Home » Tucker: for Biden is an honorable man – so are they all, all honorable men


Tucker: for Biden is an honorable man – so are they all, all honorable men — 22 Comments

  1. Biden is far too stupid to be a dictator of any kind. “President Sh** For His Brains speaks at White House after having political opponent arrested” would have been a far more accurate chyron to put up.

  2. Wow. Nicely done. “The women who run Fox.” Ha.
    Shot in the throat? Oh, that victim.

  3. No one thinks Biden is running the show. This is the third Obama term. And whether he is smart enough to run it is an open question. But the dark money folks are clearly getting their money’s worth.

    The entire Democrat party is fully on board with totalitarian abuses and the censorship and permanent defeat of opposition. The figurehead for the politburo isn’t very important. Indeed, the more impotent the figurehead appears, the easier it is to fool the faithful about the abuses perpetrated.

  4. and Episode 4 was a tremendous broadside. A masterpiece. I suspect it will be remembered for a long time. Tucker hit it out of the park.

  5. Biden isn’t a “wannabe dictator.” I think precision is important in describing what we have. Biden is merely a ceremonial figurehead that the ruling junta – or politburo, if you prefer – decided was acceptable. It had already been agreed on by the uniparty establishment that Trump had to go, but they did not want anybody who had any original thoughts in their head. Biden is there strictly for appearances’ sake, and the country is actually being run by a consortium of the permanent DC establishment, big tech, NGOs, and non-profits.

  6. Biden’s not a wannabe dictator. He’d never act so dictatorial as to
    give speeches lit like Reifenstahl events,
    bust protesters years after their protest,
    allow civil agencies to stockpile arms and ammunition,
    allow family members to misbehave, ignored by media

    ’cause Tucker said so.

  7. I seldom watch videos, but I watched that one. Bravo, Tucker.

    Yesterday I went to a Republican luncheon where the speaker was local independent journalist Steve Baker, who broadcasts and writes as “The Pragmatic Constitutionalist.” He described going to meetings around the country in 2021 giving speeches and shooting news coverage. Sometimes his footage airs on major networks. He was in the Capitol on 01/6/21 and has lots of footage from that as well. The FBI asked to talk to him, and after negotiations, he did talk to them, with his lawyer. Then his lawyer called to say the DOJ informed him that Baker was going to be charged — with federal racketeering! (Because he’d gone to illegal meetings, illegal because of the shutdowns, and profited from his travels by selling news footage to news organizations.) Baker immediately issued a press release about this, which got picked up by Raleigh news organizations. The FBI called his lawyer to say they didn’t like that, so he gave some interviews. Late that week, he got a call from a big-time DC lawyer who offered to take his case pro bono. The DC lawyer sent an email to the FBI telling him Baker was now his client and to send all notices through him. The FBI has not been heard from since. They can be beaten, but it takes boldness.

    Baker’s message yesterday was that we are losing our freedom of speech, and it’s going fast.

  8. If you were writing 50 years ago, I don’t think it would have occurred to you to explain the Shakespeare reference.

  9. Biden is just a stupid sock puppet, he’s incapable of being a dictator. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other more capable Democrat politicians who have the desire and will. Looking back on all the men who’ve been President in my lifetime, LBJ would certainly be in contention. If he were alive and in office today, we’d be toast and a dictatorship in all but name.

  10. if he were not a chinese viceroy, would he be doing anything differently

  11. “he’s incapable of being a dictator.”
    Why is that?
    Can’t a vile, even vicious, stupid, egomaniacal, lazy, misinformed man be a dictator if he has a supportive and compliant Pretorian Guard at his back (and front)?
    “power corrupts, and absolute …. ”

    Perhaps in some future constitutional convention we can create a fourth branch of government for the media, and then allow only the media personnel that we elect to actually provide information of a political nature for our consideration. The Framers left implicit that which might better have been made explicit as part of our checks and balances.

  12. Brezhnev probably didn’t make all decisions himself. The Politburo may have decided some things collectively, and there was a lot of delegation, but Soviet Russia was still a dictatorship. We aren’t anywhere near that now, but the Democrats are determined to stay in power, and there’s precious little that they wouldn’t do to secure another term.

    Is there a master plan? Some people, like Klaus Schwab, draw up master plans, but separate ideas and partial plans percolate through the system and are picked up piecemeal. There are an array of goals and aims in different policy areas, but the main preoccupation of the regime is staying in power.

    And, no, Obama isn’t running things. He was a figurehead himself, more of a time-server or dilettante than a fanatic with a clear vision of what he wanted. The whole Democrat party is behind Biden’s policies. There isn’t a need for an external string-puller. If there is one, it isn’t Barry.

    BTW, Biden was older when he took office than Brezhnev was when he died. Are we now a “gerontocracy”? Probably not but one could have come to that conclusion when Pelosi was still speaker.

  13. Abraxas:

    I could not disagree with you more about Obama. I have never understand the point of view you espouse, although I’ve read it quite a few times from other people. I see Obama very differently; I’ve written about him a lot, so I will be brief here. He is highly intelligent and a good tactician and a wholly dedicated leftist who was smart enough to calibrate his moves to the left very carefully. He’s not a sole dictator of the left or of Biden, but he is a large factor.

  14. i don’t discount obama’s willfull deceits either, he was subject to several streams of influences at any one time, now most of biden’s officials are obamas, although they would have likely emerged in hillary’s orbit,

    he did have a patina of charisma, which can’t be said of biden, who was substandard even in the best of times, he was entrusted various portfolios that had varying degrees of failure,

  15. Biden is a demented crook of long-standing. And a vicious man. Remember the Bork hearings, when Slo Joe (never fast, but always vicious) chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee?
    He does not need to be characterized as tyrannical. The Democratic Party minions that support him are enough. That is a party of dullards, ignorati, plus tyrants. Give me just one example of a Biden decision that has benefitted 99% of Americans; you cannot, if you can reason and have an intact memory.

  16. Compared to today, I didn’t have many serious complaints about the Obama years. The country was trying to come back from economic and foreign policy missteps and failures. There were blunders and scandals, but the country was better off than it was under Biden (or Bush).

    Obama understood that he was president of half the country and saw his job as pleasing his half of the country and taking verbal jabs at the other half of the country. Sometimes he went further, but there weren’t many opponents of the regime languishing in prison or political opponents submitted to constant legal harassment.

    In policy, Obama didn’t take things as far as Biden. A big reason was the Republican Congress. Another reason was that Democrats didn’t realize how far the could go or how far they wanted to go. There was still a little Clinton era caution around. I never voted for Obama, but my vote for Trump was less about dissatisfaction with Obama and more about the mistakes both parties had made over decades (and about Hillary Clinton).

    I understand that Obama was arrogant and definitely not a uniter. If I’m not as hard on him as I could be, one reason is that there was definitely an Obama Derangement Syndrome. To be sure, the man’s mysterious origins and rise invited speculation, but some things were just made up. I couldn’t see joining in the mudfest. Another reason is that the paradox that the guy with a foreign name and foreign ideas was less radical in practice than the grandfatherly, old, All-American fellow who’d been in Congress forever was intriguing and also somehow rang true for me. Fools rush in where cunning, yet circumspect, men don’t go.

  17. Abraxas:

    I could not care less then or now about Obama’s foreignness or race or any of that. I care that he’s a leftist and an Alinskyite and community organizer, very good at tactics for the left (one of his specialties going way back has always been “voting rights” to expand the Democrats’ voting base). See this, just to take one small example out of very many. Also see this, this, this, this, this, and this.

    I could go on and on and on linking old posts, but you get the idea.

    The only reason Obama didn’t go as far left as Biden has is that he had to do it in steps that the public could tolerate at the time. Once he paved the way it could be ratcheted up.

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