Home » Open thread 2/10/23


Open thread 2/10/23 — 27 Comments

  1. The FBI is now searching Mike Pence’s home for classified documents.

    Most of us, even the worst of us, want to be able to look in the mirror and lie to ourselves about having integrity. That’s why it is so important to not make ethical exceptions or create special circumstances when things usually inappropriate are suddenly okay.

    There are people in the FBI and DOJ who are going to spend the rest of their lives trying to retroactively justify the raid on Mar-a-lago and they’re going to degrade and undermine public trust and civility along the way,

    I mean, unless you truly believe Pence deliberately stole top secret info to sell to China, searching the home of a former GOP Vice President just as a GOP House is investigating the “weaponization” of federal law enforcement is suicidally insane.


  2. he hired a bunch of deep state locusts like jennifer walters, who was involved in the plame fraud, made so much about ‘the insurrection’ so I’m schadenfreude, about it,

  3. Richard Thompson is about the same vintage as Bonnie Raitt.
    I especially enjoy the fact that unless you can play some “inside ‘music’ baseball,” you may not be familiar with Thompson…I’d almost forgotten until I hit “play.”

    Thanks Neo…I’ll pass this one along to my son-in-law too. Always a good day when the old man can give the young fella musical surprise!

  4. Next, from a link at Hayward’s piece at Power Line, a discussion of DeSantis and foreign policy. That’s an important consideration when choosing a presidential candidate.


    All things considered, when DeSantis’s statements on foreign policy matters are taken as a whole, he comes across as neither a hyper-interventionist, nor a dove, nor a liberal. Instead, he comes across as someone who favors a strong U.S. military, together with a certain care and decision in using it. Multilateral institutions receive no automatic submission in his view. Nor do anti-American dictators who insist on diplomatic, economic, and strategic concessions from the United States. Taken together, this is an outlook sometimes described as Jacksonian. We could do a lot worse. In fact, we frequently have.

  5. Kate, thanks for those links.

    As a Florida resident for now 18 months I’m very happy with DeSantis. He would make a great president, but I fear what will happen to Florida if he leaves for the White House.

  6. One report says-

    Russia doesn’t like [the world’s oil companies?] trying to put caps on countries’ oil production.

    So in response to that- Russia is cutting 500,000 barrels of oil, from its [daily] oil production.

    So I guess that lots of European countries, and maybe the US, can expect- [OIL and GASOLINE] to get more expensive, again.

    Here’s a link:


  7. I saw Fairport Convention at Knebworth 1979, didn’t go to see them obviously.

    Waiting to see how much damage Pence will do.

  8. While driving into town I was listening to FOX on the shoot down today over Alaska another “object”. I just could not believe the wishy washy demeanor of the senior military people, and the pols weren’t much better.

    I do not understand why they had to have the President, any President, approval to shoot down an “object” that is not ours that is in our airspace. It should be SOP.

  9. “A couple of links for those who accuse DeSantis of being an “establishment Republican.””

    The chief basis for criticism of DeSantis is that he’s cozy with/being supported by establishment Republicans. If he wants to address those concerns, a few choice remarks about Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney might do it.

    As for DeSantis and foreign policy, he doesn’t appear to be a warmongering nutjob like Lindsey Graham but he flatly hasn’t done or said enough in the area for anyone to have much idea what he’d be like.


  10. they are hollow men, shirehome, China has their number from general Milley on down, they are even buying up military academies like trump’s alma mater, new york military academy,

  11. …searching the home of a former GOP Vice President just as a GOP House is investigating the “weaponization” of federal law enforcement is suicidally insane.

    Come on Mike. You know better than that. They operate with zero fear of reprisal, and I’m sorry to say, rightfully so.

  12. Desantis has been bold against the woke mob, without the rancor you might expect from a Trump on a subject. I do not know how Desantis would be on foreign policy. Whoever is president must recognize that America’s debt prohibits outlandish military spending. I have always supported a strong military, but I suspect that it is time to cut spending on the Army. Not the Navy. Not the Marines. Not the Air and Space Force. And not the Coast Guard. But the Army. Reduce Brigade level strengths by a few companies, while keeping those companies alive on paper, just not active. Either that or bring most forces home from Europe, which might be better.

  13. Shirehome:
    “I do not understand why they had to have the President, any President, approval to shoot down an “object” that is not ours that is in our airspace. It should be SOP.”

    That was the SOP BO. (Before Obama.) This is not the military you or I served in. Our senior people are mostly, in the words of Colone David Hackworth, “Perfumed Princes.” They have risen to the top by being butt kissers and not rocking the boat. Obama favored them for promotion. Just one of many things Obama did to fundamentally transform this country.

  14. Dr. Ryan Cole’s Biopsy Results May Explain The Shocking Rise In “Mysterious” Cancers — He Explains There Is Spike Protein “Inside Every Single Cancer Cell”

    The finding relates to a rise in sudden unexpected and aggressive cancers. Is it significant? Is this the beginning of an unravelling that will lead to truth commissions and Hague trials?

    As elites watch the rise of damning evidence against them, what might they use to destroy the evidence? Would a WWIII nuclear exchange do the trick?

  15. Well, House Republicans, newly in charge, are holding oversight hearings, looking at things like Twitter’s censorship of conservatives and their ideas.

    Lots of rhetorical thunder from the Reps, lots of blank looks, “I dunno nuffin,”’ and I “have no specific memory of that” from the witnesses.

    Bottom line, will any of these malefactors or the companies they worked for face any real consequences? Companies much more heavily regulated or, even, broken up, any hefty fines, or jail time?

    Based on past experience, no.

    It’s all just Kabuki, and Kabuki, I suspect, that not many people are even aware of, or watching.

  16. om–I was hoping for something different but, alas, I didn’t see it.

    If anyone needed proof that our government is essentially “broken,” non-functional, this is it; essentially powerless conservative members of Congress, shouting into the wind.

  17. Snow & Om:
    Although tangible outcomes from hearings & investigations are extremely unlikely (and Freedom Caucus reps know this), I think they are playing a political long game by raising public awareness. With Dems in control of the Senate and WH, that’s about all they can do at this point.

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