4 team were running 400m or 100m distances per leg there is a premium on fast twitch muscles and power, speed, not endurance. And even so there are significant down sides for well endowed women when running, at least that’s what I’ve been told.

  18. I get a lot of offers for credit cards and offers to consolidate my debt via email– which makes me wonder what websites am I perusing that would make creditors think I might be a customer.

    This was the title of an email this a.m. that made me say wow!: Get rid of your debt with a Personal Loan

    Does that actually work?

  19. @IrishOtter49 on February 28, 2024 at 10:10 am said: “This is a serious question. Can women with an, er, “ample” bust be ballet dancers?”

    Yes. Surely you have seen showgirls, and surely you must have been to a modern dance performance. Some of these dancers are very shapely and very flexible, and can do stunning turns, even point work – they almost always have a lot of classical ballet in their background. But for professional ballet dancers, all of these people are super fit and train for strength, so they do have much fat, generally, something that takes a toll on breast size. But you have to remember that when women are dancing in classical ballet, if they are partnered with male dancers, they have to be lifted. Ever lifted a dancer before, twirled her over your head, then lowered her so gently that she could land on point? Ever done it 5 times in 2 minutes, while leaping and cavorting yourself?

    Try it with a 95 lb willow, then a 125 lb well-apportioned, and see how it works out. There’s a reason that most prima ballerinas are tiny.

    I’m sure Neo has much more to add. I grew up in a ballet household, sister danced with 2 professional ballet companies, wife was a dancer for a while, daughter was a ballet kid.

  20. I used to be a morning person, but not any more.
    ‘It was the nightingale, and not the lark…’
    I say this to myself quite often.

  21. Pingback:Inquiring minds want to know: do ballet dancers ever have large busts? - The New Neo

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