Home » The left are experts at holding two contradictory thoughts in mind without being perturbed by the contradictions


The left are experts at holding two contradictory thoughts in mind without being perturbed by the contradictions — 33 Comments

  1. I suppose Leftists square this circle by saying Nalvany’s actions don’t deserve jail time, and Trump’s do. But the larger point was made by Yevgeny Prigozhin when he said “Grow up. The world is returning to survival of the fittest, and all your rules no longer matter.” That has long been the attitude of Communists, like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. American Leftists are falling in line.

  2. Related:
    – Have to protect Israel’s Supreme Court from Right-Wing aggression.
    – Have to protect the US from right-wing SCOTUS insanity and criminality by subverting that insane and criminal court until it can be “transformed” to yet another bastion of Democratic Party power.

  3. Navalny was trying to queer Russia. It all goes back to faggotry with the Jeft.

  4. Irony is a foreign concept; as is parody.

    Over at powelineblog.com, Steven Hayward calls attention to the Mitchell and Webb video, “Are we the baddies?” as part of his analysis of the irony inherent in David Brooks’ recent NYT column, which could be read as parody. Sadly, Brooks meant his offering to be taken seriously.

  5. Two contradictory thoughts held by leftists.

    Hunter Biden is a poor case of addiction that deserves pity and help. Crimes? Never mind.

    Trump is a monster who tried to turn this country in to a fascist tyranny. Every word out of his mouth is a lie. His crimes are many and must be punished to preserve democracy.

  6. There is irony in putting Trump through legal equivalent of a colonoscopy, finding nothing, and still accusing him of crimes.

  7. There’s no logical contradiction in thinking that Trump is really guilty of what he is accused of and Navalny is not, any more than there is in thinking that O. J. Simpson should have been convicted of murder and that Sam Sheppard should not have been, or in thinking that Mumia Abu Jamar is not a political prisoner and that Navalny is a political prisoner.

  8. Frederick:

    I doubt that 1% of the people performing that feat are basing it on a knowledge of the evidence and the law in their respective cases.

    And their criticism of the Russian case is mostly based on being against doing this against a political rival to attain political ends.

  9. Where there’s smoke there’s fire….

    …so let’s CREATE/INVENT/PERPETUALLY PERPETRATE one helluva lot of smoke!!

    And then resolutely claim (in all seriousness, concern and alarm—oh, and PATRIOTISM!!) that “where there’s smoke there’s fire”!

    Again and again(!)
    (BECAUSE where there’s smoke there’s fire!

    There! THAT should do the trick!!!
    (Amazing what one can do with a sleazy, corrupt and mendacious MEDIA! Helps to have a sleazy, corrupt and mendacious DOJ, too. Well, every little bit helps….)

  10. Frederick: “There’s no logical contradiction in thinking … that Mumia Abu Jamar [sic] is not a political prisoner and that Navalny is a political prisoner.”

    That’s one murky comment, Frederick.

    Anyway, Wesley Cook (“Jamal”) is manifestly not a political prisoner; he’s a cop-killing thug.

  11. “The left are experts at holding two contradictory thoughts in mind without being perturbed by the contradictions”

    Being insane and amoral help.

  12. …Nor is there any logical contradiction in thinking that…we’ve always been at war with Eastasia.
    (Or that the Democratic Party is The Party of the Working Man and Woman(TM)…AKA “Party of the People”…)

    Not when one’s a VICTIM (TM) (and a perpetual revolutionista…such as the Democratic Party)!

    It’s merely a matter of using what one has on hand….
    Truth, lies, definitions…bombs.
    It’s—IOW—merely being “Practical”.

    Remember! Palestinian Rules…Today! Tomorrow! Forever!!

  13. }}} The left are experts at holding two contradictory thoughts in mind without being perturbed by the contradictions

    LOLZ. I’ve been pointing this out since sometime around Bush II’s first term. EARLY in the term.

  14. @Paul:Anyway, Wesley Cook (“Jamal”) is manifestly not a political prisoner; he’s a cop-killing thug.

    Yes, he is, isn’t he? That’s why it’s not a logical contradiction, isn’t it?

    And people who support prosecuting Trump for J6 think Trump is manifestly guilty of inciting insurrection. They may be wrong to think that, but they are not contradicting themselves.

  15. actually, no, navalny is a nationalist even slightly anti islamist, he rose above whatever the Russian word for swamp that the liberal (yabloko) proved themselves in the 90s, imran khan likewise in pakistan, ibrahim in malaysia

  16. }}} That has long been the attitude of Communists, like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. American Leftists are falling in line.

    It’s basic Marxism, which is an anti-civilization meme. The Left has always supported this, they’re just being far more open about it these days, because they think they’ve won.

    }}} They may be wrong to think that, but they are not contradicting themselves.

    Just because you lie to yourself to hide the contradiction — which, in this case, is ignoring historical precedent, free speech standards, and so forth, to get at a political opponent, while claiming you “support democracy”. does not mean there is no contradiction.

    That’s just the methodology you’re using to avoid the contradiction.

  17. Frederick, I assume that there was some tangible evidence that brought Jamal to trial. So far, I have heard of no tangible evidence of a crime by Trump.
    There are attempts to twist laws into the shape of pretzels. There are outright lies. There is ample evidence that the Grand Jury system, which was designed to protect citizens from spurious prosecution, has now been weaponized into a blunt instrument against political opponents. But, tangible evidence of a Trump crime?

    Frederick, you seem to be a recent addition to the commentary. If you have read any of my comments on the subject, you know that I have decidedly mixed feelings about Trump; and definitely do not want him to run. But that does not change my view of what has been done to him
    and is ongoing at a fever pitch.

  18. they saw him shoot officer danny faulkner

    trump spoke some words to a crowd of 200.000 1% went into the capital, half of those were bureau informants,

  19. …the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.

    –F. Scott Fitzgerald

    When I first ran into this long ago, I found the quote glib and annoying. The full quote is somewhat more interesting:

    Before I go on with this short history, let me make a general observation– the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise. This philosophy fitted on to my early adult life, when I saw the improbable, the implausible, often the “impossible,” come true.

    ? F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Crack-Up”

    This is the second paragraph in “The Crack Up,” Fitzgerald’s account of how he entered a period of feeling false and alienated in life. Aside from a setback in college Fitzgerald largely marched from strength to strength as a young man, then writer. Later life became more complicated and problematic. He could no longer depend on his ability to hold opposing ideas at the same time.

    I could never finish “The Crack Up.” Fitzgerald was a marvelous prose stylist with a great eye for detail, but it seemed to me he was always striving for depth he did not possess.

  20. Five world leaders who have arrested their political opponents- Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Putin, and Biden.

  21. Stan’s frequently quotes Krauthammer that “Liberals think conservatives are evil” and that’s a bad thing.

    Then Stan equally frequently concludes that “Democrats are evil” and that’s a proper thing.

    As I understand Stan, those are two different things. Democrats really are evil. So there is no contradiction.

    Is not the Left just performing the same maneuver to justify what to Republicans looks like a contradiction?

  22. Huxley – I’m not sure which part of cutting off children’s genitals isn’t evil. Maybe I’m just too dumb to understand. Maybe its not all democrats. But the rest of them are awful silent about it and it isn’t a deal breaker for them.

  23. LordAzrael:

    You seem quite unaware of the fact that many liberal voters – not politicians, but voters – are speaking out against medical transition for minors. Such people can be found all over YouTube. I see videos by them regularly. Some are activists against it.

  24. Fitzgerald’s idea came from John Keats’ “negative capability.” There’s been a recent book on Keats and Fitzgerald, and it’s an interesting comparison: two romantics from different countries and different centuries working in different genres who came to different sad ends.

    Victoria Nuland is in Niger meeting with the coup leaders and trying to see the president they deposed and put under house arrest, doubtless to deliver the message that we don’t do things that way in America. The left is hypocritical because they believe that their opponents are evil and their own righteousness cause justifies anything they do against their enemies. What’s striking here is that our government has come to act and feel the same way in foreign affairs. America was often accused of hypocrisy during the Cold War, but wasn’t it assumed that after the Soviet bloc broke up we could be less hypocritical and more honest?

  25. Frederick on August 7, 2023 at 3:25 pm said:
    There’s no logical contradiction in thinking that Trump is really guilty of what he is accused of and Navalny is not, . . .

    No one who does that understands the facts and actual legal basis for the charges.

    The charges against Trump are absurd. It is just a political show trial.

  26. Frederick on August 7, 2023 at 5:56 pm said:
    And people who support prosecuting Trump for J6 think Trump is manifestly guilty of inciting insurrection. They may be wrong to think that, but they are not contradicting themselves.

    He isn’t being prosecuted for that. Although Smith talked up that angle in his press briefing, it isn’t in the charges. So the people who think Trump is rightfully being prosecuted for J6 insurrection are very low information/manipulated people. He isn’t being prosecuted for that. And the idea of him being prosecuted for it is contrary to the facts.

    Further, the fact Smith talked up the J6 “insurrection” in his press briefing indicates he was willfully manipulating those who buy into it. The only question is if they buy into it while knowing better, or if they buy into it because they are idiots.

  27. America was often accused of hypocrisy during the Cold War, but wasn’t it assumed that after the Soviet bloc broke up we could be less hypocritical and more honest?

    That was a leftist argument, and dubious. The left was taking the side of the communists.

    The US in the Cold War had to align with various bad actors who were nonetheless better than the alternative.

    Consider in Chile, Pinochet was better than Allende who would have made Chile a communist dictatorship. We had no option there that lived up to American ideals, we had a choice between a pro-American anti-communist dictator and a communist dictator. One is clearly better than the other.

    The nature of the Cold War was that the communists would take advantage of weakness and disfunction. Hence it typically went “hot” in places that had weakness and disfunction, that’s naturally where the fight occurs. Our choice was to fight communism or let the communists win. Letting communism win was always the worst option.

  28. Paul Harmon…”But the larger point was made by Yevgeny Prigozhin when he said “Grow up. The world is returning to survival of the fittest, and all your rules no longer matter.” That has long been the attitude of Communists, like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. American Leftists are falling in line.”

    See my post about Cricket Morality:


  29. prigozhin believes in ‘rule by the strong’ the way the world has been for hundreds or years,

  30. It would seem prigozhin is at odds with the Anglo-Saxon “rules based” order, which has been the rule first with Britian becoming the dominate naval power, then followed by the US which has followed the same line of behavior.

    The British ending the international slave trade in the 1800s is a good example.

    Of course, what was happening was that the very “fittest” was applying moral rules to the world. It isn’t like the world held a vote and decided to ban slavery.

  31. Lefties promote whichever idea they find convenient. Presuming they actually believe any of them is a separate issue.
    It’s a matter of getting you to give up.

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