Home » Open thread 10/9/23


Open thread 10/9/23 — 32 Comments

  1. Just waiting for it to warm up a bit before going outside and blowing/picking up leaves. Trying to stay positive.

  2. Neo:

    Would you consider putting a widget or banner on your website with the Biden Death Count?

    With Ukraine, Israel and the US, I think the number is at least 850k. For the US, I attribute all the fentanyl deaths to Biden.

  3. Shirehome: “January” here in north FL this morning….43! Now back to mid 70s, but a bit of a shock for people around here. Had guys come to finish a fence installation for us and they came in hoodies and jeans and were still complaining…LOL.

  4. Obama and Biden funded Hamas and Iran.

    Biden’s weakness encouraged Hamas to attack Israel.

    I’ve NEVER understood why American Jews have voted Dem. If they continue to do so, its total insanity.

  5. The Israeli response to Hamas seems very predictable to me, which makes me worry the attacks were just the first part of a deeper plan for Iran. I expect there are swarms of drones just waiting for the Merkavas to roll.

  6. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
    George Orwell, 1984
    Pretty much describes life in America now.

  7. Dwaz – I share your concern. TMy biggest fear for the middle east is that Iran has an operational nuke and has staged this episode to create an excuse to use it.

  8. PhysicsGuy, about the same here. But I think on Wed we will get a mild freeze. I am starting to shut down things to get ready for Winter. Going to move the Geraniums into the Garage to winter over, shut the sprinkler system off.
    Here is 50 miles N of Denver.

  9. Dwaz:

    The IDF has the Trophy kinetic armor fighting vehicle (tank, APC, IFV) defense system in service to protect against anti-tank guided missiles (and unguided stuff). The IDF has a reputation for innovation and adaptability that will serve them well IMO. I would expect they have some tricks for the drones.

    Time will tell.

    Send Hamas straight to hell.

    From the river
    to the sea
    are dead to me.

  10. Physicsguy,

    Regarding the temperature. Here in east Texas it got into the 40s yesterday morning. I had kept nursing some eggplants thru the triple digit summer and the weather had finally cooled off , so those plants had put on a lot of new growth. Even have some new fruit coming on the plants. But egg plants prefer temps above 50 F so I was a bit worried about them . I hope to get a few more . Would be good to have a greenhouse for fall gardens , to get thru the early low night temperatures .

  11. Iranian nuclear bombs — while a necessary consideration in Israel’s thinking — may not be necessary from Iran’s point of view when sufficient precisionally targetable ballistic and cruise missiles are to hand. Conventional explosive warheads in sufficient numbers will do uncalculable damage to a sophisticated infrastructure.

  12. Om-
    IDF has all kinds of stuff as does Mossad, but stuff doesn’t help if the people who have to run the stuff go bad.
    The IDF and Mossad have been infiltrated by the same leftist scum that have ruined American military and intelligence. They believe that because these 2 liberal democracies are not perfect, and have committed what is in their view atrocities against other local people, they do not deserve to survive, as a perfect community is easily available if only the existing order can be overthrown.

    Ideally, the good guys in IDF, Mossad, etc., will take advantage of this crisis to declare open season on the leftists, eliminate them from power and influence, and turn Israel back into a safe and prosperous nation. It may get kinetic briefly, and may not be an ideal solution to this existential problem, but they have no choice.

  13. Posturing refuse in the Harvard student body have issued a statement denouncing…Israel. They claim to represent 31 student organizations, among them…

    A. Amnesty International (no surprise there)
    B. 19 clubs which purport to represent Arab and / or Muslim students. (Diversity is our strength).
    C. Four clubs whose book is to be ‘in solidarity’ with Arab revanchists on the West Bank and Gaza.
    D. Five miscellaneous ethnic clubs (Nepalis? Why?)
    E. divers (including black chauvinists)

  14. Temperature:

    Yeah, there’s been a drop here too. I’ve already closed all my windows and am holding out to turn on the furnace. Last year I held off until November.

    I’m fine sitting at my desk in a chilled (not cold) house wrapped in blankets.

  15. Even the Mossad and IDF leftists are not immune from the essential truth: If you are about to be hung it tends to focus your mind.

    Hamas and Iran did not delivery the coup de gras, but they certainly woke up people in Israel, IMO. You may differ.

  16. A comment on Obama’s silence.
    Interesting remarks…but the author, rather maddeningly, calls Obama’s grand predilection for making Iran a regional (if not world) power a “POLICY FAILURE”.

    What the author doesn’t seem to want to understand is the nature of Obama’s policy of TRANSFORMATION and the GRAND SUCCESS he’s had, even if Trump was able to delay this GRAND SUCCESS for four years.

    IOW, why should Obama, given the latest EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS, want—or be expected—to say anything…?
    (Or at the very least, give the man some time to compose some smoothly-toned, high-sounding codswallop.)

    “What’s behind Barack Obama’s silence on Israel?—
    “The former president’s Middle East project laid the foundation for today’s chaos”—
    H/T Powerline blog.

  17. Dear President Biden,

    The following message to you is made of my opinions.

    You have made a political career with your jobs, (as, president, and as vice president, and in other positions), by:
    your persuading people in order to get whatever you wanted, and by your conning people to get whatever you wanted.

    And I believe, when you became The President of the United States, you thought you could get foreign countries to do what you wanted by:

    your persuading people to get whatever you wanted, and by your conning people to get whatever you wanted.

    Unfortunately, your persuasion tactics and your other tactics, have not worked on the Government of Iran.

    They have not worked on other foreign-peoples, either.

    In the current, 2023 war between: Israel, and [Hamas the terrorist group…whom Hamas says- Hamas is being helped by Iran’s government in this war]- Iran and Hamas were not stopped by your tactics of: persuasion, or by your other tactics.

    Since 1979- Iran’s government has had a main goal of- [destroying the Government of Israel, and to drive the people of Israel out of the Middle East].

    It is possible that leaders in Iran, and the governments of other Middle-East nations, have been planning to drive the Israeli people out of the Middle East, by any means, since- Israel became a nation in 1948.

    Mr. Biden, did you think your persuasion skills alone, and by your not strengthening Israel’s military, and by your not strengthening the USA’s-military support of Israel- that these tactics alone would [stop] Iran + other nations, from carrying out their plans, meaning their plans to destroy the nation of Israel?

    President Biden, if your plan was to use (your persuasion tactics, and to use your other, political tactics,) to keep foreign nations who dislike Israel, from- using their militaries to attack Israel, and to keep them from using other methods to try to destroy Israel,…then your plan has greatly failed.

  18. sdferr on October 9, 2023 at 2:38 pm said:

    Caroline Glick with another video assessment, guest David Wurmser.


    This is very disturbing to Israel’s future– and by extension the US as the military is insisting that the political leaders follow their command.

    The judiciary has been captured by the left in Israel, and now possibly the military. Sound familiar?

  19. In an effort at a more complete account, Brian E, Caroline and David did point out that the political leaders — Bibi, foremost — are resisting this demand on Gantz’s part. So, we’ll have to wait and see how it comes out.

  20. West TX Intermediate Crude describes “leftist scum” as “believ[ing] that . . . these 2 liberal democracies are not perfect, and have committed what is in their view atrocities against other local people. . .”

    Let me wish my fellow crew members of the good ship Neo a Happy Indigenous Peoples Day [/sarc]. Today is the 531st anniversary of the Admiral of the Ocean Sea’s making landfall with his crew somewhere in the Caribbean on an island that he named San Salvador. In my present mood, I sometimes find myself thinking that Columbus should have stayed in Spain and saved himself the trouble of placing North America on European maps. In my better moments, I turn to the last stanza of Joaquin Miller’s formerly well-known poem:

    Then, pale and worn, he kept his deck,
    And peered through darkness. Ah, that night
    Of all dark nights! And then a speck-
    A light! A light! A light! A light!
    It grew, a starlit flag unfurled!
    It grew to be Time’s burst of dawn.
    He gained a world; he gave that world
    Its grandest lesson: “On! sail on!”

    In spite of the recent terrible news from Israel as well as from our own country, I trust we will do our duty and “sail on.”

  21. The Obama and Biden clown show might just be gob smacked by what has happened and they don’t know what to do. This might be a pivotal moment in history. Hamas is (are?) dead men walking. If Hezbollah attacks now it will probably be ‘welcome to the party pal’ and they too will get historically dust binned. This could be the beginning of end of cancer that is the Iranian revolution.

  22. sdferr, the very fact they are making that demand/insisting on it, is disturbing and brings to mind when military people in the pentagon said openly they hid intelligence from President Trump and wouldn’t have obeyed orders they felt were wrong.

  23. I don’t disagree on that score Brian, not at all. What counts for me, as I view leftist or quasi-leftist derangement as a sideshow here, is the extent to which that stupidity can be shoved aside to achieve a more rational and effective leadership and policy. I don’t mean to dismiss the danger of falling for the squishy claptrap, but to encourage the contrary. To wit, see: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/netanyahu-urges-opposition-to-join-unity-government-without-preconditions/

    The final disposition has not arrived, but this is the right way so far.

  24. Possibly. How long did the unity last after 9/11? Hopefully longer in Israel.

    A couple of reader comments to the story you linked from the Times of Israel, which I’m guessing is liberal/leftist:

    we can do better
    1 hour ago

    I just heard Netanyahu’s speech to the nation. What a cynical intransigent criminal he is. He won’t make a move for a unified Israel without first protecting himself from our independent Judiciary and a trial that may convict him one day for a host of crimes. He and his right wing extremist Coalition is no unifying force.

    It was his job today to align himself with Gantz, Lapid and Lieberman, but he is so afraid of losing power that he is qualifying Unity, with the phrase “no preconditions” for them joining him. They cannot now. Dividing Israel from the focus it needs by removing the protections for the IDF by pursuing a Judicial Overhaul throws his pilots and soldiers under the bus but keeps his Judicial Overhaul alive. He is an illegitimate Prime Minister now for certain, and must be replaced or recused, by the formal decision of Israel’s High Court in the middle of a War.

    1 hour ago

    so Netanyahu has a precondition of no preconditions…what does that mean? who votes with what authority. Are the clowns still in charge of their ministries?

    2 hours ago

    There’s the Bibi we know and love, hissing lies as usual and finally sees the upper hand over Hamas and feels the status quo can be maintained.

    Sadly, Israel has succumbed to the same leftist narrative infecting our country.

    It is probably impossible for any society to maintain the level of vigilance required of Israel. At some point our desire for peace overwhelms our sense of danger.

    I know that’s not the point you were making, but it’s hard to ignore.

  25. Not just hard to ignore Brian, but an abdication of our responsibility were we to do so, I believe. Nevertheless we have the additional responsibility to attempt to maintain our bearings on a sound footing, hence, again I believe, we ought to belittle such pusilanimous drivel wherever we encounter it. And so it goes.

  26. I must say I feel relieved to read so much pro-Israel sentiment here.

    This morning I got into a minor disagreement with a conservative guy at my cafe. He was insistent that he doesn’t like the Palestinians and he doesn’t like the Jews. They are both at fault.

    God knows, I once thought that way myself. Then I read the “Hamas Covenant” which pledged to obliterate Israel in exactly that language and it blew my head off.

    Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.


    Yes, I quoted this already today.

    But it remains astonishing to me that Hamas is treated as an honorable stakeholder in a legitimate disagreement, while they are flatly calling for the obliteration of Israel.

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