Home » The Democrats’ war against the conservative justices on SCOTUS


The Democrats’ war against the conservative justices on SCOTUS — 51 Comments

  1. And right on schedule, Katie Pavlich now has an article up about how the US Marshalls were instructed not to arrest those protestors outside SCOTUS homes despite the clear law. Garland, Mayorkis, that ignorant Sec of Interior, Buttigieg; all PoS’s and doing a fantastic job of furthering the agenda of the people actually running the government. Whoever they are.


  2. To some extent, this is what Roberts wrought with his Obamacare decision. He showed that he can be cowed by appeals to the legitimacy of the Court.

    physicsguy – I think the brazenness of the whole thing is the point. Garland testified that he couldn’t charge illegal protesters at the justices’ houses because the US Marshalls didn’t arrest of them. Everyone who knew thing one about the US government knew that was ridiculous because the US Marshalls report (ultimately) to the AG. Then it came out that the Justice Department had actually instructed the US Marshals to arrest anyone at the Justice’s houses.

    They’re gaslighting us as an exercise of raw power just because they can.

  3. Alito believes the Dobbs draft was leaked to encourage assassination. [the Overton window moved a bit. It has taken a ride on a rocket past Pluto]

    The left is seized by a religious, self-righteousness that allows no self-awareness. Not humility, no wisdom, no possibility of error. Their moral superiority is defined by their votes and political support. Any who disagree get “othered”.

    Thus, anything and everything to advance the cause is moral. Including dead conservatives.

    There’s a word to describe this.

    BTW — stealing an election is nothing compared to some of the other horrors they are willing to commit. It doesn’t even move the needle.

  4. Oopsie….
    They got Adam Schiff off the House Intelligence Committee but, um, somehow allowed his staff to stay on. The latter are therefore still in place…and doing what one might expect Adam Schiff’s staff to do.
    H/T Lee Smith Twitter roll.
    – – – – – – – – –
    “…Then it came out that the Justice Department had actually instructed the US Marshals to arrest anyone at the Justice’s houses.”

    Did you mean to say, “NOT to arrest anyone”?

  5. Another goal of what the Left is doing is to discourage conservative lawyers (as opposed to accommodating RINOs like Kennedy, O’Connor and Souter) from accepting or seeking judicial positions. If we ever have another Republican president and senate (which I doubt), who in his right mind would want to subject himself and his family to this kind of abuse and even danger?

  6. Kate says, ” Conservative justices are not allowed to have normal lives any more.”

    Case in point: a snide column about last year’s World Series that hinges on Sam Alito’s love of baseball in general and the Phillies in particular: “2022 has been a banner year for Alito, who already had the privilege of writing the Supreme Court opinion that fulfilled his lifelong dream of overturning Roe v. Wade. Now, just four months removed from taking away the civil rights of millions of people, there exists a real possibility that he could get to watch his favorite team achieve baseball immortality, too. Obviously I am not telling you to root for the Astros in this World Series, because I do not believe in encouraging anyone to do wicked, depraved things. I am simply saying that if disaster strikes and the Phillies blow this thing and the World Series ends with José Altuve howling joyously at the sky while clutching his jersey tightly to his chest, take solace in the fact that at least one bad guy will feel sad about it.”

    The only good thing about this snotty post is the number of photos of Alito wearing Phillies gear.


    Maybe this year’s Phillies will give Alito one of Bryce Harper’s bats along with tips on its most effective use.

  7. The left has been attacking conservative justices ever since the days of Bork, and then the sexual accusations against Clarence Thomas and more recently Kavanaugh.

    I always found it interesting to wonder about Bork as a what if. What I mean is that because Bork didn’t make it we got Kennedy.(Who was known as THE swing vote) However he retired and was replaced by Kavanaugh. The big what if revolves around the fact Bork died in 2012. I always wonder how it would have turned out if he didn’t get Borked. Would he have retired under W when he would have been in his late 70s? If he risked it we could have seen a reverse RBG where a staunch conservative was replaced by a liberal under Obama.

  8. well lets take a step in the way back machine, without bork would casey have turned out the same way, and a host of other decisions, now would thomas have been pushed so strongly without bork, this was a marker the left put in the way,
    like the old pre columbus maps ‘that why lies darkness’

  9. its striking how even seemingly level headed democrats like john grisham, thought that the right would be desperate enough to kill a group of justices, (in the pelican brief) to insure a court decision, having to do with oil rights,

  10. One of my predictions for this young year was that a conservative SCOTUS justice is assassinated. It appears the Democrats want to make this easier to do.

  11. What Dobbs did was toss the issue back to the state legislatures. Which meant that leftoids would have to argue their position, often in venues they did not control. This enrages them.
    Actually, the Court since 1937 has done precious little to obstruct the liberal agenda bar in two areas. It has in recent decades read the phrase ‘the right of the people’ in the 2d Amendment the way its read in every other context: as a personal right. The other area was a piece of case law from 1974 which debarred lower courts from commanding school children be bused across district lines to please lawfare goons like Joseph Rauh (the case law did not prevent Arthur Garrity from seizing control of Boston schools and making a nine-year long mess of it).

  12. BigD wrote:

    I always wonder how it would have turned out if he didn’t get Borked. Would he have retired under W when he would have been in his late 70s?

    All else equal, Bork would have had to retire prior to January 2007 for Bush to successfully appoint his replacement- the Democrats firmly controlled the Senate by that point in time.

  13. again we are exploring alternities, the dems blew up a minor down in 1990, to make yuge inroads, and ultimately to put bill clinton in office, with those squirrels like the year of the woman, the gop bent over backwards to show deference to clintons appointees, because they are schlubs, the mild accountabilitiy he was subject to in 1994, enraged the likes of obama, then at university of chicago,

  14. to be fair, charles mccarry had a similar scenario, in better angels, except terrorists had killed off two of the dem nominees

  15. I’m not fond of the E-word — Evil — but Democrat leaders knowingly putting their thumbs on the scale to up the odds of a conservative justice being murdered is definitely E-word.

    I can’t think of anything comparable in US history.

  16. the dems have gotten more brazen (recall obama’s luca brazi move re obamacare, ) so they have had to respond more forcefully, as they seek to suppress speech self defense bodily autonomy, (with the vaccine mandates)

  17. Bolsonaro, Trump and Netanyahu are all at risk of assassination. The left has gone insane. Even Naomi Wolf has noticed.

    I am a little surprised that there has been no attempt to date. That rally in Ohio where the son of a Democrat politician jumped onto the speaker’s platform with a knife is the only example I’ve seen. Of course he was not arrested and was interviewed by CNN.

  18. Wondering why the Conservative judges on SCOTUS are currently in “Biden”‘s crosshairs?
    (Why of COURSE not, at least if one has been paying ANY attention…and is not subservient to the MainStream Corrupt Media/Infotech for one’s information and analysis…)
    Short answer: “Biden” needs another hyuge distraction so that Da People won’t be able to focus on “his” perfidy, betrayal and rampant criminality.
    Longer answer:
    Compare and contrast…
    “Joe Biden ‘Engaged In A Bribery Scheme With A Foreign National’: FBI Internal Document Alleges”—
    And so (even if this comes as NO SURPRISE to those who have been paying attention), things are getting a bit “interesting” for “POTUS”
    (Or should be, at least)
    Ditto for Honest A. Blinken… Here’s Turley:
    “Blinken’s Immaculate Conception Defense: Why Things Are Likely To Get Worse For The Secretary Of State”—
    And one could well ask same thing for that evil genius heading the so-called DOJ.


    One thing is indisputable (what is referred to as “a dead cert”):
    The Democrats will—as all good and upstanding thugs dedicated to the destruction of their country (for the country’s own good, to be sure)—CONTINUE TO do their best to cause chaos, wreak havoc, sow utter dishonesty, wreck the economy, trash the military, demonize their opponents and spread doubt, confusion, despair and hopelessness AS MUCH as they STILL CAN for AS LONG as they STILL CAN…while blaming all of the results of their nefarious plans and actions on Trump and those who dare support him (and anyone else who defies “Biden”.

    Alas, it is not possible to be smug about any of this…as push is getting ever closer to shove…and the elites may well be starting to panic…hence all the “acting out”:
    “World On Cusp Of Woke Totalitarianism As Governments Act To End Freedom Of Speech”—

    + “Bonus” (anti-bonus?) as the script continues to “play out”:
    “Here We Go Again: Troubled California Bank PacWest Craters 60% On Report It Is Seeking Buyers Or Capital Raise”—

  19. It’s another day that ends in “y” and Biden’s lyin’ again…
    This time it’s Kyrsten Sinema who’s noticed(!).

    But so what?
    Really, so what?
    (I mean what’s another lie in a veritable ocean of lies…?)
    “Biden” (with a huge assist from Schumer) got what “he” wanted—and NEEDED—from her so who really cares at this point?….
    “Sen. Sinema: Biden Admin Border Claims ‘Not True’ “—
    Opening grafs:
    ‘ Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., said President Joe Biden and his administration are “factually not true” in claiming the southern border is secure.’
    ‘”Obviously, the border is not secure. Anyone with eyes can see that…. Anyone who lives in a border state like I do, born and raised in Arizona, actually takes offense at comments like that because they’re just factually not true.”…’

    Alas, dear Senator, a day late and a dollar short…
    (One could claim the exact same thing WRT Say-it-Ain’t So-Joe Manchin, who seems to have woken up, rather chastened at that, after Schumer charmed him into submission with honeyed promises, sacharine smiles, secret incantations and pats on the back—placing him, as it were, it seems, under a powerful hypnotic spell, an unbreakable trance….)

  20. If Bork had been confirmed, there would have been no Lawrence v. Texas, no Obergefell, and Roe would likely have been overturned 30 years ago by Casey.

    Maybe the cultural left would have found other ways to advance their agenda, but it’s not a stretch to suspect that they would not have been nearly as successful without Kennedy.

    Given that, I think it is very difficult to speculate about Bork’s retirement. He would have been retiring in a completely different country than the one we experienced during the Bush and Obama administrations.

  21. Also, it will be interesting to see how the wise Latina’s problems factor into this issue. Apparently, she accepted compensation from a publisher to the tune of six figures and then declined to recuse herself from cases where the publisher was a party.

    That’s one heck of a lot closer to actual corruption than any of the drivel that the Dems’ oppo firms have dredged up from the conservatives’ disclosure forms.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think this will help the right. Maybe it prevents Dems from impeaching a conservative justice, but I don’t think they were likely to do that anyway. I think they will just incorporate it into their push for Congressional regulation of the justices’ recusal rules. When the justices refuse, Dems will try to pull their security. Frankly, I don’t think the left really cares that much whether a conservative or progressive justice is assasinated. Either would serve purposes, albeit in different ways.

  22. thats how I figure, the borking allowed the dems to go to ramming speed, introducing every variety of perversion,

  23. the stupider the justice the more they cover for her, I thought soto was the nadir, then comes miss I don’t know whos’ a woman, (I know shes evil as well stupid)

  24. Is an upcoming case(s) is driving this?

    – Harvard Asian Discrimination
    – Chevron

    Both would be huge defeats for the Left.

  25. The dumbpublicans should advertise the home address and home/ cell phone numbers of all the liberal justices of the SCOTUS plus do likewise to all the leading demokrat US Senators and members of the house of representative plus that of Merrick Garland.

    They then should call for “peaceful” demonstrations outside the homes of all of the above.

    IN addition they should fund sending busloads of illegals to be dropped off in front of the home of Alejandro Mayorkas. I’m sure, he is a devout supporter of sanctuary for illegals, so in this way, he can support them up close and personal.

    The dumbpublicans need to start playing hardball with the democrats (i.e., totalitarian leftists).

    Maybe I am losing it, but I am beginning to feel that the USA as it presently exists is not long for this world.

    Just saw a poll (which I never take seriously) that shows Trump @48% vs Biden at 41%; I saw this on Trump’s truth social site, so no surprise Trump has himself in the lead; no surprise there – it’s his website.

    But that’s besides the point.

    What I find absolutely astonishing about this is that it shows Biden with a 41% approval rating.
    If this figure is anywhere near accurate, this nation is a dead man walking.

  26. — Mike K. said “The left has gone insane.”

    — Huxley — not a fan of the e-word

    Despite what may seem to be a campaign to use the word, I’m not a fan of it either. The word is the one Krauthammer chose to use in his axiom — that “Democrats think Republicans are evil.”

    Every part of what we are appalled about by Democrats flows from that observation. Liberals see politics in moral terms. They act “insane” because of their belief in their own moral superiority. They act in ways that are clearly evil because they are incapable of the humility, the wisdom, the self-awareness to contemplate the possibility that they may be wrong. They act in ways that are evil because they believe they have the right to play God with the lives of others.

    Are they insane? Are they evil? I’m not sure the words matter nearly as much as that we recognize that they are morally defective and motivated by a defective morality. And the extent of the defect is driven by their hatred. It is founded in their animus toward those who are different, toward those who disagree.

    They act like toddlers. They think like toddlers. Look at their behavior all over the country in all manner of different situations. They have the moral maturity of toddlers. But what explains the moral defects?

    How should we classify and quantify the blameworthiness of their horrific beliefs and actions?

  27. Ray SoCa on May 4, 2023 at 9:50 am said:
    Is an upcoming case(s) is driving this?

    – Harvard Asian Discrimination
    – Chevron

    Of course that is the reason. It’s battlefield prep. Affirmative action is in danger.

    Despite what may seem to be a campaign to use the word, I’m not a fan of it either. The word is the one Krauthammer chose to use in his axiom — that “Democrats think Republicans are evil.”

    No, that was the case when Krauthammer was alive. Since his death, transgender obsession has taken over. Medical schools are now teaching that gender is not determined at birth and genitalia do not matter. This is craziness. “Science” tells us that “Climate Change” is more important then a healthy diet but Science can’t figure out what chromosomes mean.

  28. Mark Judge is correct. https://stream.org/conservatives-are-not-ready-for-the-hot-war-against-the-supreme-court/

    “It’s long been noted that conservatives don’t fight with the savagery of the socialist left. We may know guns, we may be pro-military, but when it comes to really getting down in the gutter, the left gets the upper hand — probably because they are willing to go so low. In this way conservatives can even be called naive. We are kids up against the German Stasi.”

    “The American Stasi aren’t letting up. Why are we?”

    Savagery. An accurate term. Why? What motivates people to be savage?


  29. RaySoCal at 9:50 am – I think you’ve nailed it. They are going to defy/ignore the affirmative action decision and they’re attacking the legitimacy of the SC to justify it.

  30. JohnTyler – Even if it were the right thing to do, I don’t think that exposing the progressive justices would help the right. If, God forbid, there was any violence or attempted violence against a progressive justice, the response would make the exploitation of January 6th look like a child’s birthday party.

    And I don’t think the assasination attempt against Kavanaugh would even register as a counter-argument. The hypocrisy is the point.

  31. Even if it were the right thing to do, I don’t think that exposing the progressive justices would help the right.
    It’s the right thing to do. Let fatso have it over her book deal.

  32. More evidence for my theory of Democrat insanity.

    Left-wing protestors swarmed the Texas state Capitol in Austin on Tuesday, forcing lawmakers to halt proceedings on a bill that would ban gender surgeries or other sex reassignment procedures being performed on children, according to multiple reports.

    One report said the protestors, made up of “advocates and parents of transgender kids,” numbered in the hundreds, and were eventually forced out of the House gallery by state police after disrupting the proceedings with chants opposing S.B. 14.

    Austin, of course, is deep blue with the U and the government bureaucracy there.

  33. stan:

    Hate, plus the conviction that their hatred is actually noble and virtuous (see Robespierre) because the objects of their hatred are evil.

  34. What motivates savagery?

    Power. Hate may be useful but it isn’t necessary. See O’Brian in 1984

  35. I agree that Robespiere is a good example. The problem is that I don’t think the Democrats have the remaining sanity to do what the other members of the Committee of Public Safety did when they realized the danger to themselves.

    In the speech of 8 Thermidor, Robespierre spoke of the existence of internal enemies, conspirators, and calumniators, within the Convention and the governing Committees. He refused to name them, which alarmed the deputies who feared Robespierre was preparing another purge of the Convention.[1]

    On the following day, this tension in the Convention allowed Jean-Lambert Tallien, one of the conspirators whom Robespierre had in mind in his denunciation, to turn the Convention against Robespierre and decree his arrest.

    The coming chain of bank collapses might frighten enough of them into sanity.

  36. My opinion is to try and get the Conservatives to bow down to Cultural Marxists and be afraid if they try turn a case against them.

  37. Mike K:

    If it went as far as the Reign of Terror did, they might realize the danger to themselves and do the same as the French Committee of Public Safety. But it hasn’t gotten nearly to that point. They see no danger to themselves at all, at the moment.

  38. interesting about obrien, you might think he was based on dzerzinsky, but as he was an undercover operative he might be based of yakashev, he was the face of the trust the real life brotherhood that sought to sweep in all anti bolsheviks, when savinkov, a character out of conrads secret agent, was captured sidney reilly, went there to unravel the plot at the cost of his life, the twist at the end, in stalin decided all of these undercover operatives were better off dead,

  39. }}} Trump, who (according to them) was an illegitimate president.

    Face it, so was Bush II.

  40. }}} cb: File under: “Do As We Say… not as we do”


    File under
    “Rules for thee,
    but not for me…”

  41. We’re living under tyranny.

    I don’t know what to do about it. That would require someone smarter and a lot more ruthless than me to figure out.

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