Home » It’s Monday – let’s have a roundup


It’s Monday – let’s have a roundup — 40 Comments

  1. 1). It will be interesting to see what is revealed by all this footage. I don’t really have big expectations or anything, but who knows?

    2). I’ve always felt that Chinese people seem to place more stock in strong centralized authorities than people of western descent. But they also seem to be somewhat in alignment with American Conservatives in certain social areas like traditional family values. Due to that it may be that all the heavy “woke” push by the Left my drive Chinese American voters away from the Democrats at bit. Just my impression.

    3). Given this guy’s history none of this is surprising at all. But I’m not expecting much to come of this in terms of consequences for Fauci unless Rand Paul becomes president or something.

    4). It’s odd that CNN still even exists to me. Seriously, is anyone still watching it, not counting pets whose owners left their TV on at least?

    5). AOC’s various stupidities and hypocrisies always amuse.

  2. (5) AOC got some previously-unreported freebies.

    Plus, the DOT refuses to release information on the cost of Sec. Pete’s air travel, as requested by Sen. Rubio.


    (2) That is a curiosity, only partly explained by GOP incompetence. Let’s vote for the people who will keep our children out of the elite universities! Sure, why not?

  3. I seldom watch TV of any kind, but I might just tune in to see what Tucker Carlson has for the next couple of nights.

  4. The most sensible explanation for the leftist politics of so many (mostly urban) Americans of East Asian descent is that so many of the youngsters have been thoroughly indoctrinated, for decades, by a toxic ideology in our CultMarx madrassas (aka institutions of higher education). John Derbyshire has an interesting theory of the Biden administration’s being motivated by Null-T (whatever was done by the evil OrangeMan must be undone). Others contend that all the evil (such as the porous southern border) is part of a deliberate plan of destruction (the treatment of conservative and traditional white middle-class Americans as kulaks to be relegated to the dust-bin of history, in Bolshevik/Leninist/Stalinist fashion, would seem to support this).

  5. The problem is that Tucker may not be watched by a lot of Independents and Dems. I have to say that I don’t like a lot of Tucker either. He is stuck on Ukraine, a true isolationist. But I will watch tonight.
    Nothing will happen to Fauci, as we know.
    Actually Trump was starting to get more votes from the Indian population in the US. I mean the subcontinent Indians.

  6. The pre-trial incarceration for two years of so many charged with misdemeanors is an American judicial outrage. Now we are offered proof that Covid-19 was created by China and their culpability hidden by our medical leaders and the media!

    I am beyond angry. Cue tumbrels!!

  7. Regarding #2,

    It is example 7,834,942 of the GOP’s fecklessness, but they ought to be sponsoring, promoting, recruiting… foreign language “Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity” type AM radio broadcasters in the major markets.


    I’m not a Tucker fan either. But the problem with who to give the videos to is that no one who would be willing and able to do the task objectively has his kind of reach, and anyone willing to do the task objectively (even if previously thought of as a moderate) would immediately be demonized by the left for doing so.

  9. Oh, I think leftists will be watching Tucker, in order to try to “refute” whatever he comes up with. With Twitter now not nearly as leftist-dominated, video clips from his research will hit, and people will see them.

  10. Worse fear is Tucker won’t start with the major questions of who, where and when the operatives came into picture and as important vanished. Anything on the unknown Scaffold Commander and anything on Ray Epps.
    Next is anything on the murders of Ashlii Babitt and Roseanne Boyland

  11. Probably just for giggles i sometimes glance at chris hayes ridiculous pantomine on msnbc i dont bother with cnn neither do most people

  12. Pretending that none existent things are there and vice versa is a big part of media

  13. No holds barred column by newbie at Powerlineblog. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/03/dems-keep-pushing-the-limits-so-what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it.php

    “We are fighting a powerful enemy. The Democratic Party has grown to include the Justice Department (and the FBI), Big Tech, and the liberal media. They all work together to carry out the party’s agenda. If there had been any lingering doubts about their collusion, the release of the Twitter Files has erased them.

    The Democrats will keep on pushing their limits for as long as they can and they are willing to do whatever it takes to win.

    Conservatives need to open their mouths. It’s time to fight as if the future of America depends on it. Because it does.”

  14. As you can see from Miguel’s first snippet above, not only was Brian Sicknick not murdered by J6 MAGA tourists, he was yet another police officer who waived them into the Capitol.

    Nothing unusual about that. I got the same warm, welcoming greeting from the Capitol Police on my visits years ago. After all, it’s the People’s House.

  15. It is apparent by now that, in the vast expanse of media, Tucker is the sun in the firmament. I’m not looking for an argument, as I consider it beyond debate. It breaks my heart to see sentiments to the contrary – and on this blog of all places.

    The sun in the firmament I say!

  16. The “Left” as represented by the Chinese Communist Party, and the “Left” as represented by what we have in the US, are not in the same league or even in the same sport.

    I would say that Asians in America have no understanding whatever that the Left in the US is anything like the Left in Asia because it isn’t. The People’s Republic of China has no truck with same-sex marriage and no interest in accommodating the transgendered. They also don’t give a crap about “diversity” as we use the term, nor the environment.

    They gravitate to the Left in the US because the Left operates a racial spoils system and until the last 10-20 years Asians were favored under that system, that’s all.

  17. Well, he did prove that the Democrats lied about several things about January 6th. I knew all that anyway.

    Neo covered Officer Sicknick’s death pretty thoroughly. And Ray Epps has been all over the internets. Some of the footage of the Q-Anoin Shaman was mew, but not surprising.

    I was hoping to see something I didn’t know or hadn’t heard about. I’m hoping for that tomorrow.

  18. JJ, WE knew this Officer Sicknick stuff already, and long ago. But showing the actual video of him walking around is another thing entirely. I’m not holding my breath, but surely SOME people who see it will realize they’ve been had, no?

    And the Josh Hawley footage was interesting and didn’t back up what they’d been saying about him.

    Banned Lizard: I’m with you all the way.

  19. The J6 material in the first 80% or so of tonight’s TCT might be the greatest in TV history – including the moon landing, Beatles on Ed Sullivan, you name it.

    Truth had a very good night.

  20. There are quite a few east Asian republicans holding office in Southern California, both locally and the national level (representatives). But then there is moonbat Ted Lieu in nocal.

    I hang out and have worked with a lot of East Asians and they are indeed all socially conservative, don’t truck to any of the woke stuff etc. But I feel a lot of them pull the dem lever if they follow the leftist narrative. I had one friend tell me about all the violence to Asians and how it worried him. I pointed out this is almost all from blacks. Yet he shrugged that off and insinuated it was trumps fault. I let it rest.

  21. Footage of officer Sicknick was a great start, I knew it was natural causes because news radio said family said it was about 2 days after Jan6.
    But if you ever want a example of a lie being used as a weapon Sicknick is it.

  22. Well, how the leftist news outlets will handle the J6 tapes is clear. ABC, CBS, this morning, nothing. NBC says Tucker Carlson “falsely” claims the J6 riot was peaceful. That’s all. On local affiliates, nothing.

  23. There was no confrontation so you have to ask yourself like we do with news from russia they really fell out of that window.

  24. Nbc lies about the number of moons in the sky, about certain hospital tapes et al

  25. Hotel tapes, but they never tell the truth sanford ferguson baltimore benghazi orlando et al

  26. Whatever hypocrisies I may be guilty of, this is not one of them. I have my issues with Tucker, including over Ukraine, but for this I would and will forgive almost everything. I have always been consistent that America’s freedom must come first and I feel this will likely be what the Pentagon Papers were sold as, but even more decisive for the soul of America and its liberties.

    Hopefully it can gut the momentum behind the Jan 6 fiasco.

  27. I wonder if Q Shaman will end up being released? I mean, he obviously should be. But will he be? Or will he end up doing the full 41 months in order to protect the false narrative?

    What will be the ramifications of all this? Just how far have we drifted from any sense actual justice in this country. Are we just a banana republic with a largely apathetic citizenry who knows full well that their government (and media) is completely corrupt but does nothing? Will Democrat voters actually care about this? Will they even find out?

  28. Sorry Turtler.
    1. It will be smothered by the usual suspects.
    2. Insofar as it is not smothered, it will all be declared as “untrue” or “uninteresting” or “irrelevant” (by the usual suspects) simply because it is in Trump’s interest to believe in the truth of it. (That is, it is in the DEVIL INCARNATE’s interest to believe that the truth is in fact true.)
    3. It will be rebranded (by the usual suspects), using the laughably specious “but it clearly compromises the Capitol’s security” argument as “Trumpian INSURRECTIONISTS continuing the INSURRECTION by other means”…
    4. And since the truth is now believed to be the Devil’s work (that is, if the truth exists at all) the “Biden” version of events will be believed by its thoroughly brainwashed hyper-Manichean supporters, readers and viewers.

    “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past…”

    Now how does one go about cutting THAT Gordian knot….?

  29. So they are the plantados, or zeks if you will (a little goodwinning is in order)

  30. Not that I’m really plugged in (unlike some of the others here), but this is a name I’ve not been aware of…
    Once again, I’d recommend Jeff Carlson’s twitter feed, along with that of Hans Mahncke…
    + Bonus (Kinzinger “unbound”…actually, make that “unhinged”)

  31. }}} The East Asians are less strongly to the left

    You mean “Orientals”…?

    It’s about damned time to reclaim that word from leftist idiots, don’t you think?

    It’s no more “pejorative” than “Chinese” or “Japanese” or “Vietnamese”.

    It’s the name for a region of the world. It’s not a slur.

    Please stop pandering to leftist idiots trying to keep you off balance by abusing terms to mean things they don’t mean… and yes, that includes “like as slurs” when they are clearly not.


  32. Asian-Americans tend to be recent arrivals who aren’t yet assimilated, or educated professionals who have been too assimilated to the ways of the college-educated upper middle class, and those are both groups who vote Democrat. If you feel an outsider, the tendency is to vote Democrat. That lessens over time as one comes to fit in. In modern America, some people of color go from being poor outsiders to being prosperous and still feeling like outsiders without feeling like they fit in anywhere along the way.

    That Chinese- and Korean-Americans are more willing to support Republicans than Indian-Americans has to do with Communism, but perhaps the fact that many of them have small business of their own that they built up on their own, while South-Asian immigrants are more often educated professionals who share opinions with the current Democratic Party and are looking for a way into the power structure. The perks available to an entrepreneur are greater than those a dry cleaner can get. Of course, there are South Asian small business owners, but so far they don’t seem to be as at home in America as East Asians do.

    Our Indian-American neighbors were Republicans during the Bush years and Democrats when Obama was in. That habit of supporting the party in power comes into play with some South Asians. Trump may have been an exception, but was he really in power when he was in the White House? The real power was with the permanent government. FWIW, Bush had great support from Arab-Americans when he ran in 2000. They didn’t like Clinton’s foreign policy. All that changed of course after 9/11 and Bush’s wars.

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