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Will this be anything? — 24 Comments

  1. It’ll be minor and will drag on for months (at least 18 wink, wink) and nobody will be able to comment about an ongoing case.

    None of this will matter one bit.

  2. TPTB in the Democratic party are becoming nervous about Biden’s popularity and also his ability to make it through a second term. If he dies or if they have to invoke the 25th amendment, then Harris becomes president, and no one wants that.

    So if Biden is forced to step aside, or does so voluntarily, then what? Gavin Newsom is close to the Pelosis, and I’m sure she still wields a lot of power within the party. I also don’t think Michelle Obama is going to be the nominee. She has always struck me as needing a lot of “me time,” and she has made comments about how little she enjoyed certain aspects of life in the White House, which actually made her seem more normal to me. Unless of course she was referring to Barry’s sneaking out to the porch for a Kool Menthol or two.

  3. There is little reason to doubt that the charges will be trivial (and not much noticed in the malign and mendacious MSM), while the egregious misconduct, over many years (much related to Ukraine), of the entire Biden crime family will remain as mysteriously un-investigated as the connections to various intelligence agencies and to the powerful and well-connected of the non-suicidal non-financier J Epstein. Such is the abyss into which have fallen our system of (in)justice and the outlets of our so-called journalism.

  4. So if Biden winds up pardoning himself will democrats decide that’s ok after all?

  5. Either of the Bidens could be caught red handed… [fill in blank] and nothing would happen. Been fairly well confirmed … no? Why ‘Wednesday’… best guess I’ve read ‘deflect attention from border invasion’.

  6. I read this like “the walls are closing in” dreams the left has on Trump and expect to be even more disappointed than they are when nothing happens. At least they get a trial.

  7. Malevolence is not evidence of stupidity. Assuming that the Democrats are not stupid, they fully realize that the Democrats cannot afford to lose the 2024 Presidential election. As long as Biden’s handlers feel that Biden can be dragged across the finish line, they’ll stay with him as their candidate. Retaining Harris would be a fatal mistake, so she will not be on the ticket in 2024, instead the party leadership will ‘elect’ Gavin Newsom as their VP. Somewhere between late 2025 and early 2026, Biden will step down for ‘health reasons’ and Newsome will be the new pResident.

  8. Try as I might I can’t imagine a world in which Joe Biden, or any member of the administrative state that props him up, is held accountable for his actions.

  9. I’m sure you’re right, Neo.

    But here’s a tip to Ron DeSantis (or anyone else who wants to seriously challenge Trump). Make the following statement:

    “I pledge to you that within 24 hours of my Attorney General’s confirmation, Hunter Biden will be indicted on multiple felonies”

    Is such a statement ethical problematic? Yep. Just like everything Garland’s DOJ has done. But it would truly get the attention of many Trump loyalists.

  10. You have a law degree, I do not. That said, my profession as a cop in Texas means I am cognizant and work within the confines of the Constitution and the numerous judgments that interpret the Constitution, day in and day out.

    I am under no illusion that Hunter Biden will be charged with anything major and the result will mean anything substantial.

    Yes, there are different application of laws. One for people like me and other for people like Hunter. It’s factual and substantiated.

    What we have today in DC is small town politics writ large. Maybe it’s been this way for a long time. Today it is in our faces and a large portion of society doesn’t care or actively supports this.

    My long term hypothesis is that humanity, in general, avoids or maybe hates freedom of any kind. Antifa, BLM, and other such things are anarchy conducted by anarchists. Yet, this is part of my hypothesis. When you do the protest wall street crap, which is the forerunner to BLM and the Seattle Chaz/chap, whatever, you are promoting chaos and truly being anarchists and all the while you are being used by totalitarian arsehats, almost exclusively Democrats.

    What’s ironic is when your movement becomes problematic no matter how, the. real powers will get rid of you.

    This will go to every city and state in America. It’s not if, but when.

    That’s why I am not the Normal Rockwell depiction of a cop and child sitting together even though I try to be. Instead, I have a rifle protective vest and helmet along with a trauma kit in my passenger area of my patrol car, aside from the tourniquet on my duty belt and others nearby.

  11. Papa Biden could pardon son Hunter. Democrats are OK with this sort of corruption.
    From google: “Clinton pardoned billionare fugitive Marc Rich after his ex-wife, Denise Rich, lavishly donated to Democrats.

    “The pardon was widely viewed as a legal form of bribery. The New York Times called it “a shocking abuse of presidential power.”

    “Rich fled to Switzerland in 1983 after he was indicted for evading $48 million in taxes and buying $200 million of Iranian oil in violation of a US embargo during the 1979 hostage crisis.

    “Denise Rich gave more than $1 million to Democrats, including more than $100,000 to support Hillary Clinton’s New York Senate run and $450,000 to Bill Clinton’s presidential library.”

    Democrats are pigs. They should be converted into good hams, eaten with zeal.

  12. If Hunter really goes down soon – or if Joe Biden does – it will be because the left wishes to replace Biden and has finally found a candidate it thinks will be a winner or at least within the margin of fraud or “rigging.”


    I believe Susan Rice’s departure from Team Biden, coinciding with Biden’s reelection announcement, is a huge tell that there is now a fracture at the top of the Democrat leadership between the Biden and Obama power centers.

    Biden and his people have decided that, on the whole, they would prefer to continue being in power, however poor or senile Joe Biden might be as a candidate. Since Team Biden possesses the actual levers of power, for now, it can’t be easily overruled.

    Nonetheless, my bet is on Team Obama being the Real Power. But it is now confronted with the vexing problem of putting down the Biden Insurrection without further damaging Democrat credibility.

    Team Obama would prefer not to play the Hunter Biden card, but they may have to.

  13. In the immediate political future, probably nothing.

    As a demonstration that, when things are this bad, there may be a there there will, I suspect, affect public perception of politics in general.

  14. As a demonstration that, when things are this bad, there may be a there there will, I suspect, affect public perception of politics in general.

    Richard Aubrey:

    Assuming I read you correctly, yes.

    The usual mistake in situations like this is to focus on the maximal objective and assume that unless that is achieved, nothing has happened,

    No, Hunter Biden is not going to be frog-marched into a white collar prison, then Joe Biden flash a double-V and disappear into the sunset like Richard Nixon after Watergate.

    But some people in the center will notice and for some of them, it will be the difference which makes a difference.

    Between Gen-Z, electoral fraud and leftist institutional takeover, it’s hard to say how soon we can turn back the Woke Tide, but I can’t believe the Woke is winning more people.

  15. ‘…So we believe there are a whole lot of tips that the IRS and the DOJ don’t know about because we don’t believe they’ve done a whole lot of digging in this, and we have,” he said. ‘

    Um, uh, Mr. Comer, yer making the same mistake that Mr. Durham made when he BELIEVED, or ASSUMED, or CONCLUDED, that the FBI was A VICTIM; that the FBI had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA that they were being misled—lied to(!!!)—by Michael Sussmann and Igor Danchenko.


    No, Mr. Comer, you may have “done a whole lot of digging in this”—and good for you! KUDOS, certainly—but know this and know it well: the IRS and the DOJ(!)—all of ’em, in fact from Obama on down—know EVERYTHING about Hunter Biden, about his dear old dad, and about the entire Biden Crime Family.

    (Short version: Unbelievable that after years of Durham’s mistaken assumptions WRT to the Powers that Be (AKA the Democratic Party), Mr. Comer is falling into THE SAME TRAP.
    SIR: THEY ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER; HENCE THE MASSIVE COVERUPS OF THE COVERUPS OF THE COVERUPS OF THE COVERUPS, with a special prize going to the UBER-CORRUPT MEDIA/INFOTECH (and you wonder why there’s massive official censorship?)…all the way down the line…and coming soon to a totalitarian “democracy” NEAR YOU!)

  16. Um, let’s try “ALL ALONG” instead of “ALL THE TIME”…

  17. According to his attorney, Hunter’s Porsche has been repossessed and he was reduced to sleeping on a cot during dad’s visit to Ireland.

    The lad is addicted to mischief. His crack-house has many mansions.

  18. I agree with huxley that there seem to be fighting factions within the White House and beyond. And I agree that the recent departure (reassignment?) of Susan Rice is a sign. What it signals, I don’t know. But I don’t believe there are “Biden people.” I think Team Obama has been running things from the start, and that there are conflicts within that team. (Maybe we are both right, there might be a Biden-forward faction of Team Obama.) Whoever is running the show, I think they have been quite content with the current situation — Biden says whatever they tell him to, and provides a pretty good foil for the worst of their policies, as they can always blame his memory or his personality. Some of those handlers probably imagine they can control Kamala, but others are probably arguing the opposite. (“She is too stupid to even take orders!” “We’ll find her better drugs!”) Newsom’s record in California isn’t something that can be swept under the carpet — things will be much worse in a year — so he is doomed. He will remain a Ruling Class star, but I doubt he will gain more power.
    It’s clear that the main thing (the only thing?) the Left cares about is power, and they are committed to wielding it via The Narrative. I think this explains the rumors about Michele Obama — the comms people are probably making a strong case about what a great story that would be. I tend to agree that she won’t run, as serving would be too much like hard work, but I can imagine it happening if they sweeten the deal enough. This is probably one reason they have decided not to have primary debates. Not just to protect Biden, but to make sure the Party gets to pick the candidate, not the public. They’ll do their vetting privately and take as long as they can.

  19. Comer should immediately release, whether classified or not – online and to all media outlets, to all social media outlets – every bit of information/evidence he has obtained re: the Bidens.
    If fact, he should also set up a website that provides access to all the Biden info.

    Of course, he will never do any of his because the dumbpublicans refuse to play hardball.
    Maybe making everything public is not quite legal; but so what – since when does adhering to the law apply to demokrats – so why should the republicans follow the letter of the law??
    The dems will do anything/everything to quash this investigation – everybody knows this – but Comer will “follow the law, the rules” and all the info he has collected will end up in the trash bin.

    Here’s a great idea; appoint John Durham, under the supervision of Bill Barr of course !!! – as special prosecutor. This way justice will be 1000000000% guaranteed .
    What could go wrong?

    Heard a brief exchange betwixt Juan Williams and Newt Gingrich in which Williams, surprise surprise, was jumping thru his ass defending the Bidens. Amazing.
    And Williams has no skin in this game.

    There really is not much difference in holding opinions based upon stupidity and ignorance, or based upon the intentional and purposeful disregard of the facts.

    In either case, the result is the same; the promotion of lack of trust in “our” govt. institutions, our laws and the legitimacy of our government.

  20. Hunter is truly a gift that keeps on giving.

    I heartily recommend his book “Beautiful Things” – particularly the second chapter dealing with his adventures as a wealthy, no-holds barred crack addict. He is blissfully unaware of his absolute shamelessness.

    Now accessorized with smock, beret and palette, he creates masterpieces in the tradition of Jackson Pollock and Bob Ross. No wonder Dad is proud of him!

    His pre-artistic job was functioning as the bagman for the Biden crime family. He’s left his spoor all over Ukraine, China and The Chateau Marmont.

    And don’t forget – he diddled his late, sainted brother’s widow!

  21. I’m finishing up “The Laptop from Hell” & it’s readily apparent the Biden family was up to their eyeballs in influence peddling using VP Biden as their “golden ticket”. Hunter is a degenerate & was the family bagman just as his dad was the bagman for the credit card companies for 40 plus years. And nothing will come of this besides a slap on the wrist.

  22. I have a theory that this will probably soon result in a Watergate type situation, where they get rid of Kamala first. Then Biden. Even the leftist media seems to be turning on Brandon in recent days. But Kamala has to go first, like Agnew had to go before Nixon. The reason for that is if the VP is removed/resigns, the President can appoint whoever he wants to replace her, no questions asked. However, if Harris advances to the presidency, her VP nominee has to be approved by a majority in both houses of Congress. The Dem party does not want that, because they obviously don’t want a moderate in that office. Once Kamala is gone, then they can get to work on impeaching Biden and actually acknowledging his crimes. Coincidentally, I am seeing rumors of Kamala having a serious drug or alcohol problem, of which there is much supporting video evidence.

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