Home » Another brave person on the left speaks out…


Another brave person on the left speaks out… — 28 Comments

  1. Pauvre leftoid! “Do no harm” is so hopelessly platonically outre!

    Get with the program, as any self respecting transvaluing in-grouper (that’s grouper, not groper!) would do — it’s “harm, harm, and harm again”! Sheesh.

  2. Wow. All credit to this woman, who has seen the horrors of adolescent “gender” treatment first-hand. Two visits with a therapist, and a child’s body can be permanently damaged. Also note that this author is herself a lesbian, partnered with a woman presenting as a man, so she is no “transphobe.” As she says, huge numbers of patients at these pediatric gender clinics are children with a wide variety of problems. It would be far better to try treat those other problems rather than pretending that a sex change will solve them.

    She also notes that the vast majority of these patients are not among the rare cases of children born with anomalies in their sexual development, for whom of course there may be a need for compassionate treatment.

    There are a hundred or more of these clinics all around the nation, profiting from the misery of children. This is evil.

  3. Kate notes that gender clinics “profit from the misery of children.” And how!– as in so many other matters– let’s follow the money involved in gender transition. One source notes that the total cost of transition may run as high as $200,000 to $300,000 (as of 2022). This cost includes not only surgery but also hormone treatments ($300 to $2400 per year); hair removal (as much as $400); voice coaching ($30 per session)– and let’s not forget the government’s sticky fingers in this mess: filing for a legal name change costs between $150 and $500, with an additional fee of $15 to $20 for every copy of the legally certified name change.


    It’s interesting that gender clinics themselves are anything but forthcoming about the cost of their services; their websites typically advise would-be patients to phone the clinic for a “consultation,” including whether the inquirer’s health insurance would cover the costs of gender transition. Jamie Reed, the woman who wrote the article Neo cites, does not mention the salary she was paid by the gender clinic in St. Louis where she used to work, but I should think she was well compensated.

  4. But will she ever own up to the fact that her very beliefs and lifestyle is part of what fueled this destructive craze? That her spouse is a “transman” is a complete lie and just another facet of the insanity that’s destroying children in St. Louis. “He” is a lesbian woman pretending to be a man who may or may not have had chemical and surgical treatments to more closely approximate the male sex.

    And how healthy can it be for her children to grow up with two mothers, one of whom is pretending to be a man? And look at her freaking tattoos. This is not a healthy person. No doubt her heart is in the right place with her concern for the children and teenagers subject to these atrocities, but she is at heart a liar, a nutjob, and as she participates full stop in the “trans” game, complicit in what she’s opposing. Do us sane people really want to have someone like that as an ally?

  5. The governor of Utah signed a bill on January 29 banning gender-affirming surgery on minors who have not been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. “The state’s Republican-dominated legislature prioritized the ban and considered a first draft of the measure less than 10 days ago, two days after the Legislature opened this year’s session Jan. 17. Gov. Cox signed it a day after the Legislature sent it to his desk. The governor said it was important to pause ‘these permanent and life-altering treatments for new patients until more and better research can help determine the long-term consequences.'”


    The sponsor of the bill is a Republican legislator with an MD who practices family medicine and urgent care in Lindon, Utah.

  6. Gadgets always ask Qui Bono? In this case, it is the transgender crowd gaining power, and the medical community getting lots of money. Money and power can calm any qualms about hurting other people.

  7. A young woman posted a little rant on twitter about how Harry Potter meant so much to her growing up, which is what led her to getting an entire HP-themed sleeve tattooed on her…but now she hates it so much and is embarrassed by it since, you know, that awful wench JK Rowling is a huge transphobe.
    Luckily, she’s getting a nice slap of reality in the responses – “Oh? You regret a permanent alteration you made to your body when you were younger? Do go on…”

  8. Where is the money coming from to pay for this treatment? Surely not all the parents are wealthy. Are insurance companies going along with this?

    It appears to be a racket designed to enrich these pediatric centers. There is no valid science and the mental therapists that are going along with this should have their licenses revoked.

    How do such things happen in a decent society? We are now faced with two choices – NORMAL or CRAZY. Thank goodness this woman chose normal.

  9. “But will she ever own up to the fact that her very beliefs and lifestyle is part of what fueled this destructive craze? That her spouse is a “transman” is a complete lie” – Thanks Marisa…I was hoping this would get a notice.

    She’s still part of the cult…just like a rat leaving a sinking ship she senses that there’s a comeuppance in the offing & is giving herself a bit of “distance” before it gets bad.

    “She is at heart a liar” Her “father” would be so proud of her.

  10. Marisa and John:

    A mind is a (extremely) difficult thing to change, as Neo has pointed out many times and many of us know personally.

    Yes, this woman is still on the left and presumably still buys into much of the underlying belief system surrounding transgenderism. But she has recoiled at the blatant abuse, destructiveness and immorality of exploring vulnerable minors. And, she is speaking out publicly about it. Those are giant steps.

    Political/ideological ‘transitioning’ (excuse the irony of that term) is slow process for most people. There are ‘Aha!’ Moments periodically but it takes time to digest and process new information and arguments, humble yourself in acknowledging you were wrong and be open to changing your outlook. Many people never make it through the process; many on the left double and triple down, getting frustrated and angry in so doing.

    This woman is well on her way, but it will take a lot more time and searching for her to make a full break. She might never do it. But I hope she does

  11. Some vets do house calls…

    Or take “Lia” to Iowa, where the Cedar Bend Humane Society celebrates February as Neuter-a-Tomcat Month: https://www.cedarbendhumane.org/tomcat

    An experienced vet can neuter a tomcat in about 2 minutes. “Lia,” of course, might take a bit longer due to the need for a bigger cage and a larger dose of anesthesia . . . .

  12. I would suggest that castration should be the chief criterion for these trannies that seek contact with females in sports, student bathrooms and prisons. That would certainly solve the pregnancy problem in women’s prisons.

    Ann Althouse seems more sympathetic to the tranny movement.

  13. It may be that transmania has peaked: There’s a new article posted by The Federalist about detransitioners and their difficulties obtaining any kind of help from the doctors and therapists who originally encouraged them to transition: “Over the past year, Independent Women’s Forum has documented multiple stories of detransitioners who also report being abandoned by medical and mental health professionals after deciding to detransition. . . . [One detransitioner] doesn’t know why she’s been turned away from so many doctors and medical providers — whether it’s about money, politics, or a lack of knowledge to help. If it’s the latter, one might ask why medical professionals are allowed to put individuals, including minors, on drugs and ‘treatments’ that they’re unable to later undo or address, should that patient change his or her mind.”

    Several personal videos by detransitioners at the link: https://thefederalist.com/2023/02/10/detransitioners-are-being-abandoned-by-medical-professionals-who-devastated-their-bodies-and-minds/

    It won’t be long before the mother of all class action suits is filed.

  14. Update to Jamie Reed’s letter to Missouri’s attorney general: the AG confirmed yesterday that he began an investigation into the St. Louis gender clinic two weeks ago: “Andrew Bailey confirmed the probe Thursday after whistleblower Jamie Reed, 42, came forward with damning allegations about the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. A ‘full investigation into these shocking allegations’ was launched two weeks ago, the Republican prosecutor said. . . . The university also said it was ‘alarmed’ by the allegations and was ‘taking this matter very seriously’ with its own investigation.”


  15. I noticed that she said she was “to the left of Bernie Sanders” – so, a communist? – but I read the full article and appreciated her honesty. I don’t see the Left as a whole letting the trans thing go. They need it. They need society to buy into the concept that you can change your gender on a whim. That you can “identify” as something and make it so. Leftism is ultimately a campaign against reality, and the trans movement helps them tremendously. That’s why when it comes to trans issues, the rights, feelings, and beliefs of any other group of people, even if historically a group the Left claimed to care about, go out the window.

  16. Many years ago someone who was an incredible blogger (I only discovered his site after he stopped) wrote a great piece about how the left not only never stops pushing, but that it can’t. They are never satisfied because their aim is not whatever it is they are screaming about at the moment.

    They are nihilists bent on destruction. I think David Horowitz has written something about the nihilism lately. But this blogger years ago was trying to warn normal people that they can never get the peace they hope to achieve by giving in.

    It was such an easy thing to think once upon a time. These lefties are all worked up, they’re making everyone miserable, we don’t agree with them on this issue, but if we give in and make them happy, we can start working to build a better society. All the turmoil is destroying us. Buying some peace with surrender will give us a chance to get on with our lives.

    There’s never any peace. Because the issue was never the issue. There’s always going to be another issue, another cause, another war they insist on fighting.

    The more normal people surrendered the harder and farther the hate-filled left pushed. This whole trans thing is stupid. Little kids are mature enough to hack up their bodies permanently? Sure.

    The next thing will be worse. And the next worse than that.

  17. Where are they getting what amounts to the cannon fodder?

    I’ve mentioned the Slenderman stabbings before. Two twelve year olds concluded that to get Right with some nutty on-line cartoon character they had to murder a friend. They tried, but not having grown up on a self-sustaining farm, none of the nineteen strikes were fatal.
    I think one has recently gotten out of the mental hospital.

    As a friend of mine used to say, If it’s this bad, it’s gotta be worse.

    Instead of thinking of the Slenderman Stabbing as a one-off, what if it’s the far end of a normal distribution? How many things half as bad happened? Only a little less bad? Only as a quarter as bad?

    Consider the full trans as the tail of the phenomenon. How many horrible things not quite as bad, and….so forth.

    Point is, kids are vulnerable, perhaps more today than earlier, to social pressures and those are laid on a thousand times as heavily as a generation earlier.

    And the trans industry sees fat city. I’d be interested in any connections between various influencers, trans-affirming web sites and the Business.

    Vanderbilt Medical Center said the quiet part out loud–this business is a “cash cow”. Even internal emails can get you into trouble when you say the quiet part out loud.

    The writer is part of the issue. Left of Bernie Sanders plus all the other stuff. This means that no social convention, no good advice from thousands of years of cultural experience, no experience, can be allowed. It’s all racism, misogyny, patriarchy…..

    That, by erasing and peeling off the social experience, is how trans got to be a big deal. And the writer was and is part of it. That it seems to have hit closer to home–she’d prefer other people do it out of her sight, I expect–than is comfortable is irrelevant.

    And she’ll keep doing it.

  18. Richard Aubrey: All good points, well stated.
    I worry about my nieces and nephew. The oldest just turned 12 and got a phone for her birthday. Within a few months she ends up at the school psychologist office for self harm thoughts and anxiety. Note: she was seemingly completely fine before she had the phone.
    So much evil in this world. God help us.

  19. Stan said: “ Many years ago someone who was an incredible blogger (I only discovered his site after he stopped) wrote a great piece about how the left not only never stops pushing, but that it can’t. They are never satisfied because their aim is not whatever it is they are screaming about at the moment.
    They are nihilists bent on destruction. I think David Horowitz has written something about the nihilism lately. But this blogger years ago was trying to warn normal people that they can never get the peace they hope to achieve by giving in.”

    Are you talking about Mencius Moldbug? I remember reading this exact explanation on his blog and the proverbial scales fell from my eyes. He compared the Leftist drive to an unseen Leviathan that relentlessly tugs our culture along, but only to the left—always to the left. I compare this force to a giant Rototiller on the Left edge of our society that never stops its destructive mangling of all it encounters. It doesn’t matter how good or true or beautiful the existing structures are, how vital, how well-proven. The Leftist impulse at its heart is blind destruction and the will to power.

    As Alinsky taught his activists: the issue is never the issue. The issue is power.

  20. Dear DisGuested,

    I am devastated to hear of your niece’s situation. It is so terrifying. It takes only an instant to do something horrible.

    I know I am getting above myself to offer advice, but I would feel remiss not trying.

    I am currently mentoring a nine-year old who is very bright but has ADHD and impulse control issues. Part of his issue is he’s never been valued, particularly by a male figure.

    In addition to our minimal academic activity–trying phonics–and some board games, I have another goal.

    I was reminded of my Boy Scout days and Merit Badges. It’s not just that I know my first aid, my land navigation, my Morse Code, my…whatever. It’s that I have a certificate. A genuine, official cert that I have that competence. And I continue to add to them, one by one.

    To the extent a kid knows he has what amount to adult competences, perhaps he is less vulnerable to others’ view of him.

    So my guy’s first aid is….Do Not Make It Worse. Couple of examples. Didn’t move him an inch.

    Why does a four year old have to rescue a three year old from a pool? When Everybody’s Watching, Nobody’s Watching. So keep your eyes open. See https://www.huffpost.com/entry/xander-vento-dies-saving-drowning-girl_n_1764551

    If everybody says somebody called 911, who called 911? Nobody. Couple of examples. Make it happen. Somebody has to be the stud.

    It’s not that my guy is going to save the day, million to one. But that he knows he has competences and responsibilities.

    I hope it’s helping. Maybe having him see himself as a responsible, competent young man who brings value wherever he is will help.

    God bless you and your family.

  21. @ Aubrey > “I was reminded of my Boy Scout days and Merit Badges. It’s not just that I know my first aid, my land navigation, my Morse Code, my…whatever. It’s that I have a certificate. A genuine, official cert that I have that competence.”

    That is a great way to help your young friend.

    This training in skills and self-confidence is one of the reasons the Leftist Wokerati targeted the Scouts and took them down.
    Our church dropped all connections when they allowed admitted homosexuals to serve as leaders.
    We severed our personal relationship when they introduced the DEI Merit Badge.

  22. Re: DEI Merit Badge

    AesopFan, Richard Aubrey:


    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Merit Badge Soon to be Released
    The new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion merit badge requirements have been completed and approved. The DEI Team has developed notes for the Merit Badge Counselor and currently working on Content for scouts to use as they begin earning the merit badge.

    January 1, 2021 is the date that scouts can begin earning the merit badge, and May 1, 2021 is when the DEI merit badge becomes an Eagle required merit badge.

    –“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Merit Badge”

    Mon Dieu!

    Although it’s not clear to me whether the DIE merit badge was finally implemented.

    One of the BSA links is 404. They may have renamed “Citizenship in Society.”

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