Home » Open thread 7/25/23


Open thread 7/25/23 — 24 Comments

  1. NPR tells us at the top of the hour this morning, that today is the anniversary of President Trump asking Ukraine to look into Biden corruption, a dastardly deed for which he was impeached by the Democrats!

    The tiny stone in my heart where my empathy for Democrats used to be is glowing fiercely.

  2. interesting detail, before oil, pearls were a source of revenue in the gulf states like the kingdom

  3. Turley on the Democrats’ playing “Show ‘n Tell” … (though they seem to prefer calling it “Obfuscate and Lie”).
    Well, whatever they want to call it, it ain’t pretty. Pretty ugly, actually.
    Rather, just plain sick/
    ‘ “Nothing To See Here”: Members & The Media Panic As The Biden Scandal Mounts’—
    + Bonus:
    An celebrity in the Jan. 6 narrative seems to have some “acting issues”…
    “New J6 Video Suggests Capitol Police Officer Lied ‘Repeatedly’ About Injuries: Julie Kelly”—

  4. If one looks back over the years since Donald Trump’s election, there have been many sordid instances of government immoral and illegal behavior towards him and others around him. Those were not all to protect Joe Biden, now were they?

    We have a rich harvest of traitors to reap, and unless we re-elect Trump, we won’t have someone with sufficient zeal to swing the scythe! That should be his platform… mow down the traitors!

  5. Another open-thread comment about something I read somewhere else.

    At his substack, Peter Nimitz has written an essay about the forgotten pygmies of east Africa (https://tinyurl.com/mt8fkn39).

    Who can resist a good story about pygmies? I confess that it’d take a stronger man than me.

  6. Chris Bart-Williams, former Nottingham Forest midfielder dies aged 49. &
    LeBron James’ son, Bronny, was rushed to a hospital after suffering cardiac arrest during a basketball workout. – – –
    What is going on? * Oh… never mind.

  7. Conservatism, i.e. movement/political conservatism, has failed. It’s utterly useless, ineffectual — dead. Discuss.

    Or not.

  8. cb:

    What is going on is almost certainly what’s been going on for long before the COVID vaccines that I’m going to assume that you think are implicate. I have written about this time and again, but you seem to be ignoring that.

    However, if you somehow missed it, I refer you to the first five or so posts on this list.

    I will add that I used to follow basketball and baseball, and well remember Len Bias and Pete Maravich, as well as Tony Conigliaro.

    There is also the phenomenon of sudden cardiac death being more common in basketball players, especially black basketball players, and this has been known for many decades. I first read about it many decades ago.

  9. I have America surrounded.

    –Timothy Leary

    Bold words.

    From the perspective of the 2020s, who’s to say Leary didn’t call it?

  10. Steve Hayward at Powerline blog cites an “unprompted style poll,” asking people their political picks. And the survey’s history implies the that the ongoing Weaponisation of The DOJ is having the FP effect of elevating Trump’s pre-primary position.

    This is oft remarked here. BUT, get the observation he makes at the end, here. It finds me slack-jawed with surprise:

    “Seems to me that one or two more indictments and Trump is a lock for 2024! (I have an acquaintance who has always been very anti-Trump who is so angry at the lawfare against him that he now says he’s ready to vote for Trump. I suspect this is not an isolated sentiment among Republican voters.)“

    REALLY? That’s what it takes?

    Does anyone believe this? Or see it from friends of friends…?

  11. TJ:

    I know very few people who aren’t Democrats. The Democrats uniformly hate and fear Trump and find him not only despicable but criminal.

    The few people I know on the right would prefer Trump not be the nominee and think he will lose. But if he is the nominee they will vote for him.

    I certainly am angry at what they are doing to Trump. But I also think – as I’ve written quite a few times on this blog – that he’s acted in ways that make it difficult if not impossible for him to win the general, and that also show a falling-off in judgment that I began to notice right after his bout of COVID.

  12. Cornflour–

    We here in the U.S. have a seemingly inexhaustible list of major crises to deal with, so, pardon me if I put the “plight”–somehow, it’s always a “plight”–of the “forgotten pygmies of East Africa” pretty far down on the list of issues for us here in the U.S. to tackle.

    And while I’m at it, it really amazes me how various “animal lovers” rhapsodize in the Youtube videos they put up about how they’ve “fallen in love,” sometimes with a dog or a cat, but quite often with a pig, an armadillo, a rat, a mouse, a parrot, or a gopher, a lizard, a donkey, a snake, a spider, a turtle or a goat, even a bee or a moth, and about how they’ve “rescued” these creatures, fed them around the clock–sometimes for months–when they were first born, and spent a boatload of money and time trying to fix whatever health problems they might have (not to mention often dressing them up in silly costumes which probably cost a fair amount of money) meanwhile, apparently hundreds of thousands of human children are being trafficked in a little known or acknowledged sex trade, and nobody seems to be making the kind of major effort it will apparently take to destroy this trade and, to rescue these children.

    Is it just me, or are many people’s priorities out of whack?

  13. Vijeta Uniyal of Legal Insurrection has a good summary of the events in Israel. I hope the divisions are not as deep as the left-wing media are portraying it but the fact that the leftist members of the Knesset walked out on the vote is not good. I wonder what the next move by the supreme court will be? Will they declare the law invalid because it is unreasonable?


  14. they don’t believe in israel, as a zionist entity, they believe in all the prog causes like democrats, or the communist party in spain, sumar, who seems to have replaced podemos,

  15. Snow on Pine:

    Please read Nimitz’s essay. The story begins with a report from Herodotus and ends with a missionary’s gossip from 1931.

    As far as anyone knows, the east African pygmies are long since dead, maybe for a very long time. We’re not asked to weep for their plight. On the other hand, who doesn’t like pygmies, so maybe we can all shed a tiny tear or two.

  16. A pet peeve du jour:

    Why do words ending in “ist” (e.g. Marxist, leftist, etc, but the list is l-o-n-g) not require another “s” for their plurals? I am so tired of this. Borderline illiterate….

    “…have no more patience for the Marxist who’ve taken over the democrat party”

    On a par with “The Smith’s” sign on or near the Smiths’ house.

  17. Is it just me, or are many people’s priorities out of whack?

    –Snow on Pine

    As I find myself saying, most people are human beings.

    They are largely concerned with the things directly in their lives, and not many of those things bring them comfort or happiness. Many people don’t get a lot of either, so if an animal fills that gap, they care about that animal.

    Here’s the story of my aunt from a local paper:

    This column is dedicated to a woman I never saw, never talked to, never even heard about until a few days ago. I really wish I knew more about the woman … because, of all the stories I’ve heard heard about animal lovers, none is quite like the story of S.

    “She had some problems in her life, but the thing about her is that she just totally loved animals,” said RS, a lawyer and one of the few people who knew S.

    “She would come into my office to talk, and bring her dog with her.”

    “She was a loner, but she wasn’t lonely,” said one of her closest friends. “She was comfortable without people around her. She had her animals. The animals didn’t give her any pain, any grief.”

    In 1983 my aunt committed suicide. She left $150,000 to two animal shelters.

  18. RE: Tomorrow’s House Oversight Committee Hearing on UFOs

    If it is just the three announced witnesses–while this Hearing may introduce their stories and information to a wider audience–absent major new information, this Hearing will be small potatoes.

    A few weeks ago it was reported that there would likely be six witnesses, but then NASA pulled out, it was reported that DOD was putting a lot of pressure on potential witnesses not to testify, and we were told a day or so ago that there would only be three scheduled witnesses.

    I’m wondering if there might not be one or more surprise witnesses, people who might have kept their intent to testify secret, so that the DOD could not exert pressure on them.

    Either the very knowledgeable Lou Elizondo or Chris Mellon would be perfect as surprise witnesses, but would either one of them want to trust in the untested, newly expanded whistleblower protections against retaliation and/or prosecution, and burn their bridges.

    RE: Lou Elizondo

    From what I have gathered Elizondo has paid a steep financial and personal price for his efforts to get more information about UFOs released.

    He left military service early, so that means a reduction in any pension.

    Elizondo has mentioned that, at one point, he and his family had to live in a trailer.

    I’ve seen some speculation that he was hoping that his joining the “To The Stars Academy” might result–if they were successful–in income to make up the difference, but that didn’t work out for him, he left TTSA, and he now says that he works as a government and private contractor.

    Apparently for security reasons Elizondo and his family have moved to a remote area out West.

  19. Snow on Pine:

    Regarding whackness. Some might consider UFOs a bit whacky.

    If it whalks like a duck. Whacks like a duck… You know the whest?

  20. Pingback:DOJ Stops Devon Archer, John Kerry stepson from testifying in front of Oversite Committee on Truth about Joe Biden, Hunter friend and colleague at Burisma Pages 11-20 – Deepest Deep State News

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