Home » Open thread 11/9/23


Open thread 11/9/23 — 36 Comments

  1. I just read something about what Hamas was doing that I can’t repeat it. It so vile, disgusting. They deserve no mercy.

  2. On a lighter note….

    One of my three or four favorite cat vids. I am not a general cat vid collector (I like cats and dogs and most animals, but am of the Samuel Jackson persuasion that they generally are not “clean”, so not really into house-animals), but this one is so freaking “out of nowhere” hilarious…


  3. Only one of our 2 cat sisters chattered at outside animals, both liked to watch them from the window.

  4. Bear this in mind.

    If your house cats suddenly grew in size and weight to 500 pounds, they would lose little time in ripping you pieces.

    If your dog suddenly grew in size and weight to 500 pounds they would likely try to sit in your lap and crush you with love.

    Therein lies the difference. Make of it what you will.

  5. The gobsmackingly sick get gobsmackingly sicker…
    (And to ensure that their sickness can spread across the fair land, they will have to pack SCOTUS with the requisite number of justices…which is what Schumer would appear to be focused on at the moment….)
    “Biden Admin Asks Supreme Court To Strike Down Bans On Trans Procedures For Minors”—

    See, because for those SICKOs, banning trans procedures on kids VIOLATES the Equal Protection Clause, I kid you not.

    (Though to be fair, the Democrats have redefined practically everything else to mean its exact opposite…so they might as well redefine protection—especially protection for kids….)

  6. Cats do this with such frequency I think they’re practicing coordination in order to take over.

  7. I think they’ve been watching too many of Neo’s synchronized this-that-and-the-other videos…

  8. So the Palistinian Rules for the media and their photojournalists stringers may have consequences:


    Photojourna”lusts” who accompanied the Hamashites are now “dead men walking,” on the to be eliminated list.

    This was illustrated to me last week on a Ryan McBeth YouTube video where he analyzed video showing an IDF tank lighting up a “civilian” car in Gazaland. The media reported it as an IDF tank killing innocent civilians. Ryan noted that the car had obvious signs of being a VBIED (vehicle borne IED (car bomb)) and noted that it was not unusual from his experience in Iraq for VBIEDS to be paired with photojourna”lusts” who were media stringers and terrorist photographers. But Ryan couldn’t be “sure” it would be happening in Gaza.

  9. @om

    Honestly if true it’s far past time. And I’ve felt for years that the likes of Al Jazeera need to be identified as terrorist organizations whose members are liable for summary execution if and when seen.

    Propaganda is deadly. We’ve seen this for centuries at least. Goebbels would’ve been hanged had he not unalived himself (along with his evil wife and their innocent children), Streicher was and was killed, and Fritzsche would have been if we understood the depths of his depravity and involvement. The Hutu Power radio stations that played a key role setting the stage for the genocides were found to be criminally liable and tried as culpable in genocide.

    Why not terrorist outlets? Frankly we need to stop treating journalists as some kind of sacred cows, and have for decades.

  10. Not even Mel Brooks could have thought this one up…
    “Gal Gadot’s screening of Hamas terror attack film ends in mass brawls between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian protesters”—
    (He’s probably kicking himself…)
    – – – – – – –
    Meanwhile, “Biden”‘s on top of HIS game!
    ‘”Too Favored To Fail” – Taxpayers Bail Out Biden’s Green Friends’—
    Opening graf:
    “While America struggles to buy groceries, President Joe Biden has a green slush fund worth billions of dollars, and he’s not afraid to use it….”

    See, they can bankrupt the country…and blame the Republicans!
    O Frabjous Strat’gy, Callooh! Calamity!!

  11. my reaction to the demise of jezebel, is keyed to their grandmal freakout when palin was picked,

    you look at the foreign office like sir richard dalton, probably similar figures in the quai d’orsay, like the ones who were party to the oil for food grift, professional arabists,

  12. mehdi hassan and ayman mohyeldin from the intercept and al jazeera, who both ended up at msnbc, bin laden’s favorite station, until they fired olbermann,

  13. @ Rufus T. Firefly

    “1) Their attitude seemed to be that they believed the government (funded by tax payers) should provide health care for people without the means to purchase insurance. They also seemed to believe it would be wrong to use the government service if one had the means to pay for private insurance.”

    • Very interesting.

    • Was aware of the income threshold – that permitted the purchase of private insurance – but was not sure of motivation to do so.

    • Strikes me that the German motivation is more “shared responsibility” than “individual benefit” (i.e., for some countries private offers better service, etc.).

    • Admirable.

    • Always appreciate hearing the perspective of those who have the experience – country, occupation, etc.

    • Also, a big believer in “cross-pollination”, or that a good idea can come from anywhere/ anyone.

    Thank you for sharing.

  14. i didn’t know about ayman till he chose to defame chris kyle in american sniper

  15. @Rufus T. Firefly @that guy

    I’ve semi-seriously joked that the unification of Germany and its consequences have been disasterous for the human race, and I’d certainly argue Prussian style Welfarism has been. For whatever its other benefits (and there’s no reason to doubt that many of its motivations even by the ruthless old fox Bismarck himself were genuinely meant to help), it was consciously molded to foster control and dependence by a big, authoritarian state upon citizens, and it has worked horrifyingly well. It also has gone on for so long in the Western world that I really don’t see any good ways to transition away from it or what it’d be reformed with, but it is downright eerie and amazing how many of our problems today were influenced by Imperial Germany.

    Unfortunately for welfare the problem is that the German system was originally created so that most people would never receive a cent from it, even though virtually everyone paid in, with the age range being placed above life expectancy. One problem that we’ve seen is that the collapse of the Reichs as well as the rise of democratic or even populist (like the Nazis) politics has seen life expectancies rise but also any resistance to raising the age of retirement, with the result that these things are habitually insolvent.

    And that largely becomes evident at a time when the system is already so entrenched, dependence is widespread, and there are no good ways to fix any of it.

  16. Stephen Gaskin, the hippie guru of Haight Street circa 1967, speculated that flocks of birds and schools of fish make those sharp unison turns by telepathy. Stephen believed that telepathy was true.

    It does look like that could be true.

    However, decades later computer scientists found they could reproduce that effect precisely by a simple algorithm in which each member of a swarm regulates its position by maintaining a constant distance to its closest neighbors in the swarm.

    So if the swarm leader changes direction the change propagates near instantaneously throughout.

  17. }}} If your house cats suddenly grew in size and weight to 500 pounds, they would lose little time in ripping you pieces.

    If your dog suddenly grew in size and weight to 500 pounds they would likely try to sit in your lap and crush you with love.

    Therein lies the difference. Make of it what you will.

    Observation 1:

    Dogs come when you call.
    Cats have answering machines.

    Observation 2:

    You feed a dog, you pet it, you soothe its ills… The dog thinks, “Wow!! *HE* must be a GOD!!”

    You feed a cat, you pet it, you soothe its ills… The cat thinks, “Wow!! *I* must be a GOD!!”


  18. }}} Here’s my favorite cat video: https://youtu.be/V3GJycgu-cs?si=dOHxg3xmosfiGQIo

    Rufus, I have one that might be better, but not a YT connection to it, it’s only on FB, and I don’t know a way to perma-save FB vids, only “account-save” them.

    It’s like a yard cam view of a pool, and one cat is sitting on the edge of the pool, presumably looking at himself. Another cat saunters quietly over along the concrete apron, right up to being behind the cat, and does much the same thing, pushing/startling him into the water. He jumps back a bit, and watches, as the other cat struggles to the rim of the pool, presumably with venom in his eyes… then the “bad” cat starts to run away, as the wet cat gets out of the pool. Cut! 😛

    It’s soooo perfectly done, and very very cat. Yours is much the same.


  19. }}} Why not terrorist outlets? Frankly we need to stop treating journalists as some kind of sacred cows, and have for decades.

    The tricky part is, admittedly, finding a fine line between actual journalism and advocacy propaganda masking as journalism.

    I do concur, there should be, probably, an international court set up to judge such cases… but, for something like that, how do you stop it from becoming like the UN “Civil Rights Commission”… You know the Left would wrap it all up in red tape, the propagandist would claim it’s “censorship!!” and then they’d appoint China, NoKo, and Iran as the heads of the organization. This is not the 1950s any more, as with Nuremberg. Today they’d all be set free as “not responsible for what happened”.

  20. }}} and I’d certainly argue Prussian style Welfarism has been.

    Start even more with the Prussian educational methodology. If I was going back in time to strangle an infant in their crib, Horace Mann would be very high on that list, possibly above Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Their damage is done. Mann’s is still ongoing after 175 years.

  21. I’m more of a cat person. Cats are not dogs, true, but I think cats get a bad rap on selfishness. Here’s a great video I remember from years back:

    –“Cat Saves Little Boy From Being Attacked by Neighbor’s Dog”

    Some say the cat was just being territorial, but:

    When Jeremy was a newborn, the cat would crawl into his crib and curl up beside him.

    Google “cat protecting babies” for more good news.

  22. @ Turtler

    A) “For whatever its other benefits…it was consciously molded to foster control and dependence by a big, authoritarian state upon citizens, and it has worked horrifyingly well.”

    • 100% agree, from what I have observed of health care – around the world & USA proposals – during my lifetime (see fight for Obamacare).

    • And noted this in my reply to RTF: “And I use the description “socialized medicine” very liberally. I do so for several reasons, including the fact that I do not want the aspect of government administration/ control to be lost during the inevitable ‘three-card-monte’ that occurs when discussing health care. (see AMA & Socialism)”

    • Do not know enough to weigh in on your thoughts concerning “consciously”; but will note that the start of German healthcare strikes me as a very proactive stance – even if the “consciously” is as you concluded.

    B) “… (and there’s no reason to doubt that many of its motivations even by the ruthless old fox Bismarck himself were genuinely meant to help), …”

    • 100% agree – from what I have read.

    C) Would welcome any additional thoughts on what you have written, or about what RTF and I wrote in the ‘Nov 1: Euthanasia in Canada’ thread.


    Thank you for your input.

  23. with the age range being placed above life expectancy.
    “Life expectancy” commonly means life expectancy at birth. The people paying into the system are not newborns. Life expectancy at birth in the United States was about 63 years in 1940. The additional expected lifespan of a person of 38 was 30 years, not 25 years, at that time.

  24. All these comments about cats by people that obviously don’t own cats.

    Our cats are as cuddly and socialized as any dog, greet us at the door when we arrive home, come running when we call them, join us on the floor when doing our home workouts (my God, they *love* when we’re on the floor with them), sleep with us, get up when we do, and generally provide great fun, enjoyment and companionship. Otis, our three-month-old new kitten is actively helping me type this, but I swear, he is not dictating. Well, he did dictate the “fun, enjoyment and companionship” part, but I agree.

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