Home » Open thread 6/19/23


Open thread 6/19/23 — 47 Comments

  1. Globally renowned Obama Sense of Humor(TM) kicks in once again!
    And it’s a stunnah!
    “Why are US retirees forced to invest in this threat to America?”—
    Opening grafs:
    “Most Americans agree that China is the single greatest external threat to the United States. So, they would be shocked and angered to learn that their retirement savings are funding Chinese companies.
    “Instead of helping restore American industry, retirees are being forced to boost the Communist Party’s buildup of its People’s Liberation Army….”
    Heh, doesn’t get much better than THAT!
    + Bonus:
    “Biden excuses China’s spy balloon flight as Blinken visits Beijing”—
    AAAND ALWAYS the confidence builder!
    “U.S. Eyes Evacuation Plans for American Citizens in Taiwan: Report”—
    Meanwhile, from the “No WORSE Friend, No BETTER Enemy” Department…
    “Why Arabs Do Not Trust the Biden Administration”—

  2. Did you find the double? They are almost always there, though faint if you aren’t sure where to look. The colors are reversed so red is on the inside curve.

    I got a fantastic picture of double rainbow once heading south on I-5 from British Columbia. Lots of people pulled over to look at it.

    Rainbows only appear to be in the distance, if you look carefully you will see that there are some objects they are actually in front of. As long as there’s water drops between you and that thing.

  3. I see great Pride in that photo.
    Yes, wokeism has intruded into my appreciation of even simple natural beauty.

  4. no because that is God’s work, his creation, this untruth Man fashioned for himself is something else entirely

  5. Did everyone wish their father’s Happy Mother’s Day, since we all know men can get pregnant.

  6. RE: the apparently frequent crashes of Alien UFOs–

    First of all, keeping it real here, it may not be that these Aliens are, from our perspectives, in effect “Gods,” and perfect beings emanating blinding white light and bliss; beings from perfected civilizations—free of the error, grime, and muck of our terrestrial life.

    It appears that the 5% of all UFOs which are truly “unidentified” that are increasingly filling our skies, craft of different shapes, sizes, and flight characteristics, which are truly “Alien” in origin, may also be from several different races of Aliens, some with good kit, some with not.

    With respect to craft which are truly “Alien” in origin, the question that frequently comes up is why–if these craft are from what would evidently be a much more technologically advanced civilization than ours, have so many (one account I heard recently mentioned a hundred or more crashes over the decades)—crashed?

    I can think of a lot of reasons.

    Our airlines are extremely safe, and most airline pilots are extremely competent, yet, shit happens, and sometimes commercial and military airplanes crash.

    Another factor to consider is the number of flights per day of these Alien craft.

    UFOs have increasingly been reported as frequently being seen all over the world. One would think that the more flights there are, the more chance for crashes.

    There are also some reports that human radars have sometimes–and sometimes deliberately–caused such UFO crashes.

    The assumption is that such Alien UFOs are the craft representing some great and mighty civilization and, thus, would have a whole range of repair and replacement options available.

    But, what if the exploration of the Earth, it’s people, and our solar system, and the surveillance of our often violent, sometimes not very smart, warring tribes of shit-flinging monkeys, moreover perhaps located at what may be the ass-end of nowhere, is not some Alien civilization’s first priority.

    Thus, what we may term the “Alien Exploration Corps” has been equipped with what are not the best pilots nor all brand new, shiny craft, but a lot of cheaper, used, second had kit?

    Then again,what if some of these UFOs are not from some grand civilization but are freelancers, for instance, in orbit with a used, second or fourth hand mothership–looters of some kind–and mostly piloting scout craft that are pieces of unreliable, patched-up, clapped-out pieces of crap.

    What if what we are dealing with is some sort of shoe-string academic research outfit, working with hardly any budget, and thus forced to work with cheap equipment and sometimes inexperienced pilots.

    Finally, there is the possibility that these UFOs and/or their pilots, even if they are official representatives of an advanced civilization, are, for some reason (think lowest bidder or war surplus equipment), just not the best around.

    BTW would our “experts” even be able to tell the difference between a first class and an outmoded rustbucket of a UFO?

  7. well we clearly on the outer rim, if you don’t follow your star charts carefully, like han solo, you might bounce off a supernova, or crash into a star, (sarc)

    of course the sequel trilogy dispensed with all that, because reasons,

  8. perhaps but seeing how these vaunted establishment has failed at nearly? every task that has been put before it, it doesn’r deserve deference,

    again the good professor turley, misses the point, from a certain point of view, garland is doing exactly as ordered, now if you care about justice or honor any other thing, then he’s doing it wrong,

  9. And now we have this:
    Secretary of State Antony Blinken in China Says ‘We Do Not Support Taiwan Independence.’

    First telling Putin that it is OK to take part of Ukraine, now telling China that it is OK to take all of Taiwan. Next up telling Iran that Israel doesn’t matter to the US.

  10. what you think all that money funnelled through the biden center was just gratitude, of course if the shoe was on the other foot,

  11. Aliens have Murphies too, see Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, another work of fiction.

  12. This has been on my mind recently. I’m ‘pro-life’, but I’d choose abortion.

    Abortion or Gender Transition. Given that choice (and no other) which would you choose for a child?

  13. In the US, the media breathlessly reports on our UFO craze (https://tinyurl.com/5cdak99h).

    In China, the media celebrates the astronomer who calmed their country’s UFO craze (https://tinyurl.com/mu4ttkrs).

    In the US, children want to become YouTube stars (https://tinyurl.com/2s4mcyhk).

    In China, children want to become astronauts (https://tinyurl.com/2s4mcyhk).

    This must mean something. I suspect the feminization of American culture, but it’s just a working hypothesis, so far.

  14. A rainbow in Nature is beautiful. A couplet doubly so. A Rainbow in the human context is albinophobic.

  15. I see pride on the African savanna, where we celebrate the polyamorous love of lions and lionesses, and the “burden” of unPlanned cubs playing in gay revelry, but probably not on the Isle of Lesbos. There is no pride in the transgender spectrum disorder, only tolerance. That said, civil unions for all consenting adults. #NoJudgment #NoLabels #HateLovesAbortion

  16. you could look at that way, of course aliens might encourage the notion there is intelligent life elsewhere, (the jury is out that there is much here, present company excluded)

    Hitchhiker’s Guide was as much a satire on the mores of 70s English culture, queing, incontinent bureaucracies, the Vogons, and the party scene, Disaster Area and the like,

  17. I find it hard to believe that an advanced space faring civilization would have trouble dealing with human radar.

  18. [And God said,] “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”

    Genesis 9:13-15

  19. Thanks Neo and Jordan Rivers.
    God’s handiwork is literally all around us.

  20. Jordan Rivers; John Guilfoyle:

    Observant Jews say this prayer on seeing a rainbow:

    Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who remembers the covenant, and is faithful to His covenant, and keeps His promise.

  21. Once out west, and only once, I saw a triple rainbow. The inner arc was bright (more than I had ever seen before). The middle arc was about the brightness shown in your photo. The outer arc was substantially dimmer and about 2/3 complete. For me, it was as noteworthy as the solar eclipse I saw many yearsearlier.there.

  22. Taking pictures of a rainbow is a pleasant thing. I suppose it’s also a useful quality check on reality from time to time. If the sequence of colors were to get out of order at any point, we would have a real situation upon us.

    The most curious literary connections come to mind sometimes:

    “You are not telling me all you know,” the Summoner said.
    [Replied the Archmage, ] “If I knew, I would speak. I know nothing. I guess much.”
    “Let me come with you.”
    “One must guard the gates.”
    “The Doorkeeper does that–”
    “Not only the gates of Roke. Stay here. Stay here, and watch the sunrise to see if it be bright, and watch at the wall of stones to see who crosses it and where their faces are turned. There is a breach, Thorion, a wound, and it is this I go to seek. […]”

    – Ursula LeGuin, The Farthest Shore

    Snow, that’s an interesting point.

  23. Quick French Joke:

    American goes to France and politely says to a friend’s wife, “Merci beaucoup” … but misses the pronunciation by this much:

    Merci beaucoup.
    MARE-see BOE-koo
    Thanks very much.

    And instead says

    Merci, beau cul.
    MARE-see BOE KEW
    Thanks, nice ass.


  24. Neo, Jordan Rivers; John Guilfoyle:

    Isn’t it ironic that the rainbow is God’s reminder not to destroy us all again for our sins? So when we fly a rainbow flag (just a hypothetical, for sure), we are pleading with God not to flood the planet again, because He promised.

    (Reminder, slightly off topic: June is dairy month.)

  25. While I lived in San Francisco, there was a resplendent Rainbow Flag opposite the Castro subway stop. Back then I was a typical SF resident. I saw the flag as part of the quirky, freedom-loving, fun of The City, my city.

    But today, Gay has gone from The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name to The Love That Won’t Shut Up and now to LGBQT+ and The Love That Won’t Stop Oppressing Everyone Else.

    I am triggered by Rainbow Flags!

  26. Boss… sometimes Christians pray that too. Not because we “appropriate” other traditions, but because we too know it’s true.

  27. John Guilfoyle:

    By no means was I suggesting that Christians or anyone couldn’t or shouldn’t pray that too. My point was simply that for Orthodox Jews, it’s a prayer they are supposed to pray on seeing a rainbow.

  28. It seems to me that a large part of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is poking fun (lampooning) the typical science fiction tropes and assumptions.


  29. huxley:

    One interesting effect of trans activism is that many gay people (although I don’t know what percentage) see trans activism as a threat to gay people. Many lesbians realized this long ago – thus the term “TERF” given by trans activists to such people. The vast majority of people who transition are originally gay and see transitioning as a ticket to supposed “normalcy.” Many end up discovering it doesn’t really work that way, despite the hype. Older gay people have been realizing more and more that trans activism disproportionately affects young gay people.

  30. I have two theories about all the crashed UFOs.

    1. The aliens are crashing some vehicles on purpose, as a psychological experiment, to see what we make of them. Think of a human psychologist putting a tool in a monkey cage. The dead or captured “crew” could just be extraterrestrial animals rather than extraterrestrial people, how would we know the difference?

    2. The UFOs are advance spies for several different interstellar civilizations that are scouting out this valuable unclaimed planet Earth. The crashed UFOs have been shot down, not by Earthlings (who lock the capability) but by hostile UFOs.

  31. neo:

    I don’t see how trans activism works out for anyone long-term.

    Maybe we can’t stop creeping socialism, but polls show Americans rejecting trans for schoolchildren and MTF trans in athletics by large majorities. I don’t see these numbers melting away. Especially to the extent the trans agenda affect children and teens.

    In that case there will be a backlash and it seems to be building.

  32. bof—AF whistleblower David Grusch did mention that some of the UFOs that have been retrieved had landed ( and their pilots presumably just walked away, to be picked up later?).

    I have run across the idea that such landed craft are “gifts.”

  33. @ Snow > “and their pilots presumably just walked away, to be picked up later?”

    Negative – that’s where the Lizard People in Congress come from!

  34. Neo… absolutely!
    And perhaps I wasn’t clear…I was simply rejoicing in our shared celebration of truth…and perhaps a shared confident hope.

  35. My copy “The Magic Butterfly and Other Fairy Tales of Central Europe” arrived. It is beautiful and it was indeed one of my childhood fairy tale books.

    However, it’s not the book which burned holes in my pre-teen brain.

    So I did a scan of fairy tale books from the 1950-2000 and I found a book with gorgeous, haunting, colorful illustrations capable of searing young brains.

    –Adrienne Segur (Illustrator), Marie Ponsot (Translator), “The Golden Book of Fairy Tales” (1958)

    From web comments I learned that the book was dearly loved by many people. There is a decent business in selling Segur prints. Here’s a selection of her illustrations. I recall several.


    The original book was (of course) French — “Il était une fois” (“Once upon a time”).

    Here’s an enchanting YouTube retrospective of Adrienne Segur’s work set to Rachmaninoff.


  36. Today, June 19, 2023 – Senator Josh Hawley said some rather awkward statements about [The USA + Christianity], + on the end of slavery in the USA.

    I just wanted to point out, that I think- his statements today are, in my opinion- are best taken as just [his] opinion, + not as the opinion of: most US Christians, most US people, most Christians, most of the religious people in America, or even of the majority of the USA’s people.

  37. huxley @ 9:40 p.m.: “neo: I don’t see how trans activism works out for anyone long-term.”

    It looks like the rainbow crowd succeeded in a campaign to pressure movie theaters not to show a film about detransitioning: “A documentary featuring the journey of several detransitioners scheduled to hit the big screen this week was scrapped by AMC after activists mounted a pressure campaign to stop the film’s screening. The major movie theater chain canceled showings of ‘No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care’ . . . . The documentary was scheduled to be released in select theaters on June 21 for one day. . . . The 90-minute film claims to feature the stories of detransitioners, as well as a dozen experts in related fields. Press materials for the film say it examines the risks and long-term implications of gender-affirming medication. . . . The Queers Trans Project over the weekend cheered the decision by AMC. ‘We did it! Our community’s swift action is a testament to the power of advocacy and the importance of raising our voices against harmful content,’ the organization wrote in an Instagram post.”


  38. huxley @ 6:22 p.m.

    Apropos of your “Quick French Joke”– it’s been around for awhile. The stage version of Oh! Calcutta! opened in 1969. The title is a pun on the French phrase, “Oh, quel cul t’as!”, meaning, “Oh, what a cute butt you have!” It is taken, pun and all, from a painting by Clovis Trouille (1889–1975).

  39. }}} “Instead of helping restore American industry

    While you can certainly argue that the funds should not be invested in China, the idea that American Industry — almost certainly meaning “manufacturing” — should “be restored” is just flat out stupid.

    America left manufacturing behind for a reason. That reason was then and still is valid. There is no MONEY in “making things”.

    In 2009, the iPhone 4 retailed for US$600. And trust me, SOMEONE paid that 600, regardless of what the consumer wound up paying. The consumer paid part of it, their carrier paid more of it… but it still got paid in full.

    Now, the iP4 was “Made In China”.

    Now, of that US$600, how much did China GET?

    $200? No.

    $150? Nope.

    $100?? Nuh-uh.

    $50!?!? NO.

    $25!!!!!!???? NO, no, no.

    SIX BUCKS. One Percent.

    Now, let me as YOU a question. If I have something that I sell for 1000 bucks, are YOU going to “make” it for me if I only give you 10 bucks?

    I’m betting “Fuck no!” is the response, in some form or another.

    The REST of the money — $594 — went to Apple, for designing it. It went to patent holders, for creating technologies it was based on. It went to a number of others for creating sub-assemblies that China was incapable of creating.

    Yes, that was almost 15y ago, but it’s still the case in almost every way. There is virtually NO money in “manufacturing” any more. The margins are consistently small. Because most of the time, someone, somewhere, can do it cheaper and easier and it would be utterly stupid to use far more expensive labor to build something. Yes, there are a few exceptions — giving the means to make advanced weaponry that America has, sure. Keep that in-house. But for 99% of all consumer goods, ALL of it should be farmed out to other nations, while WE rake in patent wealth for doing what WE are really really good at — being inventive and creative.


  40. }}} Once out west, and only once, I saw a triple rainbow. The inner arc was bright (more than I had ever seen before). The middle arc was about the brightness shown in your photo. The outer arc was substantially dimmer and about 2/3 complete. For me, it was as noteworthy as the solar eclipse I saw many yearsearlier.there.

    I saw one a few years back, when I came out of a mall after a summer downpour. Two full bows, and the third was pretty complete but def. pushing invisibility, it was practically (but not quiiiiite) transparent…

  41. It appears that the Biden Administration may have just sold out Taiwan.

    Well, a week or so ago there was a story—that I admit I just breezed by—about how the U.S. was gearing up plans for evacuating Americans from Taiwan. *

    Why, I wondered in passing?

    Well, yesterday there was a story telling how our glorius Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, had gone to China, and told the Chinese that “the U.S. does not support Taiwan independence.” **

    See https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/u-s-evacuate-americans/2023/06/12/id/1123264/

    ** See https://www.foxnews.com/politics/blinken-us-does-not-support-taiwan-independence-china-visit

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