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Peterson to the re-education camps — 36 Comments

  1. Oh to be a fly on the wall when he checks in for his re-education. Lots of people a lot smarter than the re-educators who will be assigned to him have come away second best. I wager that will be the case here. My worry is that they will decide he need ice baths or isolation as part of his “treatment”. Sending you strength, Dr. Peterson.

  2. Things are worse than we think when one of the Instapundit writers wrote an article that was defending Jordan Peterson but nevertheless found his statement about poor people problematical. If people who write for Instapundit are incapable of recognizing sarcasm, why do they bother to pontificate?

  3. Let’s also remember Dr Peterson carries his own “demons.” His road has not always been strength to strength.

    So he’s not an impregnable fortress, as much as we might hope. Vulnerable we all are and he’s human. I can’t believe he agreed.

  4. Especially in their initial stages, some totalitarian regimes send those deemed deplorable for reeducation. Those that prove to be irredeemable are then sent on to the killing fields. But Dr. Peterson’s reeducation is not the goal. Silencing is the goal and by whatever means are necessary.

  5. So the Ontario Court of Appral ruled that @CPOntario can pursue their prosecution

    If you think that you have a right to free speech in Canada
    You’re delusional

    I will make every aspect of this public
    And we will see what happens when utter transparency is the rule

    Bring it…

    –Jordan Peterson on X/Twitter


    Indeed. God bless Dr. Peterson.

  6. Geoffrey Britain:

    Unless they’re willing to make him drink hemlock – and I don’t think they are – they won’t be able to silence him. He doesn’t need his license; he’s not doing clinical work anymore. He doesn’t need Canada – plenty of places would take him in.

  7. Canada is a very phony place. It was not founded on the same basis for individual freedom and liberty that America was. The people who fled to Canada after our revolution were the royal loyalists, the chickens in human attire, and they have no sense compatible to our First Amendment. They were once sometimes stout, as in WWII, but have turned into a nation of cowardly sheep. Let us recall that much of Canada is “Royal Lands”, owned by the King or Queen of the UK, analogous to our National Forests, which are owned by the American citizens.

  8. Rufus, I was reminded of Colin Baker’s Doctor. But I suppose you’re right.

    This kind of thing is one of the reasons why I’m increasingly nervous about driving through Ontario.

  9. Pity the poor midwit DEI consultant leading whatever re-education Peterson submits to. Nah, don’t pity he/she/they/xe. Not at all.

  10. Canada is it’s own country. Not the United States, nor Australia, nor New Zealand, Nor Great Britain. How difficult is that to grasp? They don’t have our history, our laws, our traditions. Nor do they have our Constitution and Ammendments (honored in the breach or ignored). They and we have our tyrants.

  11. Canadian courts aren’t the only ones trying to reshape the culture: a federal judge in Maryland just ruled against Muslim parents seeking to have their children exempted from school lessons that include LGBT content and gender ideology: [The] parents sought to reinstate a MCPS policy that would allow them to opt their children out of reading and discussing books with LGBTQ+ characters in elementary schools. The parents argued the content in these books was a form of indoctrination that violated their families’ religious beliefs. The court disagreed. Judge Deborah L. Boardman, a Biden appointee, concluded that the parents’ “asserted due process right to direct their children’s upbringing by opting out of a public-school curriculum that conflicts with their religious views is not a fundamental right.” The judge denied the parents’ request for a preliminary injunction that would allow them to opt-out their kids when school begins on August 28.


    No surprise that the judge is a JoJo appointee. What is surprising, at least to me, is that Muslims no longer appear to be protected in regard to freedom of religion. It will be interesting to see how this case develops.

  12. Joan of Arc’s trial was public until she shamed the pro-English prosecution with her faith, humility and resourcefulness.

    So they finished the trial in private, she was sentenced to death then burned at the stake.

    We’ve come a ways since then. I hope.

    As long as Peterson can keep the proceedings public, I bet the Canadian Inquisition will be sorry it picked this fight with him.

  13. As mentioned above, the good doctor does not need to practice. He should tell them to take their re-education and shove it.

  14. Canada’s charter of rights and freedoms has Section 33.
    It includes the Notwithstanding clause. This takes back all of the guaranteed rights in the rest of the constitution if any legislature passes a law and repasses it every 5 years.

  15. Due to the framing of the ‘investigation’ and the decision of the College is does not appear that, at any point, the College considered exactly what Peterson had done. It *appears* that the College was operating under a provision that allegedly defines “professional misconduct”: ” 34. Engaging in conduct or performing an act, in the course of practising the profession, that, regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.”

    On a quick skim through the Divisional Court decision, it appears that both the College and the Court just ‘read out’ of the definition, that it be “in the course of practising the profession”. All of the other 33 definitional instances are directly related to the relationship between the doctor and the client, and the provision of services to that client.
    Here Peterson was NOT practising as a professional when commenting on twitter. It is to be noted that none of the “complaints” came from his patients.
    The Court determined that the standard of review was to be whether the decision was “reasonable”. This is wrong. The standard of review is first “correctness”. A complaint panel’s decision cannot be reasonable if it is outside of its authority or based on an improper basis.
    I hope that his counsel hammer the decision on this basis.

  16. Marxist governments do what they are going to do.
    And see ours want to follow Canada on a suggested 2 alcoholic drinks a week.

  17. PA+Cat – Sadly, I am not surprised. The left is, by and large, standing fast for gender ideology. Trans vs. Muslim, Trans vs. immigrants, Trans vs. rape victim, Trans vs. racial minority – it doesn’t matter, whatever promotes transgenderism and gender ideology as a whole will come out on top. The rights, beliefs, and feelings of everyone else are cast aside.

    To me, it’s obvious why. The left needs this more than they need the working class, young professional women, black people, religious minorities, environmentalism, or anyone or anything else they’ve historically been interested in. They need the total denial of reason and reality to triumph in order to make their nonsensical utopian dreams come true, and gender ideology is the fastest route to that.

  18. Back in the day, I notified the family of a gunship pilot killed in Laos. He was from Canada. His sister, the older of two, and brother-in-law were Navy Younger sister eventually went USMC, where she met and married another Marine, from Sarnia. Their son, last I heard is a C130 load master.

    Canada got the hippies.

  19. My father was born in western PA in 1910. Graduated from college in 1932 (Depression days), one of a lucky minority, despite a very middle class background. Was brought up to value family, work, education, and basic morality. Married in 1937 and had two children by 1940. Went straight from college to teaching h.s. science and math to support himself, and soon became a K-12 principal in that school (the “K” part did not start until the ’50’s).

    He was full of aphorisms, to which his 5 children were subjected. Two of them come to my mind in regard to Peterson:

    “Consider the source” and “Never trouble trouble ’til trouble troubles you.”

    Considering that the source of this situation is an iron-handed govt (Canada) which has proven its willingness to freeze people’s bank accounts, take away their livelihoods, jail them for no reason, etc. etc., is this the hill he wants to risk (at least partly) dying on? What good can come from publicly fighting the entire Canadian govt? The more vocal, public, and antagonistic he is, the harder they will put the screws to him. He could do a lot of good here in the US, and have a decent life, rather than risking all that. How about “keeping your head down” and living to fight another day. It is tempting to him to prove himself right. But that he will never accomplish in this situation. “Never trouble trouble ’til trouble troubles you.” If he does submit to the “re-education”, my advice to him would be to keep his mouth shut except for monosyllabic answers when required, and to look at it as some college course that is an utter waste of time but fulfills a requirement. If he wants to “pass” the course and put it behind him, I think my advice is sound. Supposedly his reward will be retaining his license, which, although he doesn’t need it, would be a good thing. It would also force Canada to allow that.

    I see some parallels with Trump here, in that both find it difficult-to-impossible to keep their mouths shut, which only serves to dig their personal holes deeper.

    “Discretion is the better part of valor.” (Yes, I could be wrong.)

  20. VV:

    Peterson will not keep his mouth shut. He really does not care about the license and does not need it. He welcomes being a test case; he welcomes being able to tell the re-educators exactly what he thinks. He’s been a very strong free speech advocate from the start.

  21. Neo (at 3:51):

    “he welcomes being able to tell the re-educators exactly what he thinks”

    Yeah, he welcomes telling anybody and everybody exactly what he thinks. At great length. Stream-of-consciousness style. With apologies to Descartes, “I speak, therefore I am”. I bought his first 2 or 3 books and was quite concerned about him with his awful pill addiction, but lately I can’t listen to him for more than a few minutes. “Brevity is the soul of wit.” “Life’s too short.”

    There is also the temptation to be a hero/ (martyr?)

    “When you choose the behavior, you choose the consequences.”
    I don’t think that either he or Trump is choosing that behavior; I think it is ingrained and automatic at this point. As for consequences, we shall see.

  22. VV:

    Well, let’s just say we disagree on Peterson. He talks a lot – that’s true – but I think that almost everything he says is substantive and actually highly compressed in terms of the ratio of words to thought.

    Nor do I think he seeks martyrdom. He was just a professor and therapist for most of his life and quite happy to do that. He saw an unjust rule and challenged it because he has integrity, but he didn’t expect to became famous or a martyr because of it. However, once he did that – and it was maybe about 7 or so years ago, I can’t quite remember – he has been resolute in going down that path.

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  24. The maple leaf bureaucracy and dictator already know (only too well) what he thinks. Remember the book “Games People Play” (should be underlined, but I can’t here)? They are toying with him (“because they can”): “Let’s you and me embroil you in something that definitely won’t end well for you, but will end well for us.” “Here’s the bait.” Remember that Everything They Do is to increase their power and decrease ours. Everything.

    He has been named Chancellor of Ralston College, Savannah, Georgia. (https://www.ralston.ac/people/jordan-b-peterson). He has responsibilities to his family (especially as the world deteriorates by the day). Everything is up in the air globally.

    And you are among a tiny minority of people who care what he says and who are capable of even understanding what he says, and will make the required effort.

    Just saying, in his place, I would weigh the probable costs and potential benefits carefully. In the end, what I think doesn’t matter.

  25. VV,
    Did you never watch Peterson’s takedown of Cathy Newman?
    I am so looking forward to this!

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  27. @Molly Brown at 1:33 pm:

    So you think “they” will videotape “everything” and make it publicly accessible?
    Or allow “just anyone” to do so?
    I find that highly unlikely. Also, what will the content actually be?
    Highly unlikely that it is any kind of one-on-one.

  28. VV:

    I disagree. To “toy” with someone you must have power over them; you must have something the person wants. The College of Psychologists of Ontario has nothing he wants anymore. He is excellent at argument and debate, and I don’t think they are. As far as his family goes, he’s got enough money to be quite happy, and his children are full-grown adults. What’s more, they are fully behind him.

    You write, “And you are among a tiny minority of people who care what he says .” There are very very few people on earth who have more than a tiny minority of people who care what that person says. I doubt that a majority of people on earth care what Jordan Peterson says, but there is certainly more than a tiny number of people who care what he says. Huge numbers of people care very much what he says. So I fail to see the point you’re making.

    A very tiny minority of people care what I say. And yet somehow I manage to soldier on here, trying to say things I believe are true, and trying to act with integrity.

  29. Peterson DESERVES the support of all good and decent people.
    Canada, once a great nation (and now leading the Western world in euthanizing its citizens!!) has—because Trudeau, supported by his gruesomely dishonest accomplices in the “New Democratic Party”, the media and academia decided, like “Biden”, to jump full bore into the toxic depths of Klaus Schwab’s nefarious WEF/WTF sandbox—degenerated morally and politically to a level of Hell from which he intends that the country will NEVER be able to extract itself.

    Yep, leaders of the world in euthanasia…along with putting in place policies to achieve the clear aim of destroying the country’s middle class, its energy sector, its housing sector, its economy, its core identity and—the crown jewels—the EDUCATION of its youth.

    Peterson perfectly personifies Trump’s oft-quoted “They’re not coming for me. They’re coming for you and I’m in the way”….

    May he have the strength to resist and confound the evil STASI regime that has taken over his country…

  30. I have been listening to to this man for a while now, about month, I get the feeling that he is Cananda’s Rush Limbaugh. Very smart, well spoken, and a lot of other good things that humans need to be in this day and age of this world. I like him very much and enjoy hearing his talks on all the subjects he talks about.
    Very good man. Hope this crap he is being drug through, does not one bit of a scar on him and his family.

  31. Related…perhaps…
    ‘…THE ROCK AND THE EGG: “Much like the election protests that led to the persecution of President Trump and so many of his closest supporters, the Rittenhouse incident reveals a lot about the state of the current system…. [T]here is a silver lining in the storm clouds, a silverpill, if you will. Rittenhouse and Trump, each in his own way, and at different ends of the continuum of power, revealed an important truth about the system: it is weak, tottering, and stands firm only insofar as pressure is not applied….” ‘

  32. I work in public service and it’s safe to say we’re walking on eggshells, needing to choose our words carefully when dealing with our patrons and clients, especially, ahem, if the belong to specific demographics. Sensitivity training, diversity training – whatever you want to call it – half of it is bizarre Marxist, cultural re-wiring, and the half is just protecting your own butt from a client complaint that either can turn into a lawsuit or cost you your job.

    The new standard quickly changes from being “enlightened” to trying to not offend someone because they’ll bring their extra baggage if you do unknowingly offend them. DEI training should be re-named “How to keep snowflakes from melting.”

    I say all of this only after working in the public sphere for a few years.

  33. @ neo at 10 pm:

    Canadian govt power over Peterson is that he is a Canadian citizen who has loved ones and property in Canada. Their lockdowns have meant that they Could Not Leave the Country, or even travel between provinces at times. (Cf. David Solway at PJ Media.) I have relatives in Quebec who have been there as landed immigrants (career-related) for about 60 years. They and their children are drunk on the woke Koolaid there and see no danger in being there. Canada’s draconian policies were applied at whim and can be reapplied at any time (at whim). Peterson’s property can be confiscated. His money can be frozen. And in a country that would rather help you commit suicide than give you medical treatment while you are still alive. I’d call that power.

    As far as “minority of people who care what he says” goes, my point is that regardless of what he says or does, it will have no impact upon the Canadian govt except to inspire them double down on persecuting him, and whatever (dispersed) impact it may have on his observers cannot (I believe) result in any significant change.

    Again, I could be wrong. I read all other comments. These are mine.

    “…in multitude of counsellors there is safety” (Proverbs 24:6, Bible)

    Time to move on….

  34. VV:

    Peterson is presently chancellor of Ralston College, which is in Georgia in the US. He makes tons of money from the international sale of his books, and from lectures. If they took all his money today he could easily earn more. He also has a deal with the Daily Wire. He is pretty business-savvy and I doubt all his money is in Canadian banks, but even if it was he can easily earn a great deal more in short order. His children are grown and not dependent on him.

    In addition, your argument could be used to say that going against the government in any way is dangerous for anyone because the government can retaliate, so therefore don’t do it. Most people are far from vulnerable than Peterson.

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