Home » The Hamas terrorist attack and gun control


The Hamas terrorist attack and gun control — 25 Comments

  1. Of course not; and if they do notice, they will deflect etc.

    This is just one issue that the attack has brought to light regarding the left and Democrats in general. The hatred and antisemitism is now on full display from many quarters. Will that cause some bit of cognitive dissonance within the regular Democratic voters? Maybe a very few, but I suspect most will go on stringently protecting their worldview aided by the administration and the MSM. Example: even as the senile-in-chief travels to Israel, Blinken is touting the “2 state solution”. OK we’ve tried that for 50 years, doesn’t work and the fact that Hamas are subhuman and are in the main supported by the “innocent” civilians in Gaza, just doesn’t compute with these idiots.

  2. There’s a lesson there. I wonder if any strict gun control advocates in this country are noticing it.
    No. The gun control discourse is an exercise in information ops: sticking the blame for slum crime with gun owners who live in low crime jurisdictions. It’s also about stripping normal people of their right of self defense so they cannot protect themselves against antifa, rioters, and random slum trash.

  3. “There’s a lesson there. I wonder if any strict gun control advocates in this country are noticing it.”

    Not a chance.

    If liberals noticed the practical real-world impact of most of their policies (and really took it to heart), well…they wouldn’t stay liberal

  4. There’s a lesson there. I wonder if any strict gun control advocates in this country are noticing it.

    I assume that would depend on the true reason behind a given gun control advocate’s thinking. Is it naivete? As in, do they truly not comprehend the considerable downsides of a disarmed populace? Or are their motivations more sinister? As is often the case when trying to decipher the actions of the left, it’s the Fool or Knave question.

    On a related topic, is Iran merely sabre rattling or do they mean to actually go to war with Isreal very shortly? I guess we’ll find out soon enough…

  5. Blockhead Newsom made it perfectly clear in his recent comments that:
    A) His gun control laws are unconstitutional and he knows it
    B) He is expecting the leftist trash in the Federal judiciary to uphold them anyway
    C) Trump’s judges have thrown a monkey wrench into that
    D) The Constitution must be ass-raped from document where the people restrain the government to a document where the government restrains the people in true commie style (to save lives of course)

  6. I was in Israel forty years ago, and my recollection was that there were a lot of weapons around. Sure, the soldiers had theirs slung over their shoulders. But there were a lot of people who seemed to be tagged as security and kept their weapons with them, not active duty soldiers, but people who assumed additional roles as security.

    Our madrichim all had weapons when we went on field trips; on the campus, there were people dressed in regular clothes who carried their weapons. When we did our guard duty, whoever we were partnered with did check their weapon out of the university dorm armory. When there were events, someone was always armed — we had movie night in the dorm, and there was someone doing guard duty. they probably checked the weapon out of the dorm armory, but they were standing there, ready.

    I went to a Shavuot concert in the Galil that sounds similar in a lot of respects to the rave from last week. And there were a LOT of weapons around. I doubt there were enough weapons and enough ammunition to have been able to fight off an assault like the one last week, but they might have slowed them down while concert-goers escaped.

    I know that the terrorists targeted the nearest military base and police stations to reduce serious armed and coordinated resistance. But I think forty years ago, there would have been a lot more weapons out and ready at the concert and the Kibbutzim.

  7. In Lee’s comment above:
    madrichim = tour guides

    1. Israel does not exactly have strict gun control laws… The laws as written allow gun licenses to be granted for reasons as simple as “I am a small businessman/shop owner.”

    The problem is that the bureaucracy has steadily interpreted the rules to be more restrictive.

    One change that new Security Minister Ben-Gvir did was change the language from “can issue” to “shall issue” – placing the burden of proof on the government if it wants to deny the license.

    And of course the Lefties squawked that he was a war-monger… now the website is crashing due to the volume of applications.

    2. By standards of most Western countries, Israel is very well armed indeed. With a mandatory draft and regular reserve duty, there are constantly young and not-so-young people with rifles on public transport and in public areas. Most visitors comment on it.

    In addition, anyone who held any rank during their army service is generally required to own a firearm even when they complete active duty.

    Most tour guides are also armed. The teenaged scout leader accompanying hikers with a rifle is a cliche image of Israeli youth groups – again, foreigners are often shocked.

    These casualties in the kibbutzim were not caused by lack of arms, but complacence and a successful overwhelming surprise attack… which was stopped and repulsed once the situation became known.

    In the case of the open-air drug party, we can also mention the ideological tendencies that led to selection of that venue, minimal security, and attendance by people could not defend themselves and/or did not think they would have to… Who brings a rifle to a rave? Hamas saw the first party that took place, and knew they had a soft target.

  8. The madrichim weren’t so much tour guides as they were like Resident Assistants for the American students.

    Good point about the rave — the concert forty years ago in the Galil was just a Shavuot concert. The whole idea of Shavuot being to stay up all night. Studying, is what you are supposed to do, but hey, rock music could work, right? There were NO drugs. Seriously. Foreigners would get deported, Israeli soldiers would screw up their military service. Forty years ago, Israeli youth were very clean-cut. I have a vague recollection of a popular Israeli rock start back then going to prison for marijuana.

  9. Two sets of “zips in the wire” are more visible in the U.S. thanks to Hamas: supporters of Islamic terror and gun control advocates. Because of longterm effects if they are successful, the latter group is more dangerous.

    Fortunately, most court rulings have been very clear in upholding the Second Amendment.

  10. Nonapod gets it.

    Sure, the gun control advocates, the leadership, have noticed it. Guns mean power to the people. They want to take power from the people. Simple.

  11. Easy argument for gun control after the Hamas attack; ‘We don’t have terrorist attacks here!’. Easy argument against gun control; the young man who stopped the mall shooting earlier this year. Three people were shot, but many more would have been. Amazingly he stopped the shooter in 15 seconds according to the police. In Israel the off duty IDF carrying their rifles carry only one magazine-not loaded into their weapon. I think that will change.

  12. The People cannot be entrusted to manage their own affairs. Disarmed and aborted is the wicked solution… safe Choice.

  13. I’m not clear on Israel’s gun control prior to the attack.

    From what I figured out:

    1. People on the West Bank could more easily qualify.
    2. Only pistols issued with 50 rounds. Now it’s 100 rounds.
    3. 2.5 % of population licensed to carry arms, outside of military, police, security guards, etc.
    4. Retired officers can bear arms.
    5. Constant need to re-license every 2 years
    6. It got stricter after Rabins assassination.




  14. My husband took me outside over the weekend and once again ran me through loading, cocking, and firing my shotgun. He has a .45 Ruger and a rifle, neither of which I can fire, but I am prepared to help defend the house or neighborhood. A 20-gauge loaded with slugs can do damage.

    I don’t think terror cell outbreaks in the US are out of the question.

  15. There are numerous published studies on guns, violence and crime. These are some of the major studies.
    Wright and Rossi, “Under the Gun, Crime and Violence in America.”
    Kleck, “Point Blank, Guns and Violence in America.”
    Wellford, et al, “Firearms and Violence: a Critical Review.”
    Kleck and Mauser, “Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?”
    These papers all show that the availability of firearms has no measurable effect on rates of homicide, suicide, robbery, rape and burglary.
    Wright and Rossi also surveyed the gun laws and estimated that there are some 20,000 gun laws. The laws are mostly aimed at the criminals, crazies, and careless. These are the very people that don’t pay too much attention to the law, so it’s not surprising that the laws don’t have much effect.

  16. The left’s liberal useful idiots operate on fear based emotions and are not open to facts, logic and reason.

    The radical leftists realize that the law abiding, once disarmed will be far less of an obstacle to their attaining the totalitarian power and control for which they lust.

  17. That the courts are consistently siding with gun ownership is what has finally made the gun grabbers start down the path to amend the 2nd out of existence. The proposed amendment is worded to look as if it secures the right with some carve outs but the carve outs will be interpreted widely to mean no guns.

  18. As Charlton Heston, actor and once president of the NRA, used to say, “They’ll only take my gun out of my cold, dead hands”. I stand by that. All dictatorial Leftists/communists believe in strict gun control, i.e., only those in power may have guns. True for Stalin & Putin, Mao & Xi, Pol Pot, Hitler &Nazis. And American Democrats. All for the same reason: totalitarian control.

  19. The desire of the Left to disarm us makes you wonder what they have planned for a disarmed populace.

  20. }}} I wonder if any strict gun control advocates in this country are noticing it.

    Oh, HELL no. :-/

    There is zero worthy logic to 99.9% of gun control efforts.

    Any that actually follows logical rules (far less than 100, or even 50, percent, I’d assert) is generally an example of GIGO. When you start your logical chain with blatantly faulty assumptions, the end product, no matter how correct your chain is, is still almost certainly faulty.

  21. }}} That the courts are consistently siding with gun ownership is what has finally made the gun grabbers start down the path to amend the 2nd out of existence. The proposed amendment is worded to look as if it secures the right with some carve outs but the carve outs will be interpreted widely to mean no guns.

    They can try this, but the simple fact is, any success on this will, in the end, kill FAR more people than all the guns, anywhere, in all of human history, have.

    The bloodbath resulting will not be small.

    But The Left is far far too stupid to grasp that, all being of a mental age of about 3yo, and having zero capacity to understand unintended consequences.

  22. }}} There are numerous published studies on guns, violence and crime. These are some of the major studies.

    The one that really matters, though, is the one that Obama ordered the CDC to create, which was mostly suppressed for YEARS, when completed.

    They deliberately set out to “prove” gun control worked, and no effort to statistically manipulate the actual data could give them the results they wanted, in a form that would not be laughed at for its clear bias and agenda.

  23. yes the soros and the joyce foundations was pushing the registration narrative,

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