Home » Open thread 1/16/24


Open thread 1/16/24 — 47 Comments

  1. Just in case you’re all not outraged enough, I’ll quote a bit from an editorial today in the WSJ.

    Palestinian Authority law requires the Oct. 7 terrorists to be compensated financially for a massacre well done. Now the PA has taken steps toward making that a reality.

    Yes, they’re paying them.

    The PA pays a one-time lump sum plus a monthly stipend for life to the families of any “martyr” killed attacking Israel or in a confrontation with Israel.

    All are treated as heroic martyrs to be compensated by the PA, whose activities are subsidized with Western aid.

    Even as the PA complains of a budget crunch, it is readying to move from glorifying the Oct. 7 attack to compensating its participants.

    Why, again, does President Biden insist Israel hand over postwar Gaza to this group? Mr. Blinken also talks prematurely of giving it a state. No wonder the PA sees little reason to change.

    For those with access:

  2. So, my man Vivek lost.

    Biden will not be the nominee. Unless SCOTUS throws out all the indictments against Trump because Jack Smith was improperly appointed, Trump will be jailed before November. Then what?

    What if Trump is elected? Then there will be riots for weeks.

    I don’t think Trump can win for two reasons:

    1. The Dems will flip TX and some other big states with illegal alien votes.

    2. Women hate Trump with a passion.

    I look at online dating profiles in Omaha. Many, many women just flat out say they won’t date a Trump supporter. Trump lost NE#2 because of women.

    Hello, President Newsom.

  3. I’m with you, Cornhead. I just hope I actually get the chance to vote for DeSantis in the primary. Is there some political history here in that the last 3 elections the GOP winner of the Iowa caucus wan not the nominee?? Maybe, but in this case doubtful as Neo has said all along.

  4. “Trump will be jailed before November. Then what?” Then the election won’t matter, and we already live in a fascist dictatorship. Then you either prepare for the fighting or find a place to hide and accept the result, because you weren’t strong enough to resist.

  5. Leftist women hate Trump. Normal women don’t. I don’t hate Trump; I just wish more Republicans would vote for the highly competent genuinely conservative gubernatorial candidate we kept saying we wanted.

    Leftist women weren’t going to vote for Vivek or Ron.

  6. Re: dancing

    neo: I wouldn’t call this “dancing.” But whatever it is, it takes a lot of skill

    This is my favorite version of that form which you might consider more ‘dance’. Pumped up Kicks. The man is pretty amazing.

    What is it about the one you linked that dissuades you?

    (This post got me looking for Astair clips as I recall him using the stop-action style a couple times. That bounced me to Astaire/Charisse “BandWagon” and that to others of Cyd.

    So thank you for that. 🙂 )

  7. Trump being in jail doesn’t mean anything as far as his qualifications for president are concerned. Eugene Debs ran for election as the Socialist Party candidate early in the Twentieth Century, and no one batted an eye.

  8. I fully expected last night’s results. At this point I expect Trump will win New Hampshire by a fair margin, maybe not as much as Iowa, but by a lot still. Then DeSantis will drop out. After that Trump will win South Carolina, also by a lot. Then Nicki Haley will drop out.

    As for who Trump will pick for VP? It’s pretty clearly not going to be DeSantis. Haley seems pretty unlikely also, but not impossible. Ramaswamy seems a little more likley of a choice. But Elise Stefanik seems the most likely choice to me at this point.

  9. Really fun video, really talented guy…
    but the music…
    Gosh awful!

    I know I sound old, but modern pop music is simply hideous. That video could have been truly beautiful and timeless with a decent soundtrack.

  10. Oligonicella,

    Thanks for sharing the video. Another impressive talent, but the soundtrack! Yuk. “Pumped up Kicks” isn’t a bad song, and it fits the theme of the video, but why use that hideous, atemporal, atonal dubstep version?

    Christopher Walken dancing to Fatboy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice” is a much better mix of music and dance, in my opinion. (And, the first 40 seconds or so are almost identical to the Pumped up Kicks video, which makes me think the dancer in that one was referencing this one.)

  11. “…whatever it is…”

    Fabulous, extraordinary pantomime.
    (With a bit of moonwalking…and some limbo moves…thrown in. Amazing.)

  12. Regarding Trump’s VP pick, my money is on Kristi Noem. She vociferously declared she would not run very early, stating Trump as the reason, and she’s been quite quiet since. I think Trump gave her a hint early on that he’d choose her if he wins the primary.

    A woman Governor makes sense for Trump for a lot of reasons. The downside is she’s from a very small state that would likely vote Trump anyway, so there’s no electoral vote advantage.

  13. He needs better music for that video, but the “dancing” was awesome.

    David, DeSantis, Haley, and Ramaswamy would be buried under the flood of mail-in-ballots, too, if needed, but here is the thing- the Democrats won’t need them to win against those three- Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are solidly blue states with Trump off the ballot, and there are no other states to flip to the red column to win.

  14. Rufus:

    Have to agree the music is an acquired taste. Might have been used to reflect or accent the dance technique. Check out what happens at 4 min.

    Yeah, I love that Walker vid. I watch it frequently.

    Don’t know if you’re aware, Fatboy Slim composed some pretty weird and good music (or good and weird) for video games. He’s also as good with ambient music as Eno in my opinion.

    Strange and highly talented man.

  15. And from the “We Have No Evidence That Iran Was Involved…” File:

    Opening graf:
    “Jay Solomon reports for Semafor this morning that commanders and advisers from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are on the ground in Yemen and playing a direct role in Houthi rebel attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea….”

    You don’t sayyyyyy….

    (Well, “Biden”‘s been giving the Mullahs all those billions of dollars…and there’s only so many highways you can repave…”)

  16. Yes noem is a pretty good choice,

    Solomon was allegedly fired from the journal for his ties to a certain iranian official in truth it was for revealing the iran deal

  17. And speaking of Tesla…Elon Musk unleashes the Hemp Wars…
    “Elon Musk reverses dementia solution sparks huge lawsuit pressure on Fox, he finally fights back on air”—

    Imagine that: Hemp gummy bears. As a means of defeating dementia.
    The man’s an utter genius…but it seems to me that the ONLY person this could significantly help, short term at least, is Descent Joe. He’ll be popping ’em by the handful, and then when no one can understand a thing that phony says, his defenders can blame Elon Musk’s gummy bears.
    (Sounds like Win-Win!)

  18. If Kristi Noem is the VP pick, expect her to get the Sarah Palin treatment from the media. At the time of her nomination, Palin was in her early 40s, was good looking, had nice figure, and worst of all from the point of view of the left did not abort her Downs’ syndrome child. IOW, the wine aunt faction of the Democratic party despised her.

  19. Here is an interesting story about some high tech low tech drones being sold to the Ukrainians for use against the Russian invaders–relatively inexpensive, easily assembled cardboard drones.

    They ship them in flat packs of 10, just as you would ship un-assembled cardboard boxes.

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k-2W23s3Ys

  20. “WEF Lunatic & Klaus Schwab’s right hand man Yuval Noah Harari warns against Donald Trump winning the presidency.”

    “It is likely to be the death of what remains of the ‘Global Order’”

    “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending.” Robert Kagan

    Given the above, can assassination really be off the table?

  21. Is Brandon more corrupt than Hunter? Did Hunter get contributions from Dem donors cutting favours through buying his art? Laundering campaign contributions to Joe?

    The last May be a fine point. And FJB has been adamant about being uninvolved. But evidence is reaching the House Impeachment inquiry showing otherwise, namely, from Hunter’s art dealer.

    ======= HERE’S three paragraphs at JustTheNews.com, in an unusually lengthy story:

    The art dealer who sold Hunter Biden’s paintings told Congress that President Joe Biden both called and met him at the White House as he was pitching Hunter’s artwork and that the first son also made an unusual request to be informed about who bought his pieces, according to testimony that directly undercuts the White House narrative on the sales.

    The Biden White House repeatedly told the public that Hunter Biden’s art sales were covered by an ethics agreement to ensure they were arms-length and that the first family — Hunter included — was blinded to the identity of buyers.

    But George Berges, owner of the prestigious Berges art galleries based in New York and Berlin that sold Hunter Biden’s painting from 2020 to 2023, told congressional impeachment investigators that the first son likely knew the identity of 70% of the buyers – the largest who were Democrat donors – and that Hunter Biden’s first contract made an unusual request when the relationship started.


  22. Snow on Pine:

    I can’t tell if you are speaking tongue in cheek or as my French friends say “au second degré.”

    A structure isn’t necessarily artificial. A structure can emerge from natural forces. As a kid I used to stare at the pattern of bubbles which formed at the bottom of a pan of boiling water. (OK. I was a weird kid.)

    These aren’t patterns of stars. These are patterns of galaxies of immense size. The Big Ring has a diameter of 1.3 billion light years and it is 9.2 billion light years away — which means we are seeing a structure 9.2 billion years old, i.e. in the comparatively early universe by Big Bang reckoning that the universe is 13.8 billion years old.

    This is a phenomenon like the patterns I saw in boiling water. God-like aliens weren’t moving galaxies around 9 billion years ago.

  23. ÓT and I haven’t given a French lecture lately…

    The French like to laugh (who doesn’t?) and much of their favorite humor they describe as au second degré — in the second degree.

    The first degree is taking things literally, at face value. In fact the French speak of people, who take everything literally as personne au premier degré — first degree people. They don’t see below the surface to double meanings.

    Ah, but the second degree, that’s where irony and sarcasm live — where the fun is.

    Statement: “C’est sûr, il est très ponctuel… il arrive toujours une heure en retard!”

    Translation: “He’s definitely punctual… he always arrives an hour late!”

  24. OK, I commented about this yesterday, I’m gonna repeat it —

    Because I do think it’s dancing, even if it’s not a style or form any specific person appreciates.



    Knowing how much you like dance…

    Are you familiar with an (apparently, AFAICS) movement called “Electroswing”?

    It seems to have arisen in the last 10y or so, and generally involves some very very impressively energetic dance using mostly shufflesteps, but the better ones seem to more than just that…

    The big one seems to be a German guy named Sven Otten, who also goes by “JustSomeMotion” or JSM.


    Here’s one that’s a good example, I think.


    Another one who has impressed me in what little I’ve seen so far is Gabby David:
    This video in particular is a pretty good example of her skills:

    I wish I was 25, that I could try this stuff. Hell, I’d try it if I was just 40. ?

  25. Does not feel like “dancing” to me, either, but yes, it’s very skillful. It appears to combine extreme moonwalking with mime. Mimewalking.

  26. huxley–

    Somewhat tongue in cheek, but it does appear that lately every new discovery from the Webb telescope and others, finds things which are contrary to the standard model of how the Universe started, developed, and what we had believed it should consist of and look like.

    RE: UFOs —

    This should be a cautionary tale for those who are so sure about what UFOs are or are not, so sure of the limits which our current knowledge of Physics puts on travel between star systems, and the possible technology any NHIs might possess.

    At this point in our knowledge of the World and of the extent and limits of Reality, our scientific and technological knowledge and development, to say that we know what can and cannot be, what can and cannot be accomplished is just a whole boatload of hubris.

    Absent any conrete proof, we just don’t know, and are just guessing.

  27. It looks like a homage to Marcel Marceau, a mixture of mime and dance. Maybe there’s also a bit of Michael Jackson in there too. Use of an umbrella (Gene Kelly) or a cane (Fred Astaire) has long been standard in dance routines, but did any dancer bring the prop to life in the way that Marceau (even without the actual umbrella) did?

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