Home » Open thread 6/12/23


Open thread 6/12/23 — 35 Comments

  1. very nice,

    as john mcclane said to ellis I think ‘welcome to the party pal, have a beer’ I think we are way past that point, and j6 proved how they treat those who rebel even sans weapons,

  2. jp morgan settled to the tune of 290 million, thats about 2 quarters for them, to make their epstein business go away,

  3. Trump indictment, continued…
    Some observations/links by Jeff Carlson:
    – Leslie McAdoo Gordon…
    “…an example of why criminal defense lawyers don’t accept anything in an indictment without documentation, corroboration, investigation, etc.”—
    – Jeff Clark on the “Biden” M.O. (And WHERE have we seen this before!!)
    “The idea was to get a criminal case going against Trump, any case.
    “First, set up traps with NARA letters administratively.
    “Then, Joe Biden authorize special access to Trump’s documents at NARA.
    “Next, get a search warrant from a magistrate judge in Florida who should have recused.
    “See what they find. Lay more traps via requests for certification from Trump’s lawyers.
    “Use any missteps to penetrate lawyer-client privilege.
    “Open grand jury in D.C., forum shopping the case away from Florida at that point. Use that forum to penetrate lawyer-client privilege.
    “But then move the case back to a Florida grand jury to try to defuse a Trump venue defense.”—
    And Julie Kelly (with more on “Biden”‘s M.O.)…

  4. Interesting video on how to create a livable house out of basically nothing. Some typical English/European representations.
    1. Not shower doors, partially open so the water goes everywhere.
    2. Washer but no dryer.
    Did not see much of the kitchen but not a big fridge or range.
    The building looks like it was part of a lager building at one time. Note looking from the front there are two different rock types. The building has one and the wall has another.

    I am refraining from talking Politics.

  5. Well, Re Schlichter. He correctly cites how they routinely dehumanize us. As preparation for eliminating all dissent.

    Just so. My riposte us that Lincoln clearly didn’t shoot enough slave drivers. More, many many more must go!

    Just as Lincoln was unwillingly pushed in to a war, so will we.

    Be PROUD, but Fight, FIGHT! — Prepare to FIGHT!

  6. RE: UFOs and Grusch interviews–

    Some interesting nuggets from the longer interview linked above–

    Grusch says the first crash retrieval was from a 1933 crash in Northern Italy, in Magenta, that Mussolini’s people retrieved the craft and hid it away, and, at the end of WWII, and with the Vatican’s help, the U.S. scooped up the alien craft.

    Grusch says they we are dealing with more than one species of entities and that, from the evidence, one of them might be hostile.

    Grusch did not come out and say it outright, but he hinted that there has been contact between some of these entities and the U.S. government, and that some sort of Agreement has been reached with them—something that has been rumored for decades.

    Fact? Fiction?

    I’m hoping that open Congressional Hearings–partisan circuses that they have become–will be able to confirm or to deny at least the basic elements of what Gresch has been saying.

  7. SHIREHOME; miguel cervantes:

    I have seen machines in Europe that first wash and then dry. Same machine. Perhaps this is one.

  8. I just wonder: who exactly decided to serially prosecute Trump and thus empower him as a martyr, instead of letting him alone and trusting that he would step on his own tongue and lose out to a more defeat-able nominee?!

    I suspect someone who knew that there were terrible secrets that had to be hidden, and was willing to risk any consequence, no matter how terrible, to any number of innocents including those of the whole country, in order to do so.

    Answer: the Clintons. They put America in deadly peril by selling our ICBM technology to the Chinese for campaign cash many years ago, and have likely only learned to be more brazen since. Look how they have been able to marshal the entire force of US law against the one person who was shown able to thwart them!

  9. I do not believe in aliens from outer space, but I also could not live in that house! The primary problem would be making that double bed. How do you tuck in the sheets on the side closest to the wall? I gave up crawling on top of a bed in order to make the bed a long time ago!

  10. You have to wonder if Biden ever reads anything.
    “He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” -Thomas Paine

  11. RE: David Grusch’ assertions and “Ontological Shock”

    Just for a moment, lets assume that what Grusch is saying is true.

    You’ve been takin’ care of business, working to support yourself and your family, taking the kids to sports, walking the dog, perhaps going to a church or synagogue, a vacation here and there, summer barbecues, maybe collapsing at the end of the day in front of the TV with a beer or a glass of wine, and what you know is what you were taught in K-12 and perhaps college, then, there is Shakespeare and the Bible, you own life experiences, and what you hear, read, and see to inform your world-view.

    Moreover, you live in a culture that has for many decades been increasingly saturated with stories about and images of UFOs and Aliens—the “Twilight Zone,” and then, later “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” “The X-Files,” and “Independence Day.

    But that’s not really true, that’s just “entertainment.”

    If you have read a lot of Science Fiction you are likely to be more comfortable with, more accepting of what David Grusch is revealing.

    But, what if you haven’t read a lot of Science Fiction—it’s just not your thing, and you’ve never actually given much thought to the question of whether or not the human race is alone or not in our Universe; you’ve just assumed that human beings are at the top of the food chain–the smartest things around, “masters of all they survey”–and probably alone in the Universe, or at least that, if there is other Alien life “out there,” it is so far away that it doesn’t really matter.

    Now comes Dave Gresch, and what he says is actually going on, and is real.

    How do you “wrap your head around” what he is saying, and if what he is saying is true, how do you, how can you–all of your certainties shattered, and the boundaries within which you have lived your life now broken down–completely change your world view, and see yourself (now reduced in stature) in a very new, a much larger and stranger, and perhaps very frightening reality?

    That is Ontological Shock.*

    * For an interesting discussion of this phenomena see, especially, the first item in the linked thread below at

  12. its a nice house, but I half expect bond to be barreling down the street, in which ever car was in for your eyes only, (it was set in spain but still)

  13. Snow on Pine @11:54am,

    “… a 1933 crash in Northern Italy, in Magenta, that Mussolini’s people retrieved the craft and hid it away, and, at the end of WWII, and with the Vatican’s help, the U.S. scooped up the alien craft.”

    So, at least four different nations with very different ideologies and political philosophies who either don’t align very well or actively despise one another seamlessly collaborated to carry out a clandestine mission involving dozens, if not hundreds of individuals, and there has been not one crack, not one individual going public with the information, for nearly a century?

    If you believe that you might want to see Occam about purchasing a razor. 😉

  14. The “solution” for the odd shaped structure on an odd bit of land can be “interesting”, but the results here seem to avoid consideration of sanitary drainage, HVC, water permeation ( from the sloped and terraced land). A new residence built nearby had similar considerations that ignored the land configuration. After the first Fall rain, the lower level had 3-4 feet of standing water. Odd structures on odd bits of land can be challenging, and expensive. Old structures often did not take site problems into account. A damp wall in a farm workshop might not be the problem that might result from a damp wall in a dining room.

  15. Rufus, would not one have to see William of Ockham, the retailer? He’s probably got a few left of the first-run inventory. I know that was a long time ago and they’re probably really expensive now, but consider the effects of inflation over the past six hundred years.

    Besides that, William would have one great selling point for his razors nowadays: if any of them have survived this long without rusting away, they must be of absolutely superlative quality, so clearly worth the price.

  16. Occam’s Razor? Aliens don’t need no stinkin’ razor! Or badges!

    Down the rabbit hole with UFOs.

  17. Re a house with a washer but not a dryer. I use a dryer about once every five years- recently to dry a quilt. Texas has so many warm-hot and dry days that it is a waste of money and energy to use a drier. In addition, clothes last longer if they are not machine dried.
    My mother dried clothes outside in our New England home most of the time. I recall clothes being dried outside when there was snow on the ground. However, the many rainy days in NE necessitate a clothes dryer.

  18. If United States had alien spaceship, somebody involved would sell pieces of it on eBay.

    On the other hand, some of the stuff created by artists. seem other worldly to me.
    Not to mention particular ancients without electricity, tv, radio, or computers recognizing mathematics, astronomy and other stuff.

  19. I confess I have not read the articles about UFOs. So, without detailed information, I must say that the addition of the Vatican to the conspiracy sounds entirely too Da Vinci Code to me. Dan Brown’s book was fiction.

  20. If you want to see how what side the police will come down on in the coming Civil War, see this fat Stasi arresting a man peacefully standing across the street from Reading Pennsylvania‘s homosexual extravaganza and reciting verses from the Bible. The cop later lied on the charging form, saying the man engaged in disorderly conduct when he was entirely peaceful. The cop was defended by the police chief, but later, after the video went viral, the district attorney dropped the charges. Let’s hope a free speech organization like the alliance defending freedom sues the hell out of the city.


  21. The Trump campaign has been telling people the fake idea of:

    [Trump could have been elected President in 2020, if Vice President Pence had:

    1) rejected the election’s vote count that was done by the Congress, and then

    2) VP Pence [could then] send the election back to the individual, U.S. States, and have the States vote in Trump as President].

    This is impossible.

    Trump’s election team has said: The 12th Amendment, of the US Constitution says: The Vice President has the power to reject [a result of a presidential election].

    Here is a link to [the text of the 12th Amendment]:


    If you read the 12th Amendment,
    you will find:

    The 12th Amendment does not give the Vice President the power to:

    1) reject the votes of a Presidential election, and 2) it doesn’t let the Vice President send the election back to The U.S. States, to have the States [redo their voting for a presidential candidate(s)].

    VP Pence never had those powers.

    The people who say that VP Pence had those powers, are giving the public fake information.

    (The link above is to A US, Federal site on The Constitution, + the site shows you the whole text of the 12th Amendment.)

  22. The tiny house was not actually renovated and the architect narrating the video has never even laid eyes on the property. Everything you saw in the video about the interiors and whatnot is CGI. She’s showing what her redesign of the property might be but she has not actually done anything or even visited it, she’s just working from drawings.

  23. On having a clothes dryer: I have a folding drying rack which I use fairly often, especially in winter, when the house air is dry and more moisture is welcome. I’ll often hang a load on the rack to get halfway or nearly all dry, and then put the items in the dryer for a short while to finish the drying and give them a soft unwrinkled finish.

  24. I agree that the laundry machine is dual purpose – it washes and dries. I first encountered one of these 30 years ago in London and it sucked, but I assume they’re better now.

    I agree that making a bed that is flush against 3 walls is a huge pain (see: RV), plus feels claustrophobic, but whatayagonnado?

    I agree that the slope up against the stone exterior wall will cause issues if not expensively mitigated!

    I disagree with putting a bathroom next to the dining room table! Probably this is also a whatayagonnado thing, but… ick.

    When my mother-in-law was once staying with us for an extended period, I spent a lot of time sketching tiny houses. I didn’t make any mental connections between those two things until later (and btw, I love her very much, but it was a long and stressful visit under bad circumstances).

  25. Well, Kurt Schlichter has an ominous column out today.


    Wretchard had a similarly disturbing tweet thread:

    The American political division now seems permanent. It got worse with time and the odds of now avoiding conflict of some sort are low.

    –wretchardthecat (Richard Fernandez)


    I have read Fernandez a long time and I respect him. I am the declared optimist here, but I do read both sides and ponder.

    It’s definitely a bad sign.

  26. Col. Daniel Davis thinks the Kakhovka Dam failure was a result of weakening from Ukraine attacks last November.

    His reasoning is that both Ukraine and Russian military were impacted by the breach. He doubts it was from Russian actions since Crimea depends on the Dnipro River for drinking water. At some point when the riverbed dries out it will favor Ukrainian advances further north– something that Russia will be unprepared for.

    Ukraine Damaged Kakhovka Dam In PREVIOUS Attack; Why NATO Membership Should Be OFF THE TABLE


  27. Asking THE “interesting” question.
    (Well, SOMEONE’s got to do it….)
    “United States: Fifty Little Dictatorships”—
    Key grafs:
    ‘ Historically, a public policy catastrophe like the Covid response would lead to reform aimed at curtailing the powers that leadership abused….
    ‘…It is now clear that those responsible for the Covid response aren’t looking for amnesty or forgiveness; they seek a government structure that codifies their authoritarian impulses and a legal system that offers citizens no means of demanding accountability from their rulers. Publicly, they are searching for any “emergency” to increase their power. Privately, they are looking to put that system into law….‘ [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]

  28. AesopFan–

    One of the arguments being heard against the assertions by David Grusch about UFOs, Aliens, and a rogue crash retrieval and reverse engineering program that has gone on for 80 or 90 years now, is that it would be impossible for the government to keep this kind of thing secret; someone would spill the beans.

    I think by now, though, the idea that the government might lie to us is not a foreign or outlandish concept.

    It seems to me that a lot of people, over the decades, have tried to “spill the beans” but, as Grusch says, the government—aided by the MSM and the entertainment industry–has run a very successful disinformation campaign against the American people, and the commercialization of UFOs and Aliens and making them “entertainment” was a stroke of genius.

    Elements of the government and/or perhaps private contractors encouraging the ridicule, the whack jobs, so many crazy ideas, so many “UFO experts,” so much “tin foil hattery,” so many charlatans and con artists out there, with some good ol’ MIB intimidation thrown in to boot.

    In some cases just silence about a particular incident, in many others releases of a little bit of truth “sandwiched between two lies,” so many street signs twisted, so many false leads planted, so much chaff thrown up in the air that the truth gets lost in it, and any voice speaking the truth—the signal–is lost in the cacophony; up against a “wall of noise” and ridicule.

    Grusch says that people ought to take another look at Roswell.

    At Roswell the first official press release was about the Army Air Force finding a flying disc but–by the next day—supposedly those first Army Air Force press releases were wrong—it was really just the remnants of a small silver weather balloon which had fallen to earth.

    Over the decades participants in the coverup and other witnesses started to tell their stories—sometimes on their deathbeds–and over the decades the Air Force just kept on coming up with more explanations for why they were mistaken.

    Bodies of dead aliens? No, these were dummies which had been dropped from aircraft as part of an Air Force test program.

    The hundreds of people who have been involved in or witnessed some part of this incident and coverup and have come forth to say their piece over the decades? They didn’t see, do, or say what they said they did, they’re all mistaken, lying, or hallucinating.

    So now, there are “UFO highway” signs around the area, and a great UFO shop–full of cheap UFO schlock–at Roswell. If you want to find a nifty green Alien suit, an alien themed glow in the dark freezer magnet, key chain, or a plastic model of a UFO, that’s the place to find it.

    How about MJ-12, and the documents supposedly attesting to this organization’s existence which were just anonymously mailed to someone to start the ball rolling?

    How about the “Admiral Wilson memo”?

    And on and on throughout the decades.

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