Home » House passes debt ceiling law


House passes debt ceiling law — 9 Comments

  1. I don’t think either piece gets it right. There are several pieces to this Kabuki Theatre: 1) Mitch McConnell made a deal with Schumer and Biden to pass a short-term budget deal that “deprived” the Republicrat House of the ability to set part of the budget for 2023. The “only thing” they can do is wait for the CR vote later this year to set the budget for 2024. Kevi had no intention of resuming regular order for the budget as that would be against the wishes and back-pocket interests of most of the Republicrats in the House. 2) So, needing to assuage the Republican Base, Kevi (and Mitch) came up with a feint: Kevi would propose a Debt deal that would raise the debt as needed and “lock in” spending restraints. Lock In for 10 years! Like no other Congress would abrogate a deal like that in a heartbeat. 3) The fact is, the debt limit is a farce but in the current Kabuki Nation we live in, the criminals in Congress believe that they must act out the Play to keep the Citizens happy with a Comfortable Lie. So they will pretend the Debt Limit is meaningful. The fact is that the Debt Limit they are discussing is for 9/30/2022. So it must be increased and will be increased. The money has already been spent. They all know this. 4) So IMO the Senate will show they are “being reasonable” and pass a bill that Kevi can wave at the Base like Chamberlain. Then Biden will veto the bill and it will not be brought back. 5) We know that this is all Kabuki Theatre because the Debt Limit/Spending Reduction is a complicated 2-step. The one step way to cut spending is to cut the Budget. Then, the Senate is not needed to force Biden to the table. If the House holds firm, the proposed budget is all the Senate and Biden get, take it or leave it. There’s no threat of a default just a stoppage of government. 6) This will never happen for 2 reasons: I doubt there are a majority of Republicrats who will stay firm. And the Republicrats have no intention of cutting spending. They like their back pockets too much. Hence we get nothing but lies and theatre to seduce the gullible Charlie Brown voters.

  2. Jack.
    “the Debt Limit they are discussing is for 9/30/2022. So it must be increased ”
    I thought the plan of the house bill was to reduce the spending in last fall’s “inflation reduction farce” & the omnibus debacle by cutting some of the tasks that have not been done yet. (Thus that money is not spent yet.)

    Eg: by cutting (or at least reducing) the # of new IRS troops that Biden wants.
    Those positions have NOT all been filled, so, can’t we reduce spending that way? ( As just ONE example. And if Biden would sign it, or we could override veto.)
    Just trying to clear up what I thought I understood Kevin to be trying.

  3. An important aspect of its passing is the Senate Republicans current ability to achieve a majority. That’s not likely to last. I make the point, because I haven’t forgotten how much the GOP Senate leadership failed to support candidates that won their Republican primary, because they didn’t like the nominated candidate.

  4. This is literally the most important thing going on in Washington DC–this is where all the horse-trading gets done, where the Uniparty sells out the base so that they can get their cronies paid–and we tune it out because it’s boring. Then we get distracted by Bud Light cans and show up in November to Vote Harder for the people who shaft us. (The Left always votes at maximum hardness.)

    Congress does not work like they said on “Schoolhouse Rock” so it’s nothing to do with which party has how many votes. The votes that end up happening are not the process, they are the negotiated outcome of the process. The process goes on in places where the media deliberately does not look and will not report.

    Since the Right is dependent on the media for any facts, and is reduced to tweaking narratives presented for the Left’s benefit, we get suckered every time and will until we wise up to the game that is actually being played, and not the fake game that’s laid out in the news to distract us from the actual one.

  5. The Globetrotters return. I thought the woke totalitarians and thought police were the utmost concern. Nevermind …..

    Are unitards required dress for the Uniparty? Otherwise how can you identify them?

  6. globetrotters win, this crew well I have very little expectations,

    you need a supermajority to get thing passed, and turtle made that impossible,

  7. @ om:

    I had to google unitard. Google image search was interesting, to say the least.

    I legitimately did not know what to expect, and was surprised at the results, which were very form fitting and revealing.

    Explaining the search history to Mrs. Grunt will be even more interesting.

  8. Grunt:

    Sorry, that must have been TMI. Eyebleach needed on aisle 99!

    Worse than yoga pants to be sure.

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