Home » They are still persecuting/prosecuting J6-ers who did next to nothing wrong


They are still persecuting/prosecuting J6-ers who did next to nothing wrong — 27 Comments

  1. We are no longer a country with Laws.
    Yet, such video’s will never convince those that still believe that Jan 6 was a violent attempt to overthrow the govt that they just might be wrong. My best friend included.

  2. The way to overthrow the government is to pretend to uphold it’s princes

    And you cant say that peasant!

  3. Looks like the powers that be in Washington, DC back then – that would be the demokrat party leadership and their members that still rule over the government today – wished to create an American version of the Reichstag Fire.

    Despite numerous appearances of FBI and DOJ top officials “testifying” before congressional committees, they refuse to say how many of their Storm Troopers they had in the J6 crowd, despite being asked directly.

    These same demokrat party higher- ups used BLM as a USA version of the Sturmabteilung; aka, Stormtroopers.

    And today’s FBI and Justice Dept are the USA version of the E.German Staatspolizei (which was the successor to the Gestapo).

    Well, the dumbpublicans got rid of Santos. Yea, he was a real piece of work, but he was a staunch conservative. You can bet your life that if he was a demonkrat and had committed the same exact wrong doings, the dems would not even bothering having an ethics committee investigate him, much less kick him out of office.

    I guess the dumbpublicans figured their “overwhelming” majority in the US House gave them the leeway to dump Santos; let’s see it’s 221 vs 212 presently. This 9 vote majority is not quite 9 votes because you can always count on a bunch of dumbpublicans voting with the demonkrats.

    It’s hard to believe that the dumbpublicans do not follow a script provided to them by the demonkrats.

  4. SHIREHOME, I’m in the same boat. My best friend and I deal with it by not talking politics at all. It sucks.

  5. I think the bodycam video proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the chanting protesters forced the (Capitol?) Police to teargas—or whatever—themselves.

    And isn’t that a felony? I.e., to force/persuade/convince Law Enforcement to teargas themselves?

    OTOH, shouldn’t those LE dudes LEARN HOW TO USE a gas-cannister launcher before they actually deploy one? (Of course, it should also be a felony to force Law Enforcement to use equipment they don’t know how to use… Stick to truncheons, fellas! Maybe even shoot a protester or two…)

  6. Related:
    “Ex-Capitol Police Officer Releases Audio Proving J6 ‘Cover-Up’ “—

    (We’ve seen Officer Tarik Johnson before, trying to tell the truth about that awful day—the truth that any responsible “Bidenesca” would never allow anyone to see or hear(!). I would assume that he’ll be needing our best prayers, wishes…and hopes in the days and months ahead.)

  7. i’m reminded of the finale of blues brothers, when the army the chicago police and co

  8. This will end in civil war as more and more people reach their Popeye moment. I was kind of expecting I would be gone before that point but now I am not too sure.

    “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more!”

  9. Reminds me of the t-shirt I saw some older gentleman wearing:

    “Oh shit! That didn’t work.”
    Probably the last words I’ll say before I die.

    That cop is that guy.

  10. IMO this may be the DOJ’s “bridge too far.”

    Unlike the overwhelmingly unknown random citizens so far arrested, Siaka Massaquoi is a popular star from the Babylon Bee, and now the Daily Wire, which has much deeper pockets than even the few familiar J6 defendants like Brandon Straka (Walkaway founder) and … who else?
    Even the Buffalo Shaman was unknown to the general public until after J6.

    And he’s a member of that demographic which has already seen supporters jump to Trump due to the patently biased court charges against him.

    So far I have seen no mention of the legal rationale for coming after Siaka after this long (although being a part of the Daily Wire’s robustly anti-woke film could be part of it).

    Serious tipping points & preference cascades have come from what seem to be trivial events.



  11. PS I hope the crowds combing the J6 footage are on the alert for Siaka’s appearances, as they are certain to be in the “tourist” column rather than on the “riot” side.

  12. Watching the police tear gas themselves is funny, pathetic and tragic all at once. I’ve seen a lot of video where the police (both DC and Capitol) display a combination of malevolence and incompetence that is frightening. I’m not sure if these forces were always this inept or if this is the result of the widespread denigration of police over the past few years. In any case I would not want to depend on these people for protection if there was serious unrest.

  13. The scumbag Trump does nothing for the J6 defendants.Trump should be raising money for their lawyers at every one of his rallies. And posting about it every day on his social account. Trump is a world-class narcissist—everything is about him.

  14. Well…..I don’t know about anyone else here, but when I would commit a misdemeanor (in my misspent youth) the FBI would always arrest me! You know, instead of the local police writing me a ticket.

  15. Anything less than the imprisonment of those who have persecuted the January 6 protesters is evidence that the rule of law is dead.

    “Well, the dumbpublicans got rid of Santos. Yea, he was a real piece of work, but he was a staunch conservative.” JohnTyler

    Many of the Republicans who voted to oust Santos did not do so because of his corruption but because his corruption provided the political coverage they needed to reduce the support for conservativism.

  16. Fullmoon, you have nothing so all you do is a cheap insult like your hero Trump. Name one thing that Trump has done for a J6 defendant with a link to an article about it

  17. Here is the video of Siaka’s horrendous insurrectiony violence, because nothing says “threat to our democracy” like taking selfies with the very unconcerned capitol police.

    Linked from this story:

    And in re my mention of the demographic jumping off the Democrat ship, even if they don’t go full MAGA.

  18. That video puts the slap in slapstick. I’m very happy that wasn’t a weapon with greater range or any lethality.

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