Home » Open thread 11/29/23


Open thread 11/29/23 — 54 Comments

  1. Something else falling over in DC

    National Christmas Tree does best Biden impression by falling over ahead of president’s lighting ceremony, may not be salvageable.

  2. Speaking of dogs who bark too much…

    Code Pink is holding “Shut It Down For Palestine” demos all over the country, including here in downtown Albuquerque.


    Join us for a speak out on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. We will gather in front of the Simms building that houses Senator Martin Heinrich’s office, to <b<send a clear message against the Democratic Party's complicity with the genocide in Palestine!
    Despite holding the hyper-idealized “trifecta” in New Mexico, the Democratic Party has done little to change the equation to make housing, education, and better wages matter more than apartheid!
    Simms Building
    400 Gold Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102, United States,


    Perhaps I’m underestimating how far the young are going for Hamas.

  3. It’s more than a bit counter-intuitive, but even AP is now warning of AI misinformation (WRT Palestinian propaganda)….
    “Fake babies, real horror: Deepfakes from the Gaza war increase fears about AI’s power to mislead”—
    H/T Instapundit.

    (It’s almost as though AP is very, very afraid that AI is going to muscle in on AP’s own—propagandistic—territory…. Either that, or AP’s making a tremendous effort to make itself seem like a legitimate news source…heh…)

  4. More on the dog front from my very cynical, sometimes out of line, thinking.

    We are dealing with 4 cases of the “mystery dog illness” in our family. Two of our dogs have dealt with it; our youngest a month ago, and our 14 year old for the past 2 1/2 weeks. Fortunately, both cases mild so far. My daughter’s dog in Orlando has had it for 2 1/2 weeks also, and my nephew’s dog in Denver ended up in emergency vet and barely pulled through.

    What really bothers me is that the vet community can’t seem to identify the culprit: virus?? bacterium?. In this day I’m shocked that medical technology hasn’t zeroed in on the problem. Didn’t take them this long with Covid.

    So my cynical take: Is this a trial run of a bioweapon designed to be tested initially on dogs to see it’s efficacy and method of delivery? Test run for a human version?
    I know, a bit paranoid maybe. But given players such as China, NK, and Iran…. Does the government actually know and aren’t telling?

  5. miguel —

    Thanks for your note. I had a setback recently, had to be re-hospitalized for four days due to unresolved issues from the first hospitalization. But I’m okay now and with those issues addressed can get on the road to making a full recovery.

    It’s good to be alive.

  6. Chloramphenicol is “a very, very strong last-resort antibiotic, but it’s what saved him. Otherwise, he would not be here,” she wrote.

    Obviously it’s hardly scientific, but the fact that a powerful antibiotic seemed to have been effective in that case indicates that the mystrerious illness is most likley not caused by a virus, but some kind of bacteria or fungi or parasite.

  7. Nonapod, per UpToDate, chloramphenicol is a last resort agent for:

    Rocky Mountain Spotted fever (Rickettsia rickettsii)
    Meningococcal meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis)
    Ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia chaffeensis)
    Anaplasmosis (Anaplasma phagocytophilum)
    Epidemic typhus (Rickettsia prowazekii)
    Typhoid fever (Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi)
    Murine typhus (Rickettsia typhi)
    Scrub typhus (Orientia tsutsugamushi)
    Rickettsialpox (Rickettsia akari)
    Melioidosis (Burkholderia pseudomallei)
    Tularemia (Francisella tularensis)
    Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis)
    among others.

    These are all bacteria, and there is generally poor effectiveness of chloramphenicol against parasites (e.g. Plasmodium falciparum in malaria) and virtually no effectiveness against fungi, or viruses as you note.

  8. Nonapod: that’s the “mystery illness” I’m talking about. All dog owners are very aware of it.

    Our dogs are on both clavo and doxy antibiotics; more for pneumonia prevention than looking for a cure for the disease.

  9. RE: UFOs –On the question of why there are so many sorties

    See this video by long time serious UFO researcher Richard Dolan, who estimates that the number of genuine world-wide UFO sightings is around 50,000 per year or more, as he asks the question I did in a recent comment, why so many sorties, and what could their purpose possibly be? *

    * See time stamp 16:50 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4WafipAPV0&t=13s

  10. @Bill K, I guess that might indicate that it’s almost certainly a bacterial pathogen? Well I suppose that might narrow it down a little. Some common bacterial infections in dogs include, salmonella, leptospirosis, campylobacter, helicobacter, streptococcus, clostridia, bordetella, and of course E Coli. Of those, leptospirosis bordetella, and streptococcus cause respiratory infections with symptoms very like this mystery illness. Of course there’s always a chance that it’s a completely novel pathogen unrelated to any of those lines I guess.

  11. Jack “Big Brother” Smith superbly representing the thugs he works for.
    ‘Special Counsel Jack Smith Demanded Info On Americans Who “Favorited Or Retweeted” Trump Tweets; Newly Released Docs Show’—

    So half the country (or more, actually) is “Emmanuel Goldstein”, eh?
    (It’s certainly one way to distract from the ever-more-obvious, third-world-style machinations of the Biden Crime Syndicate and the depredations of the Democratic Party Machine…)

  12. Regarding sick dogs.
    Would be interesting to know if this mystery illness is harming coyotes, wolves and foxes.

  13. This is a great song. ” This I Believe ( The Creed) ” by Hillsong Worship. Seems to pull from the ” Apostles Creed”. Recoding appears to be almost a decade old, filmed in front of a huge audience – lots of audience participation. Normally I don’t like hearing audience , but it works great in this video. This being YouTube, understand that the adds that pop up may have nothing to do with this group. Noticed Mormon adds popping up in front of groups like this even though the group isn’t Mormon.

  14. Would be interesting to know if this mystery illness is harming coyotes, wolves and foxes.

    If they’re coming into regular contact with domesticated dogs, my guess is almost certainly.

  15. Banned Lizard, yes, I thought of SoP when I saw that this morning. I still have a hard time believing that any intelligent species capable of interstellar travel would crash so many times here, and also not recover any of their own.

    Now, is the government covering something up? Of course, that’s their modus operandi any more.

  16. A friend of mine had a parrot that her sister (who had a couple of dogs) would parrot sit when my friend went out of town. The parrot had great fun picking on the dogs. He’d sit in his cage and call them: “Come here! Come here!” And as soon as they got close, he’d nip them on the nose and then laugh hysterically

  17. “I still have a hard time believing that any intelligent species capable of interstellar travel would crash so many times here, and also not recover any of their own.”

    Yeah, definitely.

    Throwing some general ideas that have occurred to most of us against the wall and …

    1. They are from earth. Maybe a “Silurian Hypothesis” type of thing; developed eons ago. Now, inhabiting an undersea or subsurface environment. We may be as irrelevant to them as chimps are to us. The crashes – if they exist – might be their versions of juvenile delinquents coming to a bad end.

    Or there may be some sinister or fraught “official” modus vivendi interaction that takes place which could be rendered problematical if the duck walking flying saucer loons in their Hawaiian shirts, sandals, and boonie hats started trying to get in on the act.

    In any event, given our own technology in drones and electronic surveillance, what possible reason would alien beings from an advanced technological civilization have for hovering around in our atmosphere. Unless they are the stunted semi-retarded residue of an alien civilization having all the vigor of Ptolemaic Egypt.

    2. They are extraterrestrial; but the same general principles apply.

    3. There is no “they”. The technology is human in the sense that humans generated it and some limited number of people have access to it. That fact that anti-gravity technology (or something appearing to possess those attributes) might exist, does not necessarily imply that anything too useful can presently be done with it, or that it can function as a form of interstellar vehicle suitable for human beings.

    And if you were inside such a hypothetical vessel surrounded by a torus of plasma, what are the prospects for being able to interact with the environment outside, while it was in active mode.

    Or to submit an admittedly shallow example: Suppose that ball lightening could be generated at will and directed around remotely as if it were something more substantial. If the military had that, why would they tell anyone? You got a gimmick, that might be full of potential, but you would tip your hand by telling all.

    Personally, I do not believe that flying saucers have been crashing all over the world for generations, and every last piece of every last one the earth over, has been scooped up by our or some other government.

    It would be cool to have such technology, though.

    Makes you wonder why we are spending all that money on Stealth Tech, if the other is a controllable technology though

  18. Nonapod, though my specialty was surgery, I teach microbiology to PA students and have a son in law who’s the U of Iowa Microbiology lab director. Every year I ask him what bugs are new on the horizon, and there are reliably a few new ones. We don’t know everything that’s out there.
    For example, though Candida albicans (yeast infection) has been around for a long time, this year he’s seeing fatal cases of Candida aureus fungemia. That’s a species I’d not been aware of previously.
    So if chloramphenicol works, I’m highly confident this dog infection is bacterial.

  19. The USG aggressively prosecutes those who reveal or retain classified info revealed (except for Biden’s or Clinton’s) doesn’t it seem odd that the UAP leakers seem to be immune to prosecution also? I wonder why…

  20. I think interstellar tech would be an existential threat to FedGov. I bet there are quite a few people who, if they got their hands on a Star Trek phaser, would head straight to D.C. with the intent to use said phaser promiscuously.

  21. RE: UFOs–Why block or gut the Schumer UFO Amendment?

    Word is that–at the behest of the CIA and their aerospace company donors–several powerful Republican House committee chairman, the new Speaker, and Mitch McConnell are all trying to either gut the Schumer UFO Amendment, or to block it all together in Conference.

    Apparently the Amendment’s “eminent domain” language, which would enable the government to confiscate any UFO materials–crash debris, intact craft, or Alien biological material–which defense contractors might have acquired or hold is reportedly of particular concern.

    Now, ask yourself–if UFOs are not real, if Non Human Intelligences (NHIs) are not real, not visiting Earth, and some NHI pilots have not crashed, and them and their vehicles not been recovered, then, turned over to aerospace companies, if aerospace companies do not have any UFO crash debris, intact craft, or Alien bodies in their possession–why the apparently tremendous pressure on influential members of Congress to block passage of the Schumer UFO Amendment, and especially the section of it dealing with eminent domain confiscation of any UFO/Alien material any aerospace companies may have in their possession?

    As Dr. Garry Nolan has recently pointed out, such fierce opposition is, in itself, an admission, it’s own type of “Disclosure.”

    P.S. Australian investigative journalist and UFO researcher Ross Coulthart –apparently having had enough of government UFO secrecy has reported that–according to his sources–the U.S. does not just have a few UFOs in it’s possession–9 such craft have been mentioned–but a whole hell of a lot more of them.

  22. Unicorns are estimated by one Dr. Pile Hi Deeper to number approximately 500,000,007.

    A Mr. E. D. Fudd is hunting them, so be very quiet. Mr. Fiddle says they are wascally.

  23. As Dr. Garry Nolan has recently pointed out, such fierce opposition is, in itself, an admission, it’s own type of “Disclosure.”

    –Snow on Pine

    I do dislike this kind of argument. Governments are naturally secretive and they always have plenty of reasons to maintain secrecy.

    An Occam’s Razor answer is that governments don’t know much more than we do about UFOs, much less can they do anything about UFOs.

    However, that’s a terrible admission of weakness, that there are thousands of objects zipping about over our cities and military bases with impunity.

    Governments would rather not have citizens worrying about such violations of sovreignity when the governments can’t do anything about them.

  24. Intelligence see above seems to be like that parody feeble in that python sketch

    Could they at least rule things out

  25. Re: Hillsong Worship

    Jon baker:

    I’ve seen that name around, but assumed it was some megachurch or Christian rock label. I didn’t realize it was an individual group that manages to make Christian rock beyond the more formulaic varieties.

    Very nice.

    I tell people to be careful when they investigate Christianity. It’s not a dead religion. Something might Reach Out and Touch You.

    Ask [God] to show you his face. But when he looks at you, you must look back.

    –Bhagavan Das

  26. Given that the parrot is a mimic, it’s more than likely a sign that the owner is an ineffectual idiot, who just shouts “stop it” to the dumb barker rather than implementing any kind of discomfort in association with the command.

    No, it need not be “spanking” the dog, it can be as simple as a squirt gun with a bit of lemon water to the face. That way the dog learns to associate the command “stop it” with additional discomfort, that it’s not just an empty noise.

    Dogs need to be taught the rules, just as with children. If they don’t seriously feel your displeasure, and learn to care about it, then you’re just making empty noises.

  27. Crasey, et al — that’s a cover by the Carpenters — the original creators are a medium well-known alternative music band from the late 70s and 80s, Klaatu


    Their version is far far better, I think. The Carps version is ok but much more basic pop. Klaatu’s rendition is much more complex and interesting.

    Klaatu is notable because there was a rumor for a short time that they were a clandestine Beatles reunion, which that first album did reflect some feel of the Beatles.

    Their other moderately known hit was Sub Rosa Subway, which is the one most connected to airplay and the Beatles’ rumors. The song itself is a historical song about the creation of the first subway in NYC.


    Alfred Beach:

    This one, “Little Neutrino” was a great early test of a sound system, because there is a very very high note running all through it that many sound systems did not reproduce, and some people could not even hear. I could, back then (I had very high-range hearing, which I noted with certain ultrasonic systems they had in many department stores that hurt my ears, but most others could not hear — I could close my eyes, though, and have someone lead me around and tell them when I was under one — the units had a little silver “nazi helmet” in the ceiling — proving that I did hear them). I’ve lost that high range, of course, with age, and can’t say if modern systems reproduce it properly in full fidelity.


    This one, California Jam, is very much a more fun Beach Boys song…

    On the other hand, if you wanted a good hard rocker, this one, True Life Hero is awesome.

    Here’s their full second album, “Hope”, which is a concept album…

    And their full third album Sir Army Suit. It’s my favorite, but all the first three are good. There were two more, but I think they peaked with the first three, and YMMV as to which was best…

    What I personally really liked was their high variability — they did soft, pleasant numbers, hard rockers, and thoughtful pieces. Not a lot of bands were able to do that back then, and a limited number since have been able to.

    Even their soft numbers have thoughtful elements, such as the line at the end of “A Routine Day”, a softer version of the topic of Pink Floyd’s “Time”, which the first number off Sir Army Suit, which is “… and I’m waiting on the pier til’ Charon comes.” Little Neutrino, above, is another example. How many people even know WTF a neutrino is, much less can write a fairly decent and reasonably accurate song about them? 😀

  28. }}} and especially the section of it dealing with eminent domain confiscation of any UFO/Alien material any aerospace companies may have in their possession?

    Aaaahhh… because the government has a ridiculously bad history of abusing ANY law it makes, and things that increase its confiscation power are generally the worst sort?

    The whole “Antiterrorism” bill passed after 911 gave the government all kinds of powers “to get after terrorism”. Regardless of this, within six months of its passage, the JD was giving seminars to local PDs about how to use its strictures to prosecute local non-terrorist cases. This has not gotten better!!… it’s been used to get after people associated with Trump and to get after all those bastard J6 “insurrectionists”.

    Then there’s the wonderful abortion known as RICO, which was passed “to get at mobsters who were hard to get with existing laws”… but then eventually was used to confiscate the family farms of people who were found to have a half-dozen pot plants growing on the edge of their property.

    No, sorry, don’t give the $%#!@#^%$%!&@$&^@$&@$&@%^&%^*&%^*& government MORE #!$!$%&@&*@%$&!#$%#$!%#^ power — even if it has an “imaginary” basis — because some bright boy Deep State mother F****R is going to have a GREAT imagination about how to abuse the mother F****ING law.

    I don’t give a rodent’s patootie about the “need to do something” about Jack or his odious companion. Stop giving the government more power, particularly confiscatory powers. They abuse them, always</b?


  29. huxley–

    RE: UFOs, NHIs, and what is the true nature of “Realty”?

    There could not be a sharper divide here.

    With regard to the issue of UFOs, and particularly of Non Human Intelligences (NHIs), some of us are looking at the evidence, looking around, sensing, and trying to accommodate to a new Reality, one which a comparatively small number of people are gradually becoming convinced is present, and perhaps has always been present, a view which the majority of people–om—I’m looking at you—are currently convinced is inconceivable, simply nonsense, a fantasy, and that all of the old mindsets and rules still apply.

    For my part, I am convinced that there is enough concrete evidence–just from military observers and the results from their objective surveillance instruments alone–to prove that UFOs are real objects of some sort.

    And, when you have eliminated the possibility that such UFOs are of terrestrial origin—are not secret US tech, are not Russian, are not Chinese, are not the creation of some rogue Billionaire industrialist –see Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” (and it’s hard to argue that they might be, when the UFO performance characteristics we observe today are the same performance characteristics observed in the 1940s, back 80 years ago, when all of Earth’s technologies were far more primitive)—you are inevitably lead to the conclusion that these UFOs are the product of and directed by some “Other,” some sort of NHI.

    Such a NHI could be from a hitherto hidden parallel terrestrial evolutionary track, could be from another star system, could be from another dimension, could be a time traveler from our far past or future, or the UFOs themselves could be the NHI, and possibly a hitherto unknown terrestrial phenomenon.

    Perhaps these UFOs have a large consciousness component to them (some have suspicions that the pilots are an integral part of the operating system and, that, absent the consciousness of that particular pilot, these vehicles won’t work), or such an NHI could be something which we are simply unable to fathom—who knows?

    In addition, thinking about the matter of “intent,” cynical ol’ me doesn’t buy the whole NHIs as our “space brothers” idea because, if these NHIs were that benign and wanted to help the human race out, how come they did not intervene and stop WWII, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Korean and Vietnam wars, Covid, the recent Hamas massacre and hostage taking in Israel, and any number of other major disasters and conflicts?

    Or, is there some sort of “Prime Directive” at work?

    Moreover, perhaps what we are dealing with is not just one species and type of NHI but, with a number of different NHIs, each one different in characteristics, approach, and aims.

    And, if you admit these possibilities, then, the new Reality which you live in and are trying to come to grips with is probably much more complex, likely multi-layered, and far, far different from the Reality which you thought you knew, and were relatively comfortable in and with.

    This is a Reality in which, as Lou Elizondo and others have hinted, the “somber” fact may be that humans may not be the apex predators, and at the top of the food chain as we had, up until now, imagined ourselves to be.

    This is also perhaps a much more chancy and precarious Reality; one in which the human race no longer controls it’s own destiny.

    This may be a Reality in which we, as a species, are essentially powerless in the face of one or more highly advanced, much more powerful and capable higher intelligences, one or more of which could, for instance, decide that they have some other use for the Earth, and that human beings are just in the way, a nuisance to be gotten rid of.

    Could it be that this Secret, the fact, the knowledge of our powerlessness in this new and precarious Reality, is one of the key motives for the actions of the Secrecy faction within our government?

    Would I be devastated if what I believe to be the truth turns out not to be true?

    Not at all, because as I see it, this new Reality is probably not going to be a good deal for humanity.

    I’d much rather believe that we were apex predators, in charge of our own destinies, and not subject to the whims of other, more advanced beings.

    P.S. Some of us humans have all sorts of plans about Disclosure—fast or slow—each one an effort to not only get the truth out, but also to limit the disruption to our civilization when we do.

    But what if an “Other” intelligence has it’s own plans, plans for Disclosure which may take no real account of us, of our various timetables, or of the potentially very damaging impacts on our civilization which such Disclosure might bring?

  30. Huxley,
    ‘Something Might Reach Out and Touch You’
    LOL. Somebody ought to warn Jordan Peterson.
    Although I must say, he’s putting up a magnificent defense!

  31. LOL. Somebody ought to warn Jordan Peterson.

    Molly Brown:

    Personally, I think it’s too late for Jordan.

    He got the message, but he doesn’t want to hang up the phone!

  32. Huxley,
    If he does, he may well rival Lewis as ‘the most dejected, reluctant convert in all of..’ Wherever!

  33. For my part, I am convinced that there is enough concrete evidence–just from military observers and the results from their objective surveillance instruments alone–to prove that UFOs are real objects of some sort.

    Snow on Pine:

    However, in this class of instances, “some sort” doesn’t cover that much ground. Jacques Vallée has compiled multiple vials of UFO affected substances. Whatever they may be, they comprise less than an ounce or few.

    My take is that UFOs can influence human observations, electromagnetic evidence and even small amounts of physical evidence, but they are largely outside our physical realm.

    I don’t know how God or Jesus work either, but:

    There’s something happening here
    What it is ain’t exactly clear

    –Buffalo Springfield, “For What It’s Worth”


    I rather wish you would tighten your style.

    TL;DR isn’t just pretty words.

  34. If he does, he may well rival Lewis as ‘the most dejected, reluctant convert in all of..’

    Molly Brown:

    You are reminding me of “The Reluctant Healer: One Woman’s Journey of Faith” by Emily Gardner Neal.

    Neal was a 50s newspaper reporter looking for a story when she went to a Christian healing service and ended up changing her life.


    I’m not sure what sort of Christian I am, but I certainly am reluctant!

  35. I don’t want to hijack the thread, but, Huxley, are you ‘reluctant’ because you are a ‘modern’ or for some other reason?

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