Home » Are trans murderers on the increase?


Are trans murderers on the increase? — 43 Comments

  1. It’s past time for America to enact some COMMON SENSE transgender control legislation.

  2. I don’t want to see the shooter’s picture any more, or to hear her name repeated over and over, but I do think it would be useful to mental health professionals and to families with disturbed persons among them to know what mental conditions this shooter was being treated for and what medications or hormones, if any, she had been prescribed; and also what illegal substances she may have been using, if that can be determined.

    None of this would excuse or adequately explain the great evil she committed, but information might help avoid other similar events.

  3. I don’t necessarily believe that trans people are inherently more violent or more prone to becoming mass killers than other people, or at least I haven’t seen enough persuasive data to conclude anything like that anyway. But I’m a little concerned about this new (to me anyway) trend of trans activists that openly declaring that a “genocide” is being committed upon them and that they need a “day of vengence” against transphobes, with idiots like Katie Hobbs’ (former, thankfully) spokeswoman urging violence with memes. At any rate it doesn’t seem like a winning argument to threaten people with violence whenever you feel like you’re not getting your way in society.

  4. there are also a lot more trans people than there used to be.

    A little more complicated by the people who today identify as “trans” not being at all the same people as they used to be, and the word “trans” not even meaning what it used to mean.

    I’m not sure there’s any meaningful way to answer this question.

    I’m groping for an analogy, but let’s suppose that next year, for some reason, 100 million Chinese people convert to Judaism (and were accepted as Jews by most of the 15 million Jews worldwide–just for the sake of argument). Anything you wanted to say about Jews as groups would be meaningless to compare with Jews as they are today. For example, a news article that said “The majority of the worlds’ Jews used to live in Israel and the United States but now live in China” would be completely misleading unless they addressed that the vast majority of Jews had very recently been non-Jews living in China.

    Something very similar has happened with the “trans” population. The existing population, with its own ideas about what being “trans” is all about, has been utterly swamped by this huge new population that’s not the same people and are not doing it the same way.

  5. Trans is a manifestation of crazy. Trans is bubbling up, I suspect, because it has become a fashionable mechanism for attention seeking for crazy people. Shooting children is likewise crazy regardless of whether one identifies as trans or not. Crazy is the common denominator.

  6. Even with a modest increase in a propensity for violence, the continual drumbeat that one is being mistreated to the extent of “genocide” in all parts of life can make a major difference in behavior beyond that predictable from the base increase.

  7. Neo wrote, “… identifying as trans enters the mix at least somewhat. It gives the person an instant victim status and special grievances.”

    Yes, and there are some persons seeking to claim a victim status because claiming to be a victim is (a) all the rage and (b) gives meaning to their lives. And today’s victim du jour is TRANS. A sad state of affairs when some persons choose victimhood.

  8. “But I’m a little concerned about this new (to me anyway) trend of trans activists that openly declaring that a “genocide” is being committed upon them and that they need a “day of vengence” against transphobes, with idiots like Katie Hobbs’ (former, thankfully) spokeswoman urging violence with memes. At any rate it doesn’t seem like a winning argument to threaten people with violence whenever you feel like you’re not getting your way in society.”

    I doubt that there is a lot of sympathy for this nonsense outside of the crazy places in this country. They are protesting/rioting right now at the TN Capital for more gun control. This was the perfect example of why we should reduce, not increase, gun control. The child killer’s mother was apparently a zealous gun controller. But instead of turning in her precious daughter for being crazy and having guns, she pretended it away. There are laws on the books already that should have prevented this. And supposedly this school was targeted because it was a soft Gun Free target.

    Are trans more violent? Sure seem to be. I would guess more F->M than M->F, due to the hormones involved. One possibility is that male brains have an off switch for aggression. Female brains don’t seem to. First time I noticed it, was as a teenager, when I put my 13½ year younger brother up against the wall for some much needed discipline. And froze. It wasn’t something I thought through. I just froze, with him up against the wall, and I then realized that I could have really hurt him. I think that this is a survival mechanism for the species. We (healthy males) don’t keep attacking when the other male has surrendered (similar to male/male fights in many species), we don’t attack kids, and mostly don’t attack females through anger. Females, without this switch, can be more brutal in fights, not stopping until the threat is completely obliterated. (Moving back to bear country in a couple weeks where the black bears to really fear are the females with cubs). This may also be one of the reasons that we see neoteny in female humans, and it apparently increases with the level of traditional population density (highest in E Asians, lowest in Blacks). So, with trannies, they are cranking born females up with the male hormone that is the primary source of male aggression, without the targets of this therapy having the brain circuitry to handle the aggression.

    As I said, a theory, by someone with no credentials in the field.

  9. i think its still an overrepresented cohort, how many are declaring themselves this particular status, which is an unnatural state of mind,

  10. I recall an interview with a woman on male hormones. She was astonished that suddenly she would glimpse a pretty woman and become sexually turned on.

    Testosterone matters.

  11. Frederick’s point is well made. There is a population today that considers itself trans that bears no resemblance to the historical transsexual community.

    That said, changes in aggression on testosterones is from a baseline of female aggression tendencies (I would guess from inside the community). I have recognized that those biological females that go on testosterone behave much like the teen boys I grew up with. Aggressive, combative. The studies noted all have short viewing windows. Male puberty (which is what starts with testosterone therapy) tends to last 5-7 YEARS, during which time most males learn to control their innate natures.

  12. IMO when people focus on victimization, some become more inclined to violence.

    I’m convinced that the lopsided statistics of black-on-white violence compared to white-on-black is mostly due to the non-stop grievance narrative that was been force-fed to blacks for the past sixty years.

    It’s not a good thing.

  13. I was listening to Dr. Taylor Marshall yesterday and he made the point that has been touched on here by Bruce Hayden and Tracy C Coyle–when the male hormones kick-in during puberty. Dr. Marshall pointed out that our society has depended on good male role models (fathers, coaches etc) to rein in and oversee boys during this time. Just medicating people with these hormones without the attendant time-table and natural instruction that is part of the growing-up process is fraught with potential trouble. This made a lot of sense to me.

  14. Will I be the only one to observe that “transsexualism” (the technically more correct term than the popular neologism, “transgender,” which suggests a grammatical faux pas rather than a sexual pathology) is a mental illness? It is not the biological condition known as hermaphroditism, in which an individual possesses both male and female sexual organs. As a mental illness, one can certainly posit with a degree of confidence in the accuracy thereof that such people are not capable of normal thought, or in earlier parlance, “crazy.” Thus, I find no problem in stating the obvious: crazy people are dangerous, especially when they have been given a societal seal of approval to exhibit their pathology publicly and, in fact are praised (“so stunning! so brave!”) for doing so. That such people then conclude than anything less than adulation is demeaning and every critical comment an existential threat hardly requires a leap of logic. Couple this toxic brew with the drumbeat of aggression continually proclaimed in social and other media against “Nazis,” i.e., normal people who are frankly revolted at the behaviors of these tranny lunatics, and shooting up a school full of Christian kids is your result.

  15. Andy Ngo, who has quite a bit of experience in these matters, including being on the receiving end, had a tweet up saying that antifa has an inordinate number of them.
    (Whatever gets you through the night?)
    What is potentially worrisome is that the way the zeitgeist seems to be going is:
    1. You’re a victim (you’re a perennial victim—in fact, all too often YOU don’t even like yourself.)
    2. Since you’re a victim, you HAVE THE RIGHT to attack your victimizer. OR your potential victimizer. OR anyone in the group to which your victimizer (or potential victimizer) belongs.
    3. And so, if you attack your victimizer/s (or potential victimizer/s), you’re totally justified. But not only are you justified: you’re VIRTUOUS.
    (Note: “Biden” will have your back. The corrupt/perverted media will have your back. Those who shout the loudest will have your back.)
    4. With all this virtuous positive reinforcement, it’s just rinse, wash and repeat.

    What does this mean?:
    A. You are permitted to kill and/or terrorize others (it’s essentially “self-defense”) At the very least you’re allowed to intimidate ANYONE you BELIEVE/FEEL/INTUIT/ASSUME is a threat to you, which depending on how much you thrive on violence could mean a whole lotta people!
    B. You have the “golden opportunity” not only to kill but to commit “suicide by cop”…if you’re feeling “in the mood”.
    C. If you use weapons, you provide “Biden” with another great excuse to ban them, though as Bruce Hayden pointed out, above, it’s also a great reason for the law-abiding to carry.
    D. Since antifa, for “Biden”, is merely a myth, “Biden” now has a potential “mythical” army of nutters who will are prepared to wreak intimidation, violence and terror on “his” behalf. (And since “he” seeks—and cherishes—crises, this is right up “his” alley. A true “gift”.) And remember: it’s all “mythical”, so if you complain, you’re just a dumb, deplorable, racist, Trumpist, white supremacist, right winger, victimizer, etc. And so, the cohort that’s been created out of thin air is just another group that can be relied upon to cause mayhem and chaos “on order” from the powers that be.
    E. Going after Christians? For “Biden” that’s a feature! “He” can add their traditional views on trans-folks to their views on gays and their views on abortion and then get down, with the help of “his” pals in the media and REALLY demonize ’em—which “he” loves to do; in fact “he” loves to demonize even more than “he” loves ice cream.)
    F. And the public education system—with elements of the private system fully on board—is now charged with spreading this sickness all the way up and down the line. And they are taking up this “solemn responsibility” with tremendous enthusiasm. You see, they’re actually “HELPING” those kids. They’re “PREVENTING” certain suicides.

    File under: Night of the Living Dead.

  16. There’s also the issue of mob behavior, when people (trans or otherwise) who might not act aggressively as isolated individuals lose their inhibitions against violence when they become part of a mob out for blood. The recent attack on Kellie-Jean Keen in New Zealand indicates that some transpeople are excited by crowdsourced violence: A member of the mob was caught on video punching one of Keen’s elderly supporters. Later, a self-described Auckland-based “LGBTQIA+ activist” described being sexually aroused by the fact that Keen was “fearing for her life.”

    Detailed account of the violence at the Auckland event here: https://quillette.com/2023/03/28/an-auckland-mob-shut-down-a-womens-rights-activist-and-proved-her-point/

  17. Too much lying and coddling going on in this country slammed with adult sized children. Something BIG is gonna snap!

  18. I think it’s also likely that the pre-existing mental problems and diagnoses of a significant percentage of trans people are the biggest part of what’s driving the violence.

    I agree plus the ANTIFA types, who are already odd balls, have adopted this pathology. Andy Ngo says 20% of ANTIFA. I’m not sure the traditional cross dressers who began as adults are a problem. Maybe it is a variant of homosexuality. I have read that this shooter had only recently begun to describe herself as “male.” It would be interesting to see the medications she was on.

  19. Will I be the only one to observe that “transsexualism” (the technically more correct term than the popular neologism, “transgender,” which suggests a grammatical faux pas rather than a sexual pathology) is a mental illness?


    I’m pretty slow to pull the trigger on “mental illness.” I don’t know what trans is about. I’ve never been there myself.

    I have known enough gays, whom the old DSM and some conservatives were happy to label as “mentally ill,” to realize gays have a different taste in sexual partners than I, but I can’t consider them “mentally ill.”

    However, I don’t think we should totally rewire society to cater to gays or trans. The main business of the species is to reproduce and prosper, so the bias of society towards heterosexual families is good and proper.

  20. the one who tried to kill kavanaugh, (and the marshals were hands off,) on the spectrum wasn’t he,

  21. Frederick and Tracy C. Coyne: You are right.

    As Neo often reminds us, “the issue is never the issue” for the radical far left and its running-dog activists. I’ve been around long enough to see these sociopathic parasites attach themselves to cause after cause. And, as often as not, the result has been a major backlash against the people these activists claim to represent. One might reasonably ask who it is they’re actually working for.

    Of course this is not to say that these miscreants don’t attract plenty of hangers-on and useful idiots, especially when social media–driven mental contagion is a factor, as in the assault against American adolescents by transgender ideologues.

    The number of transgender people has always been and remains minuscule. The overall transgender population isn’t altered by the concentration of transgender individuals in certain cities.

    I have lived in those cities, and so I have several dear transgender friends. Every one of them wants to live quietly and fit in as well as possible. Some have had to fight for their individual civil rights but have not otherwise been especially active politically. Not one has ever had anything to do with the current craze of transgender ideology. All are uneasy about the backlash now being provoked by the crazies who presume to speak for them.

  22. “At any rate it doesn’t seem like a winning argument to threaten people with violence whenever you feel like you’re not getting your way in society.”

    Or as I put it at Chicagoboyz, ““Approve of our mental dysfunction or we will slaughter your children?”

    I wonder if the varied resistance to the Tranzis – by the various detransitioners coming out and bring lawsuits over how they were rushed into taking massive quantities of hormones and irreversible surgery — all of which they now regret, along with the resistance by families, churches and state legislatures to the Tranzi agenda, is sending the Tranzis into an uncontrollable rage. In any case, were I responsible for security at a conservative church this weekend, I would be missing a lot of sleep…
    Oh, and what Steve said, “toxic brew with the drumbeat of aggression continually proclaimed in social and other media against “Nazis,” i.e., normal people who are frankly revolted at the behaviors of these tranny lunatics, and shooting up a school full of Christian kids is your result.”

  23. “1. You’re a victim (you’re a perennial victim—in fact, all too often YOU don’t even like yourself.)
    “2. Since you’re a victim, you HAVE THE RIGHT to attack your victimizer. OR your potential victimizer. OR anyone in the group to which your victimizer (or potential victimizer) belongs.
    “3. And so, if you attack your victimizer/s (or potential victimizer/s), you’re totally justified. But not only are you justified: you’re VIRTUOUS.
    (Note: “Biden” will have your back. The corrupt/perverted media will have your back. “

    So, today, the nutters are out in force at the TN state capital, apparently demanding gun control, or some such. Possibly the same mob that protested at the TX and KY capitals for attempts to protect kids from tranny groomers. In any case, since they are victims, and thus entitled, they got violent.

  24. Nonapod said, “At any rate it doesn’t seem like a winning argument to threaten people with violence whenever you feel like you’re not getting.”

    Agreed — except that all through history, people have won arguments, and wars, and kingdoms, etc., exactly that way. King Arthur was a radical for challenging the idea that might makes right. And we appear to be headed straight back there.

  25. Fortunately Steve, it appears so. From my forthcoming book:

    “You are more than your gonads. Your masculinity or femininity is not solely grounded there. IT IS IN YOUR HEAD. There are feminine looking men that are quite clearly men. And masculine looking women that are quite clearly women. Yes, except among those clearly intersexed, your gonads define the physical aspect of your sex. But they are only one aspect of your-self-identity. Your sense of self is what gives substance to the physical, psychologically. So, we have determined that, yes, for us, the brain is the root of self, and it is the body that is wrong.”

  26. Argh, I had a comment almost ready to go and somehow lost it.

    But anyway, what I wanted to say is that Sharon W and several other commenters make fascinating points about testosterone and its potential effect on former women who use it to become more like men. Among the many contradictions that attend this subject on the left, this particular one had not occurred to me. But, yes, indeed, how often have we heard about “testosterone poisoning” as an explanation for this crime, that war, or whatever terrible thing we might be discussing? It’s received wisdom, at least on the left, that testosterone is toxic. For the left it’s the default explanation for most of the evils of the earth. And yet, all of a sudden, it’s also received wisdom that if a WOMAN chooses to inject herself with testosterone so that she can be more like one of those (formerly evil) men, then it’s admirable, beneficial, wonderful, unquestionable — practically a sacrament. Certainly not to be questioned in any way.

    As my now-adult former children would say, WTF?

  27. A couple more data points, though at this time I am clueless how to seamlessly include them in the discussion:

    – Word in the disabled community is that those on the Autism spectrum are inordinately getting themselves roped into the trans foolishness. Apparently the Nashville shooter was on the spectrum. Rather than getting treated for Autism, which we know how to deal with though it is hideously difficult, the school systems are kicking those kids out to the trans solution (whatever that is).

    – Anyone else remember the leftist zeal to remove firearms from the mentally ill, most notably going after vets with PTSD? If the shooter was under treatment for mental illness, why did she get to purchase a gun? I absolutely guarantee the left will exploit this nine ways from Sunday given the opportunity, but there was a time where firearms in the hands of the mentally ill was a Bad Thing.

    – Finally, given the last, somewhere along the line, we are gonna have to come to grips with the notion that gender dysphoria in all its glorious trappings (/sarc) is a mental illness now aided and abetted by the education and public health apparat. Cheers –

  28. Censorship’s still popular amongst the corrupt media.
    (They would call it ” being responsible journalists” or “being circumspect” or “not jumping to conclusions” or “protecting the privacy of the individual” or whatever…)

    I guess they can call it what they want.
    (Too bad for Trump that he’s not trans, I guess….)

    “CBS execs bar the word ‘transgender’ from reports on Nashville shooter: ‘This is not journalism’ “—

    + Bonus: (Talking about “ridiculous”…)
    Wonder where this genius is “on the spectrum”…
    “Michigan college professor suspended for saying some conservative campus speakers should be killed”—
    “Interesting grafs:
    ‘…”When right-wing groups invite such speakers to campus, it is precisely because they want to provoke an incident that discredits the left, and gives more publicity and validation to these reprehensible views than they could otherwise attain,” he wrote.
    ‘ “The protesters get blamed instead of the bigoted speaker; the university administration finds a perfect excuse to side publicly with the racists or phobes; the national and international press has a field day saying that bigots are the ones being oppressed, rather than the people those bigots actually hate being the victims of oppression,” the post continued.
    ‘Wayne State President M. Roy Wilson condemned the post in an email to the students and said that the university notified the police.

    Pretzel logic in 3D and living technicolor…

  29. well no, we invite a speaker because we want to hear him speak, it’s a novel notion,

  30. But but but I swear I saw a fact checker headline saying that it is false — there is no rise in trans killing people!

    (Behold my shocked f…)

  31. Audrey the Mass Murdere did it as terrorism, seems many think her letter they are keeping quite would prove it was.

  32. Skip
    Heard some reports today about that subject.

    Seems the fibbies redacted all the references to the Religion which must not be named from the Pulse nightclub shooter’s writings. Even though the whole thing had been public beforehand.

    We shall see.

  33. Plenty of trans people are quite stable mentally and lead productive lives. However, mental instability and/or outright mental illnesses are more common among people identifying as trans. But certainly not all of them.

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  35. I do not have any real experience with trans people. I have watched interviews with people who were trying to de-transition. They seemed to have in common a desire to not be themselves, much like some people use a ‘geographic cure’ to fix their problems. When they find out that what they did to themselves did nothing to help with their problems, they get angry at the world that led them to this.
    There are many things in our society/world we are trying to do that are too early. When we have the technology to switch between sexes and BACK who cares what you were born as. The same thing with EVs and batteries.

  36. Update on the Trans Day of Vengeance rally scheduled for this weekend in Washington: it’s been canceled because “The safety of our trans community is first priority. This threat is the direct result of the flood of raw hatred directed toward the trans community after the Tennessee shooting,” the coalition said on social media. “Individuals who had nothing to with that heinous act have been subjected to highly serious threats and blamed only because of their gender identity. This is one of the steps in genocide, and we will continue our efforts to protect trans lives.”


    Psychological projection, it’s a beautiful thing.

  37. Dog Day Afternoon was based on fact.

    Now, it seems like life is more and more based on Dog Day Afternoon.

    Pacino’s character held up a bank to pay for his partner’s operation, but it might have been possible to discern “trans rage” as a possibility even back in the Seventies.

    See Stonewall as well. Much debate now about the role of transwomen as the real firebrands and the credit they did or didn’t get for it.

  38. One issue I don’t see being explored is that of if these shooters are taking SSRI anti-depressants. Their warning labels specifically state that a known side effect is increased feelings of rage, aggression, and/or suicide. Many, maybe most of the previous mass shooters were on SSRIs at the time they committed the crime.
    How many people, especially kids and young adults, are taking these? A study in the Citizens Commission of Human Rights International states in 2017, over 4.6 million people between 13-24 yoa in the US were taking them. If 1% of them were experiencing aggressive/suicidal tendencies, that’s 46,000 people. Given a group that size, why is anyone surprised at these shootings?
    The Nashville shooter reportedly was being treated for an unidentified mental health issue. Was she taking SSRIs? Was she on some sort of testosterone therapy? Are these contributing factors? I don’t know, but I would think so. What I do know is that I don’t see the MSM, doctors, mental health people, the government, etc. looking into this. A cynical person might attribute it to a desire not to break anyone’s rice bowl, since it’s a 40 billion dollar revenue stream for Big Pharma.

  39. Abraxas:

    Dog Day Afternoon makes perfect sense, bank robery, death, denial of physical reality (better life through chemistry and surgery) now trying to be mainstreamed and normalized by the media and Hollywood. Forty years of The Rocky Horror Picture Show cult on college campuses didn’t help either.

    Leads to murders of innocents by a was/were.

    A cultural cancer.

  40. they want more psychotic killers, like the ones that targeted kavanaugh, who the marshalls were enjoined from arresting,

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