Home » The White House was in on the Trump raid


The White House was in on the Trump raid — 15 Comments

  1. Lies all around indeed, nor should anyone be in the least surprised! What is perhaps most disheartening is not the expected mendacity emanating from 1600, but rather the distressing fact that there no longer exists any system, institution, or organization within our moribund republic in which a well-informed and rational citizen may have even the slightest faith or any real trust whatsoever.

  2. The thing with Biden is it answered definitely a question I once had. “If Nixon had been a democrat how would the press have treated him?” We now have our answer. That being said I never thought Joe “Nixon” would actually sink to staging a break-in of a political opponent but I can’t say I’m surprised that I see them stick up for him. (Ranked 12th for integrity? My a**)

  3. I too would give om the “win” but I’m skeptical that Brandon actually “knows” anything emanating from “his” White House. Equally skeptical that even IF he “knew” he would act differently.

    But yeah…well played om.

  4. Democrats used to say it’s not the crime, it’s the coverup. But it’s all good when the Democrats are doing it.

    I am reminded of a saying from Beria, perhaps the best-known of Stalin’s secret police chiefs: “Show me the man, and I’ll find you the crime.’

  5. If you thought that the White House was not in on it was, not, in fact, directing in, well, there’s not much hope for you.

    This hit job was about as “transparent” as it could be.

    Could Biden himself have been the chief operator here?

    Let me ask you another question, at this point, does Biden–minute-to minute–actually know where he is, or what he is saying?

    Biden might have said “get Trump,” but it is other people–inside the WH and out–who have orchestrated the whole shebang.

  6. If Biden still had access to his full mental faculties, the morality of whether to approve or not a raid upon Trump’s home would never have been a consideration. Only a political calculation as to the risk/reward would have been a concern and with the entire federal government safely in the UniParty’s pocket… not even a minor concern.
    Which raises a few further questions; is the utter lack of moral faculties, a sign of sociopathy? Certainly he’s “damaged goods”. But doesn’t that also apply to nearly all of Congress? And if so, does that not also apply to the body politic that elected them?

  7. It used to be that all the horrible things that the government did was covert, hidden in the shadows. People were shocked and angry when they learned about it. Now the government and the people in power really don’t care if the public knows. Nothing is ever done, they are never punished. Was there anything as egregious as Epstein’s death?

  8. My thought day 1 was no one was going raid a former President without either a President approval or the Puppeteers. Coup d’etat is the only other way because sticking your head in that raid could be your end sooner or later.

  9. “Democrats used to say it’s not the crime, it’s the coverup. But it’s all good when the Democrats are doing it.”

    Democrats are a crime family pretending to be a political party.

  10. JFM,

    Why should they worry? They own the news media and Big Tech. The DOJ, FBI, CIA and NSA are wholly owned subsidiaries of the party. They have perfected election fraud. Why worry? Why pretend? Why hide?

    And their voters have no moral principles at all. In fact, they celebrate and cheer for every evil thing the Dems do. They LOVE the destruction of the constitution and rule of law. And they really, really love the denial of the basic humanity or human rights of those they abuse.

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