Home » Will the Biden corruption news matter in the 2024 election?


Will the Biden corruption news matter in the 2024 election? — 31 Comments

  1. You forgot the caveat the Biden’s nomination is also contigent on him 1.) being alive and 2.) able to physically make noises that at least somewhat resemble speech. If he were to have a catastrophic stroke that reduced him to a near vegitative state, it might prove difficult for his handlers and the media to hide for very long. In which case the Democrats and their media handmaidens would have no choice to elevate Newsom.

  2. At any rate, I agree with you and as insane and depressing as it may seem, I believe that we’re likely to be stuck with Biden for another 5 years given the current climate.

  3. Nonapod:

    I think it’s obvious, and goes without saying, that if Biden’s dead or extremely incapacitated he won’t be running. But I think that his basic health is good enough that it’s highly unlikely that those things will be happening in the next year and a few months.

    I’ve been hearing predictions of his demise for years. Hasn’t happened. And although he’s getting a little foggier, it’s not happening at that brisk a pace.

  4. Again, another reason for the GOP to impeach if for nothing more than to force some of this evidence of corruption into the public sphere. Of course there will be no conviction in the Senate, but so what?? Didn’t stop Nancy. Why is the GOP House and the Senate so hesitant? Feckless? Spineless? Uniparty members?

  5. they allow for the best john gill impression, (im exaggerating but only by a bit) they keep him on for the same reason they have fetterman in place, to make a mockery of the system,

  6. The elephant in the room: what to do about Kamala? Biden will probably be the nominee, but what if he wins and then has a stroke or worse before he can take the oath again? It’s not like he hasn’t got a history of that sort of thing.

  7. @neo:I’ve been hearing predictions of his demise for years. Hasn’t happened. And although he’s getting a little foggier, it’s not happening at that brisk a pace.

    If you check the SSA actuarial tables, he’s got better-than-even chance of living out his second term.

    Incidentally the retirees and those contemplating retirement among us might have a look at those tables, as it is startling how long people live these days.

    @physicsguy:Why is the GOP House and the Senate so hesitant? Feckless? Spineless? Uniparty members?

    I’m tempted to say “embrace the power of and”. It’s really though that the party labels mean a lot less than the media narrative would make it seem. Most of the people in Congress, in either party, are there to distribute patronage and empower and enrich themselves. The majority of these are Democrats but a plurality, if not majority, of Republicans is among them.

    Being in the minority can be lucrative for individual Senators and Congressmen even though it’s bad for the party collectively to be in the minority–sort of a tragedy of the commons thing. Preserving the relationships that keep the minority position lucrative may require different strategies for Dems and Republicans.

    For over 50 years Congress was completely dominated by the Dems and political machines and patronage networks were built that favor Dems heavily. This is why, I think, the Dems know they can get away with some stuff that the Republicans are afraid they can’t.

  8. @Sgt Joe Friday:what to do about Kamala?

    Neither Biden nor Harris is really in charge of anything, and that wouldn’t change with Harris taking Biden’s place. The Deep State is running itself; if they get stuck they can always ask Barack Obama what to do, since he’s still been living in Washington D. C. the majority of the year*.

    *Oh, you thought he’d moved to Martha’s Vineyard? That’s the media narrative, and he has a house there, but that’s not where he’s spent the bulk of his time.

    …the Obamas never left town. Instead, they bought a large brick mansion in the center of Washington’s Kalorama neighborhood—violating a norm governing the transfer of presidential power which has been breached only once in post-Civil War American history, by Woodrow Wilson, who couldn’t physically be moved after suffering a series of debilitating strokes. In the Obama’s case, the reason for staying in D.C. was ostensibly that their youngest daughter, Sasha, wanted to finish high school with her class at Sidwell Friends. In June 2019, Sasha went off to college, yet her parents remained in Washington.

    By then, it was clear to any informed observer that the Obamas’ continuing presence in the nation’s capital was not purely a personal matter. To an extent that has never been meaningfully reported on, the Obamas served as both the symbolic and practical heads of the Democratic Party shadow government that “resisted” Trump—another phenomenon that defied prior norms. The fact that these were not normal times could be adduced by even a passing glance at the front pages of the country’s daily newspapers, which were filled with claims that the 2016 election had been “stolen” by Russia and that Trump was a Russian agent.

    Given the stakes, then, it seemed churlish to object to the Obamas’ quiet family life in Kalorama —or to report on the comings and goings of Democratic political operatives and office-seekers from their mansion, or to the swift substitution of Obama as party leader for Hillary Clinton, who after all was the person who had supposedly been cheated out of the presidency.

  9. More and more, I think it’s likely that Joe Biden is already dead.

    Biden’s body is kept alive with nightly electrical charging and chemical baths. His movements and utterances are partly done by remote control, partly by an AI LLM (Artificial Intelligence Large Language Model).

    This hypothesis would explain everything we’ve seen so far. One big question still remains: when did the Chinese hack the Joe zombie?

  10. Newt Gingrich counsels the House to go slowly, very slowly.

    Neo counts minimal media coverage and well-honed rationalisations as immunizing effects against any opinion change.


  11. Why should they go slowly???? Get the evidence out there. Force the MSM to actually cover it.

  12. I think it’s obvious, and goes without saying, that if Biden’s dead or extremely incapacitated he won’t be running.

    I’ve got to disagree with you there. I’m so cynical I really believe that if Joe dies after the last debate and before the election the media will simply not report that fact until after the election. I mean he doesn’t even need to be around to run his campaign given that the media basically ran it for him last time.

  13. If I held a position of influence in either the Deep State or those in charge of the White House (perhaps I repeat myself) I would not be confident with either Biden or Harris in office after the 2024 election. Both for obvious reasons. I continue to think that Newsom stands above the rest as the 2024 democrat presidential candidate. But if Biden is the nominee, having Harris as VP would be doubling down on stupid. Of course, it’s a given that stupidity is to be welcomed in an enemy.

  14. “Just the fact that the media chooses what to write about and what to ignore means you are essentially *always* being misled.” – Elon Musk

    Indeed. And I’d add that what they ignore is considerably more damaging than what they report. Their bias is obvious to all but the most clueless or partisan; their silence is more difficult to detect for many, I presume.

  15. thats more of the frankenstein effect, of course frankenstein was a noble creature at heart, the shame cannot be said for shambling,

  16. so the bureau gives hunter a heads up on a raid, but jack smith, uses the pretext of obstruction to obtain twitter records from trumps accounts,

  17. This thread is getting off topic, but at this late hour, let me advance this drift further because it needs sharing.

    What’s needed is flipping the prosecution of Trump narrative and reverse roles. Turnabout is necessary. Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz is on the case.

    He proposes that the House IMMUNIZE Trump as a Whistleblower to give testimony against Jack Smith, the Special Prosecutor (aka, Biden Admin tool). If AG Garland refuses to carry out due process, then the House should impeach him.

    Take the House powers to investigate and thus expose the DOJ prosecutorial misconduct. Attack! Attack! Attack!

    The Western Journal has detailed account of Gaetz’ letter. Excerpts:

    “Republican Matt Gaetz has put forth a bold plan that could blunt the Democratic harassment of former President Donald Trump and expose some of the left’s worst abuses all at the same time.

    “On Tuesday, the Florida congressman challenged his caucus to take action to stymie the constant indictments against Trump, which are little more than election meddling thinly disguised as ‘justice.’

    “Gaetz wants to call special counsel Jack Smith to account for his actions and to offer Trump immunity by having him testify before Congress as a whistleblower.

    “ ‘I’m worried that too many of my Republican colleagues in Congress are infected with the same loser mentality that infected Congress in the early days of the Mueller investigation,’Gaetz wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter).

    “This isn’t complicated. If House Republicans take action, Jack Smith could be the first prosecutor to bring a case while under criminal contempt himself. [Attorney General] Merrick Garland could be subject to impeachment if he refuses to enforce that criminal contempt,” he said.


    THE GOP POLS are giving a heinous, unjust, Deep State persecution prosecution far too much room to run without genuine pushback. Let’s reverse this patent charade. Make the enemy live by their rules.

    Beats concedes that he’s in the minority of Rs in the House. It will take the People’s PRESSURE to change this ‘sit on your hands’ patsy play.

  18. Gaetz NOT BEATS. (Autocorrect is incorrect.)

    Legal analyst Robert Gouviea has some video of Gaetz. He explains that a Trump-House immunity deal from prosecution to speak parallels how the DOJ-Hunter deal, which was collapsed in court so recently, attempted to immunise Hunter Biden from future prosecution. FLIP THE TABLE, guys! Get the Evil prosecutors under the microscope and exposed to the light of day!

    SEE 40-45m HERE

  19. I think that the Biden scandals are already mattering. Trump and Biden are running neck-in-neck in current polls (however much we can trust them). If Biden had brought even a whiff of “normalcy” to the White House, he would be up by double digits. The scandals are a big part of that.

  20. TJ,

    I like the Gaetz scheme you explained. Trump certainly likes to go on offense and would almost certainly go along with the process.

    It seems that if the Dems truly are dirtier than the Repubs, going on offense on every front possible (as the Dems do) would have to result in victory; whatever victory looks like in this instance.

    It’s unfortunate, but if the Dems are determined to turn the Federal government into a banana republic tyranny the Repubs will need to fight fire with fire. Kurt Schlichter has been advocating this approach for years.

  21. Bauxite,

    I don’t think it’s the scandals, I think it’s the economy and how weak Biden appears in public. Also crime. People who don’t pay attention to politics and the news (A LOT of people) still see him mumbling, falling, shuffling, confused… Memes and clips are shared for their humor. I know some young voters very upset by his false promise of student loan forgiveness and the new IRS regulations involving tip reporting.

    Folks in the military or with loved ones in the military are still furious about the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster.

    It’s no surprise a lot of Democrats are unhappy with Biden but that does not mean they would vote for Trump, or any other Republican.

  22. When I posed the question of Biden’s criminality mattering, it was to point out that everyone commenting seemed to be ignoring everything but Trump.

    The corruption, criminality, censorship, and rampant abuses of the Democrats will matter if the GOP does a minimally competent job of hammering them in ads, speeches and generally messaging.

    The Covid abuses of the entire D party should be especially emphasized. The GOP (and Trump is very clearly the best horse to ride with this message) has a golden opportunity to attract huge numbers of new working class voters.

  23. stan,

    How is Trump the best GOP candidate on COVID messaging? DeSantis did much better than Trump navigating COVID, as did several other governors and Rand Paul, for example. Trump is now lionizing Cuomo over DeSantis regarding COVID management. Trump’s COVID messaging in the campaign is awful, in my humble opinion.

    I guarantee you people living in Florida were much happier DeSantis was calling the shots during the pandemic than people working in the Federal government under Trump’s stewardship.

  24. If Biden runs against Trump it won’t matter, as it didn’t matter in 2020. If Democrat and low information voters even know about it, the response will be “Hunter and Joe weren’t in business together” or “How much did Trump steal?” with the assumption that Trump stole far more than $20 million and the references to Trump steaks and Trump university.

    If Biden runs against another Republican, Joe’s opponent will be made out to be Hitler anyway, so will Joe’s corruption matter with the votes he needs? It could lower turnout which would hurt Biden. Joe’s mental decline will be even more of an issue. Without voting by mail, the vote totals (real or fraudulent) will go down in any case, but some real voters may feel like it’s not worth it to go to the polls for Biden again.

  25. Whom would you prefer: a slightly corrupt pol – “corrupt” in the old-fashioned way of taking money for favors – or Hitler? It’s a no-brainer, isn’t it?

    Of course, Biden’s corruption isn’t just Biden and his family and associates. It includes the deep state, media, and tech companies. He’s the symptom of a much larger problem, one existential to the United States. And he telegraphs that in his hate towards “MAGA” etc. Because rule of law is a threat to the criminal class of elites.

  26. Biden’s corruption won’t have much impact because Biden will not be the nominee.

    I stand by what I said two weeks ago. Sometime in mid to late fall, Biden will bow out, likely in a heavily scripted oval office address. Newsom will announce within 48 hours. Most heavy hitters in the party will fall in line behind him within a week. This will include the Clintons and the Obamas. We will then be subjected to a deluge of nauseating encomiums to Slo Joe; his restraint, his modesty, his magnanimity in declining a second term…contrasted with the evil, maniacal, power mad Orange Man. Slo Joe’s approval rating will rise into the low 50s, at least for a time. And within a month, there will be enough MSM gaslighting that many Democrats will insist Slo Joe never really planned to run again.

    I’m not sure what will happen to Harris, but it’s pretty clear she doesn’t have much of a base of support, so I don’t think her future is terribly important. However, I do think Newsom will have to pledge to take woman of color as his running mate from the outset

  27. If Harris is sidelined, I am not sure a Newsome pledge to select a woman of color as a running mate will carry the same force as it did for Biden.

    Does anyone recall why Biden picked Harris over any number of other more competent Democrat women of color? Even Donna Brazile or the alternative SCOTUS nominee to Ketanji Brown Jackson, Leondra Reid Kruger, would have been much better choices. Or was his selection based on having additional protection against the possibility of being assassinated (as we might suppose was part of Obama’s logic in selecting Joe)?

  28. R2L:

    This may sound odd, but I don’t think that Biden’s advisors (or Biden, but that probably goes without saying) were aware of what an awful politician Harris would be. She had only run for office in California, where her only competition was other leftists, and her identity (black woman) would help her. She had never really been tested in the broader arena until the debates, where she did poorly, but I think that really didn’t sink in to those making the VP choice. For a while, actually, it had been thought by the MSM and others that she would end up being the 2020 nominee and was a rising star. I think that idea hadn’t yet faded when she was chosen.

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