Home » Open thread 11/16/23


Open thread 11/16/23 — 48 Comments

  1. That video brought a ton of problems to my machine! One of which was Sean Penn in the background urging donations for IIRC. Even when I turned off my machine to re-start there were still some problems– BE CAREFUL WITH THIS VIDEO

  2. For those interested, The Fall of Minneapolis:The Film is now available at Alphanews.org. It’s based on Liz Collin’s book They’re Lying. For those not familiar, she was a reporter for the local CBS affiliate and married to the head of the MPD union. She had a ringside seat to all that happened and knows many of the players personally.

  3. Richard Fernandez has a great piece out arguing that October 7 was an irrational strategic blunder by Hamas which will lead to Hamas’s downfall.

    The Israelis never expected Hamas to do something as irrational as provoke the full force of Jerusalem’s retaliation. Hamas, for its part never rationally prepared for the retribution they should have known would follow. The mistake both of Hamas’ enemies and its disappointed allies was to assume the decision makers would be sane.

    –Richard Fernandez, “Belmont Club: The Amorite Iniquity Effect”


    IMO Hamas way over-reached on October 7. Now they are paying the price.

    Hamas has also outed members of the pro-Palestine movement as Jew haters. While their recent demonstrations are quite disturbing, I think the movement has been seriously wounded by associating itself with the October 7 horror.

    My goodness, even Hilary Clinton is now saying Hamas must go and John Fetterman has the full set of Israeli kidnapped posters on his office wall.

    What is the world coming to?

  4. They should have learned the lesson of islamic state (frankly many keep forgetting on our side)

  5. You know i admit on this narrow point golem was right (i dont think oz would have been as forthright)

  6. Hamas is going down. That can be deduced from the IDF results thus far. However, the ideology, the commitment to killing or converting all Jews and infidels, remains. Iran, Syria, Lebanon, the Taliban, and many smaller ISIS wanna bes are still out there. In addition, we have witnessed the large numbers of anti-Israel no-nothings protesters around the world.

    The destruction of Hamas may bring more close-range security for Israel, but the creed of Islamic intolerance will continue. The hope is that somehow, someway Islam will moderate and become more tolerant.

    It appears that the Saudis, Jordan, Egypt, and the Emirates are willing to live in peace with Israel. That gives us hope, but makes you wonder what it will take to bring the rest of the Umma along. What can create an appetite for tolerance, or at least peace, in Islam? I have no answer.

  7. IMO Hamas way over-reached on October 7.

    Indeed. Who’d have thought that raping, murdering, and desecrating the dead bodies of hundreds and hundreds of unsuspecting men, women, and children and gleefully posting these things on social media might not have further endeared people in the West to their cause? Or that it would instead cause many people who did support them or may have otherwise supported them to reel back in horror and bitter regret? To put it mildly, perhaps it wasn’t the best PR move on Hamas’s part.

    Despite everything, I guess there’s still a few people who respect the concept of modern civilization. But sadly a large portion of our indolent youth seems to have been duped by some romantic notions of a noble rebellion of natives against their colonial oppressors as if real life was some sort of young adult fantasy novel or prestige TV show. I just saw a story about Osama bin Laden’s infamous “Letter to America” going viral thanks to some vapid TikTok Toc influencers.

  8. General question:

    I’ve been getting a DSM authorization request on my Android phone (Duck Duck Go through Google) whenever I try to view HotAir, Redstate, or PJ Media content, even if not containing links to video. The message doesn’t have an “Allow;” it just locks up the browser. Not a problem on my laptop (Brave browser).


  9. In a world of a few billion, they are a dime a dozen..
    I learned that by being one – but i quit early to have a life

  10. Hamas is going down. That can be deduced from the IDF results thus far.


    The news is good at the military level.

    Furthermore, knock on wood, the Israelis are managing their campaign to destroy Hamas without incurring as much “outrage porn” as I feared.

    It seems the truly difficult part will be managing international relationships and world opinion.

  11. I played that same Clementi sonatina as a freshman in HS after 6 years of lessons, but probably not as well as she did.

  12. Bill K:

    The way I think I heard it — wars start when one side overestimates its strength in relation to the others.

    OTOH, here’s a fun quote from a favorite movie:

    there are no safeguards in human nature. We’re wired to overreach.

    Look at history, all the countries that have ever ruled the world: Portugal, with this big, massive navy – all they’ve got now are salt cod and cheap condoms.

    [crowd laughs]

    And the Brits? Now they’re just sitting in their dank little island, fussing over their suits.

    No one’s stopping and thinking, ‘Hey, we’re doing pretty well. We got France, we got Poland, we got a big Swiss bank account… You know what? Let’s not invade Russia in the winter. Let’s go home, let’s pop a beer, and let’s live off the interest.’

    –Bradley Cooper, “Limitless” (2011)

  13. Outlier on November 16, 2023 at 12:49 pm said:
    For those interested, The Fall of Minneapolis:The Film is now available at Alphanews.org. It’s based on Liz Collin’s book They’re Lying. For those not familiar, she was a reporter for the local CBS affiliate and married to the head of the MPD union. She had a ringside seat to all that happened and knows many of the players personally.

    Thanks to “Outlier” for the reminder. I’ve watched the movie and would recommend it to anyone who can still stomach the story of George Floyd. I watched the whole trial, and read what I could find about the arrest and autopsy, so the movie was nothing new, but it was well presented. The movie’s last part emphasizes that the trial and riots were the beginning of the end for Minneapolis. The city’s voters have recently elected several new city council members who are Democratic Socialists. Looks like they’re all swimming towards the drain as fast as they can.

  14. Victor David Hanson Is interviewed on Gen. George Patton at length. But at 48m in, he switches to Gaza and his lessons of his success may be deployed. He almost Mocks Biden’s naïveté.

    Then he has advice or insight into what the IDF and the Israeli government can do constructively.

    We don’t want to embrace or atavistic or lambic self like Hamas does. But we want this war to prevent further murderous deaths. Hanson explains how this is achieved.

    Very intriguing, listen to 48-56m, here

  15. Banned Lizard, the Massachusetts birth certificate is pretty good evidence that Buffy St. Marie didn’t, as was previously claimed, come off the res. The birth certificate said she was of English and Italian parentage. But look at her: not the typical Italian-English mix. My guess is that a DNA test would reveal that the father on her birth certificate wasn’t her biological father. Some sailor?

    My brother and his wife did some DNA testing. His mother-in-law also got DNA tested. The DNA results for his mother-in-law came as a surprise. There was none of the old NE Yankee stock in the DNA of his mother-in-law, when she should have been 50% old NE Yankee. After some searching of other DNA results, my sister-in-law found out that her mother’s father was Russian, apparently a man of some achievement.

    My mother is from Oklahoma. Her 2 brothers married women who were mixed race, 1/8 Indian/Native American. My aunts died before DNA testing was common, but just looking at them you could see the Indian/Native American trace.
    One of my LA cousins, who as a teenager looked like a typical California beach blonde type, in her mature years looks more and more like her mixed race mother.

    My Oklahoma cousin’s second wife believed that she also had Indian/Native American ancestry, from a great-grandmother who had died in childbirth. But a DNA test revealed that she was 100% European. But at least my cousin’s wife didn’t take the Elizabeth Warren route and use her supposed ancestry to help ascend to high positions.

  16. Hezbullah, essentially, controls Lebanon.

    (Yes, it is confounding, but c’est la vie…as they might say in the once-Switzerland of the Middle East.)

  17. @ Nonapod > ” I just saw a story about Osama bin Laden’s infamous “Letter to America” going viral thanks to some vapid TikTok Toc influencers.”

    It’s been taken down because of all the rave reviews and incitements to violence.

    “The letter says attacking American civilians is justified because America claims to be governed democratically and thus every man, woman, and child is responsible for the government’s decisions.”

    If those are the Rules, then every Palestinian is responsible for what Hamas does, including children.

    NOTE that I do NOT accept that as a moral rule; however, there is an Iron Law of History that says every one suffers for their government’s actions regardless of whether they support those actions or not.

  18. In re the discussion earlier this week as to whether the pro-Hamas marches are protests are victory parades —

    Last night, thousands of Muslims lined the streets of Toronto to pray together.
    This praying on the streets in large numbers is not as innocent as it seems, I know from experience in Iran and with Friday prayers by Islamists.
    It is a political and social message of power display.
    They want to show how powerful they are for should it ever come to a confrontation with the West if necessary.

    They are proud of their Muslim brothers Hamas and stand united behind Islamists.

    Of course, you don’t see any women among them, only men, and this because of the strict gender apartheid that prevails in their religion.

    Wake up world!

    What you allow under the guise of religious freedom has absolutely nothing to do with individual freedom but with pure display of power.

    Hence the counter-display of Jewish power on Wednesday.

  19. “My Oklahoma cousin’s second wife believed…”

    Actually, one of my grandmothers—if she’d been anything nearly as creative as Elizabeth Warren—probably could have told anyone bothering to listen that she had Native American antecedents.
    Problem is, though, they would have laughed at her—she was born in Minsk.
    So we all figured it must have been the doing of Genghis Khan and his hordes—great name for a band! Whaddayasay, Huxley?—as they swept through (how many times?) to “see the world”.
    OTOH, I suppose it could also have been attributed to the Cossacks….

    My grandmother, by the way, is not the only Jew whose visage shows a hint, or more, of the oriental.

  20. Hello all of you:

    I’m going to have to disappear from neo’s comment threads due to a massive and quite unexpected heath emergency that started last week. I was knocking on heaven’s door and had one fought inside. The issue is still in doubt. Recovery, if and when it occurs will be long and difficult, and I’m really too tired to engage meaningfully if at all in these conversations, but I will keep reading them. Anyway, that’s the news from my part of Northwest Indian. Cheers to all.

  21. IrishOtter49:

    I am SO sorry to hear it, but thanks so much for letting us know. Many people here will be praying for you and wishing you a swift and uneventful recovery. If you have the time and the energy, please keep us posted.

  22. IrishOtter49: best wishes for a complete recovery and return to the status quo ante. I always enjoy your comments, especially on military history.

    We’ll be thinking of you. Please do check in from time to time.

  23. IrishOtter49:
    As an old doc, I read some unspoken meaning into your “recovery, if it occurs, will be slow and difficult”. I wish you the patience and endurance required for a good recovery.

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